Beispiel #1
def process_and_decrypt_string(encrypted_tampered):
    key = '0x71e6efcfb44e362b6e14f7abbecf5503'
    key_in_binary = binascii.a2b_hex(key[2:])
    iv = key
    iv_in_binary = binascii.a2b_hex(iv[2:])

    decrypted = block.openssl_cbc_decrypt(encrypted_tampered, key_in_binary,
    if block.exception_high_ascii(decrypted) is not None:
        return 'Text had high ASCII characters', decrypted
        return 'All clean', None
Beispiel #2
def padding_oracle(encrypted):
    blockcount = len(encrypted) / blocklen
    final = ''

    for enclen in range(len(encrypted), 0, -16):
        i2 = []
        c2 = encrypted[enclen - 16:enclen]

        #Message larger than 1 block
        if enclen - 16 > 0:
            c1dash = encrypted[enclen - 32:enclen - 16]
        #Single block message
        elif enclen - 16 == 0:
            c1dash = ivsplit

        for bytenum in range(15, -1, -1):
            no_of_pad_chars = blocklen - bytenum
            l1 = []
            for middlebyte in reversed(i2):
                t2 = middlebyte ^ no_of_pad_chars

            #This is the actual brute-force bit where we guess characters in a specific position
            for i in range(1, 256):
                t1 = hex(i)[2:].zfill(2).decode("hex")
                c1 = '\x41' * bytenum + t1

                #Appending bytes already solved for. This grabs the last byte first, then the second last and so on
                for x in l1:
                    c1 = c1 + x

                chosen_ct = c1 + c2
                decrypted = block.openssl_cbc_decrypt(chosen_ct, key, ivsplit)

                is_padding_correct = block.check_pad(blocklen, decrypted)
                if is_padding_correct == True:
                    #This is for block N-1. Remember. NOT Block N.
                    i2.append(i ^ no_of_pad_chars)

        f1 = []
        c1dash = c1dash[::-1]
        #CBC here, xor previous block byte by byte (which we solved for) with the target block (which we already have) and get plaintext_per_block
        for i in range(0, 16):
            f1.append(chr(ord(c1dash[i]) ^ i2[i]))

        blockcount -= 1
        #Since we have solved stuff in the reverse order, we need to reverse it here to get the plaintext in the right order
        final = ''.join(reversed(f1)) + final

    return final
Beispiel #3
def process_and_decrypt_string(encrypted_tampered):
    admin_string = ';admin=true;'
    key = '0x71e6efcfb44e362b6e14f7abbecf5503'
    key_in_binary = binascii.a2b_hex(key[2:])
    iv = '0x29b28d9f2f56c07a8df1778d7408ba79'
    iv_in_binary = binascii.a2b_hex(iv[2:])

    decrypted_tampered = block.openssl_cbc_decrypt(encrypted_tampered,
                                                   key_in_binary, iv)
    m1 =, decrypted_tampered)
    if m1:
        return decrypted_tampered, True
        return decrypted_tampered, False
Beispiel #4
    MITM Attack starts here
    print 'This is the MITM case'
    #User A sends p, g and A to B but it is intercepted by M who sends p, g, mA instead. B calculates the shared secret using 'mA' instead of A. Meaning there's a connection now between M and B using a shared secret chosen by the attacker
    mb = random.getrandbits(256)
    mB = pow(g, mb, p)
    secretB = pow(mB, b, p)
    keyB = hashlib.sha1(str(secretB)).hexdigest()[0:16]

    #User B encrypts traffic with keyB and sends it to User A. This traffic can be MITM'd by M who can also generate keyB and decrypt the traffic.
    enc_to_A = block.openssl_cbc_encrypt(msg_to_A, block_size, keyB,
    print 'Encrypted text from A to B', repr(enc_to_A)

    dec_to_A = block.openssl_cbc_decrypt(enc_to_A, keyB,
    print 'Decrypted text from A to B', repr(dec_to_A)

    #User B sends back B to A, but this also is MITMed, dropped and 'mB' is sent back to A. Meaning there's a connection now between M and A using a second shared secret.
    ma = random.getrandbits(256)
    mA = pow(g, ma, p)
    secretA = pow(mA, a, p)
    keyA = hashlib.sha1(str(secretA)).hexdigest()[0:16]

    #User A encrypts traffic with keyA and sends it to User B. This traffic can be MITM'd by M who can also generate keyA and decrypt the traffic.
    enc_to_B = block.openssl_cbc_encrypt(msg_to_B, block_size, keyB,
    print 'Encrypted text from B to A', repr(enc_to_B)

    dec_to_B = block.openssl_cbc_decrypt(enc_to_B, keyB,
Beispiel #5
import sys
import os
#Adding directory to the path where Python searches for modules
cmd_folder = os.path.dirname('/home/arvind/Documents/Me/My_Projects/Git/Crypto/modules/')
sys.path.insert(0, cmd_folder)

#Importing common crypto module
import block
import base64

input_file= '10.txt'

if __name__ == "__main__":
    iv= ((r'\x00') * 16).decode('string-escape')
    block_size= 16

    #This bit actually tests the encryption for cbc code
    #plaintext= 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
    #encrypted= block.openssl_cbc_encrypt(plaintext, block_size, key, iv)
    #ciphertext= encrypted

    #This bit solves the actual challenge :)
    with open(input_file) as f:
        t1= f.readlines()

    t2= ''.join(t1)
    ciphertext= base64.b64decode(t2)
    decrypted= block.openssl_cbc_decrypt(ciphertext, key, iv)
    print decrypted
Beispiel #6
def process_and_decrypt_string(encrypted):
    decrypted= block.openssl_cbc_decrypt(encrypted, key_in_binary, iv_in_binary)
    return decrypted