Beispiel #1
def mac_string(device_id):
    Converts a device id into a mac address hex string

    :param device_id: The device id
    :returns: str -- The mac address represented as a string
    return hexlify(byteswap('6', pack('u48', device_id)))
Beispiel #2
def mac_string(device_id):
    Converts a device id into a mac address hex string

    :param device_id: The device id
    :returns: str -- The mac address represented as a string
    return hexlify(byteswap('6', pack('u48', device_id)))
Beispiel #3
def make_frame_address(target, ack_required, res_required, sequence):
    target = target.split(':')
    target = ''.join(target)
    target = int(target, 16)
    unswapped_header = pack(FRAME_ADDRESS_FORMAT, target, 0, 0, ack_required,
                            res_required, sequence)
    frame_address = byteswap(FRAME_ADDRESS_BYTESWAP, unswapped_header)
    return frame_address
Beispiel #4
def pack_section(section, *args):
    Packs bytes into a header including the swap to little-endian

    :param section: The definition of the format and byteswap for this section
    :param \*args: Values to include in the section in the order they are in the format
    :returns: bytearray -- The packed bytes of the section
    return byteswap(section['byteswap'], pack(section['format'], *args))
Beispiel #5
def pack_section(section, *args):
    Packs bytes into a header including the swap to little-endian

    :param section: The definition of the format and byteswap for this section
    :param \*args: Values to include in the section in the order they are in the format
    :returns: bytearray -- The packed bytes of the section
    return byteswap(section['byteswap'], pack(section['format'], *args))
Beispiel #6
 def __bytes__(self):
     return struct.pack(">B", self.led) + bs.byteswap(
             "u3" * 8,
Beispiel #7
 def frombytes(cls, buf):
     """ Creates an :class:`LEDConfig` from a bytes object """
     assert len(buf) == 4
     led_id = int(buf[0])
     buf = bs.byteswap("3", buf[1:])
     clm, lem, b2, g2, r2, b1, g1, r1 = bs.unpack("u3" * 8, buf)
     return cls(
         color1=vkb_color_to_hex_color([r1, g1, b1]),
         color2=vkb_color_to_hex_color([r2, g2, b2]),
Beispiel #8
def interpretPacket(bits):
    if type(bits) != bytearray:
        bits = bytearray(bits)
    frameFormat = 'u16u2u1u1u12u32'
    frameEndianSwap ='224'

    frameAddressFormat = 'u64u48u6u1u1u8'
    frameAddressEndianSwap = '8611'
    protocolHeaderFormat ='u64u16u16'                                               # bit structures from LIFX packet protocol
    protocolHeaderEndianSwap = '822'
    frameLength = int(calcsize(frameFormat)/8)
    frameAddressLength = int(calcsize(frameAddressFormat)/8)
    protocolHeaderLength = int(calcsize(protocolHeaderFormat)/8)                    # all /8 since we want bytes not bits
    # parse through packet
    start = 0
    end = frameLength
    frameFormatBits = bits[start:end]
    frameData = unpack(frameFormat,byteswap(frameEndianSwap,frameFormatBits))       #unpack bits into big-endian values
    start = end
    end = start + frameAddressLength
    frameAddressBits = bits[start:end]
    frameAddressData = unpack(frameAddressFormat,byteswap(frameAddressEndianSwap, frameAddressBits))
    start = end
    end = start + protocolHeaderLength
    protocolHeaderBits = bits[start:end]
    protocolHeaderData = unpack(protocolHeaderFormat,byteswap(protocolHeaderEndianSwap,protocolHeaderBits))
    #print('frame address:', frameAddressData)
    #print('protocol header:',protocolHeaderData)
    return protocolHeaderData[1]
Beispiel #9
    def ioctlCommandGenerate():
        #ioctlCmd = bitstruct.byteswap("8", bitstruct.pack(">u2u14u8u8", 3, ctypes.sizeof(CSRBprotocolCMDmoduleExecute), 1, 1))
        ioctlCmd = bitstruct.pack(">u3u13u8u8", 6,
                                  1, 1)

        #print("ioctlCmd initial assembly: " + ioctlCmd.hex())
        ioctlCmd = bitstruct.byteswap("8", ioctlCmd)
        #print("ioctlCmd byte swapped: " + ioctlCmd.hex())

        ioctlCmdInt = int.from_bytes(ioctlCmd, byteorder='little')
        #print("ioctlCmdInt LE int: " + str(hex(ioctlCmdInt)))

        return ioctlCmdInt
Beispiel #10
    def _pack_bl(self, imm32):
        if imm32 < 0:
            imm32 += (1 << 24)

        s = (imm32 >> 23)
        i1 = ((imm32 >> 22) & 0x1)
        i2 = ((imm32 >> 21) & 0x1)
        j1 = -((i1 ^ s) - 1)
        j2 = -((i2 ^ s) - 1)
        imm10 = ((imm32 >> 11) & 0x3ff)
        imm11 = (imm32 & 0x7ff)
        value = self._CF_BL.pack(0b11110, s, imm10, 0b11, j1, 0b1, j2, imm11)

        return bitstruct.byteswap('22', value)
Beispiel #11
def unpack_section(section, data):
    Unpacks bytes into data, including the endian swap

    :param section: The definition of the format, byteswap and namedtuple for this section
    :param data: The bytes to unpack into the tuple
    :returns: namedtuple -- A namedtuple containing the data from the section

    # Bitstruct only takes byte arrays, some things give us strings
    if type(data) != bytearray:
        data = bytearray(data)

    unpacked = unpack(section['format'], byteswap(section['byteswap'], data))
    return section['fields'](*unpacked)
Beispiel #12
def unpack_section(section, data):
    Unpacks bytes into data, including the endian swap

    :param section: The definition of the format, byteswap and namedtuple for this section
    :param data: The bytes to unpack into the tuple
    :returns: namedtuple -- A namedtuple containing the data from the section

    # Bitstruct only takes byte arrays, some things give us strings
    if type(data) != bytearray:
        data = bytearray(data)

    unpacked = unpack(section['format'], byteswap(section['byteswap'], data))
    return section['fields'](*unpacked)
Beispiel #13
def set_zone_color(average_screen_color, duration, mac_address, start, end):
    payload_format = 'u8u8u16u16u16u16u32u8'
    payload_byteswap = '11222241'

    packet_size = (sizeof(FRAME_HEADER_FORMAT + FRAME_ADDRESS_FORMAT +
                          PROTOCOL_HEADER_FORMAT + payload_format)) / 8
    frame_header = make_frame_header(packet_size, 0, 0, 1, 1024, 0)
    frame_address = make_frame_address(mac_address, 0, 0, 0)
    protocol_header = make_protocol_header(501)
    header = frame_header + frame_address + protocol_header
    unswapped_payload = pack(payload_format, start, end, *average_screen_color,
                             duration, 1)
    payload = byteswap(payload_byteswap, unswapped_payload)
    packet = header + payload
Beispiel #14
    def _pack_bw(self, value):
        if value < 0:
            value += (1 << 25)

        t = (value & 0x1)
        cond = ((value >> 1) & 0xf)
        imm32 = (value >> 5)
        s = (imm32 >> 19)
        j2 = ((imm32 >> 18) & 0x1)
        j1 = ((imm32 >> 17) & 0x1)
        imm6 = ((imm32 >> 11) & 0x3f)
        imm11 = (imm32 & 0x7ff)
        value = self._CF_BW.pack(0b11110, s, cond, imm6, 0b10, j1, t, j2,

        return bitstruct.byteswap('22', value)
Beispiel #15
def make_frame_header(size, origin, tagged, addressable, protocol, source):
    unswapped_header = pack(FRAME_HEADER_FORMAT, size, origin, 0, addressable,
                            protocol, source)
    frame_header = byteswap(FRAME_HEADER_BYTESWAP, unswapped_header)
    return frame_header
Beispiel #16
def make_protocol_header(message_type):
    unswapped_header = pack(PROTOCOL_HEADER_FORMAT, 0, message_type, 0)
    protocol_header = byteswap(PROTOCOL_HEADER_BYTESWAP, unswapped_header)
    return protocol_header
Beispiel #17
    (239, 227, 189),  # white
    (63, 57, 45),  # black

hls_colors = [
    colorsys.rgb_to_hls(x[0] / 256.0, x[1] / 256.0, x[2] / 256.0)
    for x in rgb_colors

num_entries = 9
skip = 4
size = (num_entries - skip) * len(rgb_colors) * 2

with open("enemy_palette.bin", 'rb') as infile:
    rgb_1555 = [
        bitstruct.unpack('u1u5u5u5', bitstruct.byteswap('21',
        for _ in range(0, num_entries)
    base_palette_rgb = [(r / 32.0, g / 32.0 + gl / 64.0, b / 32.0)
                        for gl, r, g, b in rgb_1555]
    base_palette_hls = [
        colorsys.rgb_to_hls(r, g, b) for r, g, b in base_palette_rgb
    with open("enemy_pal.c", 'w') as outfile:
        outfile.write("unsigned char enemy_pal[" + str(size) + "] = {\n")
        for target_hls in hls_colors:
            for base_hls in base_palette_hls:
                colorized_hls = colorize(base_hls, target_hls)
                h, l, s = colorized_hls
                colorized_rgb = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(h, l, s)
                r, g, b = colorized_rgb
Beispiel #18
def read_words(args, address, length):
    serial_connection = serial_open_ensure_connected(args.port)
    payload = struct.pack('>II', address, 4 * length)
    words = execute_command(serial_connection, COMMAND_TYPE_READ, payload)

    return bitstruct.byteswap(length * '4', words)