Beispiel #1
    def proxy(self, sync_type, name, args, kwargs):
        Call method on server.

        sync_type :: 
          = 0 .. call method, wait, get response.
          = 1 .. call method, inmediate return of object.
          = 2 .. call notification and exit.
          = 3 .. call method, inmediate return of non-auto-close object.

        data = {}
        data["method"] = name

        if sync_type in [0, 1, 3]:
            data["id"] = self.get_id()

        if len(args) > 0:
            data["params"] = args

        if len(kwargs) > 0:
            if len(args) == 0:
                data["params"] = kwargs
                data["kwparams"] = kwargs

        if sync_type == 2:  # short-circuit for speed!
            self.write(json.dumps(data, self))
            return None

        req = Request(self, data)
        if sync_type == 0:
            return req.value
        if sync_type == 3:
            req.auto_close = False
        return req
Beispiel #2
    def proxy(self, sync_type, name, args, kwargs):
        Call method on server.

        sync_type ::
          = 0 .. call method, wait, get response.
          = 1 .. call method, inmediate return of object.
          = 2 .. call notification and exit.
          = 3 .. call method, inmediate return of non-auto-close object.


        data = {}
        data['method'] = name

        if sync_type in [0, 1, 3]:
            data['id'] = self.get_id()

        if len(args) > 0:
            data['params'] = args

        if len(kwargs) > 0:
            if len(args) == 0:
                data['params'] = kwargs
                data['kwparams'] = kwargs

        if sync_type == 2: # short-circuit for speed!
            self.write(json.dumps(data, self))
            return None

        req = Request(self, data)
        if sync_type == 0:
            return req.value
        if sync_type == 3:
            req.auto_close = False
        return req