Beispiel #1
def move(board, col):
    global move_start_time
    move_start_time = timer()

    head = bitboard.board_to_pos(board, col)
    m_bb, o_bb = bitboard.board_to_bbs(board, col)

    #threats = {}
    # analyze board for threats
    #m_rotations = bitboard.get_rotations(m_bb)
    #o_rotations = bitboard.get_rotations(o_bb)
    #for r in range(8):
    #    prow = bitboard.get_prow(m_bb, o_bb, r, True)
    #    if prow in win_prows:
    #        winning_i = bitboard.rowi_to_i(win_prows[prow], r, 0)
    #        return bitboard.i_to_yx(winning_i)

    alpha = -WIN_SCORE
    beta = WIN_SCORE
    depth = 4
    minimax(head, depth, alpha, beta, True)
    best_pos = get_children(head, True, 1)[0]

    move_bib = bitboard.pos_to_c_bb(head ^ best_pos)

    move_y, move_x = bitboard.move_to_yx(move_bib)

    if (board[move_y][move_x] != ' '):
        move_y, move_x = make_forced_move(board)
    print("threat:", timer() - move_start_time)

    return move_y, move_x
Beispiel #2
def move(board, col, **kwargs):
    global s
    global first
    global move_start_time
    global exits
    global offtime
    global offtime_pos, offtime_depth
    offtime = False
    move_start_time = timer()

    head = bb.board_to_pos(board, col)

    depth = START_DEPTH
    children = get_children(head, True)[0:10]
    best_poses = {depth: children[0]}
    while get_cur_time() < move_stop_time and depth < MAX_DEPTH:
        best = -WIN_SCORE
        alpha = -WIN_SCORE
        beta = WIN_SCORE
        #alphabeta(head, depth, alpha, beta, True)
        for n_pos in children:
            val = alphabeta(n_pos, depth - 1, alpha, beta, False,
                            lambda: get_cur_time() > move_stop_time)
            mmx_scores[n_pos] = val
            if val > best:
                best = val
                best_poses[depth] = n_pos
            best = val if val > best else best
            alpha = best if best > alpha else alpha
            if alpha >= beta:
        if get_cur_time() < move_stop_time and depth in best_poses:
            depth += 1

        childrens[head].sort(key=lambda c: scores[c]
                             if c not in mmx_scores else mmx_scores[c],

    #alphabeta(head, depth, alpha, beta, True)

    #best_pos = max(childrens[head], key=lambda c: scores[c] if c not in mmx_scores else 100*mmx_scores[c])
    best_pos = best_poses[
        depth - 1] if depth > START_DEPTH else best_poses[START_DEPTH]
    #best_pos = max(children, key=lambda c: scores[c])
    move_y, move_x = bb.move_to_yx(bb.find_move(head, best_pos))

    if (board[move_y][move_x] != ' '):
        move_y, move_x = make_forced_move(board)
        offtime = True
        offtime_pos = best_pos
        offtime_depth = depth
    if kwargs.get('time', False):
        print("pdab:", "d:", depth - 1, "\tt:", get_cur_time(), len(scores),

    return move_y, move_x
Beispiel #3
        s += str(i % 10)
        for j in range(len(board[0]) - 1):
            s += str(board[i][j]) + "|"
        s += str(board[i][len(board[0]) - 1])

        s += "*\n"
    s += (len(board[0]) * 2 + 1) * "*"


if __name__ == '__main__':
    board = []
    for i in range(8):
        board.append([" "] * 8)
    import random
    for i in range(10):
        board[random.randrange(0, 8)][random.randrange(0, 8)] = 'w'
        board[random.randrange(0, 8)][random.randrange(0, 8)] = 'b'
    board = bb.pos_to_board(0x2500860002000003000d201000860300)
    #m_bb, o_bb = bb.board_to_bbs(board, 'w')

    print(hex(bb.board_to_pos(board, 'w')))
    #bb.print_bb(bb.get_relevant(bb.board_to_pos(board, 'w')))
    #bb.score_bb(m_bb, o_bb)
    import cProfile
    #print(move(board, 'w'))
    cProfile.runctx("print(move(board, 'w'))", globals(), locals())