def test_can_search(self):
     root = None
     root = bt.insert(root, 11, 1)
     root = bt.insert(root, 5, 6)
     root = bt.insert(root, 42, 21)
     s =, 5)
     self.assertEqual(s.value, 6)
 def test_insert(self):
     self.tree_root = None
     self.tree_root = binary_tree.insert(self.tree_root, 'Cindy', 1)
     self.tree_root = binary_tree.insert(self.tree_root, 'Fu', 2)
     self.tree_root = binary_tree.insert(self.tree_root, 'Computer', 5)
     self.tree_root = binary_tree.insert(self.tree_root, 'Science', 10)
     res = binary_tree.inorder(self.tree_root)
     self.assertEqual(res, [1, 5, 2, 10])
 def test_binary_tree_multiple_right(self):
     root = None
     root = binary_tree.insert(root, key=10)
     root = binary_tree.insert(root, key=12)
     root = binary_tree.insert(root, key=11)
     root = binary_tree.insert(root, key=13)
     self.assertEqual(root.right.right.key, 13)
     self.assertEqual(root.right.left.key, 11)
    def test_avl_search(self):
        This functions makes sure that the search function is
        correctly searching the AVL for a given key and returning its value

        self.n = 10
        self.avl, self.keys = self.make_avl_tree(self.n)
        insert(self.avl.root, 50.5, "Successful search")
        self.assertEqual(search(self.avl.root, 50.5), "Successful search")
    def test_binary_tree_search(self):
        Unit test for search function of binary tree
        tree = None
        tree = bt.insert(tree, 5, 'val1')
        tree = bt.insert(tree, 6, 'val2')
        tree = bt.insert(tree, 4, 'val3')

        self.assertEqual(, 5), 'val1')
        self.assertEqual(, 6), 'val2')
        self.assertEqual(, 4), 'val3')
        self.assertEqual(, 0), None)
    def test_search(self):
        self.tree_root = None
        self.tree_root = binary_tree.insert(self.tree_root, 'Cindy', 1)
        self.tree_root = binary_tree.insert(self.tree_root, 'Fu', 2)
        self.tree_root = binary_tree.insert(self.tree_root, 'Computer', 5)
        self.tree_root = binary_tree.insert(self.tree_root, 'Science', 10)

        res1 =, 'Cindy')
        self.assertEqual(res1.value, 1)
        res2 =, 'Fu')
        self.assertEqual(res2.value, 2)
        res3 =, 'aldksfjlk')
        self.assertEqual(res3, None)
    def make_random_tree(self, n):
        This helper function makes a random BST and returns its root and keys

        self.root = Node(random.randint(0, 100), random.randint(0, 100))
        self.keys = [self.root.key]
        for i in range(n):
            key, value = random.randint(0, 100), random.randint(0, 100)
            if key not in self.keys:
                insert(self.root, key, value)
        return self.root, self.keys
Beispiel #8
 def test_correct_search(self):
     for i in range(100):
         root = None
         node_1_key = rdm.randint(1, 1000)
         node_1_value = rdm.randint(1, 1000)
         node_2_key = rdm.randint(1, 1000)
         node_2_value = rdm.randint(1, 1000)
         node_3_key = rdm.randint(1, 1000)
         node_3_value = rdm.randint(1, 1000)
         root = bt.insert(root, node_1_key, node_1_value)
         bt.insert(root, node_2_key, node_2_value)
         bt.insert(root, node_3_key, node_3_value)
         self.assertEqual(, node_1_key), node_1_value)
         self.assertEqual(, node_2_key), node_2_value)
         self.assertEqual(, node_3_key), node_3_value)
 def test_binary_tree_search_noright_or_left_node(self):
     root = None
     root = binary_tree.insert(root, key=10, value=10)
     search =, 11)
     self.assertEqual(search, None)
     search =, 9)
     self.assertEqual(search, None)
def time_unsorted(arg, unsorted_data):
    if arg == 'hash':
        table = hash_tables.LinearProbe(100000, hash_functions.h_rolling)
        t0 = time.time()
        for i in range(len(unsorted_data)):
            table.add(unsorted_data[i][0], unsorted_data[i][1])
        t1 = time.time()
        elapsed_unsorted_insert = t1 - t0
    if arg == 'tree':
        root = None
        t0 = time.time()
        for i in range(len(unsorted_data)):
            bt.insert(root, int(unsorted_data[i][0]), unsorted_data[i][1])
        t1 = time.time()
        elapsed_unsorted_insert = t1 - t0
    return elapsed_unsorted_insert
    def test_binary_tree_insert(self):
        Unit test for insert function of binary tree
        tree = None
        tree = bt.insert(tree, 5, 'val1')
        tree = bt.insert(tree, 6, 'val2')
        tree = bt.insert(tree, 4, 'val3')
        tree = bt.insert(tree, 5, 'val4')

        self.assertEqual(tree.key, 5)
        self.assertEqual(tree.right.key, 6)
        self.assertEqual(tree.left.key, 4)
        self.assertEqual(tree.right.left.key, 5)
        self.assertEqual(tree.value, 'val1')
        self.assertEqual(tree.right.value, 'val2')
        self.assertEqual(tree.left.value, 'val3')
        self.assertEqual(tree.right.left.value, 'val4')
Beispiel #12
 def test_correct_insert(self):
     for i in range(1000):
         root = None
         node_1_key = rdm.randint(1, 1000)
         node_1_value = rdm.randint(1, 1000)
         node_2_key = rdm.randint(1, 1000)
         node_2_value = rdm.randint(1, 1000)
         node_3_key = rdm.randint(1, 1000)
         node_3_value = rdm.randint(1, 1000)
         root = bt.insert(root, node_1_key, node_1_value)
         bt.insert(root, node_2_key, node_2_value)
         bt.insert(root, node_3_key, node_3_value)
         keylist = [node_1_key, node_2_key, node_3_key]
         if len(keylist) > len(set(keylist)):
         if node_2_key > node_1_key:
             self.assertEqual(root.right.key, node_2_key)
             self.assertEqual(root.right.value, node_2_value)
             if node_3_key > node_1_key:
                 if node_3_key > node_2_key:
                     self.assertEqual(root.right.right.key, node_3_key)
                     self.assertEqual(root.right.right.value, node_3_value)
                     self.assertEqual(root.right.left.key, node_3_key)
                     self.assertEqual(root.right.left.value, node_3_value)
                 self.assertEqual(root.left.key, node_3_key)
                 self.assertEqual(root.left.value, node_3_value)
             self.assertEqual(root.left.key, node_2_key)
             self.assertEqual(root.left.value, node_2_value)
             if node_3_key > node_1_key:
                 self.assertEqual(root.right.key, node_3_key)
                 self.assertEqual(root.right.value, node_3_value)
                 if node_3_key > node_2_key:
                     self.assertEqual(root.left.right.key, node_3_key)
                     self.assertEqual(root.left.right.value, node_3_value)
                     self.assertEqual(root.left.left.key, node_3_key)
                     self.assertEqual(root.left.left.value, node_3_value)
Beispiel #13
 def test_incorrect_insert(self):
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: bt.insert('hi', 5))
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: bt.insert(7, 5))
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: bt.insert(float(420.69), 5))
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: bt.insert([], 5))
     root = None
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: bt.insert(root, 'hi'))
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: bt.insert(root, []))
 def time_insert(self):
     Depending on the structure type, add keys and values from the input
     insert_start = time.time()
     i = 0
     # Initialize a hash table that 5 times the size of number of
     # insertion to speed up the hash
     for l in open(
         if i >= self.num:
             i += 1
             pair = l.rstrip().split(",")
             if self.struct == 'hash':
                 self.temp_hash.add(pair[0], pair[1])
             elif self.struct == 'tree':
                 self.temp_tree = bt.insert(self.temp_tree, pair[0],
             elif self.struct == 'avl':
     insert_end = time.time()
     i_time = str(insert_end - insert_start)
     return i_time
 def test_key_is_inserted_root_is_none(self):
     root = None
     root = bt.insert(root, 11, 1)
     self.assertEqual(root.value, 1)
def main(data_struct, data_set, num_points):
    This function performs our experiment for an AVL tree, BST,
    or hash table depending on user input. A figure of search
    and insertion times is produced.

    - data_struct(str): The type of data structure
    - data_set(str): The type of data set. Random or sorted
    - num_points(int): The number of data points from the
    data set that we wish to include in analysis

    - None, but a .png file is saved

    key_values = get_data(data_set, num_points)
    n = list(range(num_points))
    t_add = []
    t_search = []
    t_missing = []

    if data_struct == "avl":
        for num in n:
            t0 = time.perf_counter()
            avl_tree = avl.AVL()
            for k, _ in key_values:
            t1 = time.perf_counter()

            t0 = time.perf_counter()
            for k, _ in key_values[0:int(.1*num_points)]:
            t1 = time.perf_counter()

            t0 = time.perf_counter()
            for k in range(num_points, int(num_points*1.1)):
            t1 = time.perf_counter()

        make_plot(t_add, t_search, t_missing,
                  "AVL performance", "avl_test.png")

    elif data_struct == "hash":
        for num in n:
            t0 = time.perf_counter()
            ht = LinearProbe(5*num_points, h_rolling)
            for k, v in key_values:
                ht.add(str(k), v)
            t1 = time.perf_counter()

            t0 = time.perf_counter()
            for k, _ in key_values[0:int(.1*num_points)]:
            t1 = time.perf_counter()

            t0 = time.perf_counter()
            for k in range(num_points, int(num_points*1.1)):
            t1 = time.perf_counter()

        make_plot(t_add, t_search, t_missing,
                  "Hashing performance", "hash_test.png")

    elif data_struct == "tree":
        for num in n:
            t0 = time.perf_counter()
            root_key = key_values[0][0]
            root_val = key_values[0][1]
            root = Node(root_key, root_val)
            for k, v in key_values[1:]:
                insert(root, k, v)
            t1 = time.perf_counter()

            t0 = time.perf_counter()
            for k, _ in key_values[0:int(.1*num_points)]:
                search(root, k)
            t1 = time.perf_counter()

            t0 = time.perf_counter()
            for k in range(num_points, int(num_points*1.1)):
                search(root, str(k))
            t1 = time.perf_counter()

        make_plot(t_add, t_search, t_missing,
                  "BST performance", "bst_test.png")
Beispiel #17
 def test_none_insert_root(self):
     tree = bt.insert(None, 7, 4)
     self.assertEqual(tree.key, 7)
     self.assertEqual(tree.value, 4)
Beispiel #18
 def insert_value(self):
     A = bt.Node()
     bt.insert(A, 1, 'one')
     self.assertEqual(A.key, 'one')
 def test_binary_tree_search_first(self):
     root = None
     root = binary_tree.insert(root, key=1, value=10)
     search =, 1)
     self.assertEqual((root.key, root.value), (1, search))
Beispiel #20
 def test_none_insert_value(self):
     root = bt.Node(7, 4)
     root = bt.insert(root, 8, None)
     self.assertEqual(root.right.key, 8)
Beispiel #21
 def test_none_insert_key(self):
     root = bt.Node(7, 4)
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: bt.insert(root, None, 7))
 def test_binary_tree_insert_right(self):
     root = None
     root = binary_tree.insert(root, key=10)
     root = binary_tree.insert(root, key=11)
     self.assertEqual(root.right.key, 11)
Beispiel #23
def test_height():
    root = insert(None, 15)
    assert height(root) == 1
    insert(root, 10)
    assert height(root) == 2
    insert(root, 25)
    assert height(root) == 2
    insert(root, 6)
    assert height(root) == 3
    insert(root, 14)
    insert(root, 20)
    insert(root, 60)
    assert height(root) == 3
Beispiel #24
def test_balanced():
    root = insert(None, 15)
    insert(root, 10)
    insert(root, 25)
    insert(root, 6)
    insert(root, 14)
    insert(root, 20)
    insert(root, 60)
    assert checkBalancedBinaryTree(root)
 def test_binary_tree_search_leftnode(self):
     root = None
     root = binary_tree.insert(root, key=10, value=10)
     root = binary_tree.insert(root, key=9, value=9)
     search =, 9)
     self.assertEqual((root.left.key, root.left.value), (9, search))
 def test_binary_tree_first_entry(self):
     r = binary_tree.insert(root=None, key="key", value=1)
     self.assertEqual((r.key, r.value), ("key", 1))
 def test_search_cannot_find_value(self):
     root = None
     root = bt.insert(root, 102, 129)
     s =, 1000)
     self.assertEqual(s, 'key not found')
 def test_binary_tree_search_rightnode(self):
     root = None
     root = binary_tree.insert(root, key=10, value=10)
     root = binary_tree.insert(root, key=11, value=11)
     search =, 11)
     self.assertEqual((root.right.key, root.right.value), (11, search))
Beispiel #29
 def setUpClass(cls):
     A function for initializing a binary tree for testing.
     cls.root = bt.Node(6, 'Root')
     bt.insert(cls.root, 7, 'A')
     bt.insert(cls.root, 8, 'B')
     bt.insert(cls.root, 9, 'C')
     bt.insert(cls.root, 3, 'D')
     bt.insert(cls.root, 2, 'E')
     bt.insert(cls.root, 4, 'F')
     bt.insert(cls.root, 5, 'G')
 def test_binary_tree_insert_left(self):
     root = None
     root = binary_tree.insert(root, key=10)
     root = binary_tree.insert(root, key=9)
     self.assertEqual(root.left.key, 9)