Beispiel #1
def get_formatted_interval(results_range, default=_marker):
    """Returns a string representation of the interval defined by the results
    range passed in
    :param results_range: a dict or a ResultsRangeDict
    if not isinstance(results_range, Mapping):
        if default is not _marker:
            return default"Type not supported")
    results_range = ResultsRangeDict(results_range)
    min_str = results_range.min if api.is_floatable(results_range.min) else None
    max_str = results_range.max if api.is_floatable(results_range.max) else None
    if min_str is None and max_str is None:
        if default is not _marker:
            return default"Min and max values are not floatable or not defined")

    min_operator = results_range.min_operator
    max_operator = results_range.max_operator
    if max_str is None:
        return "{}{}".format(MIN_OPERATORS.getValue(min_operator), min_str)
    if min_str is None:
        return "{}{}".format(MAX_OPERATORS.getValue(max_operator), max_str)

    # Both values set. Return an interval
    min_bracket = min_operator == 'geq' and '[' or '('
    max_bracket = max_operator == 'leq' and ']' or ')'

    return "{}{};{}{}".format(min_bracket, min_str, max_str, max_bracket)
Beispiel #2
def get_field_value(instance, field_name, default=_marker):
    """Returns the value of a Schema field from the instance passed in
    instance = api.get_object(instance)
    field = instance.Schema() and instance.Schema().getField(field_name) or None
    if not field:
        if default is not _marker:
            return default"No field {} found for {}".format(field_name, repr(instance)))
    return instance.Schema().getField(field_name).get(instance)
Beispiel #3
def set_field_value(instance, field_name, value):
    """Sets the value to a Schema field
    if field_name == "id":
        logger.warn("Assignment of id is not allowed")
        return"Field {} = {}".format(field_name, repr(value)))
    instance = api.get_object(instance)
    field = instance.Schema() and instance.Schema().getField(field_name) or None
    if not field:"No field {} found for {}".format(field_name, repr(instance)))
    field.set(instance, value)
Beispiel #4
def get_age(datetime_from, datetime_to=None):
    """Returns the elapsed time in years, months and days between the two
    dates passed in."""
    if not datetime_to:
        datetime_to = DateTime()

    if not bapi.is_date(datetime_from) or not bapi.is_date(datetime_to):"Only DateTime and datetype types are supported")

    dfrom = DT2dt(bapi.to_date(datetime_from)).replace(tzinfo=None)
    dto = DT2dt(bapi.to_date(datetime_to)).replace(tzinfo=None)

    diff = relativedelta(dto, dfrom)
    return (diff.years, diff.months, diff.days)
Beispiel #5
def get_obj_from_field(instance, fieldname, default=_marker):
    """ Get an object from a Reference Field of any instance
    :param fieldname: Reference Field Name
    if not fieldname:
        return default
    field = instance.getField(fieldname, None)
    if not field:
        if default is not _marker:
            return default"{} doesn't have field called {} ".format(
            repr(instance), fieldname))
    return field.get(instance)
Beispiel #6
def get_obj_from_field(instance, fieldname, default=_marker):
    """ Get an object from a Reference Field of any instance
    :param fieldname: Reference Field Name
    if not fieldname:
        return default
    field = instance.getField(fieldname, None)
    if not field:
        if default is not _marker:
            return default"{} doesn't have field called {} ".format(repr(instance),
    return field.get(instance)
def get_xls_specifications():
    """Returns the specifications from the xlsx file"""
    worksheet_name = "Analysis Specifications"
    curr_dirname = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    filename = "{}/resources/results_ranges.xlsx".format(curr_dirname)
    workbook = load_workbook(filename=filename)
    worksheet = workbook.get_sheet_by_name("Analysis Specifications")
    if not worksheet:"Worksheet '{}' not found".format(worksheet_name))

    columns = []
    raw_specifications = list()
    for row in worksheet.rows:
        cell_values = map(lambda cell: cell.value, row)
        if not columns:
            columns = cell_values
        raw_specifications.append(dict(zip(columns, cell_values)))
    return raw_specifications
Beispiel #8
def to_age_str(years=0, months=0, days=0):
    """Returns a string representation of an age
    if not bapi.is_floatable(years):"Years are not floatable")
    if not bapi.is_floatable(months):"Months are not floatabla")
    if not bapi.is_floatable(days):"Days are not floatable")

    age_arr = list()
    if years:
    if months:
    if days:
    return ' '.join(age_arr)
def get_specification_for(spec, default=_marker):
    """Returns a plain dictionary with specification values (min, max, etc.)
    It looks through an excel file provided as-is to find the record that
    better fits with the gender and age from the analysis request and for the
    analysis passed in
    :param: Analysis object or analysis uid or analysis brain
    analysis = api.get_object_by_uid(spec.get(('analysis_uid')))

    if not analysis or not IRequestAnalysis.providedBy(analysis):
        if default is not _marker:
            return default"Type {} not supported: ".format(repr(analysis)))

    request = analysis.getRequest()
    gender = _api.get_field_value(request, "Gender")
    if not gender or gender.lower() not in GENDERS.keys():
        # If no gender is specified or not a valid value, assume any
        gender = 'a'

    dob = _api.get_field_value(request, "DateOfBirth")
    sampled = request.getDateSampled()
    if not dob or not sampled:
        if default is not _marker:
            return default"No DateSampled or Date of Birth set")

    specification = request.getSpecification()
    if not specification:
        # This should never happen, Since this function has been triggered, we
        # assume an specification has been set to the AR
        if default is not _marker:
            return default"Specification not set for request {}".format(

    years, months, days = _api.get_age(dob, sampled)
    return get_analysisspec(analysis_keyword=analysis.getKeyword(),
                            gender=gender, years=years, months=months,
Beispiel #10
def is_out_of_range(brain_or_object, result=_marker):
    """Checks if the result for the analysis passed in is out of range and/or
    out of shoulders range.

            min                                                   max
            warn            min                   max             warn
    ----- out-of-range -----><----- in-range ------><----- out-of-range -----
             <-- shoulder --><----- in-range ------><-- shoulder -->

    :param brain_or_object: A single catalog brain or content object
    :param result: Tentative result. If None, use the analysis result
    :type brain_or_object: ATContentType/DexterityContentType/CatalogBrain
    :returns: Tuple of two elements. The first value is `True` if the result is
    out of range and `False` if it is in range. The second value is `True` if
    the result is out of shoulder range and `False` if it is in shoulder range
    :rtype: (bool, bool)
    analysis = api.get_object(brain_or_object)
    if not IAnalysis.providedBy(analysis) and \
            not IReferenceAnalysis.providedBy(analysis):"{} is not supported. Needs to be IAnalysis or "

    if result is _marker:
        result = api.safe_getattr(analysis, "getResult", None)

    if result in [None, '']:
        # Empty result
        return False, False

    if IDuplicateAnalysis.providedBy(analysis):
        # Result range for duplicate analyses is calculated from the original
        # result, applying a variation % in shoulders. If the analysis has
        # result options enabled or string results enabled, system returns an
        # empty result range for the duplicate: result must match %100 with the
        # original result
        original = analysis.getAnalysis()
        original_result = original.getResult()

        # Does original analysis have a valid result?
        if original_result in [None, '']:
            return False, False

        # Does original result type matches with duplicate result type?
        if api.is_floatable(result) != api.is_floatable(original_result):
            return True, True

        # Does analysis has result options enabled or non-floatable?
        if analysis.getResultOptions() or not api.is_floatable(original_result):
            # Let's always assume the result is 'out from shoulders', cause we
            # consider the shoulders are precisely the duplicate variation %
            out_of_range = original_result != result
            return out_of_range, out_of_range

    elif not api.is_floatable(result):
        # A non-duplicate with non-floatable result. There is no chance to know
        # if the result is out-of-range
        return False, False

    # Convert result to a float
    result = api.to_float(result)

    # Note that routine analyses, duplicates and reference analyses all them
    # implement the function getResultRange:
    # - For routine analyses, the function returns the valid range based on the
    #   specs assigned during the creation process.
    # - For duplicates, the valid range is the result of the analysis the
    #   the duplicate was generated from +/- the duplicate variation.
    # - For reference analyses, getResultRange returns the valid range as
    #   indicated in the Reference Sample from which the analysis was created.
    result_range = api.safe_getattr(analysis, "getResultsRange", None)
    if not result_range:
        # No result range defined or the passed in object does not suit
        return False, False

    # Maybe there is a custom adapter
    adapters = getAdapters((analysis,), IResultOutOfRange)
    for name, adapter in adapters:
        ret = adapter(result=result, specification=result_range)
        if not ret or not ret.get('out_of_range', False):
        if not ret.get('acceptable', True):
            # Out of range + out of shoulders
            return True, True
        # Out of range, but in shoulders
        return True, False

    result_range = ResultsRangeDict(result_range)

    # The assignment of result as default fallback for min and max guarantees
    # the result will be in range also if no min/max values are defined
    specs_min = api.to_float(result_range.min, result)
    specs_max = api.to_float(result_range.max, result)

    in_range = False
    min_operator = result_range.min_operator
    if min_operator == "geq":
        in_range = result >= specs_min
        in_range = result > specs_min

    max_operator = result_range.max_operator
    if in_range:
        if max_operator == "leq":
            in_range = result <= specs_max
            in_range = result < specs_max

    # If in range, no need to check shoulders
    if in_range:
        return False, False

    # Out of range, check shoulders. If no explicit warn_min or warn_max have
    # been defined, no shoulders must be considered for this analysis. Thus, use
    # specs' min and max as default fallback values
    warn_min = api.to_float(result_range.warn_min, specs_min)
    warn_max = api.to_float(result_range.warn_max, specs_max)
    in_shoulder = warn_min <= result <= warn_max
    return True, not in_shoulder
Beispiel #11
def is_out_of_range(brain_or_object, result=_marker):
    """Checks if the result for the analysis passed in is out of range and/or
    out of shoulders range.

            min                                                   max
            warn            min                   max             warn
    ----- out-of-range -----><----- in-range ------><----- out-of-range -----
             <-- shoulder --><----- in-range ------><-- shoulder -->

    :param brain_or_object: A single catalog brain or content object
    :param result: Tentative result. If None, use the analysis result
    :type brain_or_object: ATContentType/DexterityContentType/CatalogBrain
    :returns: Tuple of two elements. The first value is `True` if the result is
    out of range and `False` if it is in range. The second value is `True` if
    the result is out of shoulder range and `False` if it is in shoulder range
    :rtype: (bool, bool)
    analysis = api.get_object(brain_or_object)
    if not IAnalysis.providedBy(analysis) and \
            not IReferenceAnalysis.providedBy(analysis):"{} is not supported. Needs to be IAnalysis or "

    if result is _marker:
        result = api.safe_getattr(analysis, "getResult", None)
    if not api.is_floatable(result):
        # Result is empty/None or not a valid number
        return False, False

    result = api.to_float(result)

    # Note that routine analyses, duplicates and reference analyses all them
    # implement the function getResultRange:
    # - For routine analyses, the function returns the valid range based on the
    #   specs assigned during the creation process.
    # - For duplicates, the valid range is the result of the analysis the
    #   the duplicate was generated from +/- the duplicate variation.
    # - For reference analyses, getResultRange returns the valid range as
    #   indicated in the Reference Sample from which the analysis was created.
    result_range = api.safe_getattr(analysis, "getResultsRange", None)
    if not result_range:
        # No result range defined or the passed in object does not suit
        return False, False

    # Maybe there is a custom adapter
    adapters = getAdapters((analysis, ), IResultOutOfRange)
    for name, adapter in adapters:
        ret = adapter(result=result, specification=result_range)
        if not ret or not ret.get('out_of_range', False):
        if not ret.get('acceptable', True):
            # Out of range + out of shoulders
            return True, True
        # Out of range, but in shoulders
        return True, False

    # The assignment of result as default fallback for min and max guarantees
    # the result will be in range also if no min/max values are defined
    specs_min = api.to_float(result_range.get('min', result), result)
    specs_max = api.to_float(result_range.get('max', result), result)
    if specs_min <= result <= specs_max:
        # In range, no need to check shoulders
        return False, False

    # Out of range, check shoulders. If no explicit warn_min or warn_max have
    # been defined, no shoulders must be considered for this analysis. Thus, use
    # specs' min and max as default fallback values
    warn_min = api.to_float(result_range.get('warn_min', specs_min), specs_min)
    warn_max = api.to_float(result_range.get('warn_max', specs_max), specs_max)
    in_shoulder = warn_min <= result <= warn_max
    return True, not in_shoulder