Beispiel #1
def connect_to_local():
    Connect to default bitcoin instance owned by this user, on this machine.
    Returns a :class:`~bitcoinrpc.connection.BitcoinConnection` object.
    from bitcoinrpc.connection import BitcoinConnection
    from bitcoinrpc.config import read_default_config

    cfg = read_default_config()
    port = int(cfg.get('rpcport', '8332'))
    rcpuser = cfg.get('rpcuser', '')

    return BitcoinConnection(rcpuser, cfg['rpcpassword'], 'localhost', port)
Beispiel #2
def connect_to_local():
    Connect to default bitcoin instance owned by this user, on this machine.
    Returns a :class:`~bitcoinrpc.connection.BitcoinConnection` object.
    from bitcoinrpc.connection import BitcoinConnection
    from bitcoinrpc.config import read_default_config    

    cfg = read_default_config()
    port = int(cfg.get('rpcport', '8332'))
    rcpuser = cfg.get('rpcuser', '')

    return BitcoinConnection(rcpuser,cfg['rpcpassword'],'localhost',port)
def connect_to_local(filename = None):
    Connect to default bitcoin instance owned by this user, on this machine.

    Returns a :class:`~bitcoinrpc.connection.BitcoinConnection` object.


        - `filename`: Path to a configuration file in a non-standard location (optional)
    from bitcoinrpc.connection import BitcoinConnection
    from bitcoinrpc.config import read_default_config

    cfg = read_default_config(filename)
    port = int(cfg.get('rpcport', '8332'))
    rcpuser = cfg.get('rpcuser', '')

    return BitcoinConnection(rcpuser,cfg['rpcpassword'],'localhost',port)
Beispiel #4
def connect_to_local(filename=None):
    Connect to default bitcoin instance owned by this user, on this machine.

    Returns a :class:`~bitcoinrpc.connection.BitcoinConnection` object.


        - `filename`: Path to a configuration file in a non-standard location (optional)
    from bitcoinrpc.connection import BitcoinConnection
    from bitcoinrpc.config import read_default_config

    cfg = read_default_config(filename)
    port = int(cfg.get('rpcport', '18332' if cfg.get('testnet') else '8332'))
    rcpuser = cfg.get('rpcuser', '')

    return BitcoinConnection(rcpuser, cfg['rpcpassword'], 'localhost', port)
Beispiel #5
def connect_to_local(filename=None):
    Connect to default bitcoin instance owned by this user, on this machine.

    Returns a :class:`~bitcoinrpc.connection.BitcoinConnection` object.


        - `filename`: Path to a configuration file in a non-standard location (optional)

    cfg = read_default_config(filename)
    if cfg is None:
        cfg = {}
    port = int(cfg.get('rpcport', '18332' if cfg.get('testnet') else '8332'))
    rpcuser = cfg.get('rpcuser', '')
    rpcpassword = cfg.get('rpcpassword', '')

    return BitcoinConnection(rpcuser, rpcpassword, 'localhost', port)
Beispiel #6
def connect_to_local(filename=None):
    Connect to default bitcoin instance owned by this user, on this machine.

    Returns a :class:`~bitcoinrpc.connection.BitcoinConnection` object.


        - `filename`: Path to a configuration file in a non-standard location (optional)
    from bitcoinrpc.connection import BitcoinConnection
    from bitcoinrpc.config import read_default_config

    cfg = read_default_config(filename)
    if cfg is None:
        cfg = {}
    port = int(cfg.get("rpcport", "18332" if cfg.get("testnet") else "8332"))
    rpcuser = cfg.get("rpcuser", "")
    rpcpassword = cfg.get("rpcpassword", "")

    return BitcoinConnection(rpcuser, rpcpassword, "localhost", port)
    def __init__(self, iterations_announced, server_ip, paicoin_cfg_file):
        self._pai_address = None
        self._server_ip = server_ip

        if paicoin_cfg_file is None:
            if sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):
                paicoin_cfg_file = os.path.expanduser(
                    '~/Library/Application Support/PAIcoin/paicoin.conf')
                paicoin_cfg_file = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"),
                                                '.paicoin', 'paicoin.conf')
        if not os.path.isfile(paicoin_cfg_file):
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Path toward paicoin.conf must be provided for node to work')
        cfg = read_default_config(paicoin_cfg_file)

        self._server_port = int(cfg.get('rpcport', 4002))
        self._rpc_user = cfg.get('rpcuser', 'paicoin')
        self._rpc_password = cfg.get('rpcpassword', '')
        self._template = None
        self._template_refresh_interval = 5
        self._iterations_announced = iterations_announced
        self._blocks = []
Beispiel #8
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--config", help="Specify configuration file")
parser.add_argument("--nolocal", help="Don't use connect_to_local", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--noremote", help="Don't use connect_to_remote", action="store_true")
args = parser.parse_args()

if __name__ == "__main__":

    if args.config:
        from bitcoinrpc.config import read_config_file

        cfg = read_config_file(args.config)
        from bitcoinrpc.config import read_default_config

        cfg = read_default_config(None)
    port = int(cfg.get("rpcport", "18332" if cfg.get("testnet") else "8332"))
    rpcuser = cfg.get("rpcuser", "")

    connections = []
    if not args.nolocal:
        local_conn = bitcoinrpc.connect_to_local()  # will use read_default_config
    if not args.noremote:
        remote_conn = bitcoinrpc.connect_to_remote(
            user=rpcuser, password=cfg["rpcpassword"], host="localhost", port=port, use_https=False

    for conn in connections:
        assert conn.getinfo().testnet  # don't test on prodnet
Beispiel #9
*WARNING* Don't run this on a production bitcoin server! *WARNING*
Only on the test network.
import sys


import bitcoinrpc
# from bitcoinrpc.exceptions import BitcoinException, InsufficientFunds

from decimal import Decimal

if __name__ == "__main__":

    from bitcoinrpc.config import read_default_config
    cfg = read_default_config(None)
    port = int(cfg.get('rpcport', '18332' if cfg.get('testnet') else '8332'))
    rpcuser = cfg.get('rpcuser', '')

    local_conn = bitcoinrpc.connect_to_local()  # will use read_default_config
    remote_conn = bitcoinrpc.connect_to_remote(user=rpcuser,

    for conn in (local_conn, remote_conn):
        assert (conn.getinfo().testnet)  # don't test on prodnet

        assert (type(conn.getblockcount()) is int)
        assert (type(conn.getconnectioncount()) is int)
Beispiel #10
#fmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
#d_string = d.strftime(fmt)
#print d_string
#for order in
#    print order.sender_address


config = read_default_config()
print config
print config["rpcuser"]
conn = BitcoinConnection(config["rpcuser"],config["rpcpassword"],config["rpcconnect"],config["rpcport"],0)

#    conn.move("testaccount", "testaccount2", 1.0)
#except InsufficientFunds,e:
#    print "Account does not have enough funds available!"

#balance = conn.getbalance()

#print "Balance: %f" % balance