Beispiel #1
    def send(self,
        """Creates a signed P2PKH transaction and attempts to broadcast it on
        the testnet blockchain. This accepts the same arguments as

        :param outputs: A sequence of outputs you wish to send in the form
                        ``(destination, amount, currency)``. The amount can
                        be either an int, float, or string as long as it is
                        a valid input to ``decimal.Decimal``. The currency
                        must be :ref:`supported <supported currencies>`.
        :type outputs: ``list`` of ``tuple``
        :param fee: The number of satoshi per byte to pay to miners. By default
                    Bitcash will poll `<>`_ and use a fee
                    that will allow your transaction to be confirmed as soon as
        :type fee: ``int``
        :param leftover: The destination that will receive any change from the
                         transaction. By default Bitcash will send any change to
                         the same address you sent from.
        :type leftover: ``str``
        :param combine: Whether or not Bitcash should use all available UTXOs to
                        make future transactions smaller and therefore reduce
                        fees. By default Bitcash will consolidate UTXOs.
        :type combine: ``bool``
        :param message: A message to include in the transaction. This will be
                        stored in the blockchain forever. Due to size limits,
                        each message will be stored in chunks of 220 bytes.
        :type message: ``str``
        :param unspents: The UTXOs to use as the inputs. By default Bitcash will
                         communicate with the testnet blockchain itself.
        :type unspents: ``list`` of :class:``
        :returns: The transaction ID.
        :rtype: ``str``

        tx_hex = self.create_transaction(outputs,


        return calc_txid(tx_hex)
Beispiel #2
    def get_transactions(self):
        """Fetches transaction history.

        :rtype: ``list`` of ``str`` transaction IDs
        self.transactions[:] = NetworkAPI.get_transactions_testnet(self.address)
        return self.transactions
Beispiel #3
    def prepare_transaction(cls,
        """Prepares a P2PKH transaction for offline signing.

        :param address: The address the funds will be sent from.
        :type address: ``str``
        :param outputs: A sequence of outputs you wish to send in the form
                        ``(destination, amount, currency)``. The amount can
                        be either an int, float, or string as long as it is
                        a valid input to ``decimal.Decimal``. The currency
                        must be :ref:`supported <supported currencies>`.
        :type outputs: ``list`` of ``tuple``
        :param compressed: Whether or not the ``address`` corresponds to a
                           compressed public key. This influences the fee.
        :type compressed: ``bool``
        :param fee: The number of satoshi per byte to pay to miners. By default
                    Bitcash will poll `<>`_ and use a fee
                    that will allow your transaction to be confirmed as soon as
        :type fee: ``int``
        :param leftover: The destination that will receive any change from the
                         transaction. By default Bitcash will send any change to
                         the same address you sent from.
        :type leftover: ``str``
        :param combine: Whether or not Bitcash should use all available UTXOs to
                        make future transactions smaller and therefore reduce
                        fees. By default Bitcash will consolidate UTXOs.
        :type combine: ``bool``
        :param message: A message to include in the transaction. This will be
                        stored in the blockchain forever. Due to size limits,
                        each message will be stored in chunks of 220 bytes.
        :type message: ``str``
        :param unspents: The UTXOs to use as the inputs. By default Bitcash will
                         communicate with the blockchain itself.
        :type unspents: ``list`` of :class:``
        :returns: JSON storing data required to create an offline transaction.
        :rtype: ``str``
        unspents, outputs = sanitize_tx_data(
            unspents or NetworkAPI.get_unspent_testnet(address),
            fee or get_fee(),
            leftover or address,

        data = {
            'unspents': [unspent.to_dict() for unspent in unspents],
            'outputs': outputs

        return json.dumps(data, separators=(',', ':'))
Beispiel #4
    def send(self, outputs, fee=None, leftover=None, combine=True,
             message=None, unspents=None, custom_pushdata=False):  # pragma: no cover
        """Creates a signed P2PKH transaction and attempts to broadcast it on
        the blockchain. This accepts the same arguments as

        :param outputs: A sequence of outputs you wish to send in the form
                        ``(destination, amount, currency)``. The amount can
                        be either an int, float, or string as long as it is
                        a valid input to ``decimal.Decimal``. The currency
                        must be :ref:`supported <supported currencies>`.
        :type outputs: ``list`` of ``tuple``
        :param fee: The number of satoshi per byte to pay to miners. By default
                    BitSV will use a fee of 1 sat/byte.
        :type fee: ``int``
        :param leftover: The destination that will receive any change from the
                         transaction. By default BitSV will send any change to
                         the same address you sent from.
        :type leftover: ``str``
        :param combine: Whether or not BitSV should use all available UTXOs to
                        make future transactions smaller and therefore reduce
                        fees. By default BitSV will consolidate UTXOs.
        :type combine: ``bool``
        :param message: A message to include in the transaction. This will be
                        stored in the blockchain forever. Due to size limits,
                        each message will be stored in chunks of 100kb.
        :type message: ``str`` if custom_pushdata = False; ``list`` of ``tuple`` if custom_pushdata = True
        :param unspents: The UTXOs to use as the inputs. By default BitSV will
                         communicate with the blockchain itself.
        :type unspents: ``list`` of :class:``
        :param custom_pushdata: Adds control over push_data elements inside of the op_return by adding the
                                "custom_pushdata" = True / False parameter as a "switch" to the
                                :func:`~bitsv.PrivateKey.send` function and the
                                :func:`~bitsv.PrivateKey.create_transaction` functions.
        :type custom_pushdata: ``bool``
        :returns: The transaction ID.
        :rtype: ``str``
        tx_hex = self.create_transaction(
            outputs, fee=fee, leftover=leftover, combine=combine,
            message=message, unspents=unspents, custom_pushdata=custom_pushdata


        return calc_txid(tx_hex)
Beispiel #5
    def get_unspents(self):
        """Fetches all available unspent transaction outputs.

        :rtype: ``list`` of :class:``
        self.unspents[:] = NetworkAPI.get_unspent_testnet(self.address)
        self.balance = sum(unspent.amount for unspent in self.unspents)
        return self.unspents
Beispiel #6
    def prepare_transaction(cls, address, outputs, compressed=True, fee=None, leftover=None,
                            combine=True, message=None, unspents=None, custom_pushdata=False):  # pragma: no cover
        """Prepares a P2PKH transaction for offline signing.

        :param address: The address the funds will be sent from.
        :type address: ``str``
        :param outputs: A sequence of outputs you wish to send in the form
                        ``(destination, amount, currency)``. The amount can
                        be either an int, float, or string as long as it is
                        a valid input to ``decimal.Decimal``. The currency
                        must be :ref:`supported <supported currencies>`.
        :type outputs: ``list`` of ``tuple``
        :param compressed: Whether or not the ``address`` corresponds to a
                           compressed public key. This influences the fee.
        :type compressed: ``bool``
        :param fee: The number of satoshi per byte to pay to miners. By default
                    BitSV will use a fee of 1 sat/byte
        :type fee: ``int``
        :param leftover: The destination that will receive any change from the
                         transaction. By default BitSV will send any change to
                         the same address you sent from.
        :type leftover: ``str``
        :param combine: Whether or not BitSV should use all available UTXOs to
                        make future transactions smaller and therefore reduce
                        fees. By default BitSV will consolidate UTXOs.
        :type combine: ``bool``
        :param message: A message to include in the transaction. This will be
                        stored in the blockchain forever. Due to size limits,
                        each message will be stored in chunks of 100kb bytes.
        :type message: ``str`` if custom_pushdata = False; ``list`` of ``tuple`` if custom_pushdata = True
        :param unspents: The UTXOs to use as the inputs. By default BitSV will
                         communicate with the blockchain itself.
        :type unspents: ``list`` of :class:``
        :param custom_pushdata: Adds control over push_data elements inside of the op_return by adding the
                                "custom_pushdata" = True / False parameter as a "switch" to the
                                :func:`~bitsv.PrivateKey.send` function and the
                                :func:`~bitsv.PrivateKey.create_transaction` functions.
        :type custom_pushdata: ``bool``
        :returns: JSON storing data required to create an offline transaction.
        :rtype: ``str``
        unspents, outputs = sanitize_tx_data(
            unspents or NetworkAPI.get_unspent(address),
            fee or get_fee(),
            leftover or address,

        data = {
            'unspents': [unspent.to_dict() for unspent in unspents],
            'outputs': outputs

        return json.dumps(data, separators=(',', ':'))
Beispiel #7
def load_data(transaction_id):
    Retrieves a data transaction from the blockchain

    :param transaction_id: The transaction ID to look up

    # Get transaction
    transaction = NetworkAPI.get_transaction(transaction_id)

    # Get data
    data = transaction['data']['vout'][1]['scriptPubKey']['hex']

    # Decode to bytes
    data = bytes.fromhex(data)

    # Handle op codes
    if data[1] == 76:
        # Clear 3 bytes
        data = data[2:]

    elif data[1] == 77:
        # Clear 5 bytes
        data = data[4:]

    elif data[1] == 78:
        # Clear 7 bytes
        data = data[6:]

        data = data[1:]

    # Decode into utf-8
    data = data.decode('utf-8', errors='ignore')

    return data
Beispiel #8
    private_key_bytes, compressed, version = wif_to_bytes(wif)

    if version == 'main':
        if compressed:
            return PrivateKey.from_bytes(private_key_bytes)
            return PrivateKey(wif)
        if compressed:
            return PrivateKeyTestnet.from_bytes(private_key_bytes)
            return PrivateKeyTestnet(wif)

# Instantiate Main, Test and STN NetworkAPI instances for use by all PrivateKey[Test]'s
network_api_main = NetworkAPI('main')
network_api_test = NetworkAPI('test')
network_api_stn = NetworkAPI('stn')

class BaseKey:
    """This class represents a point on the elliptic curve secp256k1 and
    provides all necessary cryptographic functionality. You shouldn't use
    this class directly.

    :param wif: A private key serialized to the Wallet Import Format. If the
                argument is not supplied, a new private key will be created.
                The WIF compression flag will be adhered to, but the version
                byte is disregarded. Compression will be used by all new keys.
    :type wif: ``str``
    :raises TypeError: If ``wif`` is not a ``str``.