Beispiel #1
    def prepareOutFolder( self, fout ):
        Setup an output folder

        @param fout: outfile name
        @type  fout: str

        @return: out path
        @rtype: str
        ## date stamp in folder name
            datestr = "%02i%02i" % (localtime()[1], localtime()[2])
            fout = fout % ( datestr )
            if not os.path.exists( t.absfile( fout ) ):
                os.mkdir( t.absfile( fout ) )

        ## user provided folder name -> formatting fails
            if not os.path.exists( t.absfile( fout ) ):
                os.mkdir( t.absfile( fout ) )

        ## create folders for rec / lig HEX pdbs
        if not os.path.exists( t.absfile( fout ) + '/rec' ):
            os.mkdir( t.absfile( fout ) + '/rec' )

        if not os.path.exists( t.absfile( fout ) + '/lig' ):
            os.mkdir( t.absfile( fout ) + '/lig' )

        return t.absfile( fout )
Beispiel #2
    def prepareOutFolder(self, fout):
        Setup an output folder

        @param fout: outfile name
        @type  fout: str

        @return: out path
        @rtype: str
        ## date stamp in folder name
            datestr = "%02i%02i" % (localtime()[1], localtime()[2])
            fout = fout % (datestr)
            if not os.path.exists(t.absfile(fout)):

        ## user provided folder name -> formatting fails
            if not os.path.exists(t.absfile(fout)):

        ## create folders for rec / lig HEX pdbs
        if not os.path.exists(t.absfile(fout) + '/rec'):
            os.mkdir(t.absfile(fout) + '/rec')

        if not os.path.exists(t.absfile(fout) + '/lig'):
            os.mkdir(t.absfile(fout) + '/lig')

        return t.absfile(fout)
Beispiel #3
    def createHexInp(self, nRec, nLig):
        Create a HEX macro file for docking a rec lig pair.

        @param nRec: model number rec in model dictionaries
        @type  nRec: int
        @param nLig: model number lig in model dictionaries
        @type  nLig: int

        @return: macro file name, future out file name
        @rtype: (str, str)

        @raise DockerError: if macro dock option is different from previous
        ## fetch PDB file names for given model numbers
        recPdb, ligPdb = self.recHexPdbs[nRec], self.ligHexPdbs[nLig]

        ## fetch the according PDBModels
        rec, lig = self.recDic[nRec], self.ligDic[nLig]

        fout_base = self.out + '/%s_%i-%s_%i' % (rec.pdbCode, nRec,
                                                 lig.pdbCode, nLig)

        if os.path.exists(t.absfile(fout_base + '_hex.mac')) and self.verbose:
            fmac = t.absfile(fout_base + '_hex.mac')
            fout = t.absfile(fout_base + '_hex.out')
            macro = self.macroDock
            print("Dock setup: using old ", os.path.split(fmac)[1])
            silent = 1
            if self.verbose: silent = 0

            fmac, fout, macro = hextools.createHexInp(recPdb,

        if self.macroDock is None:
            self.macroDock = macro
            if self.macroDock != macro:
                raise DockerError('MacroDock setting changed to %i: %i : %i' %\
                                  ( macro, nRec, nLig) )

        ## remember which models and which out file are used
        self.runDic[fmac] = (nRec, nLig, fout)

        return fmac, fout
Beispiel #4
    def createHexInp( self, nRec, nLig ):
        Create a HEX macro file for docking a rec lig pair.

        @param nRec: model number rec in model dictionaries
        @type  nRec: int
        @param nLig: model number lig in model dictionaries
        @type  nLig: int

        @return: macro file name, future out file name
        @rtype: (str, str)

        @raise DockerError: if macro dock option is different from previous
        ## fetch PDB file names for given model numbers
        recPdb, ligPdb = self.recHexPdbs[nRec], self.ligHexPdbs[nLig]

        ## fetch the according PDBModels
        rec, lig = self.recDic[ nRec ], self.ligDic[ nLig ]

        fout_base = self.out+'/%s_%i-%s_%i' % (rec.pdbCode, nRec,
                                               lig.pdbCode, nLig)

        if os.path.exists( t.absfile( fout_base + '_hex.mac' ) ) and self.verbose:
            fmac = t.absfile( fout_base + '_hex.mac' )
            fout = t.absfile( fout_base + '_hex.out' )
            macro = self.macroDock
            print("Dock setup: using old ", os.path.split( fmac )[1])
            if self.verbose: silent=0

            fmac, fout, macro = hextools.createHexInp(recPdb,rec, ligPdb,lig,
                                                      self.comPdb, outFile=fout_base,
                                                      macDock=self.macroDock, sol=self.soln,

        if self.macroDock is None:
            self.macroDock = macro
            if self.macroDock != macro:
                raise DockerError('MacroDock setting changed to %i: %i : %i' %\
                                  ( macro, nRec, nLig) )

        ## remember which models and which out file are used
        self.runDic[ fmac ] = ( nRec, nLig, fout )

        return fmac, fout
Beispiel #5
    def __init__(self,
        :param fcrd: path to input coordinate file
        :type  fcrd: str
        :param fref: PDB or pickled PDBModel with same atom content and order
        :type  fref: str
        :param box: expect line with box info at the end of each frame
                    (default: 0)
        :type  box: 1|0
        :param rnAmber: rename amber style residues into standard (default: 0)
        :type  rnAmber: 1|0
        :param pdbCode: pdb code to be put into the model (default: None)
        :type  pdbCode: str
        :param log: LogFile instance [Biskit.StdLog]
        :type  log: biskit.LogFile
        :param verbose: print progress to log [0]
        :type  verbose: int
        self.fcrd = T.absfile(fcrd)
        self.crd = T.gzopen(self.fcrd)

        self.ref = PDBModel(T.absfile(fref), pdbCode=pdbCode) = box

        self.n = self.ref.lenAtoms()

        self.log = log
        self.verbose = verbose

        if rnAmber:

        ## pre-compile pattern for line2numbers
        xnumber = "-*\d+\.\d+"  # optionally negtive number
        xspace = ' *'  # one or more space char
        self.xnumbers = re.compile('(' + xspace + xnumber + ')')

        ## pre-compute lines expected per frame
        self.lines_per_frame = self.n * 3 // 10

        if self.n % 10 != 0: self.lines_per_frame += 1
        if self.lines_per_frame += 1
Beispiel #6
    def test_Executor( self ):
        """Executor test (run python -c 'print(sys.version)')"""

        self.x = ExeConfigCache.get( 'python', strict=0 )
        self.x.pipes = 1

        args = '-c import sys; print(sys.version)'
        if not self.local:
            args = '-kill ' + args

        self.e = Executor( 'python', args=args, strict=0,
                           verbose=self.local, cwd=t.absfile('~'),
                           debug=self.DEBUG )
        self.r =

        if self.local:
            print('Python process was running for %.2f seconds'%self.e.runTime)

        self.assertTrue( is not None )
        if self.DEBUG:
            if self.verbose: self.log.add("DEBUGGING mode active")
            self.assertTrue( not os.path.exists(self.e.tempdir),
                          'tempfolder not removed')
Beispiel #7
 def __init__(self, f_in=None ):
     :param f_in: amber "off" or "prep" file with residue definitions
                  if not existing, we will look for a file with this name
                  in the Biskit data folder (data/amber/residues)
                  (default: '')
     :type  f_in: str
     f_in = f_in or self.F_DEFAULT
     if not osp.exists( T.absfile( f_in ) ):
         f_in = T.dataRoot() + '/amber/residues/' + f_in
     self.firstrecord = re.compile( 'db[0-9]+\.dat' )
     self.s = open( T.absfile( f_in ), 'r' ).read()
     self.s = self.firstrecord.split( self.s )[-1] #skip until first residue
Beispiel #8
    def test_AmberCrdParser(self):
        """AmberCrdParser test"""

        self.p = AmberCrdParser(self.finp,
        self.t = self.p.crd2traj()

            lambda a: a['residue_name'] in ['WAT', 'Na+', 'Cl-'])
        self.t.removeAtoms(lambda a: a['element'] == 'H')

        if self.local:
            print("Dumping result to ", self.fout)

        T.dump(self.t, T.absfile(self.fout))

        if self.local:
            print("Dumped Trajectory with %i frames and %i atoms." % \
                  (len(self.t), self.t.lenAtoms() ))

        self.assertEqual(len(self.t), 10)
        self.assertEqual(self.t.lenAtoms(), 440)
Beispiel #9
    def test_Executor(self):
        """Executor test (run python -c 'print(sys.version)')"""

        self.x = ExeConfigCache.get('python', strict=0)
        self.x.pipes = 1

        args = '-c import sys; print(sys.version)'
        if not self.local:
            args = '-kill ' + args

        self.e = Executor('python',

        self.r =

        if self.local:
            print('Python process was running for %.2f seconds' %

        self.assertTrue( is not None)

        if self.DEBUG:
            if self.verbose: self.log.add("DEBUGGING mode active")
            self.assertTrue(not os.path.exists(self.e.tempdir),
                            'tempfolder not removed')
Beispiel #10
    def __init__(self, f_in=None):
        :param f_in: amber "off" or "prep" file with residue definitions
                     if not existing, we will look for a file with this name
                     in the Biskit data folder (data/amber/residues)
                     (default: '')
        :type  f_in: str
        f_in = f_in or self.F_DEFAULT
        if not osp.exists(T.absfile(f_in)):
            f_in = T.dataRoot() + '/amber/residues/' + f_in

        self.firstrecord = re.compile('db[0-9]+\.dat')

        self.s = open(T.absfile(f_in), 'r').read()
        self.s = self.firstrecord.split(self.s)[-1]  #skip until first residue
Beispiel #11
    def writeCrd(self, fcrd, append=1, lastAtom=None):
        Write/Append Amber-formatted block of coordinates to a file.
        If a file handle is given, the file will not be closed.

        :param fcrd: file to write to
        :type  fcrd: str or file object
        :param append: append to existing file (default: 1)
        :type  append: 0|1
        :param lastAtom: skip all atoms beyond this one (default: None)
        :type  lastAtom: int
        if not

        if type(fcrd) == file:
            ## take file handle
            f = fcrd
            ## create new file handle
            mode = 'w'
            if append:
                mode = 'a'
            f = open(T.absfile(fcrd), mode)

            newf = (mode == 'w' or not os.path.exists(T.absfile(fcrd)))
            if newf:

        i = 0
        for x in N0.ravel(
            i = i + 1

            f.write("%8.3f" % x)

            if (i % 10) == 0:

            if lastAtom and i / 3.0 == lastAtom:

        if ((i % 10) != 0):

        if type(fcrd) != file:
            ## don't close file that was already given
Beispiel #12
    def writeCrd( self, fcrd, append=1, lastAtom=None ):
        Write/Append Amber-formatted block of coordinates to a file.
        If a file handle is given, the file will not be closed.

        :param fcrd: file to write to
        :type  fcrd: str or file object
        :param append: append to existing file (default: 1)
        :type  append: 0|1
        :param lastAtom: skip all atoms beyond this one (default: None)
        :type  lastAtom: int
        if not

        if type( fcrd ) == file:
            ## take file handle
            f = fcrd
            ## create new file handle
            mode = 'w'
            if append:
                mode = 'a'
            f = open( T.absfile( fcrd ), mode )

            newf = (mode=='w' or not os.path.exists( T.absfile(fcrd) ))
            if newf:

        i = 0
        for x in N0.ravel( ):
            i = i + 1

            f.write( "%8.3f" % x )

            if (i % 10) == 0:

            if lastAtom and i / 3.0 == lastAtom:

        if ((i % 10) != 0):

        if type( fcrd ) != file:
            ## don't close file that was already given
Beispiel #13
    def findLeaprc(self, ff):
        Guess full path to an existing leaprc file name or fragment of it.
        We first take the file as is, then look in AMBERHOME, then look
        in AMBERHOME/dat/leap/cmd.
        :param ff: forcefield code (leaprc file ending, e.g. 'ff99', 'ff01')
                   OR leaprc file name (e.g, 'leaprc.f99')
                   OR leaprc path witin $AMBERHOME
                   OR leaprc path
        :type  ff: str
        :return: full path to an existing leaprc file
        :rtype: str
        :raise: LeapError, if no existing file can be found
        if P.exists(T.absfile(ff)):
            return T.absfile(ff)

        amberhome = self.exe.env['AMBERHOME']

        ## interpret ff as file ending ('ff99', 'ff03', etc)
        r = P.join(amberhome, self.LEAPRC_PATH, self.LEAPRC + ff)
        if P.exists(r):
            return r

        ## interpret ff as file ending ('ff99', 'ff03', etc pointing to 'old' forcefield)
        r = P.join(amberhome, self.LEAPRC_PATH, 'oldff', self.LEAPRC + ff)
        if P.exists(r):
            return r

        ## interpret ff as file name (e.g. 'leaprc.ff99')
        r = P.join(amberhome, self.LEAPRC_PATH, ff)
        if P.exists(r):
            return r

        ## interpret ff as file name (e.g. 'leaprc.ff99') for 'old' forcefield
        r = P.join(amberhome, self.LEAPRC_PATH, 'oldff', ff)
        if P.exists(r):
            return r

        ## interpret ff as path within AMBERHOME ('dat/leap/cmd/leaprc.f99')
        r = P.join(amberhome, ff)
        if P.exists(r):
            return r

        raise  LeapError('Could not find Forcefield definition %s. ' % ff +\
                  'Check exe_tleap.dat or provide an explicit leaprc parameter!')
Beispiel #14
    def __init__( self, f_parm, f_crd, f_template=None,
                  s=0, e=None, step=1, **kw ):
        :param f_parm: path to amber topology file
        :type  f_parm: str
        :param f_crd: path to amber trajectory file
        :type  f_crd: str
        :param f_template: alternative ptraj input template (default: None)
        :type  f_template: str 
        :param s: start frame (default: 0, first)
        :type  s: int
        :param e: end frame (default: None, last)
        :type  e: int
        :param step: frame offset (default: 1, no offset )
        :type  step: int

        :param kw: additional key=value parameters for Executor:
        :type  kw: key=value pairs
          debug    - 0|1, keep all temporary files (default: 0)
          verbose  - 0|1, print progress messages to log (log != STDOUT)
          node     - str, host for calculation (None->local) NOT TESTED
                          (default: None)
          nice     - int, nice level (default: 0)
          log      - biskit.LogFile, program log (None->STOUT) (default: None)
        template = f_template or self.ptraj_script

        Executor.__init__( self, 'ptraj', template=template, push_inp=0, **kw )

        self.f_parm = T.absfile( f_parm )
        self.f_crd  = T.absfile( f_crd )

        self.start = s
        self.stop  = e or 10000000
        self.step  = step

        ## default result
        self.result = { 'T':None, 'mass':None, 'vibes':None,
                        'S_total':None, 'S_trans':None, 'S_rot':None,
                        'contributions':None, 'nframes':None,
                        'version':biskit.__version__, 'node':self.node }
Beispiel #15
 def __init__(self, fname, mode='w'):
     :param fname: name of log file
     :type  fname: str
     :param mode: mode (default: w)
     :type  mode: str
     self.fname = T.absfile(fname)
     self.mode = mode
     self._f = None
Beispiel #16
    def __init__( self, fcrd, fref, box=0, rnAmber=0, pdbCode=None,
                  log=StdLog(), verbose=0 ):
        :param fcrd: path to input coordinate file
        :type  fcrd: str
        :param fref: PDB or pickled PDBModel with same atom content and order
        :type  fref: str
        :param box: expect line with box info at the end of each frame
                    (default: 0)
        :type  box: 1|0
        :param rnAmber: rename amber style residues into standard (default: 0)
        :type  rnAmber: 1|0
        :param pdbCode: pdb code to be put into the model (default: None)
        :type  pdbCode: str
        :param log: LogFile instance [Biskit.StdLog]
        :type  log: biskit.LogFile
        :param verbose: print progress to log [0]
        :type  verbose: int
        self.fcrd = T.absfile( fcrd )
        self.crd  = T.gzopen( self.fcrd )

        self.ref  = PDBModel( T.absfile(fref), pdbCode=pdbCode )  = box

        self.n = self.ref.lenAtoms()

        self.log = log
        self.verbose = verbose

        if rnAmber:

        ## pre-compile pattern for line2numbers
        xnumber = "-*\d+\.\d+"              # optionally negtive number
        xspace  = ' *'                      # one or more space char
        self.xnumbers = re.compile('('+xspace+xnumber+')')

        ## pre-compute lines expected per frame
        self.lines_per_frame = self.n * 3 // 10

        if self.n % 10 != 0:  self.lines_per_frame += 1
        if          self.lines_per_frame += 1
Beispiel #17
    def get_local( self, existing=0 ):
        Return a valid, absolute path. Either the existing original or with
        all substitutions for which environment variables exist.
        This function is time consuming (absfile - os.realpath is the culprit).
        :param existing: don't return a non-existing path                
        :type  existing: 0|1
        :return: valid absolute path in current environment
        :rtype: str
        :raise LocalPathError: if existing==1 and no existing path can be
                               constructed via environment variables
        if self.fragments:
            result = os.path.join( *[ f[0] for f in self.fragments ] )
            result = ''
        result = T.absfile( result )

        if os.path.exists( result ):
            return result

        substitutions = self.get_substitution_dict()
        result = ''
        for abs, env  in self.fragments:
            if env:
                result += substitutions.get( env, abs )
                result += abs

        result = T.absfile( result )

        if existing and not os.path.exists( result ):
            raise LocalPathError("Can't construct existing path from %s."%\

        return result
Beispiel #18
 def writeComplex(self, fname, ter=0):
     Write single pdb containing both receptor and ligand
     separated by END but not TER (unless ter!=0).
     @param fname: filename of pdb
     @type  fname: str
     @param ter: option for how to treat the TER statement::
                   - 0, don't write any TER statements (default)
                   - 1, restore original TER statements
                   - 2, put TER between all detected chains
     self.model().writePdb( t.absfile( fname ), ter )
Beispiel #19
 def writeReceptor(self, fname, ter=0 ):
     Write receptor to pdb without TER statement (unless removeTer!=0).
     @param fname: output file name
     @type  fname: str
     @param ter: option for how to treat the TER statement::
                   - 0, don't write any TER statements (default)
                   - 1, restore original TER statements
                   - 2, put TER between all detected chains
     @type  ter: 0|1|2
     self.rec().writePdb( t.absfile( fname), ter )
Beispiel #20
    def get_local(self, existing=0):
        Return a valid, absolute path. Either the existing original or with
        all substitutions for which environment variables exist.
        This function is time consuming (absfile - os.realpath is the culprit).
        :param existing: don't return a non-existing path                
        :type  existing: 0|1
        :return: valid absolute path in current environment
        :rtype: str
        :raise LocalPathError: if existing==1 and no existing path can be
                               constructed via environment variables
        if self.fragments:
            result = os.path.join(*[f[0] for f in self.fragments])
            result = ''
        result = T.absfile(result)

        if os.path.exists(result):
            return result

        substitutions = self.get_substitution_dict()
        result = ''
        for abs, env in self.fragments:
            if env:
                result += substitutions.get(env, abs)
                result += abs

        result = T.absfile(result)

        if existing and not os.path.exists(result):
            raise LocalPathError("Can't construct existing path from %s."%\

        return result
Beispiel #21
 def writeComplex(self, fname, ter=0):
     Write single pdb containing both receptor and ligand
     separated by END but not TER (unless ter!=0).
     @param fname: filename of pdb
     @type  fname: str
     @param ter: option for how to treat the TER statement::
                   - 0, don't write any TER statements (default)
                   - 1, restore original TER statements
                   - 2, put TER between all detected chains
     self.model().writePdb(t.absfile(fname), ter)
Beispiel #22
 def writeReceptor(self, fname, ter=0):
     Write receptor to pdb without TER statement (unless removeTer!=0).
     @param fname: output file name
     @type  fname: str
     @param ter: option for how to treat the TER statement::
                   - 0, don't write any TER statements (default)
                   - 1, restore original TER statements
                   - 2, put TER between all detected chains
     @type  ter: 0|1|2
     self.rec().writePdb(t.absfile(fname), ter)
Beispiel #23
    def tofile(self, fname):
        if not self.resmap:

        fname = T.absfile(fname)
        f = open(fname, 'w')
        f.write('! charge file generated by Biskit.delphi.DelphiCharges\n')

            for resname, akeys in self.resmap.items():
Beispiel #24
    def tofile( self, fname ):
        if not self.resmap:
        fname = T.absfile( fname )
        f = open( fname, 'w' )
        f.write('! charge file generated by Biskit.delphi.DelphiCharges\n')

            for resname, akeys in self.resmap.items():
                f.write( self.manyres2delphi( akeys ) )
Beispiel #25
 def writeLigand(self, fname, ter=0 ):
     Write transformed ligand to pdb file. Remove TER record for
     xplor usage (unless removeTer!=0).
     @param fname: output filename
     @type  fname: str
     @param ter: option for how to treat the TER statement::
                   - 0, don't write any TER statements (default)
                   - 1, restore original TER statements
                   - 2, put TER between all detected chains
     @type  ter: 0|1|2
     pdb = self.lig()
     pdb.writePdb( t.absfile( fname ), ter )
Beispiel #26
    def saveXLog( self, fname ):
        Save the content of the XPlor log file to a new file.
        @param fname: target file name
        @type  fname: str
        @raise XPlorerError: if logLines is empty (Xplor hasn't been run)
        if not self.logLines:
            raise XplorerError('Xplor log file is (yet) empty.')

        f = open( T.absfile(fname), 'w')
        f.writelines( self.logLines )
Beispiel #27
    def saveXLog(self, fname):
        Save the content of the XPlor log file to a new file.
        @param fname: target file name
        @type  fname: str
        @raise XPlorerError: if logLines is empty (Xplor hasn't been run)
        if not self.logLines:
            raise XplorerError('Xplor log file is (yet) empty.')

        f = open(T.absfile(fname), 'w')
Beispiel #28
 def writeLigand(self, fname, ter=0):
     Write transformed ligand to pdb file. Remove TER record for
     xplor usage (unless removeTer!=0).
     @param fname: output filename
     @type  fname: str
     @param ter: option for how to treat the TER statement::
                   - 0, don't write any TER statements (default)
                   - 1, restore original TER statements
                   - 2, put TER between all detected chains
     @type  ter: 0|1|2
     pdb = self.lig()
     pdb.writePdb(t.absfile(fname), ter)
Beispiel #29
def loadTraj(f, trajIndex, start=0, end=None, step=1, prot=False):
    """Load traj from file, add frame names, extract portion if requested"""

    t = T.load(T.absfile(f))
    addFrameNames(t, trajIndex)

    e = end or len(t)

    if start or end or (step != 1):
        t = t.takeFrames(list(range(start, e, step)))

    if prot:

    return t
Beispiel #30
def createHexPdb_single(model, fout=None):
    Write PDB of one structure for hex.

    @param model: model
    @type  model: PDBModel
    @param fout: out file name (default: pdbCode + _hex.pdb)
    @type  fout: str

    @return: file name of result PDB
    @rtype: str
    fout = fout or model.pdbCode + '_hex.pdb'
    fout = t.absfile(fout)
    return fout
Beispiel #31
    def __init__( self, frst ):
        :param frst: input restart file
        :type  frst: str
        self.frst = T.absfile( frst )
        self.crd  = open( self.frst )

        self.n = 0       #: number of atoms
        self.lines_per_frame = 0 = None  #: will hold coordinate array = None  #: will hold box array if any

        ## pre-compile pattern for line2numbers
        xnumber = "-*\d+\.\d+"              # optionally negtive number
        xspace  = ' *'                      # one or more space char
        self.xnumbers = re.compile('('+xspace+xnumber+')')
Beispiel #32
    def __init__(self, frst):
        :param frst: input restart file
        :type  frst: str
        self.frst = T.absfile(frst)
        self.crd = open(self.frst)

        self.n = 0  #: number of atoms
        self.lines_per_frame = 0 = None  #: will hold coordinate array = None  #: will hold box array if any

        ## pre-compile pattern for line2numbers
        xnumber = "-*\d+\.\d+"  # optionally negtive number
        xspace = ' *'  # one or more space char
        self.xnumbers = re.compile('(' + xspace + xnumber + ')')
Beispiel #33
def createHexPdb(modelDic, fout=None):
    Write pdb for hex with models separated by MODEL%i/ENDMODEL

    @param modelDic: dictionary mapping an integer to each model
    @type  modelDic: dict {int:XplorModel}
    @param fout: output name, default is pdbCode + _hex.pdb
    @type  fout: str

    @return: file name of result PDB
    @rtype: str
    fout = fout or modelDic[1].pdbCode + '_hex.pdb'
    fout = t.absfile(fout)

    ## open new file
    out = open(fout, 'w')
    ## fetch name for temporary file
    tmpFile = tempfile.mktemp('_pcr2hex.pdb')

    numbers = list(modelDic.keys())
    for n in numbers:

        ## write temporary pdb and open it

        pdb_temp = open(tmpFile)

        out.write("MODEL%6i\n" % n)
        lines = pdb_temp.readlines()  # get all lines
        for line in lines:
            if line[:3] != 'END':  # filter out END

        ## remove temporary file

    return fout
Beispiel #34
 def __is_path(self, o, minLen=3):
     Check whether an object is a path string (existing or not).
     :param minLen: minimal length of string o to be counted as path
     :type  minLen: int
     :return: 1|0
     :rtype: int
     r = ( type( o ) == str \
           and (o.find(os.path.sep) != -1 or o.find('/') != -1)\
           and len(o) >= minLen )
     ##              and o.find(':') == -1 )
     if r:
             s = T.absfile(o)
             return 1
             return 0
     return 0
Beispiel #35
    def __validPath( self, v ):
        :param v: potential path name
        :type  v: str

        :return: validated absolute Path
        :rtype : str

        :raise InvalidPath: if path is not found
            v = T.absfile( v )
            if not v or not os.path.exists( v ):
                raise InvalidPath('invalid path %r' % v)

            return v

        except InvalidPath as e:
        except Exception as e:
            raise InvalidPath('error during path validation: %r' % str(e))
Beispiel #36
    def __is_path( self, o, minLen=3 ):
        Check whether an object is a path string (existing or not).
        :param minLen: minimal length of string o to be counted as path
        :type  minLen: int
        :return: 1|0
        :rtype: int
        r = ( type( o ) == str \
              and (o.find(os.path.sep) != -1 or o.find('/') != -1)\
              and len(o) >= minLen )
##              and o.find(':') == -1 )
        if r:
                s = T.absfile( o )
                return 1
                return 0
        return 0
Beispiel #37
    def test_AmberCrdParser(self):
        """AmberCrdParser test"""
        self.p = AmberCrdParser( self.finp, self.fref, box=True, rnAmber=True,
                                 log=self.log, verbose=self.local )
        self.t = self.p.crd2traj()

        self.t.removeAtoms(lambda a: a['residue_name'] in ['WAT','Na+','Cl-'] )
        self.t.removeAtoms(lambda a: a['element'] == 'H' )

        if self.local:
            print("Dumping result to ", self.fout)

        T.dump( self.t, T.absfile(self.fout) )

        if self.local:
            print("Dumped Trajectory with %i frames and %i atoms." % \
                  (len(self.t), self.t.lenAtoms() ))

        self.assertEqual( len(self.t), 10 )
        self.assertEqual( self.t.lenAtoms(), 440 )
Beispiel #38
    def __validPath(self, v):
        :param v: potential path name
        :type  v: str

        :return: validated absolute Path
        :rtype : str

        :raise InvalidPath: if path is not found
            v = T.absfile(v)
            if not v or not os.path.exists(v):
                raise InvalidPath('invalid path %r' % v)

            return v

        except InvalidPath as e:
        except Exception as e:
            raise InvalidPath('error during path validation: %r' % str(e))
Beispiel #39
    def writeCrd( self, fname, frames=None ):
        Write frames to Amber crd file (w/o box info).

        :param fname: output file name
        :type  fname: str
        :param frames: frame indices (default: all)
        :type  frames: [int]
        if frames is None:
            frames = list(range( self.lenFrames()))

        template = " %7.3f" * 10 + '\n'

        ## open new file
        out = open( T.absfile(fname), 'wt')
        __write = out.write  ## cache function address for speed


        n_lines = None

        for fi in frames:
            f = N0.ravel( self.frames[ fi ] )

            if n_lines is None:
                n_lines = n_lines or len( f ) // 10
                overhang= ( 0 != len( f ) % 10 )
                i_lines = range( n_lines )

            for i in i_lines:
                __write( template % tuple( f[10*i:10*i+10] ) )

            if overhang:
                for x in f[i*10+10:]:
                    __write(" %7.3f" % x )

Beispiel #40
    def __init__(self, source=None):
        @param source: path to EZD file
        @type  source: str OR file handle

        ## Raik says: this is always overridden by the "self.source=source"
        if type(source) is str and os.path.isfile(source):
            self.source = LocalPath(source)

        self.source = source

        ## my suggestion (LocalPath is a bit overkill here):
        self.source = tools.absfile(source)

        #try :
        f = tools.gzopen(self.source)
        cell = self.__readCell(f)
        self.a = cell[0]
        self.b = cell[1]
        self.c = cell[2]
        self.alpha = cell[3]
        self.beta = cell[4]
        self.gamma = cell[5]

        self.origin = self.__readOrigin(f)
        self.extent = self.__readExtent(f)
        self.gridsize = self.__readGridSize(f)
        self.scale = self.__readScale(f)

        self.EDGrid = self.__readGrid(f)
        self.__setCartesianCoords() = npy.std(self.EDGrid)
        self.mean = npy.mean(self.EDGrid)
Beispiel #41
    def __init__( self, recDic, ligDic, recPdb=None, ligPdb=None,
                  comPdb=None, out='hex_%s', soln=512,
                  recChainId=None, ligChainId=None, macDock=None,
                  bin='hex', verbose=1 ):  ## use ExeConfig instead of bin=...
        @param recDic: receptor dictionary
        @type  recDic: dict
        @param ligDic: ligand dictionary
        @type  ligDic: dict
        @param recPdb: hex-formatted PDB with rec models
        @type  recPdb: str
        @param ligPdb: hex-formatted PDB with lig models
        @type  ligPdb: str
        @param comPdb: hex-formatted PDB with com models
        @type  comPdb: str
        @param soln: number of solutions to keep from HEX (default 512)
        @type  soln: int
        @param recChainId: force chain IDs only for HEX
        @type  recChainId: [str]
        @param ligChainId: force chain IDs only for HEX
        @type  ligChainId: [str]
        @param out: out folder name, will be formatted against date
        @type  out: str
        @param macDock: force macro docking ON or OFF (default: size decides)
        @type  macDock: 1|0
        @param bin: path to HEX binary
        @type  bin: str
        @param verbose: verbosity level (default: 1)
        @type  verbose: 1|0
        self.lock = RLock()
        self.lockMsg = Condition( self.lock )

        t.ensure( macDock, int, [None] )
        t.ensure( recDic, dict, )
        t.ensure( ligDic, dict, )

        self.verbose = verbose

        self.recDic = recDic
        self.ligDic = ligDic

        ## force chain IDs
        self.recChainId = recChainId
        self.ligChainId = ligChainId

        ## create folder if necessary
        self.out = self.prepareOutFolder( out )

        self.comPdb = None
        if comPdb:
            self.comPdb = t.absfile( comPdb )

        ## remember which HEX PDB was created for which model
        self.recHexPdbs = {}
        self.ligHexPdbs = {}

        ## remember which macrofile uses which models and which out file
        self.runDic = {}

        if recPdb:
            ## HEX PDB provided externally
            for k in self.recDic:
                self.recHexPdbs[ k ] = t.absfile( recPdb )
            ## HEX PDB has to be created
            self.recHexPdbs = self.prepareHexPdbs( self.recDic,
                                                   self.recChainId, 'rec')

        if ligPdb:
            for k in self.ligDic:
                self.ligHexPdbs[ k ] = t.absfile( recPdb )
            self.ligHexPdbs = self.prepareHexPdbs( self.ligDic,
                                                   self.ligChainId, 'lig')

        self.bin = bin

        self.call_when_done = None

        ## remember whether macro dock was used
        self.macroDock = macDock

        self.running = []
        self.hexDone = 0
        self.hexFailed = 0

        self.result = ComplexList()

        self.soln = soln
Beispiel #42
        t = t.takeFrames(list(range(start, e, step)))

    if prot:

    return t

### MAIN ###


o = T.cmdDict({'o': 'traj_ensemble.dat'})

out = T.absfile(o['o'])
inLst = T.toList(o['i'])
start = int(o.get('s', '0'))
end = o.get('e', None)
if end:
    end = int(end)
step = int(o.get('step', 1))
prot = 'prot' in o

ref = o.get('ref', None)
if ref:
    ref = PDBModel(T.absfile(ref))
    if 'prot' in o:
        ref = ref.compress(ref.maskProtein())

T.flushPrint("Loading and appending trajectories...")
Beispiel #43
    def parmSolvated( self, f_out, f_out_crd=None, f_out_pdb=None,
                      hetatm=0, norun=0,
                      cap=0, capN=[], capC=[],
                      fmod=['frcmod.ionsjc_tip3p'], fprep=[],
                      box=10.0, center=True, **kw ):
        :param f_out: target file for parm (topology)
        :type  f_out: str
        :param f_out_crd: target file for crd (coordinates)
        :type  f_out_crd: str
        :param f_out_pdb: target file for pdb (default:|f_out_base|.pdb)
        :type  f_out_pdb: str
        :param hetatm: keep hetero atoms (default: 0)
        :type  hetatm: 1|0
        :param cap: put ACE and NME capping residue on chain breaks 
                    (default: 0)
        :type  cap: 1|0
        :param capN: indices of chains that should get ACE cap (default: [])
        :type  capN: [int]
        :param capC: indices of chains that should get NME cap (default: [])
        :type  capC: [int]
        :param box: minimal distance of solute from box edge (default: 10.0)
        :type  box: float
        :param center: re-center coordinates (default: True)
        :type  center: bool
        :param fmod: list of files with amber parameter modifications
                     to be loaded into leap with loadAmberParams
                    (default:['frcmod.ionsjc_tip3p'] ... mod file needed for 
                    default Amber ff10 ions -- topology saving will fail if this 
                    one is missing)
        :type  fmod: [str]
        :param fprep: list of files with amber residue definitions
                    (to be loaded into leap with loadAmberPrep) (default: [])
        :type  fprep: [str]
        :param kw: additional key=value pairs for leap input template
        :type  kw: key=value

        :raise IOError:
        f_out = t.absfile( f_out )
        f_out_crd = t.absfile( f_out_crd ) or t.stripSuffix( f_out ) + '.crd'
        f_out_pdb = t.absfile( f_out_pdb ) or t.stripSuffix( f_out ) +\

        ## removed: (bugfix 3434136)
        #fmod  = [ t.absfile( f ) for f in t.toList( fmod )  ]
        #fprep = [ t.absfile( f ) for f in t.toList( fprep ) ]

            if self.verbose: self.log.add( '\nCleaning PDB file for Amber:' )
            m = self.leapModel( hetatm=hetatm, center=center )

            if cap:
                end_broken = m.atom2chainIndices( m.chainBreaks() )
                capC = MU.union( capC, end_broken )
                capN = MU.union( capN, N0.array( end_broken ) + 1 )

            for i in capN:
                if self.verbose:
                    self.log.add( 'Adding ACE cap to chain %i' % i )
                m = self.capACE( m, i )

            for i in capC:
                if self.verbose:
                    self.log.add( 'Adding NME cap to chain %i' % i )
                m = self.capNME( m, i )

            m.renumberResidues( addChainId=1 )  ## again, to accomodate capping

            template = open( self.leap_template ).read()

            leap_mod = self.__fLines( 'm = loadAmberParams %s\n', fmod )
            leap_prep= self.__fLines( 'loadAmberPrep %s\n', fprep )

            ss = self.__ssBonds( m, cutoff=4. )
            self.__cys2cyx( m, ss )
            leap_ss  = self.__fLines( self.ss_bond, ss )
            if self.verbose:
                self.log.add('Found %i disulfide bonds: %s' % (len(ss),str(ss)))

            if self.verbose:
                self.log.add( 'writing cleaned PDB to %s'  % self.leap_pdb )
            m.writePdb( self.leap_pdb, ter=3 )

            self.__runLeap( template, in_pdb=self.leap_pdb,
                            out_parm=f_out, out_crd=f_out_crd,
                            ss_bonds=leap_ss, fmod=leap_mod,
                            fprep=leap_prep, norun=norun,
                            box=box, **kw )

            if not norun:
                parm_pdb = self.parm2pdb( f_out, f_out_crd, f_out_pdb )

            if not self.keep_leap_pdb and not self.debug:
                t.tryRemove( self.leap_pdb )

        except IOError as why:
            raise IOError(why)
Beispiel #44
    def parmMirror( self, f_out, f_out_crd=None, fmod=['frcmod.ionsjc_tip3p'], 
                    fprep=[], **kw ):
        Create a parm7 file whose atom content (and order) exactly mirrors
        the given PDBModel. This requires two leap runs. First we get a
        temporary topology, then we identify all atoms added by leap and
        build a final topology where these atoms are deleted.
        This parm is hence NOT suited for simulations but can be used to parse
        e.g. a trajectory or PDB into ptraj.

        :param f_out: target parm file
        :type  f_out: str
        :param f_out_crd: target crd file (default: f_out but ending .crd)
        :type  f_out_crd: str
        :param fmod : list of amber Mod files (loaded with loadAmberParams)
        :type  fmod : [str]
        :param fmod : list of amber Prep files (loaded with loadAmberPrep)
        :type  fmod : [str]
        f_out = t.absfile( f_out )
        f_out_crd = t.absfile( f_out_crd ) or t.stripSuffix( f_out ) + '.crd'

        ## if there are hydrogens, recast them to standard amber names
        aatm = 'HA' in self.m.atomNames() ## 'HB2' in self.m.atomNames()

        ## First leap round ##
        m_ref = self.m.clone()
        m_ref.xplor2amber( aatm=aatm, parm10=True )
        tmp_in = tempfile.mktemp( 'leap_in0.pdb' )
        m_ref.writePdb( tmp_in, ter=3 )

        tmp_parm = tempfile.mktemp( '_parm0' )
        tmp_crd  = tempfile.mktemp( '_crd0' )

        leap_mod = self.__fLines( 'm = loadAmberParams %s\n', fmod )
        leap_prep= self.__fLines( 'loadAmberPrep %s\n', fprep )

        self.__runLeap( self.script_mirror_pdb,
                        leaprc=self.leaprc, fmod=leap_mod, fprep=leap_prep,
                        in_pdb=tmp_in, out_parm=tmp_parm, out_crd=tmp_crd,
                        delete_atoms='' )

        tmp_pdb = self.parm2pdb( tmp_parm, tmp_crd,
                                 tempfile.mktemp( 'leap_out.pdb' ), aatm=aatm )

        if not self.debug:
            t.tryRemove( tmp_parm )
            t.tryRemove( tmp_crd )
            t.tryRemove( tmp_in )

        ## load model with missing atoms added by leap
        m_leap = PDBModel( tmp_pdb  )

        ## compare atom content
        iLeap, iRef = m_leap.compareAtoms( m_ref )

        ## check that ref model doesn't need any change
        if iRef != list(range( len( m_ref ))):
            uLeap, uRef = m_leap.unequalAtoms( m_ref, iLeap, iRef )
            atms = m_ref.reportAtoms( uRef, n=6 )
            raise AmberError("Cannot create exact mirror of %s.\n" % tmp_in +\
                  "Leap has renamed/deleted original atoms in %s:\n"% tmp_pdb+\

        ## indices of atoms that were added by leap
        delStr = self.__deleteAtoms( m_leap,
                                     self.__inverseIndices( m_leap, iLeap ) )

        ## Second leap round ##
        self.__runLeap( self.script_mirror_pdb, leaprc=self.leaprc,
                        in_pdb=tmp_pdb, fmod=leap_mod, fprep=leap_prep,
                        out_parm=f_out, out_crd=f_out_crd,
                        delete_atoms=delStr )

        if not self.debug:
            t.tryRemove( tmp_pdb )
Beispiel #45
    def __init__( self, name, args='', template=None, f_in=None, f_out=None,
                  f_err=None, strict=True, catch_out=1, push_inp=1, catch_err=0,
                  node=None, nice=0, cwd=None, tempdir=None, log=None, debug=0,
                  verbose=None, validate=1, configpath=None, **kw ):

        Create Executor. *name* must point to an existing program configuration
        unless *strict*=0. Executor will create a program input from
        the template and its own fields and put it into f_in. If f_in but
        no template is given, the unchanged f_in is used as input. If neither
        is given, the program is called without input. If a node is given,
        the process is wrapped in a ssh call. If *nice* != 0, the process
        is preceeded by nice. *cwd* specifies the working directory. By
        default, this setting is taken from the configuration file which
        defaults to the current working directory.

        :param name: program name (configured in .biskit/exe_name.dat)
        :type  name: str
        :param args: command line arguments
        :type  args: str
        :param template: template for input file -- this can be the template
                         itself or the path to a file containing it
                         (default: None)
        :type  template: str
        :param f_in: target for completed input file (default: None, discard)
        :type  f_in: str
        :param f_out: target file for program output (default: None, discard)
        :type  f_out: str
        :param f_err: target file for error messages (default: None, discard)
        :type  f_err: str
        :param strict: strict check of environment and configuration file
                       (default: True)
        :type  strict: bool
        :param configpath: alternative paths for finding configuration file
        :type  configpath: [str]
        :param catch_out: catch output in file (f_out or temporary)
                          (default: 1)
        :type  catch_out: 1|0
        :param catch_err: catch errors in file (f_out or temporary)
                          (default: 1)
        :type  catch_err: 1|0
        :param push_inp: push input file to process via stdin ('< f_in') [1]
        :type  push_inp: 1|0
        :param node: host for calculation (None->no ssh) (default: None)
        :type  node: str
        :param nice: nice level (default: 0)
        :type  nice: int
        :param cwd: working directory, overwrites ExeConfig.cwd (default: None)
        :type  cwd: str
        :param tempdir: folder for temporary files, will be created if not
                        existing (default: None ... use system default)
                        if set to True: create a new tempdir within default 
        :type  tempdir: str | True
        :param log: execution log (None->STOUT) (default: None)
        :type  log: biskit.LogFile
        :param debug: keep all temporary files (default: 0)
        :type  debug: 0|1
        :param verbose: print progress messages to log (default: log != STDOUT)
        :type  verbose: 0|1
        :param validate: validate binary and environment immedeatly (1=default)
                         or only before execution (0)
        :type validate: 1|0 
        :param kw: key=value pairs with values for template file or string
        :type  kw: key=value
        :raise ExeConfigError: if environment is not fit for running
                               the program
        self.exe = ExeConfigCache.get( name, strict=strict, 
                                       configpath=configpath )
        if validate:
        ## see prepare()
        self.keep_tempdir = True   ## set to False if tempdir created new
        self.tempdir = self.newtempfolder( tempdir ) ## repeat in child classes

        self.f_out = t.absfile( f_out )
        if not f_out and catch_out:
            self.f_out = tempfile.mktemp( '.out', name+'_', self.tempdir)

        self.f_err = t.absfile( f_err )
        if not f_err and catch_err:
            self.f_err = tempfile.mktemp( '.err', name+'_', self.tempdir)
        self.keep_out = f_out is not None
        self.keep_inp = f_in  is not None  #: do not clean up the input file
        self.catch_out = catch_out         #: capture STDOUT into file
        self.catch_err = catch_err         #: capture STDERR into file
        self.f_in = t.absfile( f_in )
        ## pre-define name of input file that will be generated later 
        if template and not f_in:
            self.f_in  = tempfile.mktemp('.inp', name+'_', self.tempdir)

        self.push_inp = push_inp

        self.args = args
        self.template = template

        self.node  = node ## or os.uname()[1]
        self.nice  = nice
        self.debug = debug

        self.cwd = cwd or self.exe.cwd

        #: Log object for own messages; undocumented: capture string as well
        self.log = log or StdLog()
        if type(self.log) is str:
            self.log = B.LogFile( self.log )
        self.verbose = verbose
        if self.verbose is None:
            self.verbose = (log is not None)

        ## these are set by
        self.runTime = 0    #: time needed for last run
        self.output = None  #: STDOUT returned by process
        self.error = None   #: STDERR returned by process
        self.returncode = None #: int status returned by process = None     #: process ID

        self.result = None  #: set by self.finish()

        self.initVersion = B.__version__

        self.__dict__.update( kw )
Beispiel #46
    def __init__(self,
                 verbose=1):  ## use ExeConfig instead of bin=...
        @param recDic: receptor dictionary
        @type  recDic: dict
        @param ligDic: ligand dictionary
        @type  ligDic: dict
        @param recPdb: hex-formatted PDB with rec models
        @type  recPdb: str
        @param ligPdb: hex-formatted PDB with lig models
        @type  ligPdb: str
        @param comPdb: hex-formatted PDB with com models
        @type  comPdb: str
        @param soln: number of solutions to keep from HEX (default 512)
        @type  soln: int
        @param recChainId: force chain IDs only for HEX
        @type  recChainId: [str]
        @param ligChainId: force chain IDs only for HEX
        @type  ligChainId: [str]
        @param out: out folder name, will be formatted against date
        @type  out: str
        @param macDock: force macro docking ON or OFF (default: size decides)
        @type  macDock: 1|0
        @param bin: path to HEX binary
        @type  bin: str
        @param verbose: verbosity level (default: 1)
        @type  verbose: 1|0
        self.lock = RLock()
        self.lockMsg = Condition(self.lock)

        t.ensure(macDock, int, [None])

        self.verbose = verbose

        self.recDic = recDic
        self.ligDic = ligDic

        ## force chain IDs
        self.recChainId = recChainId
        self.ligChainId = ligChainId

        ## create folder if necessary
        self.out = self.prepareOutFolder(out)

        self.comPdb = None
        if comPdb:
            self.comPdb = t.absfile(comPdb)

        ## remember which HEX PDB was created for which model
        self.recHexPdbs = {}
        self.ligHexPdbs = {}

        ## remember which macrofile uses which models and which out file
        self.runDic = {}

        if recPdb:
            ## HEX PDB provided externally
            for k in self.recDic:
                self.recHexPdbs[k] = t.absfile(recPdb)
            ## HEX PDB has to be created
            self.recHexPdbs = self.prepareHexPdbs(self.recDic, self.recChainId,

        if ligPdb:
            for k in self.ligDic:
                self.ligHexPdbs[k] = t.absfile(recPdb)
            self.ligHexPdbs = self.prepareHexPdbs(self.ligDic, self.ligChainId,

        self.bin = bin

        self.call_when_done = None
        self.call_when_failed = None

        ## remember whether macro dock was used
        self.macroDock = macDock

        self.running = []
        self.hexDone = 0
        self.hexFailed = 0

        self.result = ComplexList()

        self.soln = soln
Beispiel #47
    def parmMirror( self, f_out, f_out_crd=None, fmod=['frcmod.ionsjc_tip3p'], 
                    fprep=[], **kw ):
        Create a parm7 file whose atom content (and order) exactly mirrors
        the given PDBModel. This requires two leap runs. First we get a
        temporary topology, then we identify all atoms added by leap and
        build a final topology where these atoms are deleted.
        This parm is hence NOT suited for simulations but can be used to parse
        e.g. a trajectory or PDB into ptraj.

        :param f_out: target parm file
        :type  f_out: str
        :param f_out_crd: target crd file (default: f_out but ending .crd)
        :type  f_out_crd: str
        :param fmod : list of amber Mod files (loaded with loadAmberParams)
        :type  fmod : [str]
        :param fmod : list of amber Prep files (loaded with loadAmberPrep)
        :type  fmod : [str]
        f_out = t.absfile( f_out )
        f_out_crd = t.absfile( f_out_crd ) or t.stripSuffix( f_out ) + '.crd'

        ## if there are hydrogens, recast them to standard amber names
        aatm = 'HA' in self.m.atomNames() ## 'HB2' in self.m.atomNames()

        ## First leap round ##
        m_ref = self.m.clone()
        m_ref.xplor2amber( aatm=aatm, parm10=True )
        tmp_in = tempfile.mktemp( 'leap_in0.pdb' )
        m_ref.writePdb( tmp_in, ter=3 )

        tmp_parm = tempfile.mktemp( '_parm0' )
        tmp_crd  = tempfile.mktemp( '_crd0' )

        leap_mod = self.__fLines( 'm = loadAmberParams %s\n', fmod )
        leap_prep= self.__fLines( 'loadAmberPrep %s\n', fprep )

        self.__runLeap( self.script_mirror_pdb,
                        leaprc=self.leaprc, fmod=leap_mod, fprep=leap_prep,
                        in_pdb=tmp_in, out_parm=tmp_parm, out_crd=tmp_crd,
                        delete_atoms='' )

        tmp_pdb = self.parm2pdb( tmp_parm, tmp_crd,
                                 tempfile.mktemp( 'leap_out.pdb' ), aatm=aatm )

        if not self.debug:
            t.tryRemove( tmp_parm )
            t.tryRemove( tmp_crd )
            t.tryRemove( tmp_in )

        ## load model with missing atoms added by leap
        m_leap = PDBModel( tmp_pdb  )

        ## compare atom content
        iLeap, iRef = m_leap.compareAtoms( m_ref )

        ## check that ref model doesn't need any change
        if iRef != list(range( len( m_ref ))):
            uLeap, uRef = m_leap.unequalAtoms( m_ref, iLeap, iRef )
            atms = m_ref.reportAtoms( uRef, n=6 )
            raise AmberError("Cannot create exact mirror of %s.\n" % tmp_in +\
                  "Leap has renamed/deleted original atoms in %s:\n"% tmp_pdb+\

        ## indices of atoms that were added by leap
        delStr = self.__deleteAtoms( m_leap,
                                     self.__inverseIndices( m_leap, iLeap ) )

        ## Second leap round ##
        self.__runLeap( self.script_mirror_pdb, leaprc=self.leaprc,
                        in_pdb=tmp_pdb, fmod=leap_mod, fprep=leap_prep,
                        out_parm=f_out, out_crd=f_out_crd,
                        delete_atoms=delStr )

        if not self.debug:
            t.tryRemove( tmp_pdb )
Beispiel #48
    def parmSolvated( self, f_out, f_out_crd=None, f_out_pdb=None,
                      hetatm=0, norun=0,
                      cap=0, capN=[], capC=[],
                      fmod=['frcmod.ionsjc_tip3p'], fprep=[],
                      box=10.0, center=True, **kw ):
        :param f_out: target file for parm (topology)
        :type  f_out: str
        :param f_out_crd: target file for crd (coordinates)
        :type  f_out_crd: str
        :param f_out_pdb: target file for pdb (default:|f_out_base|.pdb)
        :type  f_out_pdb: str
        :param hetatm: keep hetero atoms (default: 0)
        :type  hetatm: 1|0
        :param cap: put ACE and NME capping residue on chain breaks 
                    (default: 0)
        :type  cap: 1|0
        :param capN: indices of chains that should get ACE cap (default: [])
        :type  capN: [int]
        :param capC: indices of chains that should get NME cap (default: [])
        :type  capC: [int]
        :param box: minimal distance of solute from box edge (default: 10.0)
        :type  box: float
        :param center: re-center coordinates (default: True)
        :type  center: bool
        :param fmod: list of files with amber parameter modifications
                     to be loaded into leap with loadAmberParams
                    (default:['frcmod.ionsjc_tip3p'] ... mod file needed for 
                    default Amber ff10 ions -- topology saving will fail if this 
                    one is missing)
        :type  fmod: [str]
        :param fprep: list of files with amber residue definitions
                    (to be loaded into leap with loadAmberPrep) (default: [])
        :type  fprep: [str]
        :param kw: additional key=value pairs for leap input template
        :type  kw: key=value

        :raise IOError:
        f_out = t.absfile( f_out )
        f_out_crd = t.absfile( f_out_crd ) or t.stripSuffix( f_out ) + '.crd'
        f_out_pdb = t.absfile( f_out_pdb ) or t.stripSuffix( f_out ) +\

        ## removed: (bugfix 3434136)
        #fmod  = [ t.absfile( f ) for f in t.toList( fmod )  ]
        #fprep = [ t.absfile( f ) for f in t.toList( fprep ) ]

            if self.verbose: self.log.add( '\nCleaning PDB file for Amber:' )
            m = self.leapModel( hetatm=hetatm, center=center )

            if cap:
                end_broken = m.atom2chainIndices( m.chainBreaks() )
                capC = MU.union( capC, end_broken )
                capN = MU.union( capN, N0.array( end_broken ) + 1 )

            for i in capN:
                if self.verbose:
                    self.log.add( 'Adding ACE cap to chain %i' % i )
                m = self.capACE( m, i )

            for i in capC:
                if self.verbose:
                    self.log.add( 'Adding NME cap to chain %i' % i )
                m = self.capNME( m, i )

            m.renumberResidues( addChainId=1 )  ## again, to accomodate capping

            template = open( self.leap_template ).read()

            leap_mod = self.__fLines( 'm = loadAmberParams %s\n', fmod )
            leap_prep= self.__fLines( 'loadAmberPrep %s\n', fprep )

            ss = self.__ssBonds( m, cutoff=4. )
            self.__cys2cyx( m, ss )
            leap_ss  = self.__fLines( self.ss_bond, ss )
            if self.verbose:
                self.log.add('Found %i disulfide bonds: %s' % (len(ss),str(ss)))

            if self.verbose:
                self.log.add( 'writing cleaned PDB to %s'  % self.leap_pdb )
            m.writePdb( self.leap_pdb, ter=3 )

            self.__runLeap( template, in_pdb=self.leap_pdb,
                            out_parm=f_out, out_crd=f_out_crd,
                            ss_bonds=leap_ss, fmod=leap_mod,
                            fprep=leap_prep, norun=norun,
                            box=box, **kw )

            if not norun:
                parm_pdb = self.parm2pdb( f_out, f_out_crd, f_out_pdb )

            if not self.keep_leap_pdb and not self.debug:
                t.tryRemove( self.leap_pdb )

        except IOError as why:
            raise IOError(why)
Beispiel #49
def createHexInp(recPdb,
    Prepare a Hex macro file for the docking of the receptor(s)
    against ligand(s).

    @param recPdb: hex-formatted PDB
    @type  recPdb: str
    @param recModel: hex-formatted PDB
    @type  recModel: str
    @param ligPdb: PDBModel, get distances from this one
    @type  ligPdb: PDBModel
    @param ligModel: PDBModel, getdistances from this one
    @type  ligModel: PDBModel
    @param comPdb: reference PDB
    @type  comPdb: str
    @param outFile: base of file name for mac and out
    @type  outFile: str

    @param macDock: None -> hex decides (from the size of the molecule),
                    1 -> force macroDock, 0-> force off (default: None)
    @type  macDock: None|1|0
    @param silent: don't print distances and macro warnings (default: 0)
    @type  silent: 0|1
    @param sol: number of solutions that HEx should save (default: 512)
    @type  sol: int

    @return: HEX macro file name, HEX out generated bu the macro,
             macro docking status
    @rtype: str, str, boolean
    ## files and names
    recCode = t.stripFilename(recPdb)[0:4]
    ligCode = t.stripFilename(ligPdb)[0:4]

    outFile = outFile or recCode + '-' + ligCode

    ## hex macro name
    macName = t.absfile(outFile + '_hex.mac')

    ## hex rotation matrix output name
    outName_all = t.absfile(outFile + '_hex.out')
    outName_clust = t.absfile(outFile + '_hex_cluster.out')

    ## add surface profiles if not there
    if 'relAS' not in recModel.atoms:
        #t.flushPrint('\nCalculating receptor surface profile')
        rec_asa = PDBDope(recModel)
    if 'relAS' not in ligModel.atoms:
        #t.flushPrint('\nCalculating ligand surface profile')
        lig_asa = PDBDope(ligModel)

    ## surface masks, > 95% exposed
    rec_surf_mask = N0.greater(recModel.profile('relAS'), 95)
    lig_surf_mask = N0.greater(ligModel.profile('relAS'), 95)

    ## maximun and medisn distance from centre of mass to any surface atom
    recMax, recMin = centerSurfDist(recModel, rec_surf_mask)
    ligMax, ligMin = centerSurfDist(ligModel, lig_surf_mask)

    ## approxinate max and min center to centre distance
    maxDist = recMax + ligMax
    minDist = recMin + ligMin

    ## molecular separation and search range to be used in the docking
    molSep = (maxDist + minDist) / 2
    molRange = 2 * (maxDist - molSep)

    if not silent:
            'Docking setup: %s\nRecMax: %.1f RecMin: %.1f\nLigMax: %.1f LigMin: %.1f\nMaxDist: %.1f MinDist: %.1f\nmolecular_separation: %.1f r12_range: %.1f\n'
            % (outFile, recMax, recMin, ligMax, ligMin, maxDist, minDist,
               molSep, molRange))

    if recMax > 30 and ligMax > 30 and not silent:
        print('\nWARNING! Both the receptor and ligand radius is ', end=' ')
        print('greater than 30A.\n')

    ## determine docking mode to use
    macroDocking = 0

    if macDock == None:
        if recMax > 35 and not silent:
            print('\nReceptor has a radius that exceeds 35A ', end=' ')
            print('-> Macro docking will be used')
            macroDocking = 1
        macroDocking = macDock

    ## write macro file

    macOpen = open(macName, 'w')

    macOpen.write('# -- ' + macName + ' --\n')
    macOpen.write(' \n')
    macOpen.write('open_receptor ' + t.absfile(recPdb) + '\n')
    macOpen.write('open_ligand ' + t.absfile(ligPdb) + '\n')

    if comPdb and comPdb[-4:] == '.pdb':
        macOpen.write('open_complex ' + comPdb + '\n')


    head = """
# -------------- general settings ----------------
disc_cache 1                   # disc cache on (0 off)
docking_sort_mode 1            # Sort solutions by cluster (0 by energy)
docking_cluster_mode 1         # Display all clusters (0 display best)
docking_cluster_threshold 2.00
# docking_cluster_bumps  number

# ------------ molecule orientation --------------
molecule_separation %(separation)i
commit_view """ % ({
        'separation': round(molSep)

    macro = """
# -------------- macro docking -------------------
macro_min_coverage 25
macro_sphere_radius 15
macro_docking_separation 25

    tail = """
# -------------- docking setup -------------------
docking_search_mode 0          # full rotational search

receptor_range_angle  180      # 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 180
docking_receptor_samples 720   # 362, 492, 642, 720, 980, 1280

ligand_range_angle  180
docking_ligand_samples 720

twist_range_angle 360          # 0, 15, 30, 60, 90, 180, 360
docking_alpha_samples 128      # 64, 128, 256

r12_step 0.500000              # 0.1, 0.2, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2
r12_range %(range)i

docking_radial_filter 0        # Radial Envelope Filter - None

grid_size 0.600                # 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.75, 1.0
# docking_electrostatics 0       # use only surface complimentarity
docking_electrostatics 1      # use electrostatic term for scoring clusters

docking_main_scan 16     # 
docking_main_search 26

max_docking_solutions %(nr_sol)i # number of solutions to save

# -------------- post-processing ----------------
docking_refine 0    # None
#  docking_refine 1    # Backbone Bumps
#  docking_refine 2    # MM energies
#  docking_refine 3    # MM minimization

# ---------------- run docking ------------------
#  save_docking %(output_clust)s
#  save_range 1 512 ./ dock .pdb

# ------------ also save all solutions ----------
docking_sort_mode 0            # Sort solutions by energy (1 by cluster)
save_docking %(output_all)s""" \
         %({'range':round(molRange), 'output_all':outName_all,
            'nr_sol':int(sol), 'output_clust':outName_clust} )


    ## macro docking will not work with multiple models, if both are added to
    ## the hex macro file - macrodocking will be skipped during the docking run
    if macroDocking:



    return macName, outName_all, macroDocking
Beispiel #50
    def __init__( self, traj=None, parm=None, crd=None, ref=None, cast=0,
                  chains=None, border=None, split=0, shift=0, shuffle=0,
                  s=0, e=None, ss=0, se=None, step=1, atoms=None, heavy=0,
                  solvent=0, protein=0,
                  ex=[], ex_n=0, ex3=None, ex1=None,
                  fit_s=None, fit_e=None, memsave=1,
                  **kw ):
        :param traj: path to 1 or 2 pickled Trajectory instances
                     (2 separated by '+', e.g. 'rec.traj+lig.traj')
        :type  traj: str
        :param parm: try using existing parm file & keep it [create+discard]
        :type  parm: str
        :param crd: target file for amber crd & keep it (default: discard)
        :type  crd: str
        :param ref: superimpose onto this structure
        :type  ref: str|PDBModel|Complex
        :param cast: equalize atom content against ref (if given) (default: 1)
        :type  cast: 0|1

        :param chains: extract chains from traj (default: None, all chains)
        :type  chains: [int]
        :param border: 1st chain of 2nd molecule; required for split, shift,
                       shuffle if traj is not already a tuple of trajectories
        :type  border: int
        :param split: split trajectory after *border* and fit the two halfs
                      separately (default: 0)
        :type  split: 1|0
        :param shift: recombine rec and lig member trajectories, should
                      disrupt correlations between rec and lig, requires
                      *chains* or 2 traj files to identify rec (default: 0)
        :type  shift: int
        :param shuffle: shuffle the order of frames for one trajectory half,
                        requires *border* or 2 traj files to identify rec
        :type  shuffle: 0|1
        :param s: start frame of complete traj (default: 0)
        :type  s: int
        :param e: stop frame of complete traj (default: None)
        :type  e: int
        :param ss: start frame of single member trajectories (only works
                   with EnsembleTraj; overrides s,e) (default: 0)
        :type  ss: int
        :param se: stop frame of single member trajectories (only works
                   with EnsembleTraj; overrides s,e) (default: None)
        :type  se: int                 
        :param step: frame offset (default: 1, no offset)
        :type  step: int
        :param thin: use only randomly distributed fraction of frames
                     (default: all)
        :type  thin: float
        :param atoms: atom names to consider (default: all)
        :type  atoms: [str]
        :param heavy: remove hydrogens (default: 0)
        :type  heavy: 1|0
        :param protein: remove all non-protein atoms (default: don't)
        :type  protein: 1|0
        :param solvent: retain solvent and ions (default: 0)
        :type  solvent: 1|0
        :param ex: exclude member trajectories
        :type  ex: [int] OR ([int],[int])
        :param ex_n: exclude last n members  OR...                
        :type  ex_n: int
        :param ex3: exclude *ex3*rd tripple of trajectories  (default: 0)
                    (index starts with 1! 0 to exclude nothing) OR....
        :type  ex3: int
        :param ex1: exclude *ex1*-th member remaining after applying *ex*
                    (default: None)(index starts with 1! 0 to exclude nothing)
        :type  ex1: int
        :param fit_s: fit to average of different frame slice 
        :type  fit_s: int|None
        :param fit_e: fit to average of different frame slice 
        :type  fit_e: int|None
        :param memsave: delete internal trajectory after writing crd
                        (default: 1)
        :type  memsave: 1|0

        :param kw: additional key=value parameters for AmberCrdEntropist
                   and Executor:
        :type  kw: key=value pairs
          ... parameters for AmberCrdEntropist
          f_template - str, alternative ptraj input template

          ... and key=value parameters for Executor:
          f_out    - str, target name for ptraj output file (default: discard)
          debug    - 0|1, keep all temporary files (default: 0)
          verbose  - 0|1, print progress messages to log (log != STDOUT)
          node     - str, host for calculation (None->local) NOT TESTED
                          (default: None)
          nice     - int, nice level (default: 0)
          log      - biskit.LogFile, program log (None->STOUT) (default: None)
##         tempfile.tempdir = '/work'

        f_crd = crd or tempfile.mktemp('.crd')
        self.keep_crd = crd is not None

        f_parm = t.absfile( parm or tempfile.mktemp( '.parm' ) )
        self.keep_parm = parm is not None

        self.parmcrd = tempfile.mktemp('_ref.crd')

        AmberCrdEntropist.__init__( self, f_parm, f_crd,
                                    s=s, e=e, step=step, **kw )

        self.fit_s = fit_s ## if None, fit() will set it to 0
        self.fit_e = fit_e ## if None, fit() will set it to len(traj)

        self.cast   = cast
        self.chains = chains
        self.border = border
        self.split  = split
        self.shift  = shift
        self.shuffle= shuffle
        self.thin   = thin
        self.thin_i = None   ## extract same frames from all trajectories
        self.exclude= ex
        self.ex_n   = ex_n

        self.sstart = ss     ## self.start is assigned by AmberCrdEntropist
        self.sstop  = se     ## self.stop  is assigned by AmberCrdEntropist
        self.heavy  = heavy
        self.solvent = solvent
        self.protein = protein
        self.atoms  = atoms
        self.memsave= memsave

        if ex3 in [0, None]:
            self.ex3 = None
            self.ex3 = ex3-1
        if ex3 is not None: self.ex_n = 0

        if ex1 is not None:
            self.ex3 = None
            self.ex_n = 0
        if ex1 in [0, None]:
            self.ex1 = None
            self.ex1 = ex1-1

        ## filter atoms
        self.ref = self.prepareRef( ref )

        ## filter atoms, cast to ref, fit to average and ref
        self.traj = self.prepareTraj( traj, self.ref, cast=self.cast )
        self.nframes = len( self.traj )

        ## reset frame limits for AmberCrdEntropist
        self.start = 0
        self.stop = len( self.traj )
        self.step = 1
Beispiel #51
    def __init__(self, ini):

        self.f_ini = T.absfile( ini )
        self.result = {}
Beispiel #52
 def absfile( self, fname, resolveLinks=0 ):
     return T.absfile( fname, resolveLinks=resolveLinks )
Beispiel #53
0 -i |in_traj| -n |n_members| -o |out_traj| -pdb |PDBCode| ]

    o        - out file name        (default: replace input file)
    n        - number of ensemble members to expect (default: 10)
    pdb      - PDB code to be stored in trajectory

## MAIN ##


o = T.cmdDict( {'n':10} )

f_in  = T.absfile( o['i'] )
f_out = T.absfile( o.get('o', f_in) )
n = int( o['n'] )

t = T.load( f_in )

T.flushPrint("Converting %i frames..." % len(t) )

if isinstance(t, EnsembleTraj ):
    T.flushPrint( "Nothing to be done!\n")
t = traj2ensemble( t, n )
if 'pdb' in o:
    t.ref.pdbCode = o['pdb']