def do_prediction(self, intbl, selections, gene_names, filteropt=1, filterval=1, spec_ecutoff=0.4, nonspec_ecutoff=0.35): ''' intbl: preprocessed table filteropt: 1 for highest t-val, 2 for p-val cutoff filterval: # TFs for opt 1 and p-val cutoff for opt 2 ''' if type(intbl) is str: # got an error in the pipeline from inittbl return {'current': 1, 'total': 1, 'error': intbl} # intbl: #rowidx,seq,val,diff,t,pbmname,escore_seq start_time = time.time() #while not inittask.ready(): # time.sleep(1) #intbl = inittask.get() predfiles = [app.config['PREDDIR'] + "/" + s for s in selections] # os.listdir(preddir) preds = [l for l in utils.chunkify(predfiles,app.config['PCOUNT']) if len(l) != 0] # chunks the predfiles for each process # collect the short2long_map -- shared, so only one i/o emap = pd.read_csv("%s/index_short_to_long.csv" % (app.config["ESCORE_DIR"]), header=0, index_col=0, sep=',', dtype='Int32') # pd.DataFrame emap = np.array(emap[emap.columns[0]]) - 1 #emap[emap.columns[0]].to_numpy() - 1 # ---- MULTIPROCESSING PART ---- pool = mp.Pool(processes=app.config['PCOUNT']) # need to use manager here shared_ready_sum = mp.Manager().Value('i', 0) predict_partial = ft.partial(predict, **{'dataset':intbl, 'ready_count':shared_ready_sum, 'emap':emap, 'filteropt':filteropt, 'filterval':filterval, 'spec_ecutoff':spec_ecutoff, 'nonspec_ecutoff':nonspec_ecutoff}) async_pools = [pool.apply_async(predict_partial, (preds[i], )) for i in range(0,len(preds))] # run the job, update progress bar total = len(predfiles) while not all([p.ready() for p in async_pools]): time.sleep(2) # super important to avoid checking every loop self.update_state(state='PROGRESS', meta={'current': shared_ready_sum.value, 'total': total, 'status': 'Processing input data...'}) res = [p.get() for p in async_pools] self.update_state(state='PROGRESS', meta={'current': shared_ready_sum.value, 'total': total, 'status': 'post-processing'}) print("Terminate all children process..") pool.terminate() # terminate to kill all child processes !!! Like.. super important, # to avoid memory leak, seriously... datavalues = postprocess(res,predfiles,gene_names,filteropt,filterval) ''' SET the values in redis ''' #print("marktesting",colnames,datavalues) savetomongo(, datavalues.to_dict('records') ,app.config['USER_DATA_EXPIRY']) # significance_score can be z-score or p-value depending on the out_type #db.expire("%s:vals:*" %, app.config['USER_DATA_EXPIRY']) return {'current': shared_ready_sum.value, 'total': len(predfiles), 'status': 'Task completed!', 'result': 'done', 'taskid':, 'time':(time.time()-start_time)} # -- somehow cannot do jsonify(postproc)
def __init__(self, depth, threading): # Logger already setup by config, just get an instance logobj = logging.getLogger('eventgen') from eventgenconfig import EventgenAdapter adapter = EventgenAdapter(logobj, { 'module': 'Queue', 'sample': 'null' }) self.logger = adapter #"Creating Queue of depth %d, threading %s" % (depth, threading)) if threading == 'thread': self.q = PQueue.Queue(depth) else: self.q = multiprocessing.Manager().Queue(depth) self.depth = depth
def __init__(self, blocking=True, db_path=None, ncpu=1): """ Init function Parameter --------- blocking: bool determines whether join() blocks or not db_path: str the string to a LevelDB for command persistence """ self.__blocking = blocking self.__broker_queue = mp.Queue() self.__job_queue = mp.JoinableQueue() self.__pending_dict = mp.Manager().dict() self.__results_queue = mp.Queue() self.__results_queue_worker = mp.Queue() if db_path is None: tmp_db = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, dir=os.getcwd(), suffix=".db") tmp_db.close() self.__is_temp_db = True self.__db_path = else: self.__is_temp_db = False self.__db_path = db_path self.__broker = _Broker(self.__broker_queue, self.__job_queue, self.__results_queue, self.__results_queue_worker, self.__pending_dict, db_path=self.__db_path) self.__broker.daemon = False self.__broker.start() self.__worker = [] for i in range(ncpu): p = _Worker(self.__broker_queue, self.__job_queue, self.__results_queue_worker) p.daemon = False self.__worker.append(p) p.start()
def __init__(self, targets, ports=range(65536), threads=100, timeout=3, proxy_ip=["", ""], proxy_port=[80, 80]): self._targets_ = targets self._ports_ = ports self._threads_ = threads self._timeout_ = timeout self._proxy_ip_ = proxy_ip self._proxy_port_ = proxy_port self._worker_pool_ = [] self._worker_count_ = cpu_count() self._job_len_ = len(targets) self._scanners_ = [ Scan(self._targets_[i], self._ports_, self._threads_, self._timeout_, self._proxy_ip_, self._proxy_port_) for i in range(self._job_len_) ] self._scan_secure_ = [ Scan(self._targets_[i], self._ports_, self._threads_, self._timeout_, self._proxy_ip_[0], self._proxy_port_[0]) for i in range(self._job_len_) ] self._scan_unsecure_ = [ Scan(self._targets_[i], self._ports_, self._threads_, self._timeout_, self._proxy_ip_[1], self._proxy_port_[1]) for i in range(self._job_len_) ] self._manager_ = billiard.Manager() self._log_ = self._manager_.dict() self._proxy_log_ = self._manager_.dict() self._total_runtime_ = 0
from pygtftk.utils import GTFtkError from pygtftk.utils import add_prefix_to_file from pygtftk.utils import close_properly from pygtftk.utils import flatten_list from pygtftk.utils import intervals from pygtftk.utils import make_tmp_file from pygtftk.utils import message # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TMP_FILE_POOL_MANAGER stores temporary file name # make_tmp_file_pool is function that add temporary files to TMP_FILE_POOL_MANAGER # TMP_FILE_POOL_MANAGER will be updated by workers (in contrast to a global # variable) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TMP_FILE_POOL_MANAGER = multiprocessing.Manager().list() def make_tmp_file_pool(prefix='tmp', suffix='', store=True, dir=None): """ This :Example: >>> from pygtftk.utils import make_tmp_file_pool >>> tmp_file = make_tmp_file_pool() >>> assert os.path.exists( >>> tmp_file = make_tmp_file_pool(prefix="pref")
def do_prediction(self, intbl, selections, gene_names, filteropt=1, filterval=1, spec_ecutoff=0.4, nonspec_ecutoff=0.35): ''' intbl: preprocessed table filteropt: 1 for highest t-val, 2 for p-val cutoff filterval: # TFs for opt 1 and p-val cutoff for opt 2 ''' if type(intbl) is str: # got an error in the pipeline from inittbl return {'current': 1, 'total': 1, 'error': intbl} # intbl: #rowidx,seq,val,diff,t,pbmname,escore_seq start_time = time.time() #while not inittask.ready(): # time.sleep(1) #intbl = inittask.get() # move the comment here for testing pool = mp.Pool(processes=app.config['PCOUNT']) predfiles = [app.config['PREDDIR'] + "/" + s for s in selections] # os.listdir(preddir) preds = utils.chunkify( predfiles, app.config['PCOUNT']) # chunks the predfiles for each process # need to use manager here shared_ready_sum = mp.Manager().Value('i', 0) async_pools = [ pool.apply_async(predict, (preds[i], intbl, shared_ready_sum, filteropt, filterval, spec_ecutoff, nonspec_ecutoff)) for i in range(0, len(preds)) ] # run the job, update progress bar total = len(predfiles) while not all([p.ready() for p in async_pools]): time.sleep(2) # super important to avoid checking every loop self.update_state(state='PROGRESS', meta={ 'current': shared_ready_sum.value, 'total': total, 'status': 'Processing input data...' }) res = [p.get() for p in async_pools] self.update_state(state='PROGRESS', meta={ 'current': shared_ready_sum.value, 'total': total, 'status': 'post-processing' }) print("Terminate all children process..") pool.terminate( ) # terminate to kill all child processes !!! Like.. super important, # to avoid memory leak, seriously... colnames, datavalues = postprocess(res, gene_names, filteropt, filterval) ''' SET the values in redis ''' #print("marktesting",colnames,datavalues) savetoredis(, colnames, datavalues, app.config['USER_DATA_EXPIRY']) # significance_score can be z-score or p-value depending on the out_type #db.expire("%s:vals:*" %, app.config['USER_DATA_EXPIRY']) return { 'current': shared_ready_sum.value, 'total': len(predfiles), 'status': 'Task completed!', 'result': 'done', 'taskid':, 'time': (time.time() - start_time) } # -- somehow cannot do jsonify(postproc)
def main(domain, threads, savefile, ports, silent, verbose, enable_bruteforce, engines): bruteforce_list = set() search_list = set() if is_windows: subdomains_queue = list() else: subdomains_queue = billiard.Manager().list() # Check Bruteforce Status if enable_bruteforce or enable_bruteforce is None: enable_bruteforce = True # Validate domain domain_check = re.compile( "^(http|https)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+([\-\.]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$") if not domain_check.match(domain): if not silent: print(R + "Error: Please enter a valid domain" + W) return [] if not domain.startswith('http://') or not domain.startswith('https://'): domain = 'http://' + domain parsed_domain = urlparse.urlparse(domain) if not silent: print(B + "[-] Enumerating subdomains now for %s" % parsed_domain.netloc + W) if verbose and not silent: print( Y + "[-] verbosity is enabled, will show the subdomains results in realtime" + W) supported_engines = { 'baidu': BaiduEnum, 'yahoo': YahooEnum, 'google': GoogleEnum, 'bing': BingEnum, 'ask': AskEnum, 'netcraft': NetcraftEnum, 'dnsdumpster': DNSdumpster, 'virustotal': Virustotal, 'threatcrowd': ThreatCrowd, 'ssl': CrtSearch, 'passivedns': PassiveDNS } chosenEnums = [] if engines is None: chosenEnums = [ BaiduEnum, YahooEnum, GoogleEnum, BingEnum, AskEnum, NetcraftEnum, DNSdumpster, Virustotal, ThreatCrowd, CrtSearch, PassiveDNS ] else: engines = engines.split(',') for engine in engines: if engine.lower() in supported_engines: chosenEnums.append(supported_engines[engine.lower()]) # Start the engines enumeration enums = [ enum(domain, [], q=subdomains_queue, silent=silent, verbose=verbose) for enum in chosenEnums ] for enum in enums: enum.start() for enum in enums: enum.join() subdomains = set(subdomains_queue) for subdomain in subdomains: search_list.add(subdomain) if enable_bruteforce: if not silent: print(G + "[-] Starting bruteforce module now using subbrute.." + W) record_type = False path_to_file = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) subs = os.path.join(path_to_file, 'subbrute', 'names.txt') resolvers = os.path.join(path_to_file, 'subbrute', 'resolvers.txt') process_count = threads output = False json_output = False bruteforce_list = subbrute.print_target(parsed_domain.netloc, record_type, subs, resolvers, process_count, output, json_output, search_list, verbose) subdomains = search_list.union(bruteforce_list) if subdomains: subdomains = sorted(subdomains, key=subdomain_sorting_key) if savefile: write_file(savefile, subdomains) if not silent: print(Y + "[-] Total Unique Subdomains Found: %s" % len(subdomains) + W) if ports: if not silent: print(G + "[-] Start port scan now for the following ports: %s%s" % (Y, ports) + W) ports = ports.split(',') pscan = portscan(subdomains, ports) elif not silent: for subdomain in subdomains: print(G + subdomain + W) return subdomains