Beispiel #1
 def test_and(self):
     """Bits and'd (&) are correct"""
     and_fifteen_hundred = self.leet & 1500
     self.assertEqual(and_fifteen_hundred, bitmath.Bit(1304))
     and_orig = self.leet & 1337
     self.assertEqual(and_orig, bitmath.Bit(1337))
     and_thousand = self.leet & 1000
     self.assertEqual(and_thousand, bitmath.Bit(296))
     and_five_hundred = self.leet & 500
     self.assertEqual(and_five_hundred, bitmath.Bit(304))
 def convert_to_mbs(self, number_of_bytes):
     ''' Return Megabit per second from byte per second '''
         bit = bitmath.Bit(number_of_bytes)
         return bit.to_Mib()
         return None
Beispiel #3
 def test_adding_with_different_base_units(self):
     """Adding a bit based type with a byte based type"""
     kib_sized_bit_from_bytes = bitmath.Bit(self.kib_in_bits)
     kib = bitmath.KiB(1)
     added = kib_sized_bit_from_bytes + kib
     two_kib = bitmath.KiB(2)
     self.assertEqual(added, two_kib)
Beispiel #4
 def test_subtracting_with_different_base_units(self):
     """Subtracting a bit based type with a byte based type"""
     kib_sized_bit_from_bytes = bitmath.Bit(self.kib_in_bits)
     kib = bitmath.KiB(1)
     subtracted = kib_sized_bit_from_bytes - kib
     zero_kib = bitmath.KiB(0)
     self.assertEqual(subtracted, zero_kib)
Beispiel #5
 def test_best_prefix_negative_less_than_a_byte(self):
     """best_prefix_base: negative values less than a byte stay as bits"""
     # assert that a Byte of -4 bits yields Bit(-4)
     bm1 = bitmath.Byte(bits=-4)
     expected = bitmath.Bit(-4)
     res = bitmath.best_prefix(bm1)
     # Verify that best prefix math works for negative numbers
     self.assertEqual(res, expected)
     # Verify that best prefix guessed the correct type
     self.assertIs(type(res), bitmath.Bit)
    def setUp(self):
        self.bit = bitmath.Bit(1)
        self.byte = bitmath.Byte(1)
        # NIST units
        self.kib = bitmath.KiB(1)
        self.mib = bitmath.MiB(1)
        self.gib = bitmath.GiB(1)
        self.tib = bitmath.TiB(1)
        self.pib = bitmath.PiB(1)
        self.eib = bitmath.EiB(1)

        # SI units
        self.kb = bitmath.kB(1)
        self.mb = bitmath.MB(1) = bitmath.GB(1)
        self.tb = bitmath.TB(1)
        self.pb = bitmath.PB(1)
        self.eb = bitmath.EB(1)
Beispiel #7
 def bits(data):
     # By default, `best_prefix` returns a value in byte format, this hack (multiply by 8.0)
     # will convert it into bit format.
     bit = 8.0 * bitmath.Bit(float(data))
     bit = bit.best_prefix(bitmath.SI)
     byte_to_bit_classes = {
         'kB': bitmath.kb,
         'MB': bitmath.Mb,
         'GB': bitmath.Gb,
         'TB': bitmath.Tb,
         'PB': bitmath.Pb,
         'EB': bitmath.Eb,
         'ZB': bitmath.Zb,
         'YB': bitmath.Yb,
     bps = byte_to_bit_classes.get(bit.unit, bitmath.Bit).from_other(bit) / 8.0
     if bps.unit != 'Bit':
         return bps.format("{value:.4f} {unit}ps")
     return bps.format("{value:.4f} bps")
Beispiel #8
 def setUp(self):
     self.leet = bitmath.Bit(1337)
Beispiel #9
 def test_parse_b(self):
     """parse_string works on bit strings"""
Beispiel #10
 def test_xor(self):
     """Bits xor'd (^) are correct"""
     xor_thousand = self.leet ^ 1000
     self.assertEqual(xor_thousand, bitmath.Bit(1745))
     xor_five_hundred = self.leet ^ 500
     self.assertEqual(xor_five_hundred, bitmath.Bit(1229))
Beispiel #11
 def test_or(self):
     """Bits or'd (|) are correct"""
     or_thousand = self.leet | 1000
     self.assertEqual(or_thousand, bitmath.Bit(2041))
     or_five_hundred = self.leet | 500
     self.assertEqual(or_five_hundred, bitmath.Bit(1533))
Beispiel #12
 def test_bit_round_up(self):
     """BASE: 2 Bytes (as a Bit()) round up into a Byte()"""
     # Two bytes is 16 bits
     two_bytes = bitmath.Bit(bytes=2)
     # Bit(16) should round up into Byte(2)
     self.assertIs(type(two_bytes.best_prefix()), bitmath.Byte)
Beispiel #13
 def test_right_shift(self):
     """Bits right shifted (>>) are decreased"""
     shifted = self.leet >> 3
     self.assertEqual(shifted, bitmath.Bit(167))
Beispiel #14
 def test_left_shift(self):
     """Bits left shifted (<<) are increased"""
     shifted = self.leet << 3
     self.assertEqual(shifted, bitmath.Bit(10696))
Beispiel #15
 def test_b(self):
     self.assertEqual(bitmath.parse_string("123b"), bitmath.Bit(123))
Beispiel #16
    def get_download(cls, entry, quality = None, download_name = None, confirm = False, download_all = False, ext = 'mp4', show_description = True):
        qp = None
        quality_str = None
        if not ext:
            ext = "mp4"
        if download_all and not quality and not cls.quality:
            qp = raw_input(make_colors("QUALITY: ", 'lw', 'lr'))
        if cls.quality:
            quality = cls.quality
        elif qp:
            cls.quality = qp
            quality = cls.quality

        all_formats = entry.get('formats')
        if cls.is_vimeo:
            all_formats_temp = []
            for f in all_formats:
                if 'http-' in f.get('format'):
            all_formats = all_formats_temp
        link = None
        n = 1
        if not all_formats:
            print(make_colors("No Download Links !", 'lw', 'lr', ['blink']))
        if show_description:
            print(make_colors("Name", 'lc') + "       : " + make_colors(entry.get('title'), 'lw', 'bl'))
            description = entry.get('description')
            if description:
                print(make_colors("Description", 'lg') + ": " + make_colors(description.encode('utf-8'), 'b', 'lg'))        
        if not quality:
            for f in all_formats:
                if len(str(n)) == 1:
                    number = '0' + str(n)
                    number = str(n)
                if f.get('filesize'):
                    print(make_colors(number, 'lc') + ". " + make_colors(f.get('format'), 'lw', 'lr') + " [" + make_colors(str("%0.2f"%bitmath.Bit(f.get('filesize')).Mb) + " Mb", 'b','ly') + "] [" + make_colors(f.get('ext'), 'lr', 'lw') + "]")
                    print(make_colors(number, 'lc') + ". " + make_colors(f.get('format'), 'lw', 'bl') + " [ ] [" + make_colors(f.get('ext'), 'lr', 'lw') + "]")
                n +=1

            q = raw_input(make_colors("select number: ", 'lw','lr'))
            if q and str(q).strip().isdigit():
                q = int(str(q).strip())
                if q <= len(all_formats):
                    link = all_formats[q - 1].get('url')
                    quality_str = all_formats[q - 1].get('format_note')
                    ext = all_formats[q - 1].get('ext')
                    if not download_name:
                        download_name = all_formats[q - 1].get('title')
                    if confirm and not sys.platform == 'win32':
                        qd = raw_input(make_colors("Download with name:", 'lw', 'bl') + " " + make_colors(download_name, 'lr', 'lw') + " [y/enter] ?: ")
                        if not qd == 'y':
                            sys.exit(make_colors("Exit ...", 'lr'))                    
                    return link, quality_str, ext
                return False
            for i in all_formats:
                if not download_name:
                    download_name = i.get('title')                
                if str(quality).lower() in i.get('format_note') and i.get('ext') == 'mp4':
                    link = i.get('url')
                    quality_str = i.get('format_note')
                    ext = i.get('ext')                    
            if not link:
                print(make_colors("No Quality FOUND !", 'lw', 'lr', ['blink']))
                return False
            if confirm and not sys.platform == 'win32':
                qd = raw_input(make_colors("Download with name:", 'lw', 'bl') + " " + make_colors(download_name, 'lr', 'lw') + " [y/enter] ?: ")
                if not qd == 'y':
                    sys.exit(make_colors("Exit ...", 'lr'))                                
            return link, quality_str, ext
        return False
 def convert_bps_to_mbps(self, num_of_bytes):
     bit = bitmath.Bit(num_of_bytes)
     return bit.to_Mib().value
 def test_extreme_oom_round_down(self):
     """NIST: 1 Bit (as a EiB()) rounds down into a Bit()"""
     tiny_EiB = bitmath.EiB.from_other(bitmath.Bit(1))
     self.assertIs(type(tiny_EiB.best_prefix()), bitmath.Bit)
Beispiel #19
            number_of_bytes /= step_to_greater_unit
            unit = 'KB'

        if (number_of_bytes / step_to_greater_unit) >= 1:
            number_of_bytes /= step_to_greater_unit
            unit = 'MB'

        if (number_of_bytes / step_to_greater_unit) >= 1:
            number_of_bytes /= step_to_greater_unit
            unit = 'GB'

        if (number_of_bytes / step_to_greater_unit) >= 1:
            number_of_bytes /= step_to_greater_unit
            unit = 'TB'

        precision = 1
        number_of_bytes = round(number_of_bytes, precision)

        return str(number_of_bytes) + " " + unit

# tools = Utilities()
# time = tools.humanize(11557997560)
# # print tools.convertTime(1155772339)
# print time

import bitmath

downstream = bitmath.Bit(1048576)

print downstream.to_Mib()