Beispiel #1
    def from_bytes(cls,
        """Create a public key from its raw binary encoding (in SEC1 format).

        For more info on this format, see:, section 2.3.4

        data = bytearray(data)

        # A public key is a point (x, y) in the elliptic curve, and each
        # coordinate is represented by a unsigned integer of key_size bytes
        key_size = tools.elliptic_curve_key_size(network.curve)

        # The first byte determines whether the key is compressed
            prefix = data.pop(0)

        except IndexError:
            raise InvalidEncoding('Invalid key length (buffer is empty)')

        # If the key is compressed-encoded, only the x coordinate is present
        compressed = True if len(data) == key_size else False

        if not compressed and len(data) != 2 * key_size:
            raise InvalidEncoding('Invalid key length')

        # The first key_size bytes after the prefix are the x coordinate
        x = encoding.b2i_bigendian(bytes(data[:key_size]))

        if compressed:
            # If the key is compressed, the y coordinate should be computed

            if prefix == SEC1_MAGIC_COMPRESSED_0:
                y_parity = 0
            elif prefix == SEC1_MAGIC_COMPRESSED_1:
                y_parity = 1
                raise InvalidEncoding('Invalid prefix for compressed key')

            y = tools.ec_public_y_from_x_and_curve(x, y_parity, network.curve)
            if y is None:
                raise InvalidPoint()
            # If the key isn't compressed, the last key_size bytes are the y
            # coordinate

            if prefix != SEC1_MAGIC_NOT_COMPRESSED:
                raise InvalidEncoding('Invalid prefix for non-compressed key')

            y = encoding.b2i_bigendian(bytes(data[key_size:]))

        return cls.from_point(x, y, network, compressed, backend)
Beispiel #2
    def from_bytes(cls, data, network=network.default, backend=default_backend()):
        """Create a public key from its raw binary encoding (in SEC1 format).

        For more info on this format, see:, section 2.3.4

        data = bytearray(data)

        # A public key is a point (x, y) in the elliptic curve, and each
        # coordinate is represented by a unsigned integer of key_size bytes
        key_size = tools.elliptic_curve_key_size(network.curve)

        # The first byte determines whether the key is compressed
            prefix = data.pop(0)

        except IndexError:
            raise InvalidEncoding('Invalid key length (buffer is empty)')

        # If the key is compressed-encoded, only the x coordinate is present
        compressed = True if len(data) == key_size else False

        if not compressed and len(data) != 2 * key_size:
            raise InvalidEncoding('Invalid key length')

        # The first key_size bytes after the prefix are the x coordinate
        x = encoding.b2i_bigendian(bytes(data[:key_size]))

        if compressed:
            # If the key is compressed, the y coordinate should be computed

            if prefix == SEC1_MAGIC_COMPRESSED_0:
                y_parity = 0
            elif prefix == SEC1_MAGIC_COMPRESSED_1:
                y_parity = 1
                raise InvalidEncoding('Invalid prefix for compressed key')

            y = tools.ec_public_y_from_x_and_curve(x, y_parity, network.curve)
            if y is None:
                raise InvalidPoint()
            # If the key isn't compressed, the last key_size bytes are the y
            # coordinate

            if prefix != SEC1_MAGIC_NOT_COMPRESSED:
                raise InvalidEncoding('Invalid prefix for non-compressed key')

            y = encoding.b2i_bigendian(bytes(data[key_size:]))

        return cls.from_point(x, y, network, compressed, backend)
Beispiel #3
    def test_bitcoind_valid_wifs(self, valid_wifs):
        for wif, secret_hex, attrs in valid_wifs:
            secret = encoding.b2i_bigendian(encoding.a2b_hex(secret_hex))
            network_ = network.testnet if attrs['isTestnet'] else network.livenet
            compressed = attrs['isCompressed']

            k = PrivateKey.from_wif(wif)

            assert k.key.private_numbers().private_value == secret
            assert is network_
            assert k.compressed == compressed
Beispiel #4
    def from_bytes(cls, data, network=network.default, compressed=True, backend=default_backend()):
        """Create a private key from its raw binary encoding (in SEC1 format).

        The input buffer should be a zero-padded big endian unsigned integer.
        For more info on this format, see:, section 2.3.6

        if len(data) != tools.elliptic_curve_key_size(network.curve):
            raise InvalidEncoding('Invalid key length')

        exponent = encoding.b2i_bigendian(data)

            return cls.from_secret_exponent(exponent, network, compressed, backend)

        except InvalidExponent as e:
            raise InvalidEncoding(e.message)
Beispiel #5
    def from_bytes(cls,
        """Create a private key from its raw binary encoding (in SEC1 format).

        The input buffer should be a zero-padded big endian unsigned integer.
        For more info on this format, see:, section 2.3.6

        if len(data) != tools.elliptic_curve_key_size(network.curve):
            raise InvalidEncoding('Invalid key length')

        exponent = encoding.b2i_bigendian(data)

            return cls.from_secret_exponent(exponent, network, compressed,

        except InvalidExponent as e:
            raise InvalidEncoding(e.message)