Beispiel #1
def get_latest_blocks():
    p = RawProxy()
    blocks_to_take = 10
    if request.args.get('count'):
        blocks_to_take = int(blocks_to_take)
    blocks_count = p.getblockcount()
    block_heights = list(range(blocks_count - blocks_to_take, blocks_count))
    block_hashes = list(map(p.getblockhash, block_heights))
    block_hashes.reverse()  # So latest hashes would go first
    return jsonify(block_hashes)
Beispiel #2
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import codecs
from bitcoin.rpc import RawProxy

if __name__ == '__main__':
    conf = input('Please enter path to the configuration file: ')

    proxy = RawProxy(btc_conf_file=conf)
    numblocks = proxy.getblockcount() + 1

    fp ='out.csv', 'w', 'utf-8')

    for idx in range(numblocks):
        blockinfo = proxy.getblock(proxy.getblockhash(idx))
            map(str, [
            ])) + '\n')


# End of File
from bitcoin.rpc import RawProxy

p = RawProxy()

lastblockheight = p.getblockcount()

total_value = 0

# Skip the block of height 0 since the genesis block coinbase is not considered
# an ordinary transaction and cannot be retrieved
for blockheight in range(1, lastblockheight + 1):
    blockhash = p.getblockhash(blockheight)
    block = p.getblock(blockhash)
    transactions = block['tx']
    block_value = 0

    for txid in transactions:
        tx_value = 0
        raw_tx = p.getrawtransaction(txid)
        decoded_tx = p.decoderawtransaction(raw_tx)

        for output in decoded_tx['vout']:
            tx_value += output['value']

        block_value += tx_value

    total_value += block_value
    print(f"blockheight = {blockheight}, total_value = {total_value}")

print("Total value of BTC moved in blockchain: ", total_value)
# 파이썬 실습 파일:
# RPC 패키지 :
from bitcoin.rpc import RawProxy
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Bitcoin Core에 접속한다.
p = RawProxy()

# 블록체인의 블록 개수을 읽어온다
n = p.getblockcount()

# 최근 1000개 블록의 헤더를 읽어서 생성 시간을 조회한다.
header = []
for i in range(n - 999, n + 1):
    bHash = p.getblockhash(i)
    hdr = p.getblockheader(bHash)
    height = hdr['height']
    btime = hdr['time']
    bhash = hdr['hash']
    header.append([height, btime, bhash])

df = pd.DataFrame(header, columns=['Height', 'Time', 'Hash'])
sdf = df.sort_values('Time')
sdf = sdf.reset_index()
print('총 %d 개 블록 헤더를 읽어왔습니다.' % len(df))

# 블록 생성 소요 시간 분포 관찰
mtime = sdf['Time'].diff().values