Beispiel #1
    def test_rule_from_function(self):
        """ Check the operation of custom rules. """
        def parse_hello(string):
            """ A rule that grabs the literal 'hello'. """
            w = STANDARD[0]
            if string.startswith(w):
                return w, string[len(w):]
            return None, string

        p = ParserBase()
        p.from_function(parse_hello, main=True)
        self.check(p, *STANDARD)
Beispiel #2
 def test_ignore(self):
     """ Test the 'ignore' whitespace handling technique. """
     # set up parser with new grammar and the digit_run function
     p = ParserBase(ws_handler=ignore)
     p.from_function(digit_run, ws_handling=True)
     p.grammar(GRAMMAR, main='programme')
     # trial various combinations of whitespace
     # single spacing
     p.parse('if 34 > 33 then 44 + 3')
     # no spacing
     # random spacing, including a tab
     p.parse('if34 >  33 then   44+\t3')
Beispiel #3
 def test_require_with_ignore(self):
     """ Test the 'require' whitespace handling technique, using
     the 'ignore' option. """
     # set up parser with new grammar and the digit_run function
     p = ParserBase(ws_handler=require(' ', ignore=True))
     p.from_function(digit_run, ws_handling=True)
     p.grammar(GRAMMAR, main='programme')
     # trial various combinations of whitespace
     # single spacing - should work
     p.parse('if 34 > 33 then 44 + 3')
     # double spacing - should now work
     p.parse('if  34  >  33  then  44  +  3')
     # no spacing - should fail
     with self.assertRaises(DelimiterError):
Beispiel #4
 def test_ignore_specific(self):
     """ Test the 'ignore_specific' whitespace handling 
     # set up parser with new grammar and the digit_run function
     p = ParserBase(ws_handler=ignore_specific(' '))
     p.from_function(digit_run, ws_handling=True)
     p.grammar(GRAMMAR, main='programme')
     # trial various combinations of whitespace
     # single spacing
     p.parse('if 34 > 33 then 44 + 3')
     # no spacing
     # random spacing, including a tab - should fail
     with self.assertRaises(NotFoundError, msg='should ignore tab'):
         p.parse('if34 >  33 then   44+\t3')