Beispiel #1
    def test_bootloader_in_kickstart(self):
        test that a bootloader such as prepboot/biosboot shows up
        in the kickstart data

        # prepboot test case
        with patch(
                new_callable=PropertyMock) as mock_bootloader_device:
            with patch(
                    new_callable=PropertyMock) as mock_mountpoints:
                # set up prepboot partition
                bootloader_device_obj = PartitionDevice(
                bootloader_device_obj.size = Size('5 MiB')
                bootloader_device_obj.format = formats.get_format("prepboot")

                prepboot_blivet_obj = InstallerStorage()

                # mountpoints must exist for update_ksdata to run
                mock_bootloader_device.return_value = bootloader_device_obj
                mock_mountpoints.values.return_value = []

                # initialize ksdata
                prepboot_ksdata = returnClassForVersion()()
                prepboot_blivet_obj.ksdata = prepboot_ksdata

        self.assertIn("part prepboot", str(prepboot_blivet_obj.ksdata))

        # biosboot test case
        with patch('',
                   new_callable=PropertyMock) as mock_devices:
            with patch(
                    new_callable=PropertyMock) as mock_mountpoints:
                # set up biosboot partition
                biosboot_device_obj = PartitionDevice(
                biosboot_device_obj.size = Size('1MiB')
                biosboot_device_obj.format = formats.get_format("biosboot")

                biosboot_blivet_obj = InstallerStorage()

                # mountpoints must exist for updateKSData to run
                mock_devices.return_value = [biosboot_device_obj]
                mock_mountpoints.values.return_value = []

                # initialize ksdata
                biosboot_ksdata = returnClassForVersion()()
                biosboot_blivet_obj.ksdata = biosboot_ksdata

        self.assertIn("part biosboot", str(biosboot_blivet_obj.ksdata))
Beispiel #2
    def test_bootloader_in_kickstart(self):
        test that a bootloader such as prepboot/biosboot shows up
        in the kickstart data

        with patch('blivet.osinstall.InstallerStorage.bootloader_device',
                   new_callable=PropertyMock) as mock_bootloader_device:
            with patch('blivet.osinstall.InstallerStorage.mountpoints',
                       new_callable=PropertyMock) as mock_mountpoints:
                # set up prepboot partition
                bootloader_device_obj = PartitionDevice(
                bootloader_device_obj.size = Size('5 MiB')
                bootloader_device_obj.format = formats.get_format("prepboot")

                blivet_obj = InstallerStorage()

                # mountpoints must exist for update_ksdata to run
                mock_bootloader_device.return_value = bootloader_device_obj
                mock_mountpoints.values.return_value = []

                # initialize ksdata
                test_ksdata = returnClassForVersion()()
                blivet_obj.ksdata = test_ksdata

        self.assertTrue("part prepboot" in str(blivet_obj.ksdata))
Beispiel #3
    def test_bootloader_in_kickstart(self):
        test that a bootloader such as prepboot/biosboot shows up
        in the kickstart data

        with patch('blivet.osinstall.InstallerStorage.bootloader_device', new_callable=PropertyMock) as mock_bootloader_device:
            with patch('blivet.osinstall.InstallerStorage.mountpoints', new_callable=PropertyMock) as mock_mountpoints:
                # set up prepboot partition
                bootloader_device_obj = PartitionDevice("test_partition_device")
                bootloader_device_obj.size = Size('5 MiB')
                bootloader_device_obj.format = formats.get_format("prepboot")

                blivet_obj = InstallerStorage()

                # mountpoints must exist for update_ksdata to run
                mock_bootloader_device.return_value = bootloader_device_obj
                mock_mountpoints.values.return_value = []

                # initialize ksdata
                test_ksdata = returnClassForVersion()()
                blivet_obj.ksdata = test_ksdata

        self.assertTrue("part prepboot" in str(blivet_obj.ksdata))
Beispiel #4
    def test_biosboot_bootloader_in_kickstart(self, mock_mountpoints, mock_devices, dbus):
        """Test that a biosboot bootloader shows up in the ks data."""
        # set up biosboot partition
        biosboot_device_obj = PartitionDevice("biosboot_partition_device")
        biosboot_device_obj.size = Size('1MiB')
        biosboot_device_obj.format = formats.get_format("biosboot")

        # mountpoints must exist for updateKSData to run
        mock_devices.return_value = [biosboot_device_obj]
        mock_mountpoints.values.return_value = []

        # initialize ksdata
        biosboot_blivet_obj = InstallerStorage(makeVersion())

        self.assertIn("part biosboot", str(biosboot_blivet_obj.ksdata))
Beispiel #5
    def test_biosboot_bootloader_in_kickstart(self, mock_mountpoints, mock_devices, dbus):
        """Test that a biosboot bootloader shows up in the ks data."""
        # set up biosboot partition
        biosboot_device_obj = PartitionDevice("biosboot_partition_device")
        biosboot_device_obj.size = Size('1MiB')
        biosboot_device_obj.format = formats.get_format("biosboot")

        # mountpoints must exist for updateKSData to run
        mock_devices.return_value = [biosboot_device_obj]
        mock_mountpoints.values.return_value = []

        # initialize ksdata
        ksdata = makeVersion()
        biosboot_blivet_obj = InstallerStorage()
        update_storage_ksdata(biosboot_blivet_obj, ksdata)

        self.assertIn("part biosboot", str(ksdata))
Beispiel #6
    def test_prepboot_bootloader_in_kickstart(self, mock_mountpoints,
                                              mock_bootloader_device, dbus):
        """Test that a prepboot bootloader shows up in the ks data."""
        # set up prepboot partition
        bootloader_device_obj = PartitionDevice("test_partition_device")
        bootloader_device_obj.size = Size('5 MiB')
        bootloader_device_obj.format = formats.get_format("prepboot")

        # mountpoints must exist for update_ksdata to run
        mock_bootloader_device.return_value = bootloader_device_obj
        mock_mountpoints.values.return_value = []

        # initialize ksdata
        prepboot_blivet_obj = InstallerStorage(makeVersion())

        self.assertIn("part prepboot", str(prepboot_blivet_obj.ksdata))
Beispiel #7
    def test_biosboot_bootloader_in_kickstart(self, mock_mountpoints, mock_devices, dbus):
        """Test that a biosboot bootloader shows up in the ks data."""
        # set up biosboot partition
        biosboot_device_obj = PartitionDevice("biosboot_partition_device")
        biosboot_device_obj.size = Size('1MiB')
        biosboot_device_obj.format = get_format("biosboot")

        # mountpoints must exist for updateKSData to run
        mock_devices.return_value = [biosboot_device_obj]
        mock_mountpoints.values.return_value = []

        # set up the storage

        # initialize ksdata
        ksdata = self._setup_kickstart()
        self.assertIn("part biosboot", str(ksdata))
    def test_prepboot_bootloader_in_kickstart(self, mock_mountpoints, dbus):
        """Test that a prepboot bootloader shows up in the ks data."""
        # set up prepboot partition
        bootloader_device_obj = PartitionDevice("test_partition_device")
        bootloader_device_obj.size = Size('5 MiB')
        bootloader_device_obj.format = get_format("prepboot")

        # mountpoints must exist for update_ksdata to run
        mock_mountpoints.values.return_value = []

        # set up the storage
        assert = bootloader_device_obj

        # initialize ksdata
        ksdata = self._setup_kickstart()
        assert "part prepboot" in str(ksdata)
Beispiel #9
    def test_prepboot_bootloader_in_kickstart(self, mock_mountpoints, dbus):
        """Test that a prepboot bootloader shows up in the ks data."""
        # disable other partitioning modules
        dbus.return_value.Enabled = False

        # set up prepboot partition
        bootloader_device_obj = PartitionDevice("test_partition_device")
        bootloader_device_obj.size = Size('5 MiB')
        bootloader_device_obj.format = formats.get_format("prepboot")

        # mountpoints must exist for update_ksdata to run
        mock_mountpoints.values.return_value = []

        # set up the storage
        prepboot_blivet_obj = InstallerStorage()
        prepboot_blivet_obj.bootloader.stage1_device = bootloader_device_obj

        # initialize ksdata
        ksdata = makeVersion()
        update_storage_ksdata(prepboot_blivet_obj, ksdata)

        self.assertIn("part prepboot", str(ksdata))
Beispiel #10
    def test_prepboot_bootloader_in_kickstart(self, mock_mountpoints, dbus):
        """Test that a prepboot bootloader shows up in the ks data."""
        # disable other partitioning modules
        dbus.return_value.Enabled = False

        # set up prepboot partition
        bootloader_device_obj = PartitionDevice("test_partition_device")
        bootloader_device_obj.size = Size('5 MiB')
        bootloader_device_obj.format = formats.get_format("prepboot")

        # mountpoints must exist for update_ksdata to run
        mock_mountpoints.values.return_value = []

        # set up the storage
        prepboot_blivet_obj = InstallerStorage()
        prepboot_blivet_obj.bootloader.stage1_device = bootloader_device_obj

        # initialize ksdata
        ksdata = makeVersion()
        update_storage_ksdata(prepboot_blivet_obj, ksdata)

        self.assertIn("part prepboot", str(ksdata))
Beispiel #11
    def test_target_size(self):
        with sparsetmpfile("targetsizetest", Size("10 MiB")) as disk_file:
            disk = DiskFile(disk_file)
            disk.format = get_format("disklabel", device=disk.path, label_type="msdos")
            grain_size = Size(disk.format.alignment.grainSize)
            sector_size = Size(disk.format.parted_device.sectorSize)
            start = int(grain_size)
            orig_size = Size("6 MiB")
            end = start + int(orig_size / sector_size) - 1
            disk.format.add_partition(start, end)
            partition = disk.format.parted_disk.getPartitionBySector(start)
            self.assertNotEqual(partition, None)
            self.assertEqual(orig_size, Size(partition.getLength(unit='B')))

            device = PartitionDevice(os.path.basename(partition.path),
            device.disk = disk
            device.exists = True
            device.parted_partition = partition

            device.format = get_format("ext4", device=device.path)
            device.format.exists = True
            # grain size should be 1 MiB
            device.format._min_instance_size = Size("2 MiB") + (grain_size / 2)
            device.format._resizable = True

            # Make sure things are as expected to begin with.
            self.assertEqual(device.size, orig_size)
            self.assertEqual(device.min_size, Size("3 MiB"))
            # start sector's at 1 MiB
            self.assertEqual(device.max_size, Size("9 MiB"))

            # ValueError if not Size
            with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError,
                                       "new size must.*type Size"):
                device.target_size = 22

            self.assertEqual(device.target_size, orig_size)

            # ValueError if size smaller than min_size
            with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError,
                                       "size.*smaller than the minimum"):
                device.target_size = Size("1 MiB")

            self.assertEqual(device.target_size, orig_size)

            # ValueError if size larger than max_size
            with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError,
                                       "size.*larger than the maximum"):
                device.target_size = Size("11 MiB")

            self.assertEqual(device.target_size, orig_size)

            # ValueError if unaligned
            with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, "new size.*not.*aligned"):
                device.target_size = Size("3.1 MiB")

            self.assertEqual(device.target_size, orig_size)

            # successfully set a new target size
            new_target = device.max_size
            device.target_size = new_target
            self.assertEqual(device.target_size, new_target)
            self.assertEqual(device.size, new_target)
            parted_size = Size(device.parted_partition.getLength(unit='B'))
            self.assertEqual(parted_size, device.target_size)

            # reset target size to original size
            device.target_size = orig_size
            self.assertEqual(device.target_size, orig_size)
            self.assertEqual(device.size, orig_size)
            parted_size = Size(device.parted_partition.getLength(unit='B'))
            self.assertEqual(parted_size, device.target_size)
Beispiel #12
    def test_min_max_size_alignment(self):
        with sparsetmpfile("minsizetest", Size("10 MiB")) as disk_file:
            disk = DiskFile(disk_file)
            disk.format = get_format("disklabel", device=disk.path)
            grain_size = Size(disk.format.alignment.grainSize)
            sector_size = Size(disk.format.parted_device.sectorSize)
            start = int(grain_size)
            end = start + int(Size("6 MiB") / sector_size)
            disk.format.add_partition(start, end)
            partition = disk.format.parted_disk.getPartitionBySector(start)
            self.assertNotEqual(partition, None)

            device = PartitionDevice(os.path.basename(partition.path))
            device.disk = disk
            device.exists = True
            device.parted_partition = partition

            # Typical sector size is 512 B.
            # Default optimum alignment grain size is 2048 sectors, or 1 MiB.
            device.format = get_format("ext4", device=device.path)
            device.format.exists = True
            device.format._min_instance_size = Size("2 MiB") + (grain_size / 2)
            device.format._resizable = True

            # min_size

            # The end sector based only on format min size should be unaligned.
            min_sectors = int(device.format.min_size / sector_size)
            min_end_sector = partition.geometry.start + min_sectors - 1

            # The end sector based on device min size should be aligned.
            min_sectors = int(device.min_size / sector_size)
            min_end_sector = partition.geometry.start + min_sectors - 1

            # max_size

            # Add a partition starting three sectors past an aligned sector and
            # extending to the end of the disk so that there's a free region
            # immediately following the first partition with an unaligned end
            # sector.
            free = disk.format.parted_disk.getFreeSpaceRegions()[-1]
            raw_start = int(Size("9 MiB") / sector_size)
            start = disk.format.alignment.alignUp(free, raw_start) + 3
            disk.format.add_partition(start, disk.format.parted_device.length - 1)

            # Verify the end of the free region immediately following the first
            # partition is unaligned.
            free = disk.format.parted_disk.getFreeSpaceRegions()[1]
            self.assertEqual(disk.format.end_alignment.isAligned(free, free.end),

            # The end sector based on device min size should be aligned.
            max_sectors = int(device.max_size / sector_size)
            max_end_sector = partition.geometry.start + max_sectors - 1
                disk.format.end_alignment.isAligned(free, max_end_sector),