def extract_data(self, timestamp, data, offset):
        """Extract the data from the feature's raw data.

            timestamp (int): Data's timestamp.
            data (str): The data read from the feature.
            offset (int): Offset where to start reading data.
            :class:`blue_st_sdk.feature.ExtractedData`: Container of the number
            of bytes read and the extracted data.

                if the data array has not enough data to read.
        if len(data) - offset < self.DATA_LENGTH_BYTES:
            raise BlueSTInvalidDataException(
                'There is no %s byte available to read.' \
                % (self.DATA_LENGTH_BYTES))
        if len(data) - offset == self.DATA_LENGTH_BYTES:
            # Extract the activity from the feature's raw data.
            sample = Sample(
                [NumberConversion.byte_to_uint8(data, offset),
       ], self.get_fields_description(), timestamp)
            return ExtractedData(sample, self.DATA_LENGTH_BYTES)
            # Extract the activity and the algorithm from the feature's raw data.
            sample = Sample([
                NumberConversion.byte_to_uint8(data, offset),
                NumberConversion.byte_to_uint8(data, offset + 1)
            ], self.get_fields_description(), timestamp)
            return ExtractedData(sample, self.DATA_LENGTH_BYTES + 1)
    def extract_data(self, timestamp, data, offset):
        """Extract the data from the feature's raw data.
            timestamp (int): Data's timestamp.
            data (str): The data read from the feature.
            offset (int): Offset where to start reading data.
            :class:`blue_st_sdk.feature.ExtractedData`: Container of the number
            of bytes read and the extracted data.

                if the data array has not enough data to read.
        if len(data) - offset < self.STATUS_DATA_LENGTH_BYTES:
            raise InvalidDataException(
                'There are no %d bytes available to read.' \
                % (self.STATUS_DATA_LENGTH_BYTES))
        sample = Sample([NumberConversion.byte_to_uint8(data, offset)],
                        self.get_fields_description(), timestamp)
        return ExtractedData(sample, self.STATUS_DATA_LENGTH_BYTES)