Beispiel #1
def test_registry():
    rr = Registry()
    assert rr.conversion_exists("bam", "bed") is True
    assert rr.conversion_exists("bam", "dummy") is False

    assert ('.bam', '.bed') in rr
    assert ('.nimport', '.naoik') not in rr

    converter = rr[('.bam', '.bed')]
    with pytest.raises(KeyError) as err:
        rr[('.bam', '.bed')] = converter
    assert "'an other converter already exist for .bam -> .bed'" == str(
Beispiel #2
def test_registry_with_dependencies():
    rr = Registry()
    assert rr.conversion_exists(("BAM", ), ("COV", ))
    assert not rr.conversion_exists(("BAM", ), ("DUMMY", ))
    assert rr.conversion_exists(("BIGWIG", ), ("COV", ), allow_indirect=True)

    assert (('BAM', ), ('COV', )) in rr
    assert (('NIMPORT', ), ('NAOIK', )) not in rr

    converter = rr[('BAM', ), ('COV', )]
    with pytest.raises(KeyError) as err:
        rr[('BAM', ), ('COV', )] = converter
    assert (str(
        err.value) == "'an other converter already exists for BAM -> COV'")
Beispiel #3
def test_registry_with_less_dependencies():
    rr = Registry()
    # Isnt'it supposed to be upper case?
    # assert rr.conversion_exists("bam", "bed") is True
    # assert rr.conversion_exists("bam", "dummy") is False
    assert rr.conversion_exists("FASTQ", "FASTA")
    assert not rr.conversion_exists("BAM", "DUMMY")
    assert rr.conversion_exists("CLUSTAL", "FASTQ", allow_indirect=True)

    assert ('FASTQ', 'FASTA') in rr
    assert ('NIMPORT', 'NAOIK') not in rr

    converter = rr[('FASTQ', 'FASTA')]
    with pytest.raises(KeyError) as err:
        rr[('FASTQ', 'FASTA')] = converter
    assert (str(
        err.value) == "'an other converter already exists for FASTQ -> FASTA'")
Beispiel #4
def test_registry():
    rr = Registry()
    # Isnt'it supposed to be upper case?
    # assert rr.conversion_exists("bam", "bed") is True
    # assert rr.conversion_exists("bam", "dummy") is False
    assert rr.conversion_exists("BAM", "BED")
    assert not rr.conversion_exists("BAM", "DUMMY")
    assert rr.conversion_exists("SRA", "BAM", allow_indirect=True)

    assert ('BAM', 'BED') in rr
    assert ('NIMPORT', 'NAOIK') not in rr

    converter = rr[('BAM', 'BED')]
    with pytest.raises(KeyError) as err:
        rr[('BAM', 'BED')] = converter
    assert (str(err.value)
            == "'an other converter already exists for BAM -> BED'")
Beispiel #5
def test_registry_with_less_dependencies():
    rr = Registry()
    assert rr.conversion_exists(("FASTQ", ), ("FASTA", ))
    assert not rr.conversion_exists(("BAM", ), ("DUMMY", ))
    assert rr.conversion_exists(("CLUSTAL", ), ("FASTQ", ),

    # one to one
    assert (('FASTQ', ), ('FASTA', )) in rr
    # unexisting entry
    assert (('NIMPORT', ), ('NAOIK', )) not in rr
    # one to many
    assert (('FASTQ', ), ('FASTA', 'QUAL')) in rr
    # without tuples
    assert ['FASTQ', 'FASTA'] in rr
    assert [('FASTQ', ), 'FASTA'] in rr
    assert [['FASTQ'], 'FASTA'] in rr
    assert [['FASTQ'], ['FASTA']] in rr
    assert ['FASTQ', ('FASTA', )] in rr
    # argument must be a list or tuple
        'FASTA' in rr
        assert False
    except ValueError:
        assert True
    # must have 2 items only
        ['a', 'b', 'c'] in rr
        assert False
    except ValueError:
        assert True

    # iterator through the conversions
    for this in rr:
        assert this

    converter = rr[('FASTQ', ), ('FASTA', )]
    with pytest.raises(KeyError) as err:
        rr[('FASTQ', ), ('FASTA', )] = converter
    assert (str(
        err.value) == "'an other converter already exists for FASTQ -> FASTA'")