def _main():
    sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')))
    import binbootstrapper
    binbootstrapper.update_binaries('.', *binbootstrapper.DLLS_GRAPHICS)
    from binbootstrapper.trinityapp import TrinityApp
    app = TrinityApp()
    import uthread2
    done = [False]
    uthread2.start_tasklet(crash, done)
    while not done[0]:
Beispiel #2
def _main():
        os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')))
    import binbootstrapper
    binbootstrapper.update_binaries('.', *binbootstrapper.DLLS_GRAPHICS)
    from binbootstrapper.trinityapp import TrinityApp
    app = TrinityApp()
    import uthread2
    done = [False]
    uthread2.start_tasklet(crash, done)
    while not done[0]:
Beispiel #3
#Embedded file name: e:\jenkins\workspace\client_SERENITY\branches\release\SERENITY\packages\trinity\
import logging
import sys
import pytelemetry.zoning as telemetry
import walk
import uthread2
import os
    import blue
except ImportError:
    import binbootstrapper
    binbootstrapper.update_binaries(__file__, binbootstrapper.DLL_BLUE, binbootstrapper.DLL_TRINITY)
    import blue

import _utils
from . import availablePlatforms
from ._singletons import *
from ._trinity import *
from .renderJob import CreateRenderJob
from .renderJobUtils import *
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def GetEnumValueName(enumName, value):
    if enumName in globals():
        enum = globals()[enumName]
        result = ''
        for enumKeyName, (enumKeyValue, enumKeydocString) in enum.values.iteritems():
            if enumKeyValue == value:
                if result != '':
                    result += ' | '
#Embedded file name: e:\jenkins\workspace\client_SERENITY\branches\release\SERENITY\packages\trinity\
import logging
import sys
import pytelemetry.zoning as telemetry
import walk
import uthread2
import os
    import blue
except ImportError:
    import binbootstrapper
    binbootstrapper.update_binaries(__file__, binbootstrapper.DLL_BLUE, binbootstrapper.DLL_TRINITY)
    import blue

import _utils
from . import availablePlatforms
from ._singletons import *
from ._trinity import *
from .renderJob import CreateRenderJob
from .renderJobUtils import *
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def GetEnumValueName(enumName, value):
    if enumName in globals():
        enum = globals()[enumName]
        result = ''
        for enumKeyName, (enumKeyValue, enumKeydocString) in enum.values.iteritems():
            if enumKeyValue == value:
                if result != '':
                    result += ' | '
#Embedded file name: e:\jenkins\workspace\client_SERENITY\branches\release\SERENITY\packages\eveaudio\
import logging
import binbootstrapper
binbootstrapper.update_binaries(__file__, binbootstrapper.DLL_AUDIO, *binbootstrapper.DLLS_GRAPHICS)
from binbootstrapper.trinityapp import TrinityApp
import audio2
import blue

def main():
    app = TrinityApp.instance()
    manager = audio2.GetManager()
    uiplayer = audio2.GetUIPlayer()

    def init():
        aPath = blue.paths.ResolvePath(u'res:/Audio')
        print 'aPath:', aPath
        io = audio2.AudLowLevelIO(aPath, u'')
        initConf = audio2.AudConfig()
        initConf.lowLevelIO = io
        initConf.numRefillsInVoice = 8
        initConf.asyncFileOpen = True
        manager.config = initConf


    def loadbanks():

#Embedded file name: eveaudio\
"""Test application for using audio in stand-alone Python environment.

Putting this here for Snorri.
import logging
import binbootstrapper
binbootstrapper.update_binaries(__file__, binbootstrapper.DLL_AUDIO,
from binbootstrapper.trinityapp import TrinityApp
import audio2
import blue

def main():
    app = TrinityApp.instance()
    manager = audio2.GetManager()
    uiplayer = audio2.GetUIPlayer()

    def init():
        aPath = blue.paths.ResolvePath(u'res:/Audio')
        print 'aPath:', aPath
        io = audio2.AudLowLevelIO(aPath, u'')
        initConf = audio2.AudConfig()
        initConf.lowLevelIO = io
        initConf.numRefillsInVoice = 8
        initConf.asyncFileOpen = True
        manager.config = initConf

Beispiel #7
#Embedded file name: decometaclass\
See documentation for metaclasses to understand.
It creates a class object with a custom class creation function that, instead
of creating instances of this objects, creates the underlying blue object with
a decorator hanging off of it.
    import blue
    import binbootstrapper
    binbootstrapper.update_binaries(__file__, binbootstrapper.DLL_BLUE)
    import blue

import types
types.BlueType = type(blue.os)

class DecoMetaclass(type):
    Metaclass that gets a blue class instance and returns it as a blue.BlueWrapper
    def __new__(mcs, name, bases, dict):
        cls = type.__new__(mcs, name, bases, dict)
        cls.__persistvars__ = cls.CombineLists('__persistvars__')
        cls.__nonpersistvars__ = cls.CombineLists('__nonpersistvars__')
        return cls

    def __call__(cls, inst=None, initDict=None, *args, **kwargs):
#Embedded file name: e:\jenkins\workspace\client_SERENITY\branches\release\SERENITY\packages\inputmethod\
    import blue
    import _ime
except ImportError:
    import binbootstrapper
    binbootstrapper.update_binaries(__file__, binbootstrapper.DLL_BLUE, binbootstrapper.DLL_IME)
    import blue
    import _ime

Ime = _ime.Ime
__all__ = ['Ime']