Beispiel #1
 def process_value(self, value):
     """Process publication value
     # UID -> SuperModel
     if api.is_uid(value):
         # Do not process "0" as the portal object
         # -> Side effect in specifications when the value is "0"
         if value == "0":
             return "0"
         return self.to_super_model(value)
     # Content -> SuperModel
     elif api.is_object(value):
         return self.to_super_model(value)
     # String -> Unicode
     elif isinstance(value, basestring):
         return safe_unicode(value).encode("utf-8")
     # DateTime -> DateTime
     elif isinstance(value, DateTime):
         return value
     # Process list values
     elif isinstance(value, (LazyMap, list, tuple)):
         return map(self.process_value, value)
     # Process dict values
     elif isinstance(value, (dict)):
         return {k: self.process_value(v) for k, v in value.iteritems()}
     # Process function
     elif safe_callable(value):
         return self.process_value(value())
     # Always return the unprocessed value last
     return value
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self, context, request):
        super(WorkflowActionHandler, self).__init__(context, request)

        # TODO This "context_uid" dance is probably no longer necessary
        self.request["context_uid"] = ""
        if api.is_object(self.context):
            self.request["context_uid"] = api.get_uid(self.context)
def to_service_uid(uid_brain_obj_str):
    """Resolves the passed in element to a valid uid. Returns None if the value
    cannot be resolved to a valid uid
    if api.is_uid(uid_brain_obj_str) and uid_brain_obj_str != "0":
        return uid_brain_obj_str

    if api.is_object(uid_brain_obj_str):
        obj = api.get_object(uid_brain_obj_str)

        if IAnalysisService.providedBy(obj):
            return api.get_uid(obj)

        elif IRoutineAnalysis.providedBy(obj):
            return obj.getServiceUID()

            logger.error("Type not supported: {}".format(obj.portal_type))
            return None

    if isinstance(uid_brain_obj_str, six.string_types):
        # Maybe is a keyword?
        query = dict(portal_type="AnalysisService",
        brains =, SETUP_CATALOG)
        if len(brains) == 1:
            return api.get_uid(brains[0])

        # Or maybe a title
        query = dict(portal_type="AnalysisService", title=uid_brain_obj_str)
        brains =, SETUP_CATALOG)
        if len(brains) == 1:
            return api.get_uid(brains[0])

    return None
def _get_object(context, value):
    """Resolve a UID to an object.

    :param context: context is the object containing the field's schema.
    :type context: BaseContent
    :param value: A UID.
    :type value: string
    :return: Returns a Content object or None.
    :rtype: BaseContent
    if not value:
        return None
    if api.is_brain(value):
        return api.get_object(value)
    if api.is_object(value):
        return value
    if api.is_uid(value):
        uc = api.get_tool('uid_catalog', context=context)
        brains = uc(UID=value)
        if len(brains) == 0:
            # Broken Reference!
            logger.warn("Reference on {} with UID {} is broken!"
                        .format(repr(context), value))
            return None
        return brains[0].getObject()
    return None
Beispiel #5
    def _to_service(self, thing):
        """Convert to Analysis Service

        :param thing: UID/Catalog Brain/Object/Something
        :returns: Analysis Service object or None

        # Convert UIDs to objects
        if api.is_uid(thing):
            thing = api.get_object_by_uid(thing, None)

        # Bail out if the thing is not a valid object
        if not api.is_object(thing):
            logger.warn("'{}' is not a valid object!".format(repr(thing)))
            return None

        # Ensure we have an object here and not a brain
        obj = api.get_object(thing)

        if IAnalysisService.providedBy(obj):
            return obj

        if IAnalysis.providedBy(obj):
            return obj.getAnalysisService()

        # An object, but neither an Analysis nor AnalysisService?
        # This should never happen.
        msg = "ARAnalysesField doesn't accept objects from {} type. " \
            "The object will be dismissed.".format(api.get_portal_type(obj))
        return None
    def _to_service(self, thing):
        """Convert to Analysis Service

        :param thing: UID/Catalog Brain/Object/Something
        :returns: Analysis Service object or None

        # Convert UIDs to objects
        if api.is_uid(thing):
            thing = api.get_object_by_uid(thing, None)

        # Bail out if the thing is not a valid object
        if not api.is_object(thing):
            logger.warn("'{}' is not a valid object!".format(repr(thing)))
            return None

        # Ensure we have an object here and not a brain
        obj = api.get_object(thing)

        if IAnalysisService.providedBy(obj):
            return obj

        if IAnalysis.providedBy(obj):
            return obj.getAnalysisService()

        # An object, but neither an Analysis nor AnalysisService?
        # This should never happen.
        portal_type = api.get_portal_type(obj)
        logger.error("ARAnalysesField doesn't accept objects from {} type. "
                     "The object will be dismissed.".format(portal_type))
        return None
Beispiel #7
def can_export(obj):
    """Decides if the object can be exported or not
    if not api.is_object(obj):
        return False
    if api.get_portal_type(obj) in SKIP_TYPES:
        return False
    return True
Beispiel #8
    def get_catalog_for(self, brain_or_object):
        """Return the primary catalog for the given brain or object
        if not api.is_object(brain_or_object):
            raise TypeError("Invalid object type %r" % brain_or_object)
        catalogs = api.get_catalogs_for(brain_or_object, default="uid_catalog")

        return catalogs[0]
Beispiel #9
    def get_obj_url(self, obj):
        """Returns the absolute url of the object passed-in
        if not api.is_object(obj):
            # Some objects (e.g. portal_registry) are not supported
            return obj.absolute_url()

        return api.get_url(obj)
Beispiel #10
 def to_super_model(self, thing):
     """Wraps an object into a Super Model
     if api.is_uid(thing):
         return SuperModel(thing)
     if not api.is_object(thing):
         raise TypeError("Expected a portal object, got '{}'".format(
     return thing
Beispiel #11
 def get_uids(self):
     """Returns a uids list of the objects this action must be performed
     against to. If no values for uids param found in the request, returns
     the uid of the current context
     uids = self.get_uids_from_request()
     if not uids and api.is_object(self.context):
         uids = [api.get_uid(self.context)]
     return uids
Beispiel #12
 def get_json_value(self):
     """Returns the date as ISO string
     value = self.field.get(self.context)
     if api.is_object(value):
         value = api.get_uid(value)
     elif isinstance(value, list):
         value = map(api.get_uid, value)
         value = ""
     return json.dumps(value)
Beispiel #13
    def get_object(self, brain_or_object_or_uid):
        """Get the full content object. Returns None if the param passed in is
        not a valid, not a valid object or not found

        :param brain_or_object_or_uid: UID/Catalog brain/content object
        :returns: content object
        if api.is_uid(brain_or_object_or_uid):
            return api.get_object_by_uid(brain_or_object_or_uid, default=None)
        if api.is_object(brain_or_object_or_uid):
            return api.get_object(brain_or_object_or_uid)
        return None
Beispiel #14
 def default(obj):
     """This function handles unhashable objects
     # Convert `DateTime` objects to ISO8601 format
     if isinstance(obj, DateTime):
         obj = obj.ISO8601()
     # Convert objects and brains to UIDs
     if api.is_object(obj):
         obj = api.get_uid(obj)
     if isinstance(obj, basestring):
         return obj
     return str(obj)
Beispiel #15
    def __init__(self, thing):

        # Type based initializers
        if isinstance(thing, basestring) and thing == "0":
        elif api.is_uid(thing):
        elif api.is_brain(thing):
        elif api.is_object(thing):
            raise TypeError("Can not initialize a SuperModel with '{}'".format(
Beispiel #16
 def get_breadcrumbs(self):
     """Generates the breadcrumbs. Items for which current user does not
     have the View permission granted are omitted
     hierarchy = []
     current = self.context
     while not api.is_portal(current):
         if api.is_object(current):
             if check_permission(View, current):
             # Some objects (e.g. portal_registry) are not supported
         current = current.aq_parent
     hierarchy = reversed(hierarchy)
     return map(self.to_breadcrumb, hierarchy)
Beispiel #17
    def getResultRange(self, values, uid_keyword_service):
        if not uid_keyword_service:
            return None

        if api.is_object(uid_keyword_service):
            uid_keyword_service = api.get_uid(uid_keyword_service)

        key = "keyword"
        if api.is_uid(uid_keyword_service) and uid_keyword_service != "0":
            # We always assume a uid of "0" refers to portal
            key = "uid"

        # Find out the item for the given uid/keyword
        from bika.lims.content.analysisspec import ResultsRangeDict
        value = filter(lambda v: v.get(key) == uid_keyword_service, values)
        return value and ResultsRangeDict(dict(value[0].items())) or None
Beispiel #18
    def __init__(self, name, request, context, *arg, **kw):
        super(QueueTask, self).__init__(*arg, **kw)
        if api.is_uid(context):
            context_uid = context
            context_path = kw.get("context_path")
            if not context_path:
                raise ValueError("context_path is missing")

        elif api.is_object(context):
            context_uid = api.get_uid(context)
            context_path = api.get_path(context)

            raise TypeError("No valid context object")

        # Set defaults
        kw = kw or {}
        task_uid = str(kw.get("task_uid", tmpID()))
        uids = map(str, kw.get("uids", []))
        created = api.to_float(kw.get("created"), default=time.time())
        status = kw.get("status", None)
        min_sec = api.to_int(kw.get("min_seconds"), default=get_min_seconds())
        max_sec = api.to_int(kw.get("max_seconds"), default=get_max_seconds())
        priority = api.to_int(kw.get("priority"), default=10)
        retries = api.to_int(kw.get("retries"), default=get_max_retries())
        unique = self._is_true(kw.get("unique", False))
        chunks = api.to_int(kw.get("chunk_size"), default=get_chunk_size(name))
        username = kw.get("username", self._get_authenticated_user(request))
        err_message = kw.get("error_message", None)

            "task_uid": task_uid,
            "name": name,
            "context_uid": context_uid,
            "context_path": context_path,
            "uids": uids,
            "created": created,
            "status": status and str(status) or None,
            "error_message": err_message and str(err_message) or None,
            "min_seconds": min_sec,
            "max_seconds": max_sec,
            "priority": priority,
            "retries": retries,
            "unique": unique,
            "chunk_size": chunks,
            "username": str(username),
Beispiel #19
    def get_obj_title(self, obj):
        """Returns the title of the object to be displayed as breadcrumb
        if not api.is_object(obj):
            # Some objects (e.g. portal_registry) are not supported
            return obj.Title()

        title = api.get_title(obj)
        if IClient.providedBy(obj.aq_parent):
            # Objects from inside Client folder are always stored directly, w/o
            # subfolders, making it difficult for user to know if what is
            # looking at is a Sample, a Batch or a Contact. Append the name of
            # the portal type
            pt_title = self.get_portal_type_title(obj)
            if pt_title:
                title = "{} ({})".format(title, _(pt_title))
        return title
Beispiel #20
def get_contents(brain_or_object):
    """Lookup folder contents for this object.

    :param brain_or_object: A single catalog brain or content object
    :type brain_or_object: ATContentType/DexterityContentType/CatalogBrain
    :returns: List of contained contents
    :rtype: list/Products.ZCatalog.Lazy.LazyMap

    # Nothing to do if the object is contentish
    if not is_folderish(brain_or_object):
        return []

    # Returning objects (not brains) to make sure we do not miss any child.
    # It may happen when children belong to different catalogs and not
    # found on 'portal_catalog'.
    ret = filter(lambda obj: api.is_object(obj),
    return ret
Beispiel #21
    def to_super_model(obj):
        # avoid circular imports
        from senaite.core.supermodel import SuperModel

        # Object is already a SuperModel, return immediately
        if isinstance(obj, SuperModel):
            return obj

        # Only portal objects are supported
        if not api.is_object(obj):
            return None

        # Wrap the object into a specific Publication Object Adapter
        uid = api.get_uid(obj)
        portal_type = api.get_portal_type(obj)

        adapter = queryAdapter(uid, ISuperModel, name=portal_type)
        if adapter is None:
            return SuperModel(uid)
        return adapter
Beispiel #22
    def _get_service_uid(self, item):
        if api.is_uid(item):
            return item

        if not api.is_object(item):
            logger.warn("Not an UID: {}".format(item))
            return None

        obj = api.get_object(item)
        if IAnalysisService.providedBy(obj):
            return api.get_uid(obj)

        if IAnalysis.providedBy(obj) and IRequestAnalysis.providedBy(obj):
            return obj.getServiceUID()

        # An object, but neither an Analysis nor AnalysisService?
        # This should never happen.
        msg = "ARAnalysesField doesn't accept objects from {} type. " \
              "The object will be dismissed."
        return None
Beispiel #23
def reindex_content_structure(portal):
    """Reindex contents generated by Generic Setup
    """"*** Reindex content structure ***")

    def reindex(obj, recurse=False):
        # skip catalog tools etc.
        if api.is_object(obj):
        if recurse and hasattr(aq_base(obj), "objectValues"):
            map(reindex, obj.objectValues())

    setup = api.get_setup()
    setupitems = setup.objectValues()
    rootitems = portal.objectValues()

    for obj in itertools.chain(setupitems, rootitems):
        if not api.is_object(obj):
            continue"Reindexing {}".format(repr(obj)))
def _get_object(context, value):
    """Resolve a UID to an object.

    :param context: context is the object containing the field's schema.
    :type context: BaseContent
    :param value: A UID.
    :type value: string
    :return: Returns a Content object or None.
    :rtype: BaseContent
    if not value:
        return None
    if api.is_brain(value):
        return api.get_object(value)
    if api.is_object(value):
        return value
    if api.is_uid(value):
        uc = api.get_tool('uid_catalog', context=context)
        brains = uc(UID=value)
        assert len(brains) == 1
        return brains[0].getObject()
    return None
Beispiel #25
    def set(self, instance, value, **kwargs):
        """Set (multi-)references
        value = self.preprocess_value(value)
        existing_uids = self.get_backreferences_for(instance)

        if not value and not existing_uids:
            logger.warning("Field and value is empty!")

        if not self.multiValued and len(value) > 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "Multiple values given for single valued field {}".format(

        set_uids = []
        for val in value:
            if api.is_uid(val):
            elif api.is_object(val):
                logger.error("Target has no UID: %s/%s" % (val, value))

        sub = filter(lambda uid: uid not in set_uids, existing_uids)
        add = filter(lambda uid: uid not in existing_uids, set_uids)

        for uid in set(existing_uids + set_uids):
            # The object to link
            target = api.get_object(uid)
            # Add reference to object
            if uid in add:
                __traceback_info__ = (instance, uid, value, existing_uids)
                self.add_reference(instance, target, **kwargs)
            # Delete reference to object
            elif uid in sub:
                self.del_reference(instance, target, **kwargs)
Beispiel #26
 def reindex(obj, recurse=False):
     # skip catalog tools etc.
     if api.is_object(obj):
     if recurse and hasattr(aq_base(obj), "objectValues"):
         map(reindex, obj.objectValues())
Beispiel #27
def can_import(obj):
    """Decides if the object can be imported or not
    if not api.is_object(obj):
        return False
    return True
Beispiel #28
 def get_portal_type(self, obj):
     """Returns the portal type of the object
     if not api.is_object(obj):
         return None
     return api.get_portal_type(obj)