Beispiel #1
def compress(text):
    tree = HuffmanTree(text)
    b = bitarray()
    for letter in text:
        code =[letter]
        b += bitarray(code)
    return b, tree
 def __hash__(self):
     "Return hash(self)."
     if getattr(self, '_hash', None) is None:
         # ensure hash is independent of endianness
         a = bitarray(self, 'big') if self.endian() == 'little' else self
         self._hash = hash((len(a), a.tobytes()))
     return self._hash
Beispiel #3
 def __hash__(self):
     "Return hash(self)."
     if getattr(self, '_hash', None) is None:
         # ensure hash is independent of endianness, also the copy will be
         # mutable such that .tobytes() can zero out the pad bits
         a = bitarray(self, 'big')
         self._hash = hash((len(a), a.tobytes()))
     return self._hash
Beispiel #4
def right_shift(array, n):
    res = bitarray(len(array))
    for i in range(len(array)):
        res[i] = array[i]
    for j in range(n):
        for i in reversed(range(1, len(array))):
            res[i] = array[i - 1]
        res[0] = 0
        array = res
    return res
Beispiel #5
def left_shift(array, n):
    res = bitarray(len(array))
    for i in range(len(array)):
        res[i] = array[i]
    for j in range(n):
        for i in range(len(array) - 1):
            res[i] = array[i + 1]
        res[-1] = 0
        array = res
    return res
Beispiel #6
def encrypt_CBC(plaintext, key, IV, n=2, size_block=64):
    res = bitarray()
    for index_of_block in range(len(plaintext) // size_block):
        block = plaintext[size_block * index_of_block:size_block *
                          (index_of_block + 1)]
        if index_of_block == 0:
            block = block ^ IV
            block = block ^ res[size_block * (index_of_block - 1):size_block *
        encrypted_block = encrypt_block(block, key, n)
        res += encrypted_block
    return res
Beispiel #7
def decrypt_CBC(plaintext, key, IV, n=2, size_block=64):
    res = bitarray()
    for index_of_block in range(len(plaintext) // size_block):
        block = plaintext[size_block * index_of_block:size_block *
                          (index_of_block + 1)]
        decrypted_block = decrypt_block(block, key, n)
        if index_of_block == 0:
            decrypted_block = decrypted_block ^ IV
            decrypted_block = decrypted_block ^ plaintext[size_block * (
                index_of_block - 1):size_block * index_of_block]

        res += decrypted_block
    return res
Beispiel #8
def decrypt_CFB(plaintext, key, IV, n=2, size_block=64):
    res = bitarray()
    for index_of_block in range(len(plaintext) // size_block):
        block = plaintext[size_block * index_of_block:size_block *
                          (index_of_block + 1)]
        if index_of_block == 0:
            decrypted_block = encrypt_block(IV, key, n) ^ block
            decrypted_block = encrypt_block(
                plaintext[size_block * (index_of_block - 1):size_block *
                          index_of_block], key, n) ^ block

        res += decrypted_block
    return res
Beispiel #9
def decrypt_block(block, key, n=2):
    size_block = len(block)
    for i in range(n):
        res = bitarray()
        k_i = get_K_i(key, n - i - 1)
        left = block[0:size_block // 2]
        right = block[size_block // 2:size_block]
        temp = F(left, k_i) ^ right
        if i == n - 1:
            new_block = left + temp
            new_block = temp + left
        res += new_block
        block = res
    return block
Beispiel #10
def decrypt(plaintext, key, n=2, size_block=64):
    for i in range(n):
        res = bitarray()
        k_i = get_K_i(key, n - i - 1)
        for index_of_block in range(len(plaintext) // size_block):
            block = plaintext[size_block * index_of_block:size_block *
                              (index_of_block + 1)]
            left = block[0:size_block // 2]
            right = block[size_block // 2:size_block]
            temp = F(left, k_i) ^ right
            if i == n - 1:
                new_block = left + temp
                new_block = temp + left
            res += new_block
        plaintext = res
    return plaintext
Beispiel #11
 def lzw_decompress(self, input_path, output_path):
     decompress input_file
     :param input_path: the file to decompress using lzw
     :return: output_path. file decompressed saved to filename + "_decompressed" + ".bmp"
     with open(input_path, 'rb') as file, open(output_path, 'wb') as output:
         tempBuffer = bitarray()
         decoded_text = b''
         word = b''
         previous = -1
         encoded_text = ""
         padding = int.from_bytes(, byteorder="big", signed=False)
         tempBuffer.fromfile(file, 1)
         del tempBuffer[:padding]
         scanned_bytes = commons.yield_bytes_from_stream(file)
         for chunk in scanned_bytes:
             encoded_text += tempBuffer.to01()
             del tempBuffer[:]
             while len(encoded_text) >= self.n_bits:
                 code = encoded_text[0:self.n_bits]  # reading n_bits at the time
                 key = int(code, 2)  # convert to code
                 if previous == -1:
                     previous = int(code, 2)
                 elif self.rev_keys == self.dict_max_size:
                     if key != self.rev_keys:
                         word += self.reverse_lzw_mapping[previous] + self.reverse_lzw_mapping[key][0:1]
                         word += self.reverse_lzw_mapping[previous] + self.reverse_lzw_mapping[previous][0:1]
                     previous = key
                     if key != self.rev_keys:
                         word += self.reverse_lzw_mapping[previous] + self.reverse_lzw_mapping[key][0:1]
                         word += self.reverse_lzw_mapping[previous] + self.reverse_lzw_mapping[previous][0:1]
                     self.reverse_lzw_mapping[self.rev_keys] = word
                     self.rev_keys += 1
                     previous = key
                 decoded_text += self.reverse_lzw_mapping[key]
                 word = b''
                 encoded_text = encoded_text[self.n_bits:]  # skip n_bits
         output.write(decoded_text)  # write to file
         print("LZW Decompressed")
Beispiel #12
def bytestring2bitarray(input_string):
    bits_input_string = bitarray()
    for char in input_string:
        aa = ''.join(['0'] * (8 - len(bin(char)[2:])))
        bits_input_string += aa + bin(char)[2:]
    return bits_input_string
def check_alg_for_root_comp(comp_index, words, c: bitarray):
    root_comp = ALL_COMPS[comp_index]
    root_node = generate_algorithm(root_comp)

    if DEBUG:
        print("({}) Starting checking of algorithms with root value {}".format(
            strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()), root_comp))
    # Note: We do not want to manipulate the root - different root-values will be checked in other executions
    # Compute three subsets of the words and of the tree
    runtime_start = time.time()
    bigger_list, equal_list, smaller_list = MY_UTIL.divide_words(
        root_comp, words)
    NR_COMP_EVALS += len(words)
    WD_TIME += (time.time() - runtime_start)
    c[comp_index] = False

    runtime_start = time.time()
    c_smaller = c.copy()
    c_equal = c.copy()
    c_bigger = c.copy()
    COPY_TIME += (time.time() - runtime_start)

    # union-find datastructure that is used to keep track if the underlying ordering graph is yet weakly connected
    # cc = UF(n)
    # cc.union(root_comp[0], root_comp[1])
    # # graph that keeps track of transitive dependencies
    # G = nx.DiGraph()
    # G.add_nodes_from(range(n))
    # G_smaller = G.copy()
    # G_equal = G.copy()
    # G_bigger = G.copy()
    # G_smaller.add_edge(root_comp[0], root_comp[1])
    # G_equal.add_edge(root_comp[0], root_comp[1])
    # G_equal.add_edge(root_comp[1], root_comp[0])
    # G_bigger.add_edge(root_comp[1], root_comp[0])
    # # If, for a word w=a_1 a_2 ... a_n, we already know that the max_suffix is in the subword a_i ... a_n and we
    # # conduct a comparison between the a_i and a_j which yields  a_i < a_j we can subsequently only
    # # investigate the subword a_{i+1} a_{i+2} ... a_n
    if root_comp[0] == 0:
        c_smaller[0:n - 1:1] = False
        first_rel_char_smaller = 1
        first_rel_char_smaller = 0

    #flags that are True when an incoming edge exists for vertex i
    inc = bitarray()
    inc.extend(False for _ in range(n))

    #flags that are True when an outgoing edge exists for vertex i
    outg = bitarray()
    outg.extend(False for _ in range(n))

    #flags that are True when a vertex is blocked for optim 3 (when it has two inc. or two outg. edges)
    blocked = bitarray()
    blocked.extend(False for _ in range(n))

    if (check_alg(root_node.children[0], smaller_list, c_smaller,
                  first_rel_char_smaller, inc, outg, blocked)
            and check_alg(root_node.children[1], equal_list, c_equal, 0, inc,
                          outg, blocked)
            and check_alg(root_node.children[2], bigger_list, c_bigger, 0, inc,
                          outg, blocked)):
        return root_node

runtimes = []
wdtimes = []
words_with_max_suffix = MY_UTIL.generate_all_words()

for i in range(10):
    working_algs = []
    if NR_WORKERS > 1:
        # worker pool - each worker is responsible for a single root value
        workers = Pool(processes=NR_WORKERS)
        runtime_start = time.time()
            results = []
            for comp_index in range(NR_COMPS):
                c = bitarray()
                c.extend(True for _ in range(len(MY_UTIL.comp_pairs)))
                r = workers.apply_async(check_alg_for_root_comp,
                                        (comp_index, words_with_max_suffix, c),
            for r in results:
        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
            print("except: attempting to close pool")
            print("pool successfully closed")

            print("finally: attempting to close pool")
Beispiel #15
        if b > 255:
            b = 255
        draw.point((x, y), (r, g, b))"temp_with_secret.png", "PNG")

print('Скрытие информации завершено')

image ="temp_with_secret.png")
pix = image.load()

width = image.size[0]
height = image.size[1]
res = bitarray()
for i in range(sigma, width - sigma):
    for j in range(sigma, height - sigma):
        x = random.uniform(sigma, width - sigma)
        y = random.uniform(sigma, height - sigma)

        temp_b = 0
        b = pix[x, y][2]
        for k in range(1, sigma + 1):
            bt = pix[x, y + k][2]
            bd = pix[x, y - k][2]
            bl = pix[x - k, y][2]
            br = pix[x, y + k][2]
            temp_b += bt + bd + bl + br
        temp_b /= 4 * sigma