Beispiel #1
    def Reached(self, qdr, dist, flyby):
        # Calculate distance before waypoint where to start the turn
        # Turn radius:      R = V2 tan phi / g
        # Distance to turn: wpturn = R * tan (1/2 delhdg) but max 4 times radius
        # using default bank angle per flight phase
        turnrad = bs.traf.tas * bs.traf.tas /     \
                      np.maximum(bs.traf.eps, np.tan( * g0 * nm)  # [nm]

        next_qdr = np.where(self.next_qdr < -900., qdr, self.next_qdr)

        # Avoid circling
#        away = np.abs(degto180(bs.traf.trk - next_qdr)+180.)>90.
#        away     = np.abs(degto180(bs.traf.trk - next_qdr))>90.
        away     = np.abs(degto180(bs.traf.trk%360. - qdr%360.))>90.
        incircle = dist<turnrad*1.01
        circling = away*incircle

        # distance to turn initialisation point [nm]
        self.turndist = flyby*np.minimum(100., np.abs(turnrad *
            np.tan(np.radians(0.5 * np.abs(degto180(qdr%360. - next_qdr%360.))))))

        # Check whether shift based dist [nm] is required, set closer than WP turn distanc
        return np.where(bs.traf.swlnav * ((dist < self.turndist)+circling))[0]
Beispiel #2
    def Reached(self, qdr, dist, flyby):
        # Calculate distance before waypoint where to start the turn
        # Turn radius:      R = V2 tan phi / g
        # Distance to turn: wpturn = R * tan (1/2 delhdg) but max 4 times radius
        # using default bank angle per flight phase
        turnrad = bs.traf.tas * bs.traf.tas /     \
                      (np.maximum(bs.traf.eps, np.tan( * g0)  \
                       # Turn radius in meters!

        next_qdr = np.where(self.next_qdr < -900., qdr, self.next_qdr)

        # Avoid circling by checking for flying away
        away = np.abs(degto180(bs.traf.trk % 360. -
                               qdr % 360.)) > 90.  # difference large than 90

        # Ratio between distance close enough to switch to next wp when flying away
        # When within pro1 nm and flying away: switch also
        proxfact = 1.01  # Turnradius scales this contant , factor => [turnrad]
        incircle = dist < turnrad * proxfact
        circling = away * incircle  # [True/False] passed wp,used for flyover as well

        # distance to turn initialisation point [m]
        self.turndist = flyby * np.abs(turnrad * np.tan(
            np.radians(0.5 * np.abs(degto180(qdr % 360. - next_qdr % 360.)))))

        # Check whether shift based dist is required, set closer than WP turn distance
        swreached = np.where(bs.traf.swlnav *
                             ((dist < self.turndist) + circling))[0]

        # Return True/1.0 for a/c where we have reached waypoint
        return swreached
Beispiel #3
    def update_geovector(self):
        ''' Update traffic according to geovector rules '''
        # Check if any geovectors are defined in the first place, return if not
        if not bool(geovector.geovecs):

        # Retrieve vectorized limits for each aircraft in the current timestep
        gsmin, gsmax, trkmin, trkmax, vsmin, vsmax = get_limits()

        # Convert ground speed to calibrated airspeed
        casmin = vtas2cas(np.ones(traf.ntraf) * gsmin, traf.alt)
        casmax = vtas2cas(np.ones(traf.ntraf) * gsmax, traf.alt)

        # Limit selected airspeed where setting exceeds limit
        self.spd = np.fmax(self.spd, casmin)
        self.spd = np.fmin(self.spd, casmax)
        # Limit selected track where setting exceeds limit
        self.trk = np.where(degto180(self.trk - trkmin) < 0, trkmin, self.trk) # left of minimum
        self.trk = np.where(degto180(self.trk - trkmax) > 0, trkmax, self.trk) # right of maximum

        # Check which aircraft breach the vertical speed limits
        vsbreach = np.logical_or(self.vs < vsmin, self.vs > vsmax)

        # Limit selected vertical speed where setting exceeds limit
        self.vs  = np.fmax(self.vs, vsmin)
        self.vs  = np.fmin(self.vs, vsmax)

        # If vs is not zero but aircraft already at altitude, altitude needs to be changed
        changealt = np.logical_and(np.abs(self.vs) > 0., (self.alt - traf.alt) < 1e-6)
        # Only change altitude when vs limit will be breached
        self.alt = np.where(np.logical_and(vsbreach, changealt), traf.alt + 100*self.vs, self.alt)
Beispiel #4
    def Reached(self, qdr, dist, flyby):
        # Calculate distance before waypoint where to start the turn
        # Turn radius:      R = V2 tan phi / g
        # Distance to turn: wpturn = R * tan (1/2 delhdg) but max 4 times radius
        # using default bank angle per flight phase
        turnrad = bs.traf.tas * bs.traf.tas /     \
                      (np.maximum(bs.traf.eps, np.tan( * g0)  \
                       # Turn radius in meters!

        next_qdr = np.where(self.next_qdr < -900., qdr, self.next_qdr)

        # Avoid circling by checking for flying away
        away     = np.abs(degto180(bs.traf.trk%360. - qdr%360.)) > 90. # difference large than 90

        # Ratio between distance close enough to switch to next wp when flying away
        # When within pro1 nm and flying away: switch also
        proxfact = 1.01 # Turnradius scales this contant , factor => [turnrad]
        incircle = dist<turnrad*proxfact
        circling = away*incircle # [True/False] passed wp,used for flyover as well

        # distance to turn initialisation point [m]
        self.turndist = flyby*np.abs(turnrad *
            np.tan(np.radians(0.5 * np.abs(degto180(qdr%360. - next_qdr%360.)))))

        # Check whether shift based dist is required, set closer than WP turn distance
        swreached = np.where(bs.traf.swlnav * ((dist < self.turndist)+circling))[0]

        # Return True/1.0 for a/c where we have reached waypoint
        return swreached
Beispiel #5
    def Reached(self, qdr, dist, flyby):
        # Calculate distance before waypoint where to start the turn
        # Turn radius:      R = V2 tan phi / g
        # Distance to turn: wpturn = R * tan (1/2 delhdg) but max 4 times radius
        # using default bank angle per flight phase
        turnrad = bs.traf.tas * bs.traf.tas /     \
                      np.maximum(bs.traf.eps, np.tan( * g0 * nm)  # [nm]

        next_qdr = np.where(self.next_qdr < -900., qdr, self.next_qdr)

        # Avoid circling
        #        away = np.abs(degto180(bs.traf.trk - next_qdr)+180.)>90.
        #        away     = np.abs(degto180(bs.traf.trk - next_qdr))>90.
        away = np.abs(degto180(bs.traf.trk % 360. - qdr % 360.)) > 90.
        incircle = dist < turnrad * 1.01
        circling = away * incircle

        # distance to turn initialisation point [nm]
        self.turndist = flyby * np.minimum(
            np.abs(turnrad * np.tan(
                    0.5 * np.abs(degto180(qdr % 360. - next_qdr % 360.))))))

        # Check whether shift based dist [nm] is required, set closer than WP turn distanc
        return np.where(bs.traf.swlnav *
                        ((dist < self.turndist) + circling))[0]
Beispiel #6
def applygeovec():
    # Apply each geovector
    for vec in geovecs:
        areaname = vec[0]
        if areafilter.hasArea(areaname):
            swinside = areafilter.checkInside(areaname,, traf.lon,

            gsmin, gsmax, trkmin, trkmax, vsmin, vsmax = vec[1:]

            # -----Ground speed limiting
            # For now assume no wind:  so use tas as gs
            if gsmin:
                casmin = vtas2cas(np.ones(traf.ntraf) * gsmin, traf.alt)
                usemin = traf.selspd < casmin
                traf.selspd[swinside & usemin] = casmin[swinside & usemin]

            if gsmax:
                casmax = vtas2cas(np.ones(traf.ntraf) * gsmax, traf.alt)
                usemax = traf.selspd > casmax
                traf.selspd[swinside & usemax] = casmax[swinside & usemax]

            #------ Limit Track(so hdg)
            # Max track interval is 180 degrees to avoid ambiguity of what is inside the interval

            if trkmin and trkmax:

                # Use degto180 to avodi problems for e.g interval [350,30]
                usemin = swinside & (degto180(traf.trk - trkmin) < 0
                                     )  # Left of minimum
                usemax = swinside & (degto180(traf.trk - trkmax) > 0
                                     )  # Right of maximum


                traf.ap.trk[swinside & usemin] = trkmin
                traf.ap.trk[swinside & usemax] = trkmax

            # -----Ground speed limiting
            # For now assume no wind:  so use tas as gs
            if vsmin:

                traf.selvs[swinside & (traf.vs < vsmin)] = vsmin

                # Activate V/S mode by using a slightly higher altitude than current values
                traf.selalt[swinside & (traf.vs < vsmin)] = traf.alt[swinside & (traf.vs < vsmin)] + \

            if vsmax:
                traf.selvs[swinside & (traf.vs > vsmax)] = vsmax

                # Activate V/S mode by using a slightly higher altitude than current values
                traf.selalt[swinside & (traf.vs > vsmax)] = traf.alt[swinside & (traf.vs > vsmax)] + \

Beispiel #7
def applygeovec():
    # Apply each geovector
    for vec in geovecs:
        areaname = vec[0]
        if areafilter.hasArea(areaname):
            swinside  = areafilter.checkInside(areaname,, traf.lon, traf.alt)

            gsmin,gsmax,trkmin,trkmax,vsmin,vsmax = vec[1:]

            # -----Ground speed limiting
            # For now assume no wind:  so use tas as gs
            if gsmin:
                casmin = vtas2cas(np.ones(traf.ntraf)*gsmin,traf.alt)
                usemin = traf.selspd<casmin
                traf.selspd[swinside & usemin] = casmin[swinside & usemin]

            if gsmax:
                casmax = vtas2cas(np.ones(traf.ntraf)*gsmax,traf.alt)
                usemax = traf.selspd > casmax
                traf.selspd[swinside & usemax] = casmax[swinside & usemax]

            #------ Limit Track(so hdg)
            # Max track interval is 180 degrees to avoid ambiguity of what is inside the interval

            if trkmin and trkmax:

                # Use degto180 to avodi problems for e.g interval [350,30]
                usemin = swinside & (degto180(traf.trk - trkmin)<0) # Left of minimum
                usemax = swinside & (degto180(traf.trk - trkmax)>0) # Right of maximum


                traf.ap.trk[swinside & usemin] = trkmin
                traf.ap.trk[swinside & usemax] = trkmax

            # -----Ground speed limiting
            # For now assume no wind:  so use tas as gs
            if vsmin:

                traf.selvs[swinside & (traf.vs<vsmin)] = vsmin

                # Activate V/S mode by using a slightly higher altitude than current values
                traf.selalt[swinside & (traf.vs < vsmin)] = traf.alt[swinside & (traf.vs < vsmin)] + \

            if vsmax:
                traf.selvs[swinside & (traf.vs > vsmax)] = vsmax

                # Activate V/S mode by using a slightly higher altitude than current values
                traf.selalt[swinside & (traf.vs > vsmax)] = traf.alt[swinside & (traf.vs > vsmax)] + \

Beispiel #8
def get_limits():
    ''' Get active geovector limits per aircraft (vectorized) '''
    # Initialize arrays for active limit values per aircraft
    traf_gsmin   = np.full(traf.ntraf, np.nan)
    traf_gsmax   = np.full(traf.ntraf, np.nan)
    traf_trkmin  = np.full(traf.ntraf, np.nan)
    traf_trkmax  = np.full(traf.ntraf, np.nan)
    traf_vsmin   = np.full(traf.ntraf, np.nan)
    traf_vsmax   = np.full(traf.ntraf, np.nan)

    # Determine active limits for each aircraft (if any)
    for geoname, geovec in geovector.geovecs.items():
        # Create arrays with limit values
        gsmin  = np.full(traf.ntraf, geovec.gsmin if geovec.gsmin is not None else np.nan)
        gsmax  = np.full(traf.ntraf, geovec.gsmax if geovec.gsmax is not None else np.nan)
        trkmin = np.full(traf.ntraf, geovec.trkmin if geovec.trkmin is not None else np.nan)
        trkmax = np.full(traf.ntraf, geovec.trkmax if geovec.trkmax is not None else np.nan)
        vsmin  = np.full(traf.ntraf, geovec.vsmin if geovec.vsmin is not None else np.nan)
        vsmax  = np.full(traf.ntraf, geovec.vsmax if geovec.vsmax is not None else np.nan)
        # Determine which aircraft are inside the current geovector
        swinside    = checkInside(geoname,, traf.lon, traf.alt)
        # Set limits for each aircraft
        # The limits depend on the location of each aircraft
        # If an aircraft is subject to multiple geovectors: the intersection remains
        traf_gsmin[swinside]  = np.fmax(traf_gsmin[swinside], gsmin[swinside])
        traf_gsmax[swinside]  = np.fmin(traf_gsmax[swinside], gsmax[swinside])
        traf_trkmin[swinside] = np.where(np.invert(degto180(trkmin[swinside] - traf_trkmin[swinside]) < 0),\
                                    trkmin[swinside], traf_trkmin[swinside])
        traf_trkmax[swinside] = np.where(np.invert(degto180(trkmax[swinside] - traf_trkmax[swinside]) > 0),\
                                    trkmax[swinside], traf_trkmax[swinside])
        traf_vsmin[swinside]  = np.fmax(traf_vsmin[swinside], vsmin[swinside])
        traf_vsmax[swinside]  = np.fmin(traf_vsmax[swinside], vsmax[swinside])

    # Check if the intersection of geovectors is empty (set of allowed velocity vectors is empty)
    empt = np.logical_or(traf_gsmin > traf_gsmax, traf_vsmin > traf_vsmax)  # check if min spd limit > max spd limit
    empt = np.logical_or(empt, degto180(traf_trkmin - traf_trkmax) > 0)     # check if min trk limit > max trk limit
    # For aircraft with empty intersection of geovectors, set limits to nan (hence ignore all limits)
    # In this case it is not clear which limits to adhere to
    traf_gsmin[empt] = np.nan
    traf_gsmax[empt] = np.nan
    traf_trkmin[empt] = np.nan
    traf_trkmax[empt] = np.nan
    traf_vsmin[empt] = np.nan
    traf_vsmax[empt] = np.nan

    return traf_gsmin, traf_gsmax, traf_trkmin, traf_trkmax, traf_vsmin, traf_vsmax
Beispiel #9
    def findact(self, i):
        """ Find best default active waypoint.
        This function is called during route creation"""
        #        print "findact is called.!"

        # Check for easy answers first
        if self.nwp <= 0:
            return -1

        elif self.nwp == 1:
            return 0

        # Find closest
        wplat = array(self.wplat)
        wplon = array(self.wplon)
        dy = wplat -[i]
        dx = (wplon - bs.traf.lon[i]) * bs.traf.coslat[i]
        dist2 = dx * dx + dy * dy
        iwpnear = argmin(dist2)

        #Unless behind us, next waypoint?
        if iwpnear + 1 < self.nwp:
            qdr = degrees(arctan2(dx[iwpnear], dy[iwpnear]))
            delhdg = abs(degto180(bs.traf.trk[i] - qdr))

            # we only turn to the first waypoint if we can reach the required
            # heading before reaching the waypoint
            time_turn = max(0.01, bs.traf.tas[i]) * radians(delhdg) / (
                g0 * tan([i]))
            time_straight = dist2[iwpnear] * nm / max(0.01, bs.traf.tas[i])

            if time_turn > time_straight:
                iwpnear = iwpnear + 1

        return iwpnear
Beispiel #10
    def step(self):
        self.actnum += 1
        prev_state = self.state

        # Update state
        qdr, dist = qdrdist([self.acidx], traf.lon[self.acidx],
        t = agent.sta - ETA(agent.acidx)
        print('STA {}, ETA {}, t {}'.format(agent.sta, ETA(agent.acidx), t))
        hdg_rel = degto180(qdr - traf.hdg[agent.acidx])
        #        self.state = np.array([dist, t, hdg_ref,
        #                               traf.tas[agent.acidx]])
        self.state = np.array([dist, t, hdg_rel / 180.])

        # Check episode termination
        if dist < 1 or agent.sta - sim.simt < -60:
            if agent.epsilon > agent.epsilon_min:
                agent.epsilon -= 0.9 / 1000.
            self.done = True

        reward = self.gen_reward()
        print('State {}'.format(self.state))
        print('Reward {}, epsilon {}'.format(reward, agent.epsilon))

        if train_phase:

        return self.state, reward, self.done, prev_state
Beispiel #11
    def Reached(self, qdr, dist, flyby, flyturn, turnradnm):
        # Calculate distance before waypoint where to start the turn
        # Turn radius:      R = V2 tan phi / g
        # Distance to turn: wpturn = R * tan (1/2 delhdg) but max 4 times radius
        # using default bank angle per flight phase

        # First calculate turn distance
        next_qdr = np.where(self.next_qdr < -900., qdr, self.next_qdr)
        flybyturndist, turnrad = self.calcturn(bs.traf.tas,, qdr,
                                               next_qdr, turnradnm)

        self.turndist = np.logical_or(flyby, flyturn) * flybyturndist

        # Avoid circling by checking for flying away
        away = np.abs(degto180(bs.traf.trk % 360. -
                               qdr % 360.)) > 90.  # difference large than 90

        # Ratio between distance close enough to switch to next wp when flying away
        # When within pro1 nm and flying away: switch also
        proxfact = 1.02  # Turnradius scales this contant , factor => [turnrad]
        incircle = dist < turnrad * proxfact
        circling = away * incircle  # [True/False] passed wp,used for flyover as well

        # Check whether shift based dist is required, set closer than WP turn distance
        swreached = np.where(bs.traf.swlnav *
                             ((dist < self.turndist) + circling))[0]

        # Return True/1.0 for a/c where we have reached waypoint
        return swreached
Beispiel #12
    def findact(self,i):
        """ Find best default active waypoint.
        This function is called during route creation"""
#        print "findact is called.!"

        # Check for easy answers first
        if self.nwp<=0:
            return -1

        elif self.nwp == 1:
            return 0

        # Find closest
        wplat  = array(self.wplat)
        wplon  = array(self.wplon)
        dy = (wplat -[i])
        dx = (wplon - bs.traf.lon[i]) * bs.traf.coslat[i]
        dist2 = dx*dx + dy*dy
        iwpnear = argmin(dist2)

        #Unless behind us, next waypoint?
        if iwpnear+1<self.nwp:
            qdr = degrees(arctan2(dx[iwpnear],dy[iwpnear]))
            delhdg = abs(degto180(bs.traf.trk[i]-qdr))

            # we only turn to the first waypoint if we can reach the required
            # heading before reaching the waypoint
            time_turn = max(0.01,bs.traf.tas[i])*radians(delhdg)/(g0*tan([i]))
            time_straight= sqrt(dist2[iwpnear])*60.*nm/max(0.01,bs.traf.tas[i])

            if time_turn > time_straight:
                iwpnear += 1

        return iwpnear
Beispiel #13
    def calcturn(self,tas,bank,wpqdr,next_wpqdr):
        # Turn radius in meters!
        turnrad = tas * tas / (np.maximum(0.01, np.tan(bank)) * g0)

        # turndist in meters
        turndist = np.abs(turnrad *
           np.tan(np.radians(0.5 * np.abs(degto180(wpqdr%360. - next_wpqdr%360.)))))

        return turndist,turnrad
Beispiel #14
 def log(self):
     dist = self.state[0]
     t = self.state[1]
     hdg = self.state[2]
     hdg_ref = 60.
     hdg_diff = (degto180(hdg_ref - hdg))
     f = open(self.fname, 'a')
     f.write("{};{};{};{};{};{};{};{};{};{};{}\n".format(self.ep, self.actnum, self.reward, dist, t, hdg_diff, agent.sta, sim.simt,[self.acidx], traf.lon[self.acidx], agent.epsilon))
Beispiel #15
        def update_data(self):
            if self.limtype == 'gsmin':
                value = self.limval -[traf.id2idx(self.acid)]
            elif self.limtype == 'gsmax':
                value =[traf.id2idx(self.acid)] - self.limval
            elif self.limtype == 'trkmin':
                value = degto180(self.limval -
            elif self.limtype == 'trkmax':
                value = degto180(traf.trk[traf.id2idx(self.acid)] -
            elif self.limtype == 'vsmin':
                value = self.limval - traf.vs[traf.id2idx(self.acid)]
            elif self.limtype == 'vsmax':
                value = traf.vs[traf.id2idx(self.acid)] - self.limval

            # Append new value to breachvals
            self.breachvals = np.append(self.breachvals, value)
Beispiel #16
    def direct(self, idx, wpnam):
        """Set active point to a waypoint by name"""
        name = wpnam.upper().strip()
        if name != "" and self.wpname.count(name) > 0:
            wpidx = self.wpname.index(name)
            self.iactwp = wpidx

  [idx]   = self.wplat[wpidx]
            bs.traf.actwp.lon[idx]   = self.wplon[wpidx]
            bs.traf.actwp.flyby[idx] = self.wpflyby[wpidx]

            bs.traf.ap.ComputeVNAV(idx, self.wptoalt[wpidx], self.wpxtoalt[wpidx])

            # If there is a speed specified, process it
            if self.wpspd[wpidx]>0.:
                # Set target speed for autopilot

                if self.wpalt[wpidx] < 0.0:
                    alt = bs.traf.alt[idx]
                    alt = self.wpalt[wpidx]

                # Check for valid Mach or CAS
                if self.wpspd[wpidx] <2.0:
                    cas = mach2cas(self.wpspd[wpidx], alt)
                    cas = self.wpspd[wpidx]

                # Save it for next leg
                bs.traf.actwp.spd[idx] = cas

                # When already in VNAV: fly it
                if bs.traf.swvnav[idx]:

            # No speed specified for next leg
                 bs.traf.actwp.spd[idx] = -999.

            qdr, dist = geo.qdrdist([idx], bs.traf.lon[idx],
                      [idx], bs.traf.actwp.lon[idx])

            turnrad = bs.traf.tas[idx]*bs.traf.tas[idx]/tan(radians(25.)) / g0 / nm  # [nm]default bank angle 25 deg

            bs.traf.actwp.turndist[idx] = (bs.traf.actwp.flyby[idx] > 0.5)  *   \
                     turnrad*abs(tan(0.5*radians(max(5., abs(degto180(qdr -
                        self.wpdirfrom[self.iactwp]))))))    # [nm]

            bs.traf.swlnav[idx] = True
            return True
            return False, "Waypoint " + wpnam + " not found"
Beispiel #17
    def direct(self, idx, wpnam):
        """Set active point to a waypoint by name"""
        name = wpnam.upper().strip()
        if name != "" and self.wpname.count(name) > 0:
            wpidx = self.wpname.index(name)
            self.iactwp = wpidx

  [idx] = self.wplat[wpidx]
            bs.traf.actwp.lon[idx] = self.wplon[wpidx]
            bs.traf.actwp.flyby[idx] = self.wpflyby[wpidx]

            bs.traf.ap.ComputeVNAV(idx, self.wptoalt[wpidx],

            # If there is a speed specified, process it
            if self.wpspd[wpidx] > 0.:
                # Set target speed for autopilot

                if self.wpalt[wpidx] < 0.0:
                    alt = bs.traf.alt[idx]
                    alt = self.wpalt[wpidx]

                # Check for valid Mach or CAS
                if self.wpspd[wpidx] < 2.0:
                    cas = mach2cas(self.wpspd[wpidx], alt)
                    cas = self.wpspd[wpidx]

                # Save it for next leg
                bs.traf.actwp.spd[idx] = cas

                # When already in VNAV: fly it
                if bs.traf.swvnav[idx]:
                    bs.traf.selspd[idx] = cas

            # No speed specified for next leg
                bs.traf.actwp.spd[idx] = -999.

            qdr, dist = geo.qdrdist([idx], bs.traf.lon[idx],

            turnrad = bs.traf.tas[idx] * bs.traf.tas[idx] / tan(
                radians(25.)) / g0 / nm  # [nm]default bank angle 25 deg

            bs.traf.actwp.turndist[idx] = (bs.traf.actwp.flyby[idx] > 0.5)  *   \
                     turnrad*abs(tan(0.5*radians(max(5., abs(degto180(qdr -
                        self.wpdirfrom[self.iactwp]))))))    # [nm]

            bs.traf.swlnav[idx] = True
            return True
            return False, "Waypoint " + wpnam + " not found"
Beispiel #18
    def update_geofence(self):
        ''' Update traffic according to geofence avoidance functionality '''
        # Get geofence hits
        self.conlst = geofence.Geofence.detect_all(traf, self.dtlook)
        self.geoconf = np.array([any(con) for con in self.conlst])

        # If any geofence conflicts are found, change heading accordingly
        if np.any(self.geoconf):
            # Get idx of all aircraft currently in conflict with a geofence and retrieve list of areas
            idxs      = np.where(self.geoconf)[0]
            areaconfs = np.array(self.conlst)[self.geoconf]

            # Iterate over each aircraft in conflict with at least one geofence
            for idx, areaconf in zip(idxs, areaconfs):
                # First check if the aircraft is inside a geofence
                inside = np.array([area.checkInside([idx], traf.lon[idx], traf.alt[idx]) for area in areaconf])

                # If already inside a geofence, use previously determined track to exit geofence
                if np.any(inside):
                    self.trk[idx] = self.esc_trk[idx]
                    # Make list of vertices for this specific aircraft
                    vertices = []       # list to store all vertices
                    [vertices.extend([coord for coord in area.coordinates]) for area in areaconf]

                    # Compute bearings from aircraft to each of the vertices
                    bearings = np.array([qdrdist([idx], traf.lon[idx], vertices[i], \
                            vertices[i+1])[0] for i in range(0, len(vertices), 2)])

                    # Find outer bearings and select closest to current FMS track
                    diffs  = degto180(traf.trk[idx] - bearings)
                    outer = np.logical_or(diffs == np.min(diffs), diffs == np.max(diffs))
                    bearings = bearings[outer]
                    diffs = np.absolute(degto180(self.trk[idx] - bearings)) # self.trk = FMS trk
                    target = bearings[diffs == np.min(diffs)][0]

                    # Override target trk for autopilot
                    self.trk[idx]       = target

                    # Compute escape trk to be used in case the aircraft enters the geofence
                    # Escape trk is equal to last target with an offset of 45 degrees towards the geofence edge
                    self.esc_trk[idx]   = target + np.sign(degto180(target - traf.trk[idx]))*45
Beispiel #19
 def log(self):
     dist = self.state[0]
     t = self.state[1]
     hdg = self.state[2]
     hdg_ref = 60.
     hdg_diff = (degto180(hdg_ref - hdg))
     f = open(self.fname, 'a')
     f.write("{};{};{};{};{};{};{}\n".format(self.ep, self.reward, dist,
                                             hdg_diff, t, agent.epsilon,
Beispiel #20
    def calcturn(self,tas,bank,wpqdr,next_wpqdr,turnradnm=-999.):

        # Calculate turn radius using current speed or use specified turnradius
        turnrad = np.where(turnradnm+0.*tas<0.,
                           tas * tas / (np.maximum(0.01, np.tan(bank)) * g0),

        # turndist is in meters
        turndist = np.abs(turnrad *
           np.tan(np.radians(0.5 * np.abs(degto180(wpqdr%360. - next_wpqdr%360.)))))

        return turndist,turnrad
Beispiel #21
    def Reached(self, qdr, dist, flyby, flyturn, turnradnm, swlastwp):
        # Calculate distance before waypoint where to start the turn
        # Note: this is a vectorized function, called with numpy traffic arrays
        # It returns the indices where the Reached criterion is True
        # Turn radius:      R = V2 tan phi / g
        # Distance to turn: wpturn = R * tan (1/2 delhdg) but max 4 times radius
        # using default bank angle per flight phase

        # First calculate turn distance
        next_qdr = np.where(self.next_qdr < -900., qdr, self.next_qdr)
        turntas = np.where(bs.traf.actwp.turnspd < 0.0, bs.traf.tas,
        flybyturndist, turnrad = self.calcturn(turntas, bs.traf.ap.bankdef,
                                               qdr, next_qdr, turnradnm)

        # Turb dist iz ero for flyover, calculated distance for others
        self.turndist = np.logical_or(flyby, flyturn) * flybyturndist

        # Avoid circling by checking for flying away on almost straight legs with small turndist
        # difference between direction to and track larger than 90
        # and close to waypoint based on ground speed, assumption using vicinity criterion:
        # flying away and within 4 sec distance based on ground speed (4 sec = sensitivity tuning parameter)

        close2wp = dist / (np.maximum(0.0001, np.abs(
   < 4.0  # Waypoint is within 4 seconds flight time

        # When close to waypoint or passing the last waypoint, switch when flying away from active waypoint
        away = np.logical_or(close2wp, swlastwp) * (
            np.abs(degto180(bs.traf.trk % 360. - qdr % 360.)) > 90.
        )  # difference large than 90

        # Ratio between distance close enough to switch to next wp when flying away
        # When within pro1 nm and flying away: switch also
        proxfact = 1.02  # Turnradius scales this contant , factor => [turnrad]
        incircle = dist < turnrad * proxfact
        circling = away * incircle  # [True/False] passed wp,used for flyover as well

        # Check whether shift based dist is required, set closer than WP turn distance
        # Detect indices
        swreached = np.where(bs.traf.swlnav * np.logical_or(
            away, np.logical_or(dist < self.turndist, circling)))[0]

        # Return indices for which condition is True/1.0 for a/c where we have reached waypoint
        return swreached
Beispiel #22
    def check_reached(self):
        qdr, dist = qdrdist(, traf.lon,
                      , traf.actwp.lon)  # [deg][nm])

        # check which aircraft have reached their destination by checkwaypoint type = 3 (destination) and the relative
        # heading to this waypoint is exceeding 150
        dest = np.asarray([traf.ap.route[i].wptype[traf.ap.route[i].iactwp] for i in range(traf.ntraf)]) == 3
        away = np.abs(degto180(traf.trk % 360. - qdr % 360.)) > 100.
        d = dist<2
        reached = np.where(away * dest * d)[0]
        # print('track', traf.trk, qdr, dist)

        # What is the desired behaviour. When an aircraft has reached, it will be flagged as reached.
        # Therefore the aircraft should get a corresponding reward as well for training purposes in the replay memory
        # Next the corresponding aircraft should be deleted.
        # If no more aircraft are present, next episode should start.
        # print('reached', reached)
        done = np.zeros((traf.ntraf), dtype=bool)
        done[reached] = True
        self.done = done
Beispiel #23
    def gen_reward(self):
        dist = self.state[0]
        t = self.state[1]
        hdg = self.state[2]
        hdg_ref = 60.

        a_dist = -0.2
        a_t = -0.1
        a_hdg = -0.07

        dist_rew = 2 + a_dist * dist
        t_rew = 6 + a_t * abs(t)

        if self.done:
            hdg_rew = a_hdg * abs(degto180(hdg_ref - hdg))

            hdg_rew = 0

        self.reward = dist_rew + t_rew + hdg_rew
        return self.reward
Beispiel #24
    def row_priority(self, ownship, intruder, idx1, idx2):
        ''' Check if ownship has priority according right-of-way rules
            - Ownship with intruder on the right has priority
            - In case of parallel tracks: aircraft with higher GS has priority
            - Parallel tracks have a difference of less than 1 degree (also head-on)
            - In case of same GS, no aircraft has priority            
        # Determine heading difference between the aircraft
        dhdg = degto180(ownship.trk[idx1] - intruder.trk[idx2])

        # Parallel tracks (with accuracy of 1 degree)
        if abs(dhdg) < 1. or abs(dhdg) > 179.:
            # Aircraft with higher speed has prio
            prio = True if[idx1] >[idx2] else False
        # Left-converging
        elif dhdg > 0:
            prio = True
        # Right-converging
            prio = False

        return prio
Beispiel #25
    def findact(self, i):
        """ Find best default active waypoint.
        This function is called during route creation"""
        #print "findact is called.!"

        # Check for easy answers first
        if self.nwp <= 0:
            return -1

        elif self.nwp == 1:
            return 0

        # Find closest
        wplat = array(self.wplat)
        wplon = array(self.wplon)
        dy = (wplat -[i])
        dx = (wplon - bs.traf.lon[i]) * bs.traf.coslat[i]
        dist2 = dx * dx + dy * dy
        # Note: the max() prevents walking back, even in cases when this might be apropriate,
        # such as when previous waypoints have been deleted

        iwpnear = max(self.iactwp, argmin(dist2))

        #Unless behind us, next waypoint?
        if iwpnear + 1 < self.nwp:
            qdr = degrees(arctan2(dx[iwpnear], dy[iwpnear]))
            delhdg = abs(degto180(bs.traf.trk[i] - qdr))

            # we only turn to the first waypoint if we can reach the required
            # heading before reaching the waypoint
            time_turn = max(0.01, bs.traf.tas[i]) * radians(delhdg) / (
                g0 * tan([i]))
            time_straight = sqrt(dist2[iwpnear]) * 60. * nm / max(
                0.01, bs.traf.tas[i])

            if time_turn > time_straight:
                iwpnear += 1

        return iwpnear
Beispiel #26
    def Reached(self, qdr, dist, flyby, flyturn, turnradnm):
        # Calculate distance before waypoint where to start the turn
        # Note: this is a vectorized function, called with numpy arrays
        # It returns the indices where the Reached criterion is True
        # Turn radius:      R = V2 tan phi / g
        # Distance to turn: wpturn = R * tan (1/2 delhdg) but max 4 times radius
        # using default bank angle per flight phase

        # First calculate turn distance
        next_qdr = np.where(self.next_qdr < -900., qdr, self.next_qdr)
        flybyturndist, turnrad = self.calcturn(bs.traf.tas,, qdr,
                                               next_qdr, turnradnm)

        self.turndist = np.logical_or(flyby, flyturn) * flybyturndist

        # Avoid circling by checking for flying away on almost straight legs with small turndist
        # difference between direction to and track larger than 90
        # but avoid switching wayspoint when trk undefined due to standing still (groundspeed (<1 m/s)
        away = (np.abs( > 1) * (
            np.abs(degto180(bs.traf.trk % 360. - qdr % 360.)) > 90.
        )  # difference large than 90

        # Ratio between distance close enough to switch to next wp when flying away
        # When within pro1 nm and flying away: switch also
        proxfact = 1.02  # Turnradius scales this contant , factor => [turnrad]
        incircle = dist < turnrad * proxfact
        circling = away * incircle  # [True/False] passed wp,used for flyover as well

        # Check whether shift based dist is required, set closer than WP turn distance
        # Detect indices
        swreached = np.where(bs.traf.swlnav * np.logical_or(
            away, np.logical_or(dist < self.turndist, circling)))[0]

        # Return indices for which condition is True/1.0 for a/c where we have reached waypoint
        return swreached
Beispiel #27
    def direct(self, idx, wpnam):
        #print("Hello from direct")
        """Set active point to a waypoint by name"""
        name = wpnam.upper().strip()
        if name != "" and self.wpname.count(name) > 0:
            wpidx = self.wpname.index(name)

            self.iactwp = wpidx

  [idx] = self.wplat[wpidx]
            bs.traf.actwp.lon[idx] = self.wplon[wpidx]
            bs.traf.actwp.flyby[idx] = self.wpflyby[wpidx]
            bs.traf.actwp.flyturn[idx] = self.wpflyturn[wpidx]
            bs.traf.actwp.turnrad[idx] = self.wpturnrad[wpidx]
            bs.traf.actwp.turnspd[idx] = self.wpturnspd[wpidx]

            # Do calculation for VNAV

            bs.traf.actwp.xtoalt[idx] = self.wpxtoalt[wpidx]
            bs.traf.actwp.nextaltco[idx] = self.wptoalt[wpidx]

            bs.traf.actwp.torta[idx] = self.wptorta[
                wpidx]  # available for active RTA-guidance
            bs.traf.actwp.xtorta[idx] = self.wpxtorta[
                wpidx]  # available for active RTA-guidance

            #VNAV calculations like V/S and speed for RTA
            bs.traf.ap.ComputeVNAV(idx, self.wptoalt[wpidx], self.wpxtoalt[wpidx],\

            # If there is a speed specified, process it
            if self.wpspd[wpidx] > 0.:
                # Set target speed for autopilot

                if self.wpalt[wpidx] < 0.0:
                    alt = bs.traf.alt[idx]
                    alt = self.wpalt[wpidx]

                # Check for valid Mach or CAS
                if self.wpspd[wpidx] < 2.0:
                    cas = mach2cas(self.wpspd[wpidx], alt)
                    cas = self.wpspd[wpidx]

                # Save it for next leg
                bs.traf.actwp.nextspd[idx] = cas

            # No speed specified for next leg
                bs.traf.actwp.nextspd[idx] = -999.

            qdr, dist = geo.qdrdist([idx], bs.traf.lon[idx],

            if self.wpflyturn[wpidx] or self.wpturnrad[wpidx] < 0.:
                turnrad = self.wpturnrad[wpidx]
                turnrad = bs.traf.tas[idx] * bs.traf.tas[idx] / tan(
                    radians(25.)) / g0 / nm  # [nm]default bank angle 25 deg

            bs.traf.actwp.turndist[idx] = (bs.traf.actwp.flyby[idx] > 0.5)  *   \
                     turnrad*abs(tan(0.5*radians(max(5., abs(degto180(qdr -
                        self.wpdirfrom[self.iactwp]))))))    # [nm]

            bs.traf.swlnav[idx] = True
            return True
            return False, "Waypoint " + wpnam + " not found"
Beispiel #28
    def resolve(self, conf, ownship, intruder):
        ''' Main resolution module '''
        # --> Resolution setting options (through METHOD stack command):
        #       1 - MVP, GEO, vertical              = METHOD BOTH 3D
        #       2 - MVP, GEO, no vertical           = METHOD BOTH 2D
        #       3 - MVP, no GEO, vertical           = METHOD MVP 3D
        #       4 - MVP, no GEO, no vertical        = METHOD MVP 2D
        #       5 - no MVP, GEO, vertical           = METHOD GEO 3D
        #       6 - no MVP, GEO, no vertical        = METHOD GEO 2D
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------

        # resolve() process:
        # 1 -> if mvp is active, compute pairwise summed horizontal MVP solution
        #           (this will give newtrk, newgs, newvs, newalt for all aircraft)
        # 2 -> check which aircraft will breach given the solution (from 1)
        #           (if mvp is inactive, return True for all aircraft)
        # 3 -> reset newtrk, newgs, newvs, newalt to current aircraft state for aircraft with breach = True
        # 4 -> loop through all pairwise conflicts where ownship breach == True (from 2)
        #   4.a -> if mvp is active, compute dv_mvp for pairwise conflict
        #             - if mvp does not breach, proceed directly to (4.d)
        #   4.b -> if geo is active, compute dv_geo for pairwise conflict
        #   4.c -> using a decision criterion, choose mvp or geo solution
        #           (non-existing maneuvers will be automatically dismissed)
        #   4.d -> if vertical is active, compute dv_ver
        #             - if vertical is not active, proceed directly to (4.f)
        #   4.e -> using a decision criterion, choose horizontal (from 6) or vertical (from 7)
        #           (not computed maneuvers will be automatically dismissed)
        #   4.f -> add chosen dv to already existing dv for ownship (pairwise summed)
        # 5 -> compute average of horizontal maneuver: pairwise-summed average
        # 6 -> add dv of all aircraft to newtrk, newgs, newvs, newalt from (1)
        #           (dv for breaching aircraft is zero by default)
        # 7 -> cap velocities and return newtrk, newgs, newvs, newalt

        # Initialize resomethod log for all conflicts in the current timestep
        self.resomethod = np.full(len(conf.confpairs), 'MVP')

        # Reset number of conflicts
        traf_nconf = np.zeros(traf.ntraf, dtype=int)

        # Create newvs, newalt
        newvs = np.zeros(ownship.ntraf)
        if np.any(self.layers):
            newalt = np.array(self.layers[self.layidx])
            newalt = np.array(ownship.alt)

        # Initialize switch to keep track of vertical maneuvers
        traf_swalt = np.zeros(ownship.ntraf, dtype=np.bool)

        # Get array containing active limits for each aircraft
        gsmin, gsmax, trkmin, trkmax, vsmin, vsmax = ap_geo.get_limits()

        # Create empty dv array for all aircraft
        dv_traf = np.zeros((ownship.ntraf, 3))

        # STEP 1: If MVP is active, determine pairwise summed horizontal solution and check for breaches =====
        if self.mvp_active:
            newtrk, newgs, _, _ = super().resolve(conf, ownship, intruder)

            # STEP 2: Check for breaches =========================================================================
            eps = 1e-10  # small increment for limit to prevent floating point errors leading to wrong result
            breachgs = np.logical_or(newgs < (gsmin - eps), newgs >
                                     (gsmax + eps))
            breachtrk = np.logical_or(
                degto180(newtrk - trkmin) < 0,
                degto180(newtrk - trkmax) > 0)

            # Bool array indicating which aircraft will breach a geovector limit through a CR maneuver
            swbreach = (breachgs | breachtrk) & conf.inconf

            # STEP 3: Reset newtrk, newgs, newvs, newalt for the breaching aircraft ==============================
            newtrk[swbreach] = np.array(ownship.trk[swbreach])
            newgs[swbreach] = np.array([swbreach])

        # If MVP is not active, set each aircraft to be breaching
        # This ensures that all conflicts get a solution from the GEO module
        # Also create newtrk, newgs
            newtrk = np.array(ownship.trk)
            newgs = np.array(
            swbreach = np.ones(ownship.ntraf, dtype=np.bool)

# STEP 4: Loop through all conflicts in the current timestep =========================================
        nconf = 0  # keeping track of conflict number to store resolution method
        for ((ac1, ac2), qdr, dist, tcpa, tLOS) in zip(conf.confpairs, conf.qdr, \
                                            conf.dist, conf.tcpa, conf.tLOS):

            # Retrieve ownship and intruder index
            idx1 =
            idx2 =

            # CR is switched off for aircraft in a geofence conflict: do not resolve
                if ap_geo.APgeo().geoconf[idx1]:
                    self.resomethod[nconf] = 'FCE'
                    nconf += 1
            except AttributeError:  # if geofence autopilot is not implemented

            # Check if horizontal pairwise summed MVP solution will breach at all
            if not swbreach[idx1]:
                nconf += 1  # update conflict counter
                continue  # go to next iteration in for loop

            # Check if the aircraft is already performing a vertical maneuver
            if traf_swalt[idx1]:
                self.resomethod[nconf] = 'IND'
                nconf += 1

            # Retrieve horizontal geovector limits for the ownship
            gsl = gsmin[idx1]
            gsu = gsmax[idx1]
            trkl = trkmin[idx1]
            trku = trkmax[idx1]

            # STEP 4a: MVP  ======================================================================================
            if self.mvp_active:
                dv_mvp, _ = super().MVP(ownship, intruder, conf, qdr, dist,
                                        tcpa, tLOS, idx1, idx2)

                # Set mvp vs to zero
                dv_mvp[2] = 0.

                #Check if MVP solution leads to a geovector breach
                gs_mvp =[idx1] + np.sqrt(dv_mvp[0]**2 +
                trk_mvp = ownship.trk[idx1] + (
                    np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(dv_mvp[0], dv_mvp[1])) % 360)
                mvp_breach = True if gs_mvp < gsl or gs_mvp > gsu or \
                        degto180(trk_mvp - trkl) < 0 or degto180(trk_mvp - trku) > 0 else False
            else:  #if MVP not active
                dv_mvp, mvp_breach = np.full(3, np.nan), True

# STEP 4b: GEO  ======================================================================================
# Only compute the alternative maneuver if the MVP solution will breach
            if mvp_breach:
                if self.geo_active:
                    # Retrieve intruder rpz and horizontal ownship geovector limits
                    rpz = conf.rpz[idx2] * self.resofach

                    # GEO maneuver only exists if the pair is not in LoS
                    if dist > rpz:
                        dv_geo, type_geo = self.GEO(ownship, intruder, gsl, gsu, trkl, trku, qdr, \
                                                                                dist, rpz, idx1, idx2)

                        # Check if GEO solution leads to a geovector breach
                        geo_breach = True if type_geo == 'INS' else False

                    elif not self.mvp_active:  # if already in LoS and MVP not active, do nothing
                        dv_geo, geo_breach, type_geo = np.zeros(
                            3), False, 'LOS'
                    else:  # if already in LoS but MVP maneuver can be used to escape
                        dv_geo, geo_breach, type_geo = np.full(
                            3, np.nan), False, 'LOS'

                else:  #if GEO not active
                    dv_geo, geo_breach, type_geo = np.full(
                        3, np.nan), True, 'undefined'

# STEP 4c: Choose horizontal maneuver ================================================================
                p_mvp = p_horz if mvp_breach else 1  #penalty factor for mvp maneuver
                p_geo = p_horz if geo_breach else 1  #penalty factor for geo maneuver

                criterion_mvp = p_mvp * np.sqrt(dv_mvp[0]**2 + dv_mvp[1]**2)
                criterion_geo = p_geo * np.sqrt(dv_geo[0]**2 + dv_geo[1]**2)
                criteria = np.array([criterion_mvp, criterion_geo])

                # The maneuver with the smallest existing horizontal state change magnitude will be chosen
                do_geo = True if np.nanargmin(criteria) == 1 else False
                if do_geo:
                    dv, self.resomethod[nconf] = dv_geo, type_geo
                    p_hor = p_vert if geo_breach else 1
                    dv, self.resomethod[nconf], p_hor = dv_mvp, 'MVP', p_vert

            # If the MVP solution for this pairwise conflict will not breach, choose MVP
                dv, self.resomethod[nconf], p_hor = dv_mvp, 'MVP', 1

# STEP 4d: vertical  =================================================================================
# Compute vertical maneuver if active and choose between horizontal and vertical
            alt_cur = newalt[idx1]
            if self.ver_active:
                # Vertical maneuver is only allowed if the aircraft has priority
                if self.row_priority(ownship, intruder, idx1, idx2):
                    dv_ver, alt_res, layidx = self.vertical(
                        ownship, intruder, idx1, idx2, conf.hpz[idx2], tLOS)

                    # Retrieve vertical geovector limits for the ownship
                    vsl, vsu = vsmin[idx1], vsmax[idx1]

                    # Check if vertical solution leads to a geovector breach and set penalty
                    ver_breach = True if dv_ver[2] < vsl or dv_ver[
                        2] > vsu else False
                    p_ver = p_vert if ver_breach else 1

                    # Determine if traffic is in lookahead disc on current (_cur) and resolution (_res) alt
                    # Lookahead disc equals ownship ground speed * lookahead time with height = hpz
                    # Furthermore, number of instant LoS will be determined for both altitudes
                    traf_qdr, traf_dist = qdrdist([idx1],
                                        , intruder.lon)
                    traf_qdr, traf_dist = np.radians(traf_qdr), traf_dist * nm
                    traf_dh_cur = alt_cur - intruder.alt
                    traf_dh_res = alt_res - intruder.alt

                    # inside horizontally for both the lookahead disc and the PZ
                    ins_hor = traf_dist < ([idx1] *
                    los_hor = traf_dist < conf.rpz[
                        idx1]  # inside ownship PZ = LoS
                        idx1] = False  # for LoS count -> exclude the ownship

                    # inside vertically on current and resolution altitude
                    ins_ver_cur = np.abs(traf_dh_cur) < conf.hpz[idx1]
                    ins_ver_res = np.abs(traf_dh_res) < conf.hpz[idx1]

                    # if both are True: traffic is inside
                    ins_cur = np.logical_and(ins_hor, ins_ver_cur)
                    ins_res = np.logical_and(ins_hor, ins_ver_res)

                    los_cur = np.logical_and(los_hor, ins_ver_cur)
                    los_res = np.logical_and(los_hor, ins_ver_res)

                    # number of instant losses of separation
                    nlos_cur = los_cur.sum()
                    nlos_res = los_res.sum()

                    # Determine if traffic is converging with ownship
                    # Aircraft are converging if distance between them will get smaller in the future
                    drel = np.array([
                        np.sin(traf_qdr) * traf_dist,
                        np.cos(traf_qdr) * traf_dist, traf_dh_cur
                    vall = np.array(
                        [intruder.gseast, intruder.gsnorth, intruder.vs]).T
                    vown = np.array([
                        ownship.gseast[idx1], ownship.gsnorth[idx1],

                    vrel = vall - vown
                    dnew = drel + vrel  # look one second ahead
                    traf_newdist = np.sqrt(dnew[:, 0]**2 + dnew[:, 1]**2 +
                                           dnew[:, 2]**2)

                    conv_cur = traf_newdist[ins_cur] < traf_dist[ins_cur]
                    conv_res = traf_newdist[ins_res] < traf_dist[ins_res]

                    # Count number of converging traffic
                    # (works since ownship is not converging with itself)
                    nconv_cur = conv_cur.sum()
                    nconv_res = conv_res.sum()

                    # Compute decision criterion for both current and resolution altitude
                    criterion_cur = p_hor * (nconv_cur + 100 * nlos_cur
                                             )  # x100 penalty for instant LoS
                    criterion_res = p_ver * (nconv_res + 100 * nlos_res
                                             )  #        "         "

                    # STEP 4e: Choose between horizontal and vertical maneuver and set dv accordingly ====================
                    do_ver = True if criterion_res < criterion_cur else False
                    if do_ver:
                        dv, self.resomethod[nconf] = dv_ver, 'VER'
                        newalt[idx1] = alt_res
                        self.layidx[idx1] = layidx
                        traf_swalt[idx1] = True

                        # Reset previously computed horizontal maneuvers
                        # These are not necessary any more
                        dv_traf[idx1, 0:2] = 0.
                        for n in range(
                        ):  # loop through previously solved pairwise conflicts
                                [0]) == idx1:  # check if ownship = idx1
                                self.resomethod[n] = 'IND'

# STEP 4f: Finally append chosen dv to complete dv array =============================================
            dv_traf[idx1] += dv
            traf_nconf[idx1] += 1

            # Update conflict counter
            nconf += 1

# STEP 5: Compute average of horizontal pairwise-summed state changes =================================
                0] = np.where(dv_traf[:, 0] == 0., 0., dv_traf[:, 0] /
                              traf_nconf)  # average eartherly gs state-change
                1] = np.where(dv_traf[:, 1] == 0., 0., dv_traf[:, 1] /
                              traf_nconf)  # average northerly gs state-change

        # STEP 6: Update velocity vector of all aircraft =====================================================
        newtrk = np.radians(newtrk)
        newgseast = newgs * np.sin(newtrk)
        newgsnorth = newgs * np.cos(newtrk)
        v_traf = np.array([newgseast, newgsnorth, newvs])
        v_traf += dv_traf.T

        # Convert velocity vector to cyclindrical coordinate system
        newtrk = (np.arctan2(v_traf[0, :], v_traf[1, :]) * 180 / np.pi) % 360
        newgs = (np.sqrt(v_traf[0, :]**2 + v_traf[1, :]**2))
        newvs = v_traf[2, :]

        # STEP 7: Cap the velocity and vertical speed and return =============================================
        newgscapped = np.maximum(ownship.perf.vmin,
                                 np.minimum(ownship.perf.vmax, newgs))
        newvscapped = np.maximum(ownship.perf.vsmin,
                                 np.minimum(ownship.perf.vsmax, newvs))

        return newtrk, newgscapped, newvscapped, newalt
Beispiel #29
def ETA(acidx):
    # Assuming no wind.
    # Assume complete route is available including orig --> destination

    #    print(np.where(traf.ap.route[acidx].wptype))
    # Acceleration value depends on flight phase and aircraft type in BADA
    # The longitudinal acceleration is constant for all airborne flight
    # phases in the bada model.
    ax = traf.perf.acceleration()
    iactwp = traf.ap.route[acidx].iactwp
    nwp = len(traf.ap.route[acidx].wpname)

    # Construct a tables with relevant route parameters before the 4D prediction
    dist2vs = [0] * nwp
    Vtas = [0] * nwp
    Vcas = traf.ap.route[acidx].wpspd.copy()
    dsturn = [0] * nwp
    qdr = [0] * nwp
    s = [0] * nwp
    turndist = [0] * nwp
    lat = traf.ap.route[acidx].wplat.copy()
    lon = traf.ap.route[acidx].wplon.copy()
    altatwp = traf.ap.route[acidx].wpalt.copy()
    wpialt = traf.ap.route[acidx].wpialt.copy()

    for wpidx in range(iactwp - 1, nwp):
        # If the next waypoint is the active waypoint, use aircraft data
        # Else use previous waypoint data
        if wpidx == iactwp - 1:
            Vtas[wpidx] =[acidx]  # [m/s]
            Vcas[wpidx] = traf.cas[acidx]
            lat[wpidx] =[acidx]  # [deg]
            lon[wpidx] = traf.lon[acidx]  # [deg]
            altatwp[wpidx] = traf.alt[acidx]  # [m]

            lat[wpidx] = traf.ap.route[acidx].wplat[wpidx]  # [deg]
            lon[wpidx] = traf.ap.route[acidx].wplon[wpidx]  #[deg]

            qdr, s[wpidx] = qdrdist(lat[wpidx - 1], lon[wpidx - 1], lat[wpidx],
                                    lon[wpidx])  # [nm]
            s[wpidx] *= nm  # [m]

            # check for valid speed, if no speed is given take the speed
            # already in memory from previous waypoint.
            if traf.ap.route[acidx].wpspd[wpidx] < 0:
                Vtas[wpidx] = Vtas[wpidx - 1]
                Vcas[wpidx] = Vcas[wpidx - 1]

                Vtas[wpidx] = vcas2tas(
                    traf.ap.route[acidx].wpalt[wpidx]).item()  # [m/s]

            # Compute distance correction for flyby turns.
            if wpidx < nwp - 2:
                #bearing of leg --> Second leg.
                nextqdr, nexts = qdrdist(lat[wpidx], lon[wpidx],
                                         lat[wpidx + 1],
                                         lon[wpidx + 1])  #[deg, nm]
                nexts *= nm  # [m]
                dist2turn, turnrad = traf.actwp.calcturn(
                    Vtas[wpidx],[acidx], qdr, nextqdr)  # [m], [m]
                delhdg = np.abs(
                    degto180(qdr % 360 -
                             nextqdr % 360))  # [deg] Heading change
                distofturn = np.pi * turnrad * delhdg / 360  # [m] half of distance on turn radius

                dsturn[wpidx] = dist2turn - distofturn
                turndist[wpidx] = dist2turn

    # Now loop to fill the VNAV constraints. A second loop is necessary
    # Because the complete speed profile and turn profile is required.
    curalt = traf.alt[acidx]
    for wpidx in range(iactwp, nwp):
        # If Next altitude is not the altitude constraint, check if the
        # aircraft should already decent. Otherwise aircraft stays at
        # current altitude. Otherwise expected altitude is filled in.
        if wpidx < wpialt[wpidx]:
            # Compute whether decent should start or speed is still same
            dist2vs[wpidx] = turndist[wpidx] + \
                               np.abs(curalt - traf.ap.route[acidx].wptoalt[wpidx]) / traf.ap.steepness

            # If the dist2vs is smaller everything should be fine
            if traf.ap.route[acidx].wpxtoalt[wpidx] > dist2vs[wpidx]:
                dist2vs[wpidx] = 0
                altatwp[wpidx] = curalt
                dist2vs[wpidx] = dist2vs[wpidx] - traf.ap.route[
                if curalt > traf.ap.route[acidx].wptoalt[wpidx]:
                    sign = -1
                    sign = 1
                curalt = curalt + dist2vs[wpidx] * traf.ap.steepness * sign
                altatwp[wpidx] = curalt

        # If there is an altitude constraint on the current waypoint compute
        # dist2vs for that waypoint.
            dist2vs[wpidx] = np.abs(
                curalt -
                traf.ap.route[acidx].wptoalt[wpidx]) / traf.ap.steepness
            if dist2vs[wpidx] > traf.ap.route[acidx].wpxtoalt[wpidx]:
                dist2vs[wpidx] = traf.ap.route[acidx].wpxtoalt[wpidx]

    # Start computing the actual 4D trajectory
    t_total = 0
    for wpidx in range(iactwp, nwp):
        # If V1 != V2 the aircraft will first immediately accelerate
        # according to the performance model. To compute the time for the
        # leg, constant acceleration is assumed
        Vcas1 = Vcas[wpidx - 1]
        Vtas1 = Vtas[wpidx - 1]
        Vcas2 = Vcas[wpidx]
        Vtas2 = Vtas[wpidx]
        s_leg = s[wpidx] - dsturn[wpidx - 1] - dsturn[wpidx]

        if Vcas1 != Vcas2:
            axsign = 1 + -2 * (Vcas1 > Vcas2)  # [-]
            t_acc = (Vcas2 - Vcas1) / ax * axsign  # [s]
            s_ax = t_acc * (Vtas2 + Vtas1) / 2  # [m] Constant acceleration
            s_ax = 0  # [m]
            t_acc = 0

        s_nom = s_leg - s_ax - dist2vs[wpidx]  # [m] Distance of normal flight
        # Check if acceleration distance and start of descent overlap
        if s_nom < 0:
            t_vs = 0
            t_nom = 0
            if dist2vs[wpidx] <= s_leg:
                s1 = 0
                s2 = s_ax
                s3 = s_leg - s_ax
                s1 = s_leg - dist2vs[wpidx]
                s2 = dist2vs[wpidx] + s_ax - s_leg
                s3 = s_leg - s_ax

            t1 = abc(0.5 * vcas2tas(ax, altatwp[wpidx - 1]), Vtas1, s1)
            Vcas_vs = Vcas1 - t1 * ax
            t2 = (Vcas2 - Vcas_vs) / ax
            alt2 = altatwp[wpidx - 1] - s2 * traf.ap.steepness
            Vtas_vs = vcas2tas(Vcas_vs, alt2)
            t3 = s3 / ((Vtas_vs + Vtas2) / 2)
            t_leg = t1 + t2 + t3

            Vtas_nom = vcas2tas(Vcas2, altatwp[wpidx - 1])
            t_nom = s_nom / Vtas_nom

            #Assume same speed for now.
            t_vs = dist2vs[wpidx] / (Vtas_nom + Vtas2) / 2

            if dist2vs[wpidx] < 1:
                t_vs = 0

            t_leg = t_nom + t_acc + t_vs
        t_total += t_leg

    # Debug print statements

#    print('wptype ', traf.ap.route[acidx].wptype[traf.ap.route[acidx].iactwp])
#    print('DEBUG')
#    print('Vtas ', Vtas)
#    print('Vcas ', Vcas)
#    print('dsturn ', dsturn)
#    print('s ', s)
#    print('turndist ', turndist)
#    print('lat ', lat)
#    print('lon ', lon)
#    print('altatwp ', altatwp)
#    print('wpialt ', traf.ap.route[acidx].wpialt)
#    print('wptoalt ', traf.ap.route[acidx].wptoalt)
#    print('wpxtoalt ', traf.ap.route[acidx].wpxtoalt)
#    print('altatwp ', altatwp)
#    print('dist2vs ', dist2vs)
#    print('eta', sim.simt + t_total)
#    print(' ')

    return t_total
Beispiel #30
def applygeovec():
    # Apply each geovector
    for areaname, vec in geovecs.items():
        if areafilter.hasArea(areaname):
            swinside = areafilter.checkInside(areaname,, traf.lon,

            insids = set(np.array([swinside])
            newids = insids - vec.previnside
            delids = vec.previnside - insids
            # Store LNAV/VNAV status of new aircraft
            for acid in newids:
                idx = traf.id2idx(acid)
                vec.prevstatus[acid] = [traf.swlnav[idx], traf.swvnav[idx]]

            # Revert aircraft who have exited the geovectored area to their original status
            for acid in delids:
                idx = traf.id2idx(acid)
                if idx >= 0:
                    traf.swlnav[idx], traf.swvnav[idx] = vec.prevstatus.pop(

            vec.previnside = insids
            # -----Ground speed limiting
            # For now assume no wind:  so use tas as gs
            if vec.gsmin is not None:
                casmin = vtas2cas(np.ones(traf.ntraf) * vec.gsmin, traf.alt)
                usemin = traf.selspd < casmin
                traf.selspd[swinside & usemin] = casmin[swinside & usemin]
                traf.swvnav[swinside & usemin] = False

            if vec.gsmax is not None:
                casmax = vtas2cas(np.ones(traf.ntraf) * vec.gsmax, traf.alt)
                usemax = traf.selspd > casmax
                traf.selspd[swinside & usemax] = casmax[swinside & usemax]
                traf.swvnav[swinside & usemax] = False

            #------ Limit Track(so hdg)
            # Max track interval is 180 degrees to avoid ambiguity of what is inside the interval

            if None not in [vec.trkmin, vec.trkmax]:
                # Use degto180 to avodi problems for e.g interval [350,30]
                usemin = swinside & (degto180(traf.trk - vec.trkmin) < 0
                                     )  # Left of minimum
                usemax = swinside & (degto180(traf.trk - vec.trkmax) > 0
                                     )  # Right of maximum

                traf.swlnav[swinside & (usemin | usemax)] = False

                traf.ap.trk[swinside & usemin] = vec.trkmin
                traf.ap.trk[swinside & usemax] = vec.trkmax

            # -----Ground speed limiting
            # For now assume no wind:  so use tas as gs
            if vec.vsmin is not None:
                traf.selvs[swinside & (traf.vs < vec.vsmin)] = vec.vsmin
                traf.swvnav[swinside & (traf.vs < vec.vsmin)] = False
                # Activate V/S mode by using a slightly higher altitude than current values
                traf.selalt[swinside & (traf.vs < vec.vsmin)] = traf.alt[swinside & (traf.vs < vec.vsmin)] + \

            if vec.vsmax is not None:
                traf.selvs[swinside & (traf.vs > vec.vsmax)] = vec.vsmax
                traf.swvnav[swinside & (traf.vs < vec.vsmax)] = False
                # Activate V/S mode by using a slightly higher altitude than current values
                traf.selalt[swinside & (traf.vs > vec.vsmax)] = traf.alt[swinside & (traf.vs > vec.vsmax)] + \

Beispiel #31
    def update_geolog(self):
        ''' Write to geovector log '''

        # Loop over all geovectors
        for geoname, geovec in geovector.geovecs.items():
                self.previds[geoname + lims[0]]
            # If the geovector is newly created:
            except KeyError:
                # Create new previous ids item in dict
                for limname in lims:
                    key = geoname + limname
                    self.previds[key] = set()
                # Create new geovector item in dict
                self.geovecs[geoname] = np.array([geovec.gsmin, \
                    geovec.gsmax, geovec.trkmin, geovec.trkmax, geovec.vsmin, geovec.vsmax])

            # Check aircraft inside geovector area
            geoinside = areafilter.checkInside(geoname,, traf.lon,

            # Get gs breaches
            if geovec.gsmin is not None:
                gsl = geovec.gsmin - 1e-10  #prevent floating point errors
                swgsmin = < gsl
                swgsmin = np.zeros(traf.ntraf, dtype=bool)

            if geovec.gsmax is not None:
                gsr = geovec.gsmax + 1e-10  #prevent floating point errors
                swgsmax = > gsr
                swgsmax = np.zeros(traf.ntraf, dtype=bool)

            #Compute course breach values
            if None not in (geovec.trkmin, geovec.trkmax):
                swtrkmin = degto180(traf.trk - geovec.trkmin) < 0.
                swtrkmax = degto180(traf.trk - geovec.trkmax) > 0.
                swtrkmin = np.zeros(traf.ntraf, dtype=bool)
                swtrkmax = np.zeros(traf.ntraf, dtype=bool)

            # Get vs breaches
            if geovec.vsmin is not None:
                vsl = geovec.vsmin - 1e-10  #prevent floating point errors
                swvsmin = traf.vs < vsl
                swvsmin = np.zeros(traf.ntraf, dtype=bool)

            if geovec.vsmax is not None:
                vsr = geovec.vsmax + 1e-10  #prevent floating point errors
                swvsmax = traf.vs > vsr
                swvsmax = np.zeros(traf.ntraf, dtype=bool)

            # Update self.tcrb here to avoid having to check geovector breaches twice
            swbreaches = (swgsmin | swgsmax | swtrkmin | swtrkmax | swvsmin
                          | swvsmax) & geoinside
            self.tcrb[self.currinside &
                      & swbreaches] += settings.simdt

            # Get id of all aircraft currently breaching the geovector inside the log area
            for lim in lims:
                if lim == "gsmin":
                    curids = set(
                        np.array([swgsmin & geoinside
                                          & self.currinside])
                elif lim == "gsmax":
                    curids = set(
                        np.array([swgsmax & geoinside
                                          & self.currinside])
                elif lim == "trkmin":
                    curids = set(
                        np.array([swtrkmin & geoinside
                                          & self.currinside])
                elif lim == "trkmax":
                    curids = set(
                        np.array([swtrkmax & geoinside
                                          & self.currinside])
                elif lim == "vsmin":
                    curids = set(
                        np.array([swvsmin & geoinside
                                          & self.currinside])
                elif lim == "vsmax":
                    curids = set(
                        np.array([swvsmax & geoinside
                                          & self.currinside])

                # Determine new and del ids
                newids = curids - self.previds[geoname + lim]
                delids = self.previds[geoname + lim] - curids

                # For new ids: create new breach object
                for id in newids:
                    name = geoname + lim + id
                    self.breaches[name] = self.Breach(id, geoname, lim, \

                # For del ids: send data and pop item
                for id in delids:
                    name = geoname + lim + id
                    val, avg, dur = self.breaches[name].send_data()
                    self.geolog.log(id, geoname, lim, val, avg, dur)

                # For curids: update value
                for id in curids:
                    name = geoname + lim + id

                # Update previds
                self.previds[geoname + lim] = curids
Beispiel #32
    def GEO(self, ownship, intruder, gsmin, gsmax, trkmin, trkmax, qdr, dist,
            s_h, idx1, idx2):
        ''' Compute alternative horizontal maneuver ('GEO') for pairwise
        conflict in geovector area '''

        # String indicating the maneuver that is performed
        manv = 'OPT'

        #Create velocity vectors and compute relative velocity
        vown = np.array([ownship.gseast[idx1], ownship.gsnorth[idx1]])
        vint = np.array([intruder.gseast[idx2], intruder.gsnorth[idx2]])
        vrel = vown - vint

        # Compute implicitly coordinated velocity obstacle unit vector
        nd = unitvector(qdr)  #unit vector pointing to intruder
        r1 = s_h / dist
        r2 = np.sqrt(1 - r1**2)
        r = np.array([[r2, r1], [-r1, r2]])  #rotation matrix to get VO legs

        nt1 =, nd)  #unit vector describing VO leg 1
        nt2 =, nd)  #unit vector describing VO leg 2
        dots = np.array([, nt1),, nt2)])
        nt = np.array([nt1,
                       nt2])[np.argmax(dots)]  #ensure implicit coordination

        # Compute optimal implicitly coordinated solution in Cartesian coordinates
        vsol = vint + (max(dots)) * nt

        # Convert optimal solution to polar coordinates
        solgs = np.sqrt(vsol[0]**2 + vsol[1]**2)
        soltrk = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(vsol[0], vsol[1])) % 360

        # Check if the optimal solution will breach the geovector limit(s)
        if gsmin is not None and solgs < gsmin:
            breach = True
        elif gsmax is not None and solgs > gsmax:
            breach = True
        elif None not in [trkmin, trkmax]:
            breach = (degto180(soltrk - trkmin) <
                      0) | (degto180(soltrk - trkmax) > 0)
            breach = False

        # If the optimal solution is not feasible, compute intersections with geovector
        if breach:
            # Insufficient OPT if GEO is not feasible but OPT leads to breach:
            manv = 'INS'

            # V_intersection = V_intruder + c * n_t
            # Array to store all scaling values 'c' corresponding to intersections
            cvals = np.array([])

            # Compute c values for intersections with gs and trk limits
            for gslim in (gsmin, gsmax):
                if gslim is not None:
                    disc =, nt),, nt)) \
                            - (, vint) - (gslim)**2)
                    if disc > 0:  #disc = discriminant of quadratic function
                        c1 = -(, nt) + np.sqrt(disc))
                        c2 = -(, nt) - np.sqrt(disc))
                        cvals = np.append(cvals, (c1, c2))
                    elif disc == 0:
                        c1 =, nt)
                        cvals = np.append(cvals, c1)
            if None not in (trkmin, trkmax):
                for trklim in (trkmin, trkmax):
                    ng = unitvector(trklim)
                    c1 = (np.cross(-vint, ng)) / (np.cross(nt, ng))
                    cvals = np.append(cvals, c1)

            # Remove trivial solutions from cvals (negative values)
            cvals = cvals[cvals >= 0.]

            # Compare c values to the one for optimal resolution (copt)
            # The closest value to copt represents the smallest required change in velocity
            if not cvals.size == 0:  #check if 'GEO' maneuver exists
                copt =, nt)
                c = cvals[np.argmin(np.abs(cvals - copt))]
                vsol = vint + c * nt

                # If GEO maneuver exists, this maneuver type is returned
                manv = 'GEO'

        # Convert final solution to velocity change
        dv = np.append(vsol - vown, 0.)  #append to account for vs component

        return dv, manv
Beispiel #33
    def update(self):
        # FMS LNAV mode:
        # qdr[deg],distinnm[nm]
        qdr, distinnm = geo.qdrdist(, bs.traf.lon,
                          , bs.traf.actwp.lon)  # [deg][nm])
        self.qdr2wp  = qdr
        dist2wp = distinnm*nm  # Conversion to meters

        # FMS route update and possibly waypoint shift. Note: qdr, dist2wp will be updated accordingly in case of wp switch
        self.update_fms(qdr, dist2wp) # Updates self.qdr2wp when necessary

        #================= Continuous FMS guidance ========================

        # Waypoint switching in the loop above was scalar (per a/c with index i)
        # Code below is vectorized, with arrays for all aircraft

        # Do VNAV start of descent check
        #dy = ( -  #[deg lat = 60 nm]
        #dx = (bs.traf.actwp.lon - bs.traf.lon) * bs.traf.coslat #[corrected deg lon = 60 nm]
        #dist2wp   = 60. * nm * np.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) # [m]

        # VNAV logic: descend as late as possible, climb as soon as possible
        startdescent = (dist2wp < self.dist2vs) + (bs.traf.actwp.nextaltco > bs.traf.alt)

        # If not lnav:Climb/descend if doing so before lnav/vnav was switched off
        #    (because there are no more waypoints). This is needed
        #    to continue descending when you get into a conflict
        #    while descending to the destination (the last waypoint)
        #    Use 0.1 nm (185.2 m) circle in case turndist might be zero
        self.swvnavvs = bs.traf.swvnav * np.where(bs.traf.swlnav, startdescent,
                                        dist2wp <= np.maximum(185.2,bs.traf.actwp.turndist))

        #Recalculate V/S based on current altitude and distance to next alt constraint
        # How much time do we have before we need to descend?

        t2go2alt = np.maximum(0.,(dist2wp + bs.traf.actwp.xtoalt - bs.traf.actwp.turndist)) \
                                    / np.maximum(0.5,

        # use steepness to calculate V/S unless we need to descend faster
        bs.traf.actwp.vs = np.maximum(self.steepness*, \
                                np.abs((bs.traf.actwp.nextaltco-bs.traf.alt))  \

        self.vnavvs  = np.where(self.swvnavvs, bs.traf.actwp.vs, self.vnavvs)
        #was: self.vnavvs  = np.where(self.swvnavvs, self.steepness *, self.vnavvs)

        # self.vs = np.where(self.swvnavvs, self.vnavvs, bs.traf.apvsdef * bs.traf.limvs_flag)
        selvs    = np.where(abs(bs.traf.selvs) > 0.1, bs.traf.selvs, bs.traf.apvsdef) # m/s
        self.vs  = np.where(self.swvnavvs, self.vnavvs, selvs)
        self.alt = np.where(self.swvnavvs, bs.traf.actwp.nextaltco, bs.traf.selalt)

        # When descending or climbing in VNAV also update altitude command of select/hold mode
        bs.traf.selalt = np.where(self.swvnavvs,bs.traf.actwp.nextaltco,bs.traf.selalt)

        # LNAV commanded track angle
        self.trk = np.where(bs.traf.swlnav, self.qdr2wp, self.trk)

        # FMS speed guidance: anticipate accel/decel distance for next leg or turn

        # Calculate actual distance it takes to decelerate/accelerate based on two cases: turning speed (decel)

        # Normally next leg speed (actwp.spd) but in case we fly turns with a specified turn speed
        # use the turn speed

        # Is turn speed specified and are we not already slow enough? We only decelerate for turns, not accel.
        turntas       = np.where(bs.traf.actwp.turnspd>0.0, vcas2tas(bs.traf.actwp.turnspd, bs.traf.alt),
        swturnspd     = bs.traf.actwp.flyturn*(turntas>0.0)*(bs.traf.actwp.turnspd>0.0)
        turntasdiff   = np.maximum(0.,(bs.traf.tas - turntas)*(turntas>0.0))

        # dt = dv/a ;  dx = v*dt + 0.5*a*dt2 => dx = dv/a * (v + 0.5*dv)
        ax = bs.traf.perf.acceleration()
        dxturnspdchg  = np.where(swturnspd, np.abs(turntasdiff)/np.maximum(0.01,ax)*(bs.traf.tas+0.5*np.abs(turntasdiff)),

        # Decelerate or accelerate for next required speed because of speed constraint or RTA speed
        nexttas   = vcasormach2tas(bs.traf.actwp.nextspd,bs.traf.alt)
        tasdiff   = (nexttas - bs.traf.tas)*(bs.traf.actwp.spd>=0.) # [m/s]

        # dt = dv/a   dx = v*dt + 0.5*a*dt2 => dx = dv/a * (v + 0.5*dv)
        dxspdconchg = np.abs(tasdiff)/np.maximum(0.01, np.abs(ax)) * (bs.traf.tas+0.5*np.abs(tasdiff))

        # Check also whether VNAVSPD is on, if not, SPD SEL has override for next leg
        # and same for turn logic
        usenextspdcon = (dist2wp < dxspdconchg)*(bs.traf.actwp.nextspd> -990.) * \
        useturnspd = np.logical_or(bs.traf.actwp.turntonextwp,(dist2wp < dxturnspdchg+bs.traf.actwp.turndist) *\

        # Hold turn mode can only be switched on here, cannot be switched off here (happeps upon passing wp)
        bs.traf.actwp.turntonextwp = np.logical_or(bs.traf.actwp.turntonextwp,useturnspd)

        # Which CAS/Mach do we have to keep? VNAV, last turn or next turn?
        oncurrentleg = (abs(degto180(bs.traf.trk - qdr)) < 2.0) # [deg]
        inoldturn    = (bs.traf.actwp.oldturnspd > 0.) * np.logical_not(oncurrentleg)

        # Avoid using old turning speeds when turning of this leg to the next leg
        # by disabling (old) turningspd when on leg
        bs.traf.actwp.oldturnspd = np.where(oncurrentleg*(bs.traf.actwp.oldturnspd>0.), -999.,

        # turnfromlastwp can only be switched off here, not on (latter happens upon passing wp)
        bs.traf.actwp.turnfromlastwp = np.logical_and(bs.traf.actwp.turnfromlastwp,inoldturn)

        # Select speed: turn sped, next speed constraint, or current speed constraint
        bs.traf.selspd = np.where(useturnspd,bs.traf.actwp.turnspd,
                                  np.where(usenextspdcon, bs.traf.actwp.nextspd,

        # Temporary override when still in old turn
        bs.traf.selspd = np.where(inoldturn*(bs.traf.actwp.oldturnspd>0.)*bs.traf.swvnavspd*bs.traf.swvnav*bs.traf.swlnav,

        #debug if inoldturn[0]:
        #debug     print("inoldturn bs.traf.trk =",bs.traf.trk[0],"qdr =",qdr)
        #debug elif usenextspdcon[0]:
        #debug     print("usenextspdcon")
        #debug elif useturnspd[0]:
        #debug     print("useturnspd")
        #debug elif bs.traf.actwp.spdcon>0:
        #debug     print("using current speed constraint")
        #debug else:
        #debug     print("no speed given")

        # Below crossover altitude: CAS=const, above crossover altitude: Mach = const
        self.tas = vcasormach2tas(bs.traf.selspd, bs.traf.alt)

Beispiel #34
    def act_continuous(self, state):
        state_copy = state.copy()
        # No action should be taken if there are no aircraft, otherwise the program crashes.
        # n_aircraft = int( / self.state_size)
        if type(state)==list:
            n_aircraft = int([0].shape) / self.state_size)

            if len(state_copy[0].shape)==2:
                state_copy[0] = np.expand_dims(state_copy[0], axis=0)
            if len(state_copy[1].shape)==2:
                state_copy[1] = np.expand_dims(state_copy[1], axis=0)
            obs = state_copy[0]
            state_copy[1] = state[1].reshape(1, n_aircraft * n_aircraft, state[1].shape[-1])
            n_aircraft = int(
            if len(state_copy.shape)==2:
                state_copy = np.expand_dims(state_copy, axis=0)

            obs = state_copy
        if n_aircraft==0:

        # state[0] = state[0].reshape(1, state[0].shape[0], state[0].shape[1])
        # state[0] = self.pad_zeros(state[0], self.max_agents).reshape((1, self.max_agents, self.state_size))
        # state[1] = self.pad_nines(state[1], self.max_agents).reshape((1, self.max_agents, self.max_agents-1, self.shared_obs_size))
        # state_copy = state.copy()
        # state_copy[0] = state[0].reshape(1, state[0].shape[0], state[0].shape[1])

        # if n_aircraft==1:
        #     state_copy[1] = state[1].reshape(1, n_aircraft, state[1].shape[-1])
        # else:
        #     state_copy[1] = state[1].reshape(1, n_aircraft*(n_aircraft-1), state[1].shape[-1])
        # state_copy[1] = state[1].reshape(1, n_aircraft * (n_aircraft - 1), state[1].shape[-1])

        self.action =
        # state[0] = state[0].reshape(1, state[0].shape[0], state[0].shape[1])

        # data = state
        # model =
        # print_intermediate_layer_output(model, data, 'merged_mask')
        # print_intermediate_layer_output(model, data, 'pre_brnn')
        # print_intermediate_layer_output(model, data, 'brnn')
        # print_intermediate_layer_output(model, data, 'post_brnn')
        qdr, dist = qdrdist(, traf.lon,
                  , traf.actwp.lon)  # [deg][nm])

        # check which aircraft have reached their destination by checkwaypoint type = 3 (destination) and the relative
        # heading to this waypoint is exceeding 150
        dest = np.asarray([traf.ap.route[i].wptype[traf.ap.route[i].iactwp] for i in range(traf.ntraf)]) == 3
        away = np.abs(degto180(traf.trk % 360. - qdr % 360.)) > 100.
        d = dist < 2
        done_idx = np.where(away * dest * d)[0]

        tas = np.delete(traf.tas, done_idx, 0)
        bank = np.delete(, done_idx, 0)
        hdg = np.delete(traf.hdg, done_idx, 0)
        traflat = np.delete(, done_idx, 0)
        traflon = np.delete(traf.lon, done_idx, 0)

        # data = [state[0], state[1], self.action]
        # model = self.critic.model
        # print_intermediate_layer_output(model, data, 'input_actions')
        # print_intermediate_layer_output(model, data, 'max_pool')
        # print_intermediate_layer_output(model, data, 'concatenate_inputs')
        # print_intermediate_layer_output(model, data, 'input_mask')
        # print_intermediate_layer_output(model, data, 'pre_brnn')
        # print_intermediate_layer_output(model, data, 'brnn')
        # print_intermediate_layer_output(model, data, 'post_brnn')

        # Exploration noise is added only when no test episode is running
        # print('OU', self.OU())
        annealing_factor = 1.
        if self.summary_counter > 1000:
            annealing_factor = 1 - 0.0003 * self.summary_counter
            annealing_factor = np.max([annealing_factor, 0.15])

        noise = self.OU()[0:n_aircraft].reshape(self.action.shape)
        # print(not self.summary_counter % CONF.test_freq, not self.train_indicator)
        # print('action', self.action)
        # print('noise', noise)

        # if not self.summary_counter % CONF.test_freq == 0 or not self.train_indicator:
        if self.train_indicator:
            if not self.summary_counter % CONF.test_freq == 0:

                # Add exploration noise and clip to range [-1, 1] for action space

                self.action = self.action + noise * annealing_factor
                # print('noise', noise, self.action)

                self.action = np.maximum(-1*np.ones(self.action.shape), self.action)
                self.action = np.minimum(np.ones(self.action.shape), self.action)
                # print('action', self.action)

        # Apply Bell curve here to sample from to get action values
        # mu = 0
        # sigma = 0.5
        # y_offset = 0.107982 + 6.69737e-08
        # action = bell_curve(self.action[0], mu=mu, sigma=sigma, y_offset=y_offset, scaled=True)
        dist_limit = 5 # nm
        # dist = state[0][:,:, 4] * 110
        dist = (obs[:,:,4]+1)/2 * 110 # denormalize
        # dist = dist.reshape(action.shape)
        mul_factor = 80*np.ones(dist.shape)
        # Compute multiplier for angle difference in action command
        turnrad = np.square(tas) / (np.maximum(0.01 * np.ones(tas.shape), np.tan(bank)) * g0)  # [m]
        max_angle = (tas * CONF.update_interval) / (2 * np.pi * turnrad) * 360

        dheading = self.action.reshape(max_angle.shape) * max_angle

        destidx = navdb.getaptidx('EHAM')
        lat, lon = navdb.aptlat[destidx], navdb.aptlon[destidx]
        qdr, dist = qdrdist(traflat, traflon, lat*np.ones(traflat.shape), lon*np.ones(traflon.shape))
        # qdr, dist = np.asarray(qdr)[0], np.asarray(dist)[0]
        # print('qdr', qdr)
        qdr = (qdr+360)%360
        # qdr = degtoqdr180(traf.hdg + dheading, qdr)
        heading = degtoqdr180(hdg + dheading, qdr) # traf.hdg + dheading + 360
        # heading = np.maximum(-90*np.ones(heading.shape), heading)
        # heading = np.minimum(+90*np.ones(heading.shape), heading)

        # print("maxa {},\n dhdg {},\n qdr {},\n, , \n hdg1 {}\n, hdg2{}, \ntarget_hdg\n{}".format(max_angle, dheading, qdr, traf.hdg, heading, qdr180todeg(heading, qdr)))
        heading = qdr180todeg(heading, qdr)
        # print('HEADING', heading)
        return heading.ravel()[0:n_aircraft]

        wheredist = np.where(dist<dist_limit)
        mul_factor[wheredist] = dist[wheredist] / dist_limit * 80
        minus = np.where(self.action.reshape(self.action.shape[1])<0)[0]
        plus = np.where(self.action.reshape(self.action.shape[1])>=0)[0]
        # dheading = np.zeros(action.shape)
        # dheading[minus] = (action[minus] - 1) * mul_factor[minus]
        # dheading[plus] = np.abs(action[plus]-1) * mul_factor[plus]
        # action[minus] = -1*action[minus]

        # qdr = state[0][:,:,3].transpose()*360-180 # Denormalize
        qdr = obs[:,:,3].transpose() * 180 #- 180
        dheading = self.action * mul_factor.reshape(self.action.shape)

        # dheading = 90*np.ones(dheading.shape)
        # print('heading', dheading, self.action)
        heading =  qdr + dheading
        print(qdr, dheading, heading, mul_factor, wheredist, dist)
        # print('action', self.action.ravel())
        return heading.ravel()[0:n_aircraft]
Beispiel #35
    def update(self):
        # FMS LNAV mode:
        # qdr[deg],distinnm[nm]
        qdr, distinnm = geo.qdrdist(, bs.traf.lon,
                                    bs.traf.actwp.lon)  # [deg][nm])

        self.qdr2wp = qdr
        self.dist2wp = distinnm * nm  # Conversion to meters

        # FMS route update and possibly waypoint shift. Note: qdr, dist2wp will be updated accordingly in case of wp switch
                        self.dist2wp)  # Updates self.qdr2wp when necessary

        #================= Continuous FMS guidance ========================

        # Note that the code below is vectorized, with traffic arrays, so for all aircraft
        # ComputeVNAV and inside waypoint loop of update_fms, it was scalar (per a/c with index i)

        # VNAV guidance logic (using the variables prepared by ComputeVNAV when activating waypoint)
        # Central question is:
        # - Can we please we start to descend or to climb?
        # Well, when Top of Descent (ToD) switch is on, descend as late as possible,
        # But when Top of Climb switch is on or off, climb as soon as possible, only difference is steepness used in ComputeVNAV
        # to calculate bs.traf.actwp.vs
        # Only use this logic if there is a valid next altitude constraint (nextaltco)

        startdescorclimb = (bs.traf.actwp.nextaltco>=-0.1) * \
                           np.logical_or(self.swtod * (bs.traf.alt>bs.traf.actwp.nextaltco) * (self.dist2wp < self.dist2vs),

        #print("self.dist2vs =",self.dist2vs)

        # If not lnav:Climb/descend if doing so before lnav/vnav was switched off
        #    (because there are no more waypoints). This is needed
        #    to continue descending when you get into a conflict
        #    while descending to the destination (the last waypoint)
        #    Use 0.1 nm (185.2 m) circle in case turndist might be zero
        self.swvnavvs = bs.traf.swvnav * np.where(
            bs.traf.swlnav, startdescorclimb,
            self.dist2wp <= np.maximum(0.1 * nm, bs.traf.actwp.turndist))

        # Recalculate V/S based on current altitude and distance to next alt constraint
        # How much time do we have before we need to descend?
        # Now done in ComputeVNAV
        # See ComputeVNAV for bs.traf.actwp.vs calculation

        self.vnavvs = np.where(self.swvnavvs, bs.traf.actwp.vs, self.vnavvs)
        #was: self.vnavvs  = np.where(self.swvnavvs, self.steepness *, self.vnavvs)

        # self.vs = np.where(self.swvnavvs, self.vnavvs, self.vsdef * bs.traf.limvs_flag)
        # for VNAV use fixed V/S and change start of descent
        selvs = np.where(abs(bs.traf.selvs) > 0.1, bs.traf.selvs,
                         self.vsdef)  # m/s
        self.vs = np.where(self.swvnavvs, self.vnavvs, selvs)
        self.alt = np.where(self.swvnavvs, bs.traf.actwp.nextaltco,

        # When descending or climbing in VNAV also update altitude command of select/hold mode
        bs.traf.selalt = np.where(self.swvnavvs, bs.traf.actwp.nextaltco,

        # LNAV commanded track angle
        self.trk = np.where(bs.traf.swlnav, self.qdr2wp, self.trk)

        # FMS speed guidance: anticipate accel/decel distance for next leg or turn

        # Calculate actual distance it takes to decelerate/accelerate based on two cases: turning speed (decel)

        # Normally next leg speed (actwp.spd) but in case we fly turns with a specified turn speed
        # use the turn speed

        # Is turn speed specified and are we not already slow enough? We only decelerate for turns, not accel.
        turntas = np.where(bs.traf.actwp.nextturnspd > 0.0,
                           vcas2tas(bs.traf.actwp.nextturnspd, bs.traf.alt),
                           -1.0 + 0. * bs.traf.tas)
        # Switch is now whether the aircraft has any turn waypoints
        swturnspd = bs.traf.actwp.nextturnidx > 0
        turntasdiff = np.maximum(0., (bs.traf.tas - turntas) * (turntas > 0.0))

        # t = (v1-v0)/a ; x = v0*t+1/2*a*t*t => dx = (v1*v1-v0*v0)/ (2a)
        dxturnspdchg = distaccel(turntas, bs.traf.perf.vmax,
        #        dxturnspdchg = 0.5*np.abs(turntas*turntas-bs.traf.tas*bs.traf.tas)/(np.sign(turntas-bs.traf.tas)*np.maximum(0.01,np.abs(ax)))
        #        dxturnspdchg  = np.where(swturnspd, np.abs(turntasdiff)/np.maximum(0.01,ax)*(bs.traf.tas+0.5*np.abs(turntasdiff)),
        #                                                                   0.0*bs.traf.tas)

        # Decelerate or accelerate for next required speed because of speed constraint or RTA speed
        # Note that because nextspd comes from the stack, and can be either a mach number or
        # a calibrated airspeed, it can only be converted from Mach / CAS [kts] to TAS [m/s]
        # once the altitude is known.
        nexttas = vcasormach2tas(bs.traf.actwp.nextspd, bs.traf.alt)

        #        tasdiff   = (nexttas - bs.traf.tas)*(bs.traf.actwp.spd>=0.) # [m/s]

        # t = (v1-v0)/a ; x = v0*t+1/2*a*t*t => dx = (v1*v1-v0*v0)/ (2a)

        dxspdconchg = distaccel(bs.traf.tas, nexttas, bs.traf.perf.axmax)

        qdrturn, dist2turn = geo.qdrdist(, bs.traf.lon,

        self.qdrturn = qdrturn
        dist2turn = dist2turn * nm

        # Where we don't have a turn waypoint, as in turn idx is negative, then put distance
        # as Earth circumference.
        self.dist2turn = np.where(bs.traf.actwp.nextturnidx > 0, dist2turn,

        # Check also whether VNAVSPD is on, if not, SPD SEL has override for next leg
        # and same for turn logic
        usenextspdcon = (self.dist2wp < dxspdconchg)*(bs.traf.actwp.nextspd>-990.) * \
        useturnspd = np.logical_or(bs.traf.actwp.turntonextwp,
                                   (self.dist2turn < (dxturnspdchg+bs.traf.actwp.turndist))) * \

        # Hold turn mode can only be switched on here, cannot be switched off here (happeps upon passing wp)
        bs.traf.actwp.turntonextwp = bs.traf.swlnav * np.logical_or(
            bs.traf.actwp.turntonextwp, useturnspd)

        # Which CAS/Mach do we have to keep? VNAV, last turn or next turn?
        oncurrentleg = (abs(degto180(bs.traf.trk - qdr)) < 2.0)  # [deg]
        inoldturn = (bs.traf.actwp.oldturnspd >
                     0.) * np.logical_not(oncurrentleg)

        # Avoid using old turning speeds when turning of this leg to the next leg
        # by disabling (old) turningspd when on leg
        bs.traf.actwp.oldturnspd = np.where(
            oncurrentleg * (bs.traf.actwp.oldturnspd > 0.), -998.,

        # turnfromlastwp can only be switched off here, not on (latter happens upon passing wp)
        bs.traf.actwp.turnfromlastwp = np.logical_and(
            bs.traf.actwp.turnfromlastwp, inoldturn)

        # Select speed: turn sped, next speed constraint, or current speed constraint
        bs.traf.selspd = np.where(
            useturnspd, bs.traf.actwp.nextturnspd,
                usenextspdcon, bs.traf.actwp.nextspd,
                np.where((bs.traf.actwp.spdcon >= 0) * bs.traf.swvnavspd,
                         bs.traf.actwp.spd, bs.traf.selspd)))

        # Temporary override when still in old turn
        bs.traf.selspd = np.where(
            inoldturn * (bs.traf.actwp.oldturnspd > 0.) * bs.traf.swvnavspd *
            bs.traf.swvnav * bs.traf.swlnav, bs.traf.actwp.oldturnspd,

        self.inturn = np.logical_or(useturnspd, inoldturn)

        #debug if inoldturn[0]:
        #debug     print("inoldturn bs.traf.trk =",bs.traf.trk[0],"qdr =",qdr)
        #debug elif usenextspdcon[0]:
        #debug     print("usenextspdcon")
        #debug elif useturnspd[0]:
        #debug     print("useturnspd")
        #debug elif bs.traf.actwp.spdcon>0:
        #debug     print("using current speed constraint")
        #debug else:
        #debug     print("no speed given")

        # Below crossover altitude: CAS=const, above crossover altitude: Mach = const
        self.tas = vcasormach2tas(bs.traf.selspd, bs.traf.alt)