def index(self, xval):
        Locates the index of the specified x value in the object's x list.

        :param float xval: The x value to locate in the list.
        :return: The integer index for the x value in the x list.
        :rtype: int


        If the *empty* keyword argument is True, the index will be located using the bisect module. If the x value is
        not in the current x list, the appropriate insertion index is returned. If the *empty* keyword argument is
        False, the index will be calculated based on the ``start`` and ``decpl`` values of the object (this is more
        computationally efficient than bisection).
        if xval > self.end or xval < self.start:
            raise ValueError(
                f'The x value {xval} is outside of the x-list range of this {self.__class__.__name__} instance '
                f'({self.start}, {self.end}).'
        if self.empty is True:  # if spectrum is unfilled, searching is required
            return bl(self.x, round(xval, self.decpl))
        else:  # otherwise, calculation of the index is more efficient
            return int(
                round(  # round after multiplication
                    (xval - self.start) * (10 ** self.decpl)  # calculate index location
 def localmax(x,y,xval,lookwithin=1):
     """finds the local maximum within +/- lookwithin of the xval"""
     l,r = bl(x,xval-lookwithin),br(x,xval+lookwithin)
         return max(y[l:r])
     except ValueError:
         raise ValueError("No maximum value found in range, perhaps wrong window region?")
Beispiel #3
 def estimatedem(x,y,em,simmin,simmax,lookwithin=1):
     """estimates the exact mass of a peak"""
     l,r = bl(x,simmin-lookwithin),br(x,simmax+lookwithin) # narrow range to that of the isotope pattern
     locmax = max(y[l:r]) # find local max in that range
     for ind,val in enumerate(y):
         if val == locmax: # if the y-value equals the local max
             if ind >= l and ind <= r: # and if the index is in the range (avoids false locations)
                 return x[ind]
     difleft = abs(em-simmin)
     difright = abs(em-simmax)
     return '>%.1f' %max(difleft,difright) # if no match is found, return maximum difference
Beispiel #4
def find(seq, first, last, largest):
  h, ls = 0, len(seq)
  for i in range(ls):
    for j in range(1, largest+1):
      if i+j > ls: break
      sub = seq[i:i+j]
      if sub not in subs: break
      if sub not in genesMap: continue
      index, hs = genesMap[sub]
      h += hs[br(index, last)]-hs[bl(index, first)]
  return h
Beispiel #5
def main():
    N = INT()
    # 2 次元リストを x[0] で昇順にソート, x[0] が同じ場合は x[1] で降順にソート.
    WH = sorted([list(MAP()) for _ in range(N)], key=(lambda x: (x[0], -x[1])))

    present = [WH[0][1]]  # プレゼントの短辺の長さを昇順に格納
    for _, h in WH[1:]:
        if h > present[-1]: present.append(h)
        else: present[bl(present, h)] = h  # w の長さが一つ前と同じなら, h が短いほうに置き換える.

Beispiel #6
 def fallingSquares(self, positions: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:
     ans, xs, hs = [], [0], [0]
     for (x, h) in positions:
         i, j = br(xs, x), bl(xs, x + h)
         H = max(hs[max(i - 1, 0):j], default=0) + h
         xs[i:j] = [x, x + h]
         hs[i:j] = [H, hs[j - 1]]
         if len(ans) > 1:
             ans[-1] = max(ans[-1], ans[-2])
     return ans
def test_random():
    from bisect import bisect_left as bl, bisect_right as br
    import random

    for _ in range(500):
        array = [random.randint(1, 20) for _ in range(random.randint(1, 100))]
        for _ in range(100):
            x = random.randint(-5, 25)
            assert bisect_left(array, x) == bl(array, x)
            assert bisect_right(array, x) == br(array, x)
Beispiel #8
def main():
    N = INT()
    li = []

    for i in range(N):
        w = INT()
        w_index = bl(li, w)
        if w_index == len(li): li.append(w)  # w の挿入箇所が丁度 li の後ろの時, li にアペンド
        else: li[w_index] = w  # 要素の 1 つを w で置き換え (li の要素の総和が小さくなるように)

 def medianSlidingWindow(self, nums, k):
     part = sorted(nums[:k - 1])
     res = []
     for i in range(k - 1, len(nums)):
         if i >= k:
             part.pop(bl(part, nums[i - k]))
         insort(part, nums[i])
         med = part[k //
                    2] if k & 1 else (part[k // 2] + part[k // 2 - 1]) / 2.0
     return res
Beispiel #10
 def removeRange(self, left, right):
     ivs = self.ivs
     ilo, ihi = bl(ivs, left), br(ivs, right)
     new = []
     if ilo % 2 == 1:
         ilo -= 1
         new += [ivs[ilo], left]
     if ihi % 2 == 1:
         new += [right, ivs[ihi]]
         ihi += 1
     self.ivs = ivs[:ilo] + new + ivs[ihi:]
Beispiel #11
    def retrieve(self, s0: str, e0: str, gra: str) -> List[int]:
        s, e = parse(s0, gra), parse(e0, gra, roundUp=True)
        left = bl(self.logs, (s, 0))
        right = br(self.logs, (e, float("inf")))
        ans = [x[1] for x in self.logs[left:right]]
        return ans

# Your LogSystem object will be instantiated and called as such:
# obj = LogSystem()
# obj.put(id,timestamp)
# param_2 = obj.retrieve(s,e,gra)
 def searchRange(self, nums, target):
     :type nums: List[int]
     :type target: int
     :rtype: List[int]
     idx1 = bl(nums, target)
     idx2 = br(nums, target)
     print idx1, idx2
     idx1 = idx1 if idx1 < len(nums) and nums[idx1] == target else -1
     idx2 = idx2 - 1 if idx2 and nums[idx2 - 1] == target else -1
     return [idx1, idx2]
Beispiel #13
 def addRange(self, left, right):
     # Get the left most index to insert left
     # And the right most index to insert right
     # This will include everyrange inside [left,right)
     # we replace everything form i:j with new range
     # If i is starting a new range, then we can insert left at i
     # if j is starting a new range, it is the closing range of i
     # if j in not starting a new range, use exiting closing range
     # if i is not starting a new range, but j is, then update range at j to right
     i, j = bl(self._X, left), br(self._X, right)
     self._X[i:j] = [left]*(i%2 == 0) + [right]*(j%2 == 0)
Beispiel #14
def solution():
    ans = set()
    visited = [1] * n
    for i in range(n):
        if visited[i]:
            visited[i] = 0
            idx = bl(arr, x - arr[i])
            if idx >= n or arr[i] == arr[idx] or arr[i] + arr[idx] != x:
            visited[idx] = 0
            ans.add((arr[i], arr[idx]))
Beispiel #15
def lengthOfLIS(nums: [int]) -> int:
    """ O(N log N)
    Return the length of longest increasing subsequence
    dp = [0] * len(nums)
    L = 0
    for i, x in enumerate(nums):
        j = bl(dp, x, lo=0, hi=max(L, 0))
        if j == L:
            L += 1
        dp[j] = x
    return L
Beispiel #16
 def lengthOfLIS(self, nums):
     :type nums: List[int]
     :rtype: int
     dp = [0] * len(nums)
     L = 0
     for i, x in enumerate(nums):
         j = bl(dp, x, lo=0, hi=max(L, 0))
         if j == L:
             L += 1
         dp[j] = x
     return L
Beispiel #17
def activityNotifications(expenditure, d):
    notifyCount = 0
    trailing_expenditure = sorted(expenditure[0:d])
    mid_index = d // 2

    for i in range(d, n):
        day_expenditure = expenditure[i]
        if (day_expenditure >= 2 * median(trailing_expenditure, mid_index, d)):
            notifyCount += 1

        del trailing_expenditure[bl(trailing_expenditure, expenditure[i - d])]
        ir(trailing_expenditure, day_expenditure)
    return notifyCount
Beispiel #18
def solve(a, n):
    ans = 0
    ab = []
    ef = []
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(n):
            for k in range(n):
                if a[k] != 0:
    # print(ab)
    # print(ef)
    i = 0
    while i < n**3:
        lo = bl(ab, ab[i])
        hi = br(ab, ab[i])
        ans += (hi-lo)*(br(ef, ab[i])-bl(ef, ab[i]))
        i = hi

    return ans
Beispiel #19
def main():
    read = stdin.readline
    l, n, q = map(int, read().split())
    s = list(map(int, read().split()))
    d = bytes(map(int, read().split()))
    for i in range(n):
        s[i] -= 1
    l -= 1
    left = []
    right = []
    for i in range(n):
        if d[i]:
            right.append(-2 * l + s[i])
            right.append(2 * l + s[i])
            right.append(-2 * l - s[i])
            right.append(2 * l - s[i])
    right.sort()  #; left.sort ()
    for i in range(len(right) - 1, -1, -1):
    setleft = set(left)
    for q_ in range(q):
        t, p = map(int, read().split())
        t %= 2 * l
        t_sl = t in setleft
        tm = bl(left, 1 + t) + bl(right, 1 - t)
        lo = -1
        hi = l
        while lo < hi:
            mid = (lo + hi) // 2
            if br(left, mid + t) + br(right, mid - t) - tm + t_sl >= p:
                hi = mid
                lo = mid + 1
        print(hi + 1)
def main():
    from sys import stdin, stdout
    from bisect import bisect_left as bl
    r, w = raw_input, stdout.write

    n = int(r())
    arr = map(int, r().split())
    diffArr = [abs(arr[i] - arr[i - 1]) for i in xrange(1, n)]
    qs = int(r())

    # Log preprocess
    log = [0] * (n + 1)
    for i in xrange(2, n + 1):
        log[i] = log[i // 2] + 1

    # Shift preprocess
    pow = [1 << i for i in xrange(log[n] + 1)]

    # build sparse table
    k = log[n] + 1
    sTable = [[0] * (n + 1) for i in xrange(k)]

    for i in xrange(len(diffArr)):
        sTable[0][i] = diffArr[i]

    for j in xrange(1, k + 1):
        for i in xrange(n + 1):
            if i + (1 << j) > n: break
            sTable[j][i] = max(sTable[j - 1][i], sTable[j - 1][i + pow[j - 1]])

    def query(l, r):
        j = log[r - l + 1]
        return maxx(sTable[j][l], sTable[j][r - pow[j] + 1])

    maxx = max
    for i in xrange(qs):
        t, d = map(int, r().split())
        idx = bl(arr, t)
        idx = idx if idx < n and arr[idx] == t else idx - 1
        ans, L, R = idx, 0, idx - 1,
        while L <= R:
            m = (L + R) >> 1
            j = log[R - m + 1]
            if maxx(sTable[j][m], sTable[j][R - pow[j] + 1]) <= d:
                R = m - 1
                ans = m
                L = m + 1
        w('%i\n' % (ans + 1))
Beispiel #21
def solve(c, k):
    for i in range(1, len(c)):
        c[i] += c[i-1]

    res = 0

    for i in range(len(c)):
        l = bl(c, c[i]+k, lo=i+1)
        r = br(c, c[i]+k)
        if c[i] == k:
            res += 1
        if l != r:
            res += r - l

    def removeRange(self, left, right):
        :type left: int
        :type right: int
        :rtype: void
        l, r = bl(self._X, left), br(self._X, right)
        self._X[l:r] = [left] * (l % 2 == 1) + [right] * (r % 2 == 1)

# Your RangeModule object will be instantiated and called as such:
# obj = RangeModule()
# obj.addRange(left,right)
# param_2 = obj.queryRange(left,right)
# obj.removeRange(left,right)
Beispiel #23
 def addRange(self, left, right):
     :type left: int
     :type right: int
     :rtype: void
     ivs = self.ivs
     ilo, ihi = bl(ivs, left), br(ivs, right)
     if ilo%2 == 1:
         ilo -= 1
         left = ivs[ilo]
     if ihi%2 == 1:
         right = ivs[ihi]
         ihi += 1
     self.ivs = ivs[:ilo] + [left, right] + ivs[ihi:]
Beispiel #24
def solution(pN):
    s = ""
    while 1:
        cnt1, cnt2 = 0, 0
        l, u = map(int, input().split())
        if l == u == -1: 
        ans = pN[bl(pN, l) : br(pN, u)]
        cnt1 = len(ans)
        for i in ans:
            if i % 4 == 1:
                cnt2 += 1
        if l <= 2 and u >= 2: 
            cnt2 += 1
        # print(l, u, cnt1, cnt2)
        s += str(l) + " " + str(u) + " " + str(cnt1) + " " + str(cnt2) + "\n"
Beispiel #25
 def removeRange(self, left, right):
     :type left: int
     :type right: int
     :rtype: void
     ivs = self.ivs
     ilo, ihi = bl(ivs, left), br(ivs, right)
     new = []
     if ilo%2 == 1:
         ilo -= 1
         new += [ivs[ilo], left]
     if ihi%2 == 1:
         new += [right, ivs[ihi]]
         ihi += 1
     self.ivs = ivs[:ilo] + new + ivs[ihi:]
Beispiel #26
def main():
    read = stdin.readline
    ql = []
    q = int(read())
    rmax = 0
    for q_ in range(q):
        l, r = map(int, read().split())
        if r > rmax: rmax = r
        ql.append((l, r))
    trian = [1]
    maxrt = min(int((rmax * 2)**.5 + 2), 1414215)
    for i in range(2, maxrt):
        trian.append(trian[-1] + i)
    #print (trian)
    for l, r in ql:
        uix = br(trian, r)
        """lo = 0; rct = uix
        while lo < rct:
            md = (lo + rct) // 2
            if trian [0] + trian [md] > r: rct = md
            else: lo = md + 1
        lo = 0; lct = uix
        while lo < lct:
            md = (lo + lct) // 2
            if trian [0] + trian [md] >= l:
                lct = md
            else: lo = md + 1"""
        rct = br(trian, r - 1)
        lct = bl(trian, l - 1)
        ct = rct - lct
        #print (rct, lct, ct)
        for i in range(1, uix):
            if trian[i] * 2 > r: break
            while rct > i and trian[i] + trian[rct] > r:
                rct -= 1
            #rct = br (trian, r - trian [i])
            if lct > i:
                #lct = bl (trian, l - trian [i])
                while lct > i and trian[i] + trian[lct - 1] >= l:
                    lct -= 1
                lct = i
            #if i > 809240: print (rct, lct, l, r, uix)
            ct += rct - lct + 1
def main():
    read = stdin.readline
    n = int(read())
    d = dict()
    i = 1
    while i <= n:
        s = read().rstrip()
        if s in d: d[s].append(i)
        else: d[s] = [i]
        i += 1
    q = int(read())
    while q:
        l, r, s = read().split()
        ans = 0
        if s in d:
            ans = (br(d[s], int(r)) - bl(d[s], int(l)))
        q -= 1
Beispiel #28
 def book(self, start, end):
     :type start: int
     :type end: int
     :rtype: int
     from bisect import bisect_left as bl, bisect_right as br, insort_left as il
     from heapq import heappop, heappush
     i, j = bl(, start), br(, end)
     il(, start, i, j)
     il(, end, i, j)
     heap = []
     for pp in range(i, j + 1):
         while heap and heap[0] <=[pp]:
         self.k = max(self.k, len(heap))
     return self.k
def main():
    read = stdin.readline
    n, q = map(int, read().split())
    a = list(map(int, read().split()))
    maxval = 20001
    di = [[] for i in range(maxval)]
    V = [[] for i in range(maxval)]
    for i in range(1, maxval):
        for j in range(i, maxval, i):
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(len(di[a[i]])):
    from bisect import bisect_left as bl
    for q_ in range(q):
        i, x = map(int, read().split())
        i -= 1
        print(len(V[x]) - bl(V[x], i))
def main():
    read = stdin.readline
    write = stdout.write
    n, s = map(int, read().split())
    t = [0] * n
    d = [0] * n
    for i in range(n):
        t[i], d[i] = map(int, read().split())
    download = [0]
    for i in range(1, n):
        download += (download[-1] + (t[i] - t[i - 1]) * d[i - 1]),
    download += s if s > download[-1] else download[-1],
    nom, den = 0, 1
    if d[-1] > 0: nom, den = s, d[-1]
    j = -1
    i = bl(download, s)
    if not i: i = 1
    while i < n:
        while download[i] - download[j + 1] >= s:
            j += 1
        a = s - (download[i - 1] - download[j])
        if a >= 0:
            b = d[i - 1]
            a += b * (t[i - 1] - t[j])
            if a * den < b * nom: nom, den = a, b
        a = s - (download[i] - download[j + 1])
        if a >= 0:
            b = d[j]
            a += b * (t[i] - t[j + 1])
            if a * den < b * nom: nom, den = a, b
        i += 1
    b = d[-1]
    while j < n:
        a = s - (download[-2] - download[j])
        if a >= 0:
            a += b * (t[-1] - t[j])
            if a * den < b * nom: nom, den = a, b
        j += 1
    gcd_ = gcd(nom, den)
    if gcd_ != 1:
        nom //= gcd_
        den //= gcd_
    write(str(nom) + "/" + str(den) + "\n")
 def countSmaller(self, nums):
     :type nums: List[int]
     :rtype: List[int]
     print nums,": ", 
     if len(nums) == 0: return []
     if len(nums) == 1: return [0]
     for v in nums[::-1]:
         if not res:
         idx = bl(res, v)
         res[idx:idx] = [v]
     return ans[::-1]
Beispiel #32
def lcs4():
    N = int(sys.stdin.readline())
    A = list(map(int, sys.stdin.readline().split()))
    B = list(map(int, sys.stdin.readline().split()))

    tmp = [0 for _ in range(N + 1)]

    for i in range(N):
        tmp[B[i]] = i
    A = [tmp[A[i]] for i in range(N)]

    lis = [-float('inf')]
    for num in A:
        if lis[-1] < num:
            lis[bl(lis, num)] = num

    print(len(lis) - 1)
Beispiel #33
    def sortedSquares(self, A: List[int]) -> List[int]:

        start = bl(A, 0)
        l, r = start - 1, start
        res = []
        while l >= 0 and r < len(A):
            if abs(A[l]) <= abs(A[r]):
                l -= 1
                r += 1
        while r < len(A):
            r += 1
        while l >= 0:
            l -= 1
        return res
def locateinlist(lst,value,bias='closest'):
    Finds index in a sorted list of the value closest to a given value
    If two numbers are equally close, return the smallest number.
    based on
    lst: list
        list of values to search
    value: float or int
        value number to find
    bias: 'lesser','greater', or 'closest'
        default 'left'
        'lesser' will return the position of the value just less than the provided value
        'greater' will return the position of the value just greater than the provided value
        'closest' will return the index of the nearest value to the one provided
    from bisect import bisect_left as bl
    pos = bl(lst, value)
    if pos == 0: # if at start of list
        return pos
    elif pos == len(lst): # if insertion is beyond index range
        return pos -1 
    if lst[pos] == value: # if an exact match is found
        return pos
    if bias == 'greater': # return value greater than the value (bisect_left has an inherent bias to the right)
        return pos
    if bias == 'lesser': # return value lesser than the provided
        return pos -1
    if bias == 'closest': # check differences between index and index-1 and actual value, return closest
        adjval = abs(lst[pos-1] - value)
        curval = abs(lst[pos] - value)
        if adjval < curval: # if the lesser value is closer
            return pos-1
        if adjval == curval: # if values are equidistant
            return pos-1
            return pos
 def trimspectrum(x,y,left,right):
     """trims a spectrum to the left and right bounds"""
     l,r = bl(x,left),br(x,right) # find indicies
     return x[l:r],y[l:r] # trim spectrum
def plotms(realspec,simdict={},**kwargs):
    plots a formatted mass spectrum and optionally overlays predicted isotope patterns
    realspec: the spectrum to plot
        list of [[mzvalues],[intvalues]]
    simdict: molecular formulae to predict and overlay
        can be handed several options
        - a dictionary of formulas (with each formula being its own dictionary with colour and alpha keys)
        - a list of formulas (all overlays will default to black with 0.5 alpha)
        - a single formula (black with 0.5 alpha)
        many parameters can be changed to tweak the appearance of the plot
        see the settings dictionary in this function for details     
    def localmax(x,y,xval,lookwithin=1):
        """finds the local maximum within +/- lookwithin of the xval"""
        l,r = bl(x,xval-lookwithin),br(x,xval+lookwithin)
            return max(y[l:r])
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError("No maximum value found in range, perhaps wrong window region?")
    def trimspectrum(x,y,left,right):
        """trims a spectrum to the left and right bounds"""
        l,r = bl(x,left),br(x,right) # find indicies
        return x[l:r],y[l:r] # trim spectrum
    def estimatedem(x,y,em,simmin,simmax,lookwithin=1):
        """estimates the exact mass of a peak"""
        l,r = bl(x,simmin-lookwithin),br(x,simmax+lookwithin) # narrow range to that of the isotope pattern
        locmax = max(y[l:r]) # find local max in that range
        for ind,val in enumerate(y):
            if val == locmax: # if the y-value equals the local max
                if ind >= l and ind <= r: # and if the index is in the range (avoids false locations)
                    return x[ind]
        difleft = abs(em-simmin)
        difright = abs(em-simmax)
        return '>%.1f' %max(difleft,difright) # if no match is found, return maximum difference
    def checksimdict(dct):
        checks the type of simdict, converting to dictionary if necessary
        also checks for alpha and colour keys and adds them if necessary (defaulting to key @ 0.5)
        if type(dct) is not dict:
            if type(dct) is str:
                dct = {dct:{}}
            elif type(dct) is list or type(dct) is tuple:
                tdct = {}
                for i in dct:
                    tdct[i] = {}
                dct = tdct
        for species in dct:
            if dct[species].has_key('colour') is False:
                dct[species]['colour'] = 'k'
            if dct[species].has_key('alpha') is False:
                dct[species]['alpha'] = 0.5
        return dct
    import sys
    from _classes._Colour import Colour
    from _classes._Molecule import Molecule
    from tome_v02 import autoresolution,normalize
    import pylab as pl
    from bisect import bisect_left as bl
    from bisect import bisect_right as br
    settings = { # default settings
    'mz':'auto', # m/z bounds for the output spectrum
    'outname':'spectrum', # name for the output file
    'output':'save', # 'save' or 'show' the figure
    'simtype':'bar', # simulation overlay type ('bar' or 'gaussian')
    'spectype':'continuum', # spectrum type ('continuum' or 'centroid')
    'maxy':'max', # max or value
    'norm':True, # True or False
    'simnorm':'spec', # top, spec, or value
    'xlabel':True, # show x label
    'ylabel':True, # show y label
    'xvalues':True, #show x values
    'yvalues':True, # show y values
    'showx':True, # show x axis
    'showy':True, # how y axis
    'offsetx':True, # offset x axis (shows low intensity species better)
    'fs':16, # font size
    'lw':1.5, # line width for the plotted spectrum
    'axwidth':1.5, # axis width 
    'simlabels':False, # show labels isotope for patterns
    'bw':'auto', # bar width for isotope patterns (auto does 2*fwhm)
    'specfont':'Arial', # the font for text in the plot
    'size':[7.87,4.87], # size in inches for the figure
    'dpiout':300, # dpi for the output figure
    'exten':'png', # extension for the output figure
    'res':False, # output the resolution of the spectrum
    'delta':False, # output the mass delta between the spectrum and the isotope patterns
    'stats':False, # output the goodness of match between the spectrum and the predicted isotope patterns,
    'speccolour':'k', # colour for the spectrum to be plotted
    'padding':'auto', # padding for the output plot
    'verbose':True, # verbose setting
    'normwindow':'fwhm', # the width of the window to look for a maximal value around the expected exact mass for a peak
    'annotations':None, # annotations for the spectrum in dictionary form {'thing to print':[x,y],}
    'normrel':100., # the maximum value for normalization
    if set(kwargs.keys()) - set(settings.keys()): # check for invalid keyword arguments
        string = ''
        for i in set(kwargs.keys()) - set(settings.keys()):
            string += ` i`
        raise KeyError('Unsupported keyword argument(s): %s' %string)
    settings.update(kwargs) # update settings from keyword arguments
    res = autoresolution(realspec[0],realspec[1]) # calculate resolution
    simdict = checksimdict(simdict) # checks the simulation dictionary
    for species in simdict: # generate Molecule object and set x and y lists
        simdict[species]['colour'] = Colour(simdict[species]['colour'])
        simdict[species]['mol'] = Molecule(species, res=res) 
        if settings['simtype'] == 'bar':
            simdict[species]['x'],simdict[species]['y'] = simdict[species]['mol'].barip
        if settings['simtype'] == 'gaussian':
            simdict[species]['x'],simdict[species]['y'] = simdict[species]['mol'].gausip
    if settings['mz'] == 'auto': # automatically determine m/z range
        if settings['verbose'] is True:
            sys.stdout.write('Automatically determining m/z window')
        mz = [10000000,0]
        for species in simdict:
            simdict[species]['bounds'] = simdict[species]['mol'].bounds() # calculate bounds
            if simdict[species]['bounds'][0] < mz[0]:
                mz[0] = simdict[species]['bounds'][0]-1
            if simdict[species]['bounds'][1] > mz[1]:
                mz[1] = simdict[species]['bounds'][1]+1
        if mz == [10000000,0]:
            mz = [min(realspec[0]),max(realspec[0])]
        settings['mz'] = mz
        if settings['verbose'] is True:
            sys.stdout.write(': %i - %i\n' %(int(mz[0]),int(mz[1])))
        mz = settings['mz']
    realspec[0],realspec[1] = trimspectrum(realspec[0],realspec[1],settings['mz'][0]-1,settings['mz'][1]+1) # trim real spectrum for efficiency
    if settings['norm'] is True: # normalize spectrum
        realspec[1] = normalize(realspec[1],settings['normrel'])
    for species in simdict: # normalize simulations
        if settings['simnorm'] == 'spec': # normalize to maximum around exact mass
            if settings['normwindow'] == 'fwhm': # if default, look within the full width at half max
                window = simdict[species]['mol'].fwhm
            else: # otherwise look within the specified value
                window = settings['normwindow']
            simdict[species]['y'] = normalize(simdict[species]['y'],localmax(realspec[0],realspec[1],simdict[species]['mol'].em,window))
        elif settings['simnorm'] == 'top': # normalize to top of the y value
            if settings['maxy'] == 'max':
                raise ValueError('Simulations con only be normalized to the top of the spectrum when the maxy setting is a specific value')
            simdict[species]['y'] = normalize(simdict[species]['y'],settings['maxy'])
        elif type(settings['simnorm']) is int or type(settings['simnorm']) is float: # normalize to specified value
            simdict[species]['y'] = normalize(simdict[species]['y'],settings['simnorm'])
        if settings['delta'] is True:
            est = estimatedem(realspec[0],realspec[1],simdict[species]['mol'].em,min(simdict[species]['x']),max(simdict[species]['x'])) # try to calculate exact mass
            if type(est) is float:
                simdict[species]['delta'] = simdict[species]['mol'].em - est
                simdict[species]['delta'] = est
    pl.clf() # clear and close figure if open
    fig = pl.figure(figsize = tuple(settings['size']))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax.spines["right"].set_visible(False) #hide right and top spines
    if settings['showx'] is False: 
        ax.spines["bottom"].set_visible(False) # hide bottom axis
    if settings['showy'] is False:
        ax.spines["left"].set_visible(False) # hide left axis
    for axis in ["top","bottom","left","right"]:
    if settings['offsetx'] is True: # offset x axis
    font = {'fontname':settings['specfont'],'fontsize':settings['fs']} #font parameters for axis/text labels
    tickfont = pl.matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties(family=settings['specfont'],size=settings['fs']) # font parameters for axis ticks
    ax.set_xlim(settings['mz']) # set x bounds
    if settings['maxy'] == 'max': # set y bounds
        top = max(realspec[1])
    elif type(settings['maxy']) is int or type(settings['maxy']) is float:
        top = settings['maxy']
    if settings['simtype'] == 'bar': # generates zeros for bottom of bars (assumes m/z spacing is equal between patterns)
        for species in simdict: 
            simdict[species]['zero'] = []
            for i in simdict[species]['x']:
        for species in simdict: # for each species
            for subsp in simdict: # look at all the species
                if subsp != species: # if it is not itself
                    ins = bl(simdict[subsp]['x'],simdict[species]['x'][-1]) # look for insertion point
                    if ins > 0 and ins < len(simdict[subsp]['x']): # if species highest m/z is inside subsp list
                        for i in range(ins): # add intensity of species to subsp zeros
                            # used -ins+i-1 to fix an error, with any luck this won't break it next time
                            simdict[subsp]['zero'][i] += simdict[species]['y'][-ins+i-1]
    if settings['res'] is True and settings['spectype'] != 'centroid': #include resolution if specified (and spectrum is not centroid)
        ax.text(mz[1],top*0.95,'resolution: '+str(round(res))[:-2],horizontalalignment='right',**font)
    for species in simdict: # plot and label bars
        if settings['simtype'] == 'bar':
            if settings['bw'] == 'auto':
                bw = simdict[species]['mol'].fwhm*2
                bw = settings['bw']
  [species]['x'], simdict[species]['y'], bw, alpha = simdict[species]['alpha'], color = simdict[species]['colour'].mpl, linewidth=0, align='center',bottom=simdict[species]['zero'])
        elif settings['simtype'] == 'gaussian':
            ax.plot(simdict[species]['x'], simdict[species]['y'], alpha = simdict[species]['alpha'], color = simdict[species]['colour'].mpl, linewidth=settings['lw'])
            ax.fill(simdict[species]['x'], simdict[species]['y'], alpha = simdict[species]['alpha'], color = simdict[species]['colour'].mpl, linewidth=0)
        if settings['simlabels'] is True or settings['stats'] is True or settings['delta'] is True: # if any labels are to be shown
            string = ''
            bpi = simdict[species]['y'].index(max(simdict[species]['y'])) # index of base peak
            if settings['simlabels'] is True: # species name
                string += species
                if settings['stats'] is True or settings['delta'] is True: # add return if SER or delta is called for
                    string += '\n'
            if settings['stats'] is True: # standard error of regression
                string += 'SER: %.2f\n' %simdict[species]['mol'].compare(realspec)
            if settings['delta'] is True: # mass delta
                string += 'mass delta: '
                if type(simdict[species]['delta']) is float:
                    string += '%.3f' %simdict[species]['delta']
                    string += '%s' %simdict[species]['delta']
            ax.text(simdict[species]['x'][bpi],top*(1.01),string, color = simdict[species]['colour'].mpl, horizontalalignment='center', **font)
    if settings['spectype'] == 'continuum':
        ax.plot(realspec[0], realspec[1], linewidth=settings['lw'], color=Colour(settings['speccolour']).mpl)
    elif settings['spectype'] == 'centroid':
        dist = []
        for ind,val in enumerate(realspec[0]): # find distance between all adjacent m/z values
            if ind == 0:
        dist = sum(dist)/len(dist) # average distance[0], realspec[1], dist*0.75, linewidth=0, color=Colour(settings['speccolour']).mpl, align='center', alpha=0.8)
    if settings['annotations'] is not None:
        for label in settings['annotations']:
    # show or hide axis values/labels as specified
    if settings['yvalues'] is False: # y tick marks and values
        ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelleft='off',length=0)
    if settings['yvalues'] is True: # y value labels
        ax.tick_params(axis='y', length=settings['axwidth']*3, width=settings['axwidth'], direction='out',right='off')
        for label in ax.get_yticklabels():
    if settings['ylabel'] is True: # y unit
        if settings['norm']: # normalized
            ax.set_ylabel('relative intensity', **font)
        else: # set to counts
            ax.set_ylabel('intensity (counts)', **font)
    if settings['xvalues'] is False:  # x tick marks and values
        ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelbottom='off',length=0)
    if settings['xvalues'] is True: # x value labels
        ax.tick_params(axis='x', length=settings['axwidth']*3, width=settings['axwidth'] ,direction='out',top = 'off')
        for label in ax.get_xticklabels():
    if settings['xlabel'] is True: # x unit
        ax.set_xlabel('m/z', style='italic', **font)
    if settings['padding'] == 'auto':
        pl.tight_layout(pad=0.5) # adjust subplots
        if settings['simlabels'] is True or settings['stats'] is True or settings['delta'] is True: 
            pl.subplots_adjust(top = 0.90) # lower top if details are called for
    elif type(settings['padding']) is list and len(settings['padding']) == 4:
        pl.subplots_adjust(left=settings['padding'][0], right=settings['padding'][1], bottom=settings['padding'][2], top=settings['padding'][3])
    if settings['output'] == 'save': # save figure
        outname = '' # generate tag for filenaming
        for species in simdict:
            outname+=' '+species
        outname = settings['outname'] + outname + '.' + settings['exten']
        pl.savefig(outname, dpi=settings['dpiout'], format=settings['exten'], transparent=True)
        if settings['verbose'] is True:
            sys.stdout.write('Saved figure as:\n"%s"\nin the working directory' %outname)
    elif settings['output'] == 'show': # show figure
Beispiel #37
# 474B: Worms
# Start Time: 4:32 p.m. 5-1-15
# End Time: 4:54 a.m. 5-1-15 runtime error dunno why

from bisect import bisect_left as bl

if __name__ == "__main__":
    v = [0 for _ in range(10**5 + 1)]
    n = int(input())
    c = list(map(int, input().split()))

    for i in range(1, n):
        c[i] += c[i-1]

    s = 0
    for idx, val in enumerate(c):
        for _ in range(val):
            v[s] = idx + 1
            s += 1

    q = int(input())
    t = list(map(int, input().split()))

    for val in t:
        print(bl(c, val-1) + 1)
from bisect import bisect_left as bl, bisect_right as br
n, k = map(int, raw_input().split());a=sorted(map(int, raw_input().split()))
print sum([br(a,a[i]+k)-bl(a,a[i]+k) for i in xrange(n)])