Beispiel #1
import PQHeap
import bitIO

    Sofie Louise Madsen - [email protected]
    Joachim Bülow       - [email protected]
    Simon Soele Madsen  - [email protected]

# Open the files in readbit and write binary mode
inputfile = open(sys.argv[1], "rb")
outputfile = open(sys.argv[2], "wb")

# Instantiate our bitwriter for writing to output file 
bitstreamout = bitIO.BitWriter(outputfile)

# 2 arrays for keeping track of the occurrences of each character/byte 
# and the Huffman codes from root to the leaf containing the byte for each byte.
occurences = 256 * [0]
codes = 256 * [0]

# reads the input file and counts the occurence of each byte
def read_file_occurences():
    while True:
        byte =
        if byte == b"":
            # We have a byte --> translate to integer with [0], increment occurence of that index.
            occurences[byte[0]] += 1
Beispiel #2
# The file paths are declared, either from commandline arguments or simple inputs
if len(sys.argv) == 3:
    inPath = sys.argv[1]
    outPath = sys.argv[2]
    inPath = input('Write name of file to compress:')
    outPath = input('Write name of compressed file:')

# The files are opened in binarymode seen by the 'rb' and 'wb'
# We stream the files
inFile = open(inPath, 'rb')
outFile = open(outPath, 'wb')

# streams for input and output file
bitstreamin = bitIO.BitReader(inFile)
bitstreamout = bitIO.BitWriter(outFile)

# The block size of the encoding is defined, in bytes
# and the required size of the table is calculated from that
blockSize = 1  #byte
tableSize = 2**(blockSize * 8)

# A table with 2^blockSize inquries, one for each of the possible bytes
table = [0] * tableSize

# Here we populate the frequency table,
# by incrementing the table in the position corresponding to the byte read
# The while loop continues as long as there are more bytes to read
byte =
while byte != b'':
    table[byte[0]] += 1