def __calculateAdjacent(bits: bitarray, type):

    positive = bits.copy()
    negative = bits.copy()
    length = bits.length()
    index = -1
    count = bits.count()

    carrySubtract = True
    carryAdd = True
    if count == length and type == 'lat':
        carryAdd = False
    elif count == 0 and type == 'lat':
        carrySubtract = False

    while (carrySubtract or carryAdd) and abs(index) <= length:
        value = bits[index]
        if carrySubtract:
            if value:
                negative[index] = False
                carrySubtract = False
                negative[index] = True
        if carryAdd:
            if value:
                positive[index] = False
                positive[index] = True
                carryAdd = False
        index += -1
    return negative, positive
def shr(data: bitarray.bitarray, dist: int):
    # shift right
    data = data.copy()
    for a in range(dist):
        data.insert(0, 0)
    return data
def pad(message: bitarray.bitarray):
    # This assumes all fits into only 1 message of 512
    base = message.copy()
    ks = 448 - 1 - len(message)
    while ks < 0:
        ks += block_size
    for _ in range(ks):
    extra = "{0:b}".format(len(message))
    extra = "0" * (64 - len(extra)) + extra
    return base + bitarray.bitarray(extra)
def SIGMA_1(data: bitarray.bitarray):
    # sha operation
    prep = (rotr(data.copy(), 6), rotr(data.copy(), 11), rotr(data.copy(), 25))
    return xor(*prep)
def SIGMA_0(data: bitarray.bitarray):
    # sha operation
    prep = (rotr(data.copy(), 2), rotr(data.copy(), 13), rotr(data.copy(), 22))
    return xor(*prep)
def sigma_1(data: bitarray.bitarray):
    # sha operation
    prep = (rotr(data.copy(), 17), rotr(data.copy(), 19), shr(data.copy(), 10))
    return xor(*prep)
def sigma_0(data: bitarray.bitarray):
    # sha operation
    prep = (rotr(data.copy(), 7), rotr(data.copy(), 18), shr(data.copy(), 3))
    return xor(*prep)
def rotr(data: bitarray.bitarray, dist: int):
    # rotate right
    data = data.copy()
    for a in range(dist):
        data.insert(0, data.pop())
    return data