def find_bluetooth_adapter(self, tty_port=None): if tty_port is None: tty_port = self.find_tty() if tty_port is None: raise ValueError('# Bluetooth adaptoru bulunamadi!\n#') self.ble = BLE(tty_port)
def find_bluetooth_adapter(self, tty_port=None): if tty_port is None: tty_port = self.find_tty() if tty_port is None: raise ValueError('Bluetooth adapter not found!') self.ble = BLE(tty_port)
def run(): import signal QtCore.QCoreApplication.setOrganizationName("productize") QtCore.QCoreApplication.setOrganizationDomain("") QtCore.QCoreApplication.setApplicationName("BTLE tool") app = QtGui.QApplication(["BTLE tool"]) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) baud_rate = 115200 ble = BLE(baud_rate) ble.start() ct = ActivityThread(ble) ble.scan_response.connect(lambda x: print_scan_response(ble, x)) ct.start() return app.exec_()
def __init__(self, app): super(MyWindow, self).__init__() self.setupUi(self) #初始化GUI self.loop = quamash.QEventLoop(app) # BLE协程循环 self.ble = BLE(self) # 实例化BLE self.emit_thread = EmitThread(self) # 实例化Emit对象 self.emit_thread.signal.connect(self.image) # 实时成像发射信号与槽函数连接 self.save_thread = saveThread(self) # 实例化save对象(连续测量10组实时数据) self.signal_slot() # 菜单栏的槽函数设置 self.alg = 'svd' # 默认调用灵敏度矩阵法 self.disp = 'interp' # 默认使用矩阵插值方式显示图像 self.refedata = np.zeros(28) # 空场参考值 self.projdata = np.zeros(28) # 历史测量值 self.proj_d = np.zeros(28) # 边界值差分(测量值-空场值) self.elem_data = np.zeros(576) # 图像重建数值 self.statusBar().showMessage('Ready') # 实例化MyFigure self.F = MyFigure(width=16, height=9, dpi=100) # ax1初始显示0 self.cache1 =, np.zeros(28), color='deepskyblue') # 鼠标移动显示当前位置的图像重建数值大小 plt.gcf().canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.motion_notify) # ax3初始显示为灰色 self.cache3 = [] for i in np.arange(8): for j in np.arange(i + 1, 8): cache, = self.F.ax3.plot([self.F.theta[i], self.F.theta[j]], [1, 1], color='dimgray') self.cache3.append(cache) plt.tight_layout() plt.ion() #进入交互成像模式 self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.F, 0, 1) #将画布置于GUI界面中
env = Environment((grid_min_coord_x, grid_min_coord_y), (grid_max_coord_x,grid_max_coord_y), (agent_coord_x,agent_coord_y), (goal_coord_x,goal_coord_y)) flag = input("do you want to enter any obstacles (Y/N)? ") while flag == "Y": bottom_left_coord_x = int(input("\t enter bottom left x coordinate: ")) bottom_left_coord_y = int(input("\t enter bottom left y coordinate: ")) top_right_coord_x = int(input("\t enter top right x coordinate: ")) top_right_coord_y = int(input("\t enter top right y coordinate: ")) env.add_obstacle((bottom_left_coord_x,bottom_left_coord_y), (top_right_coord_x,top_right_coord_y)) flag = input("do you want to enter more obstacles (Y/N)? ") agent = Agent() ble1 = BLE(4, -73, (0,0)) ble2 = BLE(4, -73, (100,0)) ble3 = BLE(4, -73, (50,50)) wp = WaypointPlanner(env, agent) plan = wp.plan() print(plan) wp.visualise(plan)