def test_with_format(self): """bitmath.format context mgr sets and restores formatting""" to_print = [ bitmath.Byte(101), bitmath.KiB(202), bitmath.MB(303), bitmath.GiB(404), bitmath.TB(505), bitmath.PiB(606), bitmath.EB(707) ] str_reps = [ "101.00-Byte", "202.00-KiB", "303.00-MB", "404.00-GiB", "505.00-TB", "606.00-PiB", "707.00-EB" ] # Make sure formatting looks right BEFORE the context manager self.assertEqual(str(bitmath.KiB(1.337)), "1.337 KiB") with bitmath.format("{value:.2f}-{unit}"): for (inst, inst_str) in zip(to_print, str_reps): self.assertEqual(str(inst), inst_str) # Make sure formatting looks right AFTER the context manager self.assertEqual(str(bitmath.KiB(1.337)), "1.337 KiB")
def test_print_GiB_singular_fmt_in_mgr(self): """TiB(1/3.0) prints out units in singular form, setting the fmt str in the mgr""" expected_result = "341.3GiB" with bitmath.format(fmt_str="{value:.1f}{unit}"): third_tibibyte = bitmath.TiB(1 / 3.0).best_prefix() actual_result = str(third_tibibyte) self.assertEqual(expected_result, actual_result)
def test_print_GiB_plural_fmt_in_mgr(self): """TiB(1/3.0) prints out units in plural form, setting the fmt str in the mgr""" expected_result = "3Bytes" with bitmath.format(fmt_str="{value:.1g}{unit}", plural=True): three_Bytes = bitmath.Byte(3.0) actual_result = str(three_Bytes) self.assertEqual(expected_result, actual_result)
def test_print_byte_plural(self): """Byte(3.0) prints out units in plural form""" expected_result = "3Bytes" fmt_str = "{value:.1g}{unit}" three_Bytes = bitmath.Byte(3.0) with bitmath.format(plural=True): actual_result = three_Bytes.format(fmt_str) self.assertEqual(expected_result, actual_result)
def parse_profile(system_profile, display_name, logger): """ break complex data structures into more simple structures that can be compared easily. display_name is added to data structure for sorting and is later stripped from data structure """ def _parse_lists_of_strings(names, verb): """ helper method to convert lists of strings to comparable facts """ for list_of_strings in names: for item in system_profile.get(list_of_strings, []): parsed_profile[list_of_strings + "." + item] = verb def _parse_running_processes(processes): """ helper method to convert running process lists to facts. We output a fact for each process name, with its count as a value. The count is returned as a string to match the API spec. """ for process in processes: process_fact_name = "running_processes." + process if process_fact_name in parsed_profile: parsed_profile[process_fact_name] = str( int(parsed_profile[process_fact_name]) + 1) else: parsed_profile[process_fact_name] = "1" def _parse_yum_repo(name): """ helper method to convert yum repo objects to comparable facts """ parsed_profile["yum_repos." + name + ".base_url"] = yum_repo.get( "base_url", "N/A") parsed_profile["yum_repos." + name + ".enabled"] = str( yum_repo.get("enabled", "N/A")) parsed_profile["yum_repos." + name + ".gpgcheck"] = str( yum_repo.get("gpgcheck", "N/A")) def _canonicalize_ipv6_addr(addr): """ helper method to display ipv6 address strings unambiguously. If the address is not parsable (for example: 'N/A'), just keep the string as-is. """ try: return str(ipaddress.IPv6Address(addr).compressed) except AddressValueError: return addr def _parse_interface(name): """ helper method to convert network interface objects to comparable facts """ ipv6_addresses = [ _canonicalize_ipv6_addr(addr) for addr in interface.get("ipv6_addresses", ["N/A"]) ] parsed_profile["network_interfaces." + name + ".ipv4_addresses"] = ", ".join( interface.get("ipv4_addresses", ["N/A"])) parsed_profile["network_interfaces." + name + ".ipv6_addresses"] = ", ".join(ipv6_addresses) parsed_profile["network_interfaces." + name + ".mac_address"] = interface.get("mac_address", "N/A") parsed_profile["network_interfaces." + name + ".mtu"] = str( interface.get("mtu", "N/A")) parsed_profile["network_interfaces." + name + ".state"] = interface.get("state", "N/A") parsed_profile["network_interfaces." + name + ".type"] = interface.get( "type", "N/A") def _parse_tags(tags): """ helper method to convert tag lists to facts. We output a fact for each unique tag (combination of namespace and key). The value is a comma-separated ordered list of all values for the tag. """ tag_dict = {} for tag in tags: tag_name = "{}.{}".format(tag["namespace"], tag["key"]) value_list = tag_dict.setdefault(tag_name, []) if tag["value"]: value_list.append(tag["value"]) for tag_name in sorted(tag_dict): parsed_profile["tags." + tag_name] = (", ".join( sorted(tag_dict[tag_name])) if tag_dict[tag_name] else "(no value)") # start with metadata that we have brought down from the system record parsed_profile = { "id": system_profile[SYSTEM_ID_KEY], "name": display_name } # add all strings as-is for key in SYSTEM_PROFILE_STRINGS: parsed_profile[key] = system_profile.get(key, None) # add all integers, converting to str for key in SYSTEM_PROFILE_INTEGERS | SYSTEM_PROFILE_BOOLEANS: parsed_profile[key] = str(system_profile.get(key, "N/A")) _parse_lists_of_strings(SYSTEM_PROFILE_LISTS_OF_STRINGS_ENABLED, "enabled") _parse_lists_of_strings(SYSTEM_PROFILE_LISTS_OF_STRINGS_INSTALLED, "installed") _parse_running_processes(system_profile.get("running_processes", [])) _parse_tags(system_profile.get("tags", [])) if "sap_sids" in system_profile: parsed_profile["sap_sids"] = ", ".join( sorted(system_profile["sap_sids"])) # convert bytes to human readable format if "system_memory_bytes" in system_profile: with bitmath.format(fmt_str="{value:.2f} {unit}"): formatted_size = bitmath.Byte( system_profile["system_memory_bytes"]).best_prefix() parsed_profile["system_memory"] = str(formatted_size) system_profile.pop("system_memory_bytes") for package in system_profile.get("installed_packages", []): try: name, vra = _get_name_vra_from_string(package) if name != "gpg-pubkey": parsed_profile["installed_packages." + name] = vra except UnparsableNEVRAError as e: logger.warn(e.message) for interface in system_profile.get("network_interfaces", []): try: name = interface["name"] _parse_interface(name) except KeyError: logger.warn("network interface has no name, skipping") continue for yum_repo in system_profile.get("yum_repos", []): try: name = yum_repo["name"] _parse_yum_repo(name) except KeyError: logger.warn("yum repo has no name, skipping") continue return parsed_profile
# The 'stream' keyword lets us http GET files in # chunks. r = requests.get(f, stream=True) # We haven't began receiving the payload content yet, we have only # just received the response headers. Of interest is the # 'content-length' header which describes our payload in bytes # # size = bitmath.Byte(int(r.headers['Content-Length'])) # Demonstrate 'with' context handler, allowing us to customize all # bitmath string printing within the indented block. We don't need # all that precision anyway, just two points should do. # # with bitmath.format("{value:.2f} {unit}"): print("Downloading %s (%s) in %s chunks" % (f, size.best_prefix(), args.down.best_prefix())) # We have to save these files somewhere save_path = os.path.join(DESTDIR, fname) print("Saving to: %s" % save_path) print("") # OK. Let's create our actual progress bar now. See the 'maxval' # keyword? That's the size of our payload in bytes. pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar( widgets=widgets, maxval=int(size)).start()