Beispiel #1
	def lzma_cable_extractor(self, fname):
		# Try extracting the LZMA file without modification first
		if not self.binwalk.extractor.execute(self.original_cmd, fname):
			out_name = os.path.splitext(fname)[0] + '-patched' + os.path.splitext(fname)[1]
			fp_out = open(out_name, 'wb')
			fp_in = BlockFile(fname)
			fp_in.MAX_TRAILING_SIZE = 0
			i = 0

			while i < fp_in.length:
				(data, dlen) = fp_in.read_block()
				if i == 0:
					out_data = data[0:5] + self.FAKE_LZMA_SIZE + data[5:]
					out_data = data
				i += dlen


			# Overwrite the original file so that it can be cleaned up if -r was specified
			shutil.move(out_name, fname)
			self.binwalk.extractor.execute(self.original_cmd, fname)
Beispiel #2
	def _dd(self, file_name, offset, size, extension, output_file_name=None):
		Extracts a file embedded inside the target file.

		@file_name        - Path to the target file.
		@offset           - Offset inside the target file where the embedded file begins.
		@size             - Number of bytes to extract.
		@extension        - The file exension to assign to the extracted file on disk.
		@output_file_name - The requested name of the output file.

		Returns the extracted file name.
		total_size = 0
		# Default extracted file name is <hex offset>.<extension>
		default_bname = "%X" % offset

		if self.max_size and size > self.max_size:
			size = self.max_size

		if not output_file_name or output_file_name is None:
			bname = default_bname
			# Strip the output file name of invalid/dangerous characters (like file paths)	
			bname = os.path.basename(output_file_name)
		fname = unique_file_name(bname, extension)
			# Open the target file and seek to the offset
			fdin = BlockFile(file_name, 'r', length=size)
			# Open the output file
				fdout = BlockFile(fname, 'w')
			except Exception as e:
				# Fall back to the default name if the requested name fails
				fname = unique_file_name(default_bname, extension)
				fdout = BlockFile(fname, 'w')

			while total_size < size:
				(data, dlen) = fdin.read_block()
				total_size += dlen

			# Cleanup
		except Exception as e:
			raise Exception("Extractor.dd failed to extract data from '%s' to '%s': %s" % (file_name, fname, str(e)))
		return fname
Beispiel #3
        def _extractor(self, file_name):
		processed = 0
                inflated_data = ''
                fd = BlockFile(file_name, 'rb')
                fd.READ_BLOCK_SIZE = self.SIZE

                while processed < fd.length:
                        (data, dlen) = fd.read_block()

                        inflated_block = self.tinfl.inflate_block(data, dlen)
                        if inflated_block:
                                inflated_data += ctypes.c_char_p(inflated_block).value[0:4]

			processed += dlen


		print inflated_data
                print "%s inflated to %d bytes" % (file_name, len(inflated_data))
Beispiel #4
	def single_scan(self, target_file='', fd=None, offset=0, length=0, show_invalid_results=False, callback=None, plugins_whitelist=[], plugins_blacklist=[]):
		Performs a binwalk scan on one target file or file descriptor.

		@target_file 	      - File to scan.
		@fd                   - A common.BlockFile object.
		@offset      	      - Starting offset at which to start the scan.
		@length      	      - Number of bytes to scan. Specify -1 for streams.
		@show_invalid_results - Set to True to display invalid results.
		@callback    	      - Callback function to be invoked when matches are found.
		@plugins_whitelist    - A list of plugin names to load. If not empty, only these plugins will be loaded.
		@plugins_blacklist    - A list of plugin names to not load.

		The callback function is passed two arguments: a list of result dictionaries containing the scan results
		(one result per dict), and the offset at which those results were identified. Example callback function:

			def my_callback(offset, results):
				print "Found %d results at offset %d:" % (len(results), offset)
				for result in results:
					print "\t%s" % result['description']


		Upon completion, the scan method returns a sorted list of tuples containing a list of results dictionaries
		and the offsets at which those results were identified:

			scan_results = [
					(0, [{description : "LZMA compressed data..."}]),
					(112, [{description : "gzip compressed data..."}])

		See SmartSignature.parse for a more detailed description of the results dictionary structure.
		scan_results = {}
		fsize = 0
		jump_offset = 0
		i_opened_fd = False
		i_loaded_plugins = False
		plugret_start = PLUGIN_CONTINUE
		self.total_read = 0
		self.total_scanned = 0
		self.scan_length = length
		self.filter.show_invalid_results = show_invalid_results
		self.start_offset = offset

		# Check to make sure either a target file or a file descriptor was supplied
		if not target_file and fd is None:
			raise Exception("Must supply Binwalk.single_scan with a valid file path or BlockFile object")

		# Need the total size of the target file, even if we aren't scanning the whole thing
		if target_file:
			fsize = file_size(target_file)
		# If no length was specified, make the length the size of the target file minus the starting offset
		if self.scan_length == 0:
			self.scan_length = fsize - offset

		# Open the target file and seek to the specified start offset
		if fd is None:
			fd = BlockFile(target_file, length=self.scan_length, offset=offset)
			i_opened_fd = True
			# If offset is negative (bytes from EOF), BlockFile class will autmoatically calculate the right offset
			offset = fd.offset

		# Seek to the starting offset.
		# If the Plugins class has not already been instantitated, do that now.
		if self.plugins is None:
			self.plugins = Plugins(self, blacklist=plugins_blacklist, whitelist=plugins_whitelist)
			i_loaded_plugins = True
			if self.load_plugins:

		# Invoke any pre-scan plugins
		plugret_start = self.plugins._pre_scan_callbacks(fd)
		# Load the default signatures if self.load_signatures has not already been invoked
		if self.magic is None:

		# Main loop, scan through all the data
		while not ((plugret | plugret_start) & PLUGIN_TERMINATE):
			i = 0

			# Read in the next block of data from the target file and make sure it's valid
			(data, dlen) = fd.read_block()
			if not data or dlen == 0:

			# The total number of bytes scanned could be bigger than the total number
			# of bytes read from the file if the previous signature result specified a 
			# jump offset that was beyond the end of the then current data block.
			# If this is the case, we need to index into this data block appropriately in order to 
			# resume the scan from the appropriate offset.
			# Don't update dlen though, as it is the literal offset into the data block that we
			# are to scan up to in this loop iteration. It is also appended to self.total_scanned,
			# which is what we want (even if we have been told to skip part of the block, the skipped
			# part is still considered part of the total bytes scanned).
			if jump_offset > 0:
				total_check = self.total_scanned + dlen

				# Is the jump offset beyond the total amount of data that we've currently read in (i.e., in a future data block)?
				if jump_offset >= total_check:
					i = -1
					# Try to seek to the jump offset; this won't work if fd == sys.stdin
						self.total_read = jump_offset
						self.total_scanned = jump_offset - dlen

				# Is the jump offset inside this block of data?
				elif jump_offset > self.total_scanned and jump_offset < total_check:
					# Index into this block appropriately; jump_offset is the file offset that
					# we need to jump to, and self.total_scanned is the file offset that starts
					# the beginning of the current block
					i = jump_offset - self.total_scanned

				# We're done with jump_offset, zero it out for the next round
				jump_offset = 0

			# Scan through each block of data looking for signatures
			if i >= 0 and i < dlen:

				# Scan this data block for a list of offsets which are candidates for possible valid signatures.
				# Signatures could be split across the block boundary; since data conatins 1KB more than dlen,
				# pass up to dlen+MAX_SIGNATURE_SIZE to find_signature_candidates, but don't accept signatures that 
				# start after the end of dlen.
				for candidate in self.parser.find_signature_candidates(data[i:dlen+self.MAX_SIGNATURE_SIZE], (dlen-i)):

					# If a previous signature specified a jump offset beyond this candidate signature offset, ignore it
					if (i + candidate + self.total_scanned) < jump_offset:

					# Reset these values on each loop	
					smart = {}
					results = []
					results_offset = -1

					# In python3 we need a bytes object to pass to magic.buffer
					candidate_data = str2bytes(data[i+candidate:i+candidate+fd.MAX_TRAILING_SIZE])

					# Pass the data to libmagic, and split out multiple results into a list
					for magic_result in self.parser.split(self.magic.buffer(candidate_data)):

						i_set_results_offset = False

						# Some signatures need to take into account the length of a given string
						# when specifying additional offsets. Parse the string-len keyword to adjust
						# for this prior to calling
						magic_result =

						# Some file names are not NULL byte terminated, but rather their length is
						# specified in a size field. To ensure these are not marked as invalid due to
						# non-printable characters existing in the file name, parse the filename(s) and
						# trim them to the specified filename length, if one was specified.
						magic_result =

						# Invoke any pre-parser callback plugin functions
						if not (plugret_start & PLUGIN_STOP_PLUGINS):
							raw_result = {'description' : magic_result}
							plugret = self.plugins._scan_pre_parser_callbacks(raw_result)
							magic_result = raw_result['description']
							if (plugret & PLUGIN_TERMINATE):
						# Make sure this is a valid result before further processing
						if not self.filter.invalid(magic_result):
							# The smart filter parser returns a dictionary of keyword values and the signature description.
							smart =

							# Validate the jump value and check if the response description should be displayed
							if self._is_valid(smart, candidate+i, fsize):
								# If multiple results are returned and one of them has smart['jump'] set to a non-zero value,
								# the calculated results offset will be wrong since i will have been incremented. Only set the
								# results_offset value when the first match is encountered.
								if results_offset < 0:
									results_offset = offset + i + candidate + smart['adjust'] + self.total_scanned
									i_set_results_offset = True

								# Double check to make sure the smart['adjust'] value is sane. 
								# If it makes results_offset negative, then it is not sane.
								if results_offset >= 0:
									smart['offset'] = results_offset

									# Invoke any scan plugins 
									if not (plugret_start & PLUGIN_STOP_PLUGINS):
										plugret = self.plugins._scan_callbacks(smart)
										results_offset = smart['offset']
										if (plugret & PLUGIN_TERMINATE):

									# Extract the result, if it matches one of the extract rules and is not a delayed extract.
									if self.extractor.enabled and not (self.extractor.delayed and smart['delay']) and not ((plugret | plugret_start) & PLUGIN_NO_EXTRACT):
										# If the signature did not specify a size, extract to the end of the file.
										if not smart['size']:
											smart['size'] = fsize-results_offset
										smart['extract'] = self.extractor.extract(	results_offset, 

									if not ((plugret | plugret_start) & PLUGIN_NO_DISPLAY):
										# This appears to be a valid result, so append it to the results list.
									elif i_set_results_offset:
										results_offset = -1

					# Did we find any valid results?
					if results_offset >= 0:
						scan_results[results_offset] = results
						if callback is not None:
							callback(results_offset, results)
						# If a relative jump offset was specified, update the absolute jump_offset variable
						if has_key(smart, 'jump') and smart['jump'] > 0:
							jump_offset = results_offset + smart['jump']

			# Track the total number of bytes scanned
			self.total_scanned += dlen
			# The starting offset only affects the reported offset for results
			# in the first block of data. Zero it out after the first block has
			# been processed.
			offset = 0

		# Sort the results before returning them
		scan_items = list(scan_results.items())

		# Do delayed extraction, if specified.
		if self.extractor.enabled and self.extractor.delayed:
			scan_items = self.extractor.delayed_extract(scan_items, target_file, fsize)

		# Invoke any post-scan plugins
		#if not (plugret_start & PLUGIN_STOP_PLUGINS):

		# Be sure to delete the Plugins instance so that there isn't a lingering reference to
		# this Binwalk class instance (lingering handles to this Binwalk instance cause the
		# __del__ deconstructor to not be called).
		if i_loaded_plugins:
			del self.plugins
			self.plugins = None

		if i_opened_fd:

		return scan_items