Beispiel #1
def GetKey(key):
    msg = concat("Get key: ", key)

    #get key
    context = GetContext()
    data = Get(context, key)
    msg = concat("Data found: ", data)
    return data
Beispiel #2
def Main(initialString, args):

    result = initialString
    for word in args:
        if result == None:
            result = word
            result = concat(result, " ")
            result = concat(result, word)
Beispiel #3
def SignOnly(address, document, metadata):
    idConcat = concat(address, document)
    docKey = sha1(idConcat)
    data = concat(docKey, metadata)

    # 	tx = GetTransactionHash()
    # 	data = concat(data, tx)

    hash = sha256(data)
    return hash
Beispiel #4
def isGameInstanceJudged(game_type, instance_ts):
    k1 = concat(key_prefix_game_type, game_type)
    k2 = concat(key_prefix_game_instance, instance_ts)
    k12 = concat(k1, k2)
    key = concat(k12, key_prefix_game_instance_judged)
    context = GetContext()
    v = Get(context, key)
    if v == 0:
        return False
        return True
Beispiel #5
def put_cert(domain, cert):
    curr_domains = Get(GetContext, "all_domains")
    if curr_domains:
        Delete(GetContext, "all_domains")
        curr_domains = concat(curr_domains, ",")
        new_curr_domains = concat(curr_domains, domain)
        Put(GetContext, "all_domains", new_curr_domains)
        Put(GetContext, "all_domains", domain)
    Put(GetContext, domain, cert)
    return "ok" 
Beispiel #6
def IncrementCount(prediction_name, normalised_timestamp, price, context):
    k0 = concat("prediction_count", prediction_name)
    k1 = concat(k0, normalised_timestamp)
    k2 = concat(k1, price)
    count = Get(context, k2)
    if count == 0:
        Put(context, k2, 1)
        return 1
        count = count + 1
        Put(context, k2, count)
        return count
Beispiel #7
def isOracleRegisteredForInstance(game_type, instance_ts, oracle):
    k1 = concat(key_prefix_game_type, game_type)
    k2 = concat(key_prefix_game_instance, instance_ts)
    k12 = concat(k1, k2)
    k4 = concat(key_prefix_game_instance_oracle, oracle)
    key = concat(k12, k4)
    context = GetContext()
    v = Get(context, key)
    if v == 0:
        return False
        return True
Beispiel #8
def CreateNewPredictionGame(prediction_name, context):
    # Check if Prediction Live
    if CheckPredictionGameLive(prediction_name, context):
        Log("Prediction Game is live")
        key = concat("prediction_live", prediction_name)
        Put(context, key, 1)
        normalised_timestamp = GetNormalisedTimestamp()
        key = concat("timestamp", prediction_name)
        Put(context, key, normalised_timestamp)
        return True
    return False
Beispiel #9
def CreateNewGameInstance(client_hash, game_type, instance_ts):
    if isGameInstanceLive(game_type, instance_ts):
        return "Game Instance is Already Live"
        k1 = concat(key_prefix_game_type, game_type)
        k2 = concat(key_prefix_game_instance, instance_ts)
        key = concat(k1, k2)
        context = GetContext()
        Put(context, key, client_hash)
        key_hash = concat(key, client_hash)
    return "Success"
def ValidateArgsLength(args, length_required):
    length = len(args)

    if length != length_required:

        msg_a = concat("Expected length: ", length_required)
        msg_b = concat(", Received length: ", length)
        msg = concat(msg_a, msg_b)

        return False

    return True
Beispiel #11
def IncrementCountForPrediction(game_type, instance_ts, prediction):
    # Get current count
    k1 = concat(key_prefix_game_type, game_type)
    k2 = concat(key_prefix_game_instance, instance_ts)
    k12 = concat(k1, k2)
    k3 = concat(key_prefix_game_instance_prediction, prediction)
    key = concat(k12, k3)
    p_count = Get(GetContext(), key)
    if p_count == 0:
        p_count = 1
        p_count = p_count + 1
    Put(GetContext(), key, p_count)
    return p_count
Beispiel #12
def generate_uid(ref=''):
    height = GetHeight()

    # header = GetHeader(height)
    # header.Timestamp
    block = GetBlock(height)
    timestamp = block.Timestamp
    tx = block.Transactions[0]
    tx_hash = tx.Hash
    time_hash = concat(timestamp, tx_hash)

    return concat(time_hash, ref)
Beispiel #13
def Sign(address, document, metadata):
    idConcat = concat(address, document)
    docKey = sha1(idConcat)
    data = concat(docKey, metadata)

    # 	tx = GetTransactionHash()
    # 	data = concat(data, tx)

    hash = sha256(data)
    if not checkIfKeyExists(docKey):
        StoreKey(docKey, hash)
        return hash
    return False
Beispiel #14
def Stage(operation, dest, tag, amount):
    context = GetContext()
    src = getSource()
    dest_tag = concat(dest, tag)
    dest_tag_users = concat(dest_tag, "-users")
    dest_tag_src = concat(dest_tag, src)
    if operation == 'donate':
        donation = getValue()
        donate(context, dest_tag, dest_tag_users, dest_tag_src, src, donation)
    if operation == 'spend':
        spend(context, amount, src, dest, tag)
        return "Not yet functional"
    return "Invalid operation"
Beispiel #15
def submitPost(args):
    # Default args
    user = args[0]
    postHash = args[1]

    # Creating domains
    postDomain = "post."
    userDomain = concat("user.", user)
    postLatestDomain = concat(postDomain, "latest")
    userLatestDomain = concat(userDomain, ".latest")
  Adding to post domain
  post.latest                     Latest index of a post in common
  post.{postIndex}                Getting a post by index{IPFS_PostHash}       Getting a post by Hash From IPFS
  post.{IPFS_PostHash}            Getting post by Hash from IPFS (Optional)
    # Setting post.latest = {postIndex} - increase afterwards
    latestPostIndex = Get(GetContext, postLatestDomain)
    newLatestPostIndex = -1
    if latestPostIndex == '':
        newLatestPostIndex = 0
        Put(GetContext, postLatestDomain, newLatestPostIndex)
        newLatestPostIndex = latestPostIndex + 1
        Put(GetContext, postLatestDomain, newLatestPostIndex)

    # Setting post.{postIndex} = {postHash}
    postIndexDomain = concat(postDomain, newLatestPostIndex)
    Put(GetContext, postIndexDomain, postHash)

    # Setting{postHash} = {postIndex}
    postDataDomainTemp = concat(postDomain, 'data.')
    postDataDomain = concat(postDataDomainTemp, postHash)
    Put(GetContext, postDataDomain, newLatestPostIndex)

    # Insert the post on domain "post.{index}"
    postKeyDomain = concat(postDomain, newLatestPostIndex)
    Put(GetContext, postKeyDomain, postHash)
    Adding to user domain
    user.{userAddress}              User address of a user (Public key/hash)
    user.{userAddress}.latest       Getting the latest post index of a certain user
    user.{userAddress}.{postIndex}  Getting a post from a certain user by index
    # Setting user.{userAddress}.latest = {postIndex}
    latestUserPostIndex = Get(GetContext, userLatestDomain)
    newLatestUserPostIndex = -1
    if latestUserPostIndex == '':
        newLatestUserPostIndex = 0
        Put(GetContext, userLatestDomain, newLatestUserPostIndex)
        newLatestUserPostIndex = latestUserPostIndex + 1
        Put(GetContext, userLatestDomain, newLatestUserPostIndex)

    # Setting user.{userAddress}.{postIndex} = {postHash}
    userIndexDomain = concat(userDomain, newLatestUserPostIndex)
    Put(GetContext, userIndexDomain, postHash)
    return True
Beispiel #16
def GenerateStorageKey(s1, s2: str) -> str:
    """Concatenate arguments for use as storage key.
        s1 (str):
            first string to be used in concatenation.
        s2 (str):
            second string to be used in concatenation.

        (str): args concatenated together with a '.' between each value.

    withPeriod = concat(s1, '.')
    return concat(withPeriod, s2)
Beispiel #17
    def kyc_deregister(self, args, token: Token):

        :param args:list a list of addresses to deregister
        :param token: Token A token object with your ICO settings
            int: The number of addresses deregistered from KYC
        ok_count = 0

        storage = StorageAPI()

        owner = storage.get(token.owner_key)
        if CheckWitness(owner):

            for address in args:

                if len(address) == 20:

                    kyc_storage_key = concat(self.kyc_key, address)

                    ok_count += 1

        return ok_count
Beispiel #18
    def kyc_register(self, args, token:Token):

        :param args:List Eine Liste der Adressen die zu registrieren sind
        :param token:Token Ein Token Objekt mit Ihren ICO Einstellungen
            int: Die Nummer der Adressen die mit KYC registriert werden
        ok_count = 0

        if CheckWitness(token.owner):

            for address in args:

                if len(address) == 20:

                    storage = StorageAPI()

                    kyc_storage_key = concat(self.kyc_key, address)
                    storage.put(kyc_storage_key, True)

                    ok_count += 1

        return ok_count
Beispiel #19
    def do_approve(self, storage: StorageAPI, t_owner, t_spender, amount):

        if not CheckWitness(t_owner):
            print("Incorrect permission")
            return False

        from_balance = storage.get(t_owner)

        # Kann keinen Betrag bestätigen der momentan
        # größer ist als der von "from balance"
        if from_balance >= amount:

            approval_key = concat(t_owner, t_spender)

            current_approved_balance = storage.get(approval_key)

            new_approved_balance = current_approved_balance + amount

            storage.put(approval_key, new_approved_balance)

            OnApprove(t_owner, t_spender, amount)

            return True

        return False
    def do_approve(self, storage: StorageAPI, t_owner, t_spender, amount):

        if not CheckWitness(t_owner):
            print("Incorrect permission")
            return False

        if amount < 0:
            print("Negative amount")
            return False

        from_balance = storage.get(t_owner)

        # cannot approve an amount that is
        # currently greater than the from balance
        if from_balance >= amount:

            approval_key = concat(t_owner, t_spender)

            if amount == 0:
                storage.put(approval_key, amount)

            OnApprove(t_owner, t_spender, amount)

            return True

        return False
Beispiel #21
def SubmitPrediction(oracle, game_type, instance_ts, prediction):
    if not isGameInstanceLive(game_type, instance_ts):
        return "Game Instance not yet commissioned"
    if isGameInstanceJudged(game_type, instance_ts):
        return "Game Instance already judged"
    if CheckTimestamp(instance_ts):
        return JudgeInstance(game_type, instance_ts) # Too late to submit, but can judge
        # Check if Oracle already registered
        if isOracleRegisteredForInstance(oracle, game_type, instance_ts):
            return "Already registered"
        current_oracle_balance = GetOracleBalance(oracle)
        n_oracles_for_instance = GetOracleCountForInstance(game_type, instance_ts)

        # See if the agent has sent any NEO-GAS assets
        tx = GetScriptContainer()
        refs = tx.References

        if len(refs) < 1:
            if current_oracle_balance >= collateral_requirement:
                new_count = n_oracles_for_instance + 1
                RegisterOracle(game_type, instance_ts, oracle, new_count)
                # No assets sent and existing balance too low
                return "Not enough balance to register"
            ref = refs[0]
            sentAsset = GetAssetId(ref)
            #sender_hash = GetScriptHash(ref)
            if sentAsset == GAS_ASSET_ID:
                receiver = GetExecutingScriptHash()
                totalGasSent = 0
                cOutputs = len(tx.Outputs)
                for output in tx.Outputs:
                    shash = GetScriptHash(output)
                    if shash == receiver:
                        totalGasSent = totalGasSent + output.Value
                if totalGasSent == b'\x00e\xcd\x1d':
                    current_oracle_balance = current_oracle_balance + totalGasSent
                    key = concat(key_prefix_agent_available_balance, oracle)
                    # Updates Balance of Oracle
                    context = GetContext()
                    Put(context, key, current_oracle_balance)
                    new_count = n_oracles_for_instance + 1
                    RegisterOracle(game_type, instance_ts, oracle, new_count)
                    return "Wrong amount of NEO GAS Sent"

        # Now to submit prediction if no errors
        RegisterPrediction(game_type, instance_ts, oracle, prediction)
        p_count = IncrementCountForPrediction(game_type, instance_ts, prediction)
        max_so_far = GetCurrentMax(game_type, instance_ts)
        if p_count > max_so_far:
            # New Current Winner
            UpdateMaxVotes(game_type, instance_ts, p_count)
            UpdatePrediction(game_type, instance_ts, prediction)
        if CheckTimestamp(instance_ts):
            return JudgeInstance(game_type, instance_ts)
        return True
Beispiel #22
    def AddOracle(self, args):
        storage = StorageAPI()

        isValidOwner = self.ValidateOwner()
        if isValidOwner == False:
            return False

        isValidLength = ValidateArgsLength(args, 1)
        if isValidLength == False:
            return False

        oracleID = args[0]
        oracleKey = concat(self.oracle_prefix, oracleID)

        isOracle = storage.get(oracleKey)
        if isOracle == True:
            Log("Address is already an oracle")
            return False

        oracleCount = storage.get(self.oracle_count_key)
        newCount = oracleCount + 1

        storage.put(oracleKey, True)
        storage.put(self.oracle_count_key, newCount)

        OnOracleAdded(oracleID, newCount)

        return True
    def check_winners(self, storage: StorageAPI, address):

        if address == self.owner:
            return 10000

        place_key = concat('place', address)

        current_place = storage.getitem(place_key)

        # if they aleady won, we don't want to let them do it again
        if current_place > 0:
            return 0

        total_winners = storage.getitem('total_winners')
        place = total_winners + 1
        storage.putitem('total_winners', place)

        storage.putitem(place_key, place)

        # persist winners
        if place == 1:

            storage.putitem('first_place', address)

        elif place == 2:

            storage.putitem('second_place', address)

        elif place == 3:

            storage.putitem('third_place', address)

        return place
Beispiel #24
    def do_allowance(self, storage: StorageAPI, t_owner, t_spender):

        allowance_key = concat(t_owner, t_spender)

        amount = storage.get(allowance_key)

        return amount
Beispiel #25
def remove_offer(marketplace, offer_id):
    Helper method to remove an offer that exists on a marketplace.

    :param marketplace:str The name of the marketplace to access.
    :param offer_id:int The id of the offer to remove.
        bool: Whether the offer was removed.
    context = GetContext()

    # Concatenate an offer key for the specified marketplace.
    marketplace_offers_key = concat(offers_key, marketplace)

    # Get all the available offers of a marketplace.
    offers_s = get_all_offers(marketplace)
    offers = deserialize_bytearray(offers_s)

    # Iterate through the offers, we must currently remove by index.
    # TODO: Remove manually searching for the index once list method "indexOf" is added.
    current_index = 0
    for offer in offers:
        # If the offer equals the offer_id remove at current_index.
        if offer == offer_id:
            # Replace the list of offers currently in storage with the modified list.
            offers_s = serialize_array(offers)
            Delete(context, marketplace_offers_key)
            Put(context, marketplace_offers_key, offers_s)
            # Delete the offer from the storage.
            Delete(context, offer_id)
            return True
        current_index += 1

    return False
Beispiel #26
    def do_approve(self, storage: StorageAPI, t_owner, t_spender, amount):

        if not CheckWitness(t_owner):
            print("Incorrect permission")
            return False

        from_balance = storage.get(t_owner)

        # cannot approve an amount that is
        # currently greater than the from balance
        if from_balance >= amount:

            approval_key = concat(t_owner, t_spender)

            current_approved_balance = storage.get(approval_key)

            new_approved_balance = current_approved_balance + amount

            storage.put(approval_key, new_approved_balance)

            OnApprove(t_owner, t_spender, amount)

            return True

        return False
Beispiel #27
    def kyc_register(self, args, token:Token):

        :param args:list a list of addresses to register
        :param token:Token A token object with your ICO settings
            int: The number of addresses to register for KYC
        ok_count = 0

        if CheckWitness(token.owner):

            for address in args:

                if len(address) == 20:

                    storage = StorageAPI()

                    kyc_storage_key = concat(self.kyc_key, address)
                    storage.put(kyc_storage_key, True)

                    ok_count += 1

        return ok_count
Beispiel #28
    def get_kyc_status(self, address, storage:StorageAPI):
        Looks up the KYC status of an address

        :param address:bytearray The address to lookup
        :param storage:StorageAPI A StorageAPI object for storage interaction
            bool: KYC Status of address
        kyc_storage_key = concat(self.kyc_key, address)

        return storage.get(kyc_storage_key)
Beispiel #29
    def calculate_can_exchange(self, token: Token, amount: int, address):
        Perform custom token exchange calculations here.

        :param token:Token The token settings for the sale
        :param amount:int Number of tokens to convert from asset to tokens
        :param address:bytearray The address to mint the tokens to
            bool: Whether or not an address can exchange a specified amount
        height = GetHeight()

        storage = StorageAPI()

        current_in_circulation = storage.get(token.in_circulation_key)

        new_amount = current_in_circulation + amount

        if new_amount > token.total_supply:
            print("amount greater than total supply")
            return False

        print("trying to calculate height????")
        if height < token.block_sale_start:
            print("sale not begun yet")
            return False

        # if we are in free round, any amount
        if height > token.limited_round_end:
            print("Free for all, accept as much as possible")
            return True

        # check amount in limited round

        if amount <= token.max_exchange_limited_round:

            # check if they have already exchanged in the limited round
            r1key = concat(address, self.limited_round_key)

            has_exchanged = storage.get(r1key)

            # if not, then save the exchange for limited round
            if not has_exchanged:
                storage.put(r1key, True)
                return True

            print("already exchanged in limited round")
            return False

        print("too much for limited round")

        return False
Beispiel #30
def serialize_array(items):

    # serialize the length of the list
    itemlength = serialize_var_length_item(items)

    output = itemlength

    # now go through and append all your stuff
    for item in items:

        # get the variable length of the item
        # to be serialized
        itemlen = serialize_var_length_item(item)

        # add that indicator
        output = concat(output, itemlen)

        # now add the item
        output = concat(output, item)

    # return the stuff
    return output
Beispiel #31
    def kyc_status(self, args):
        Gets the KYC Status of an address

        :param args:list a list of arguments
            bool: Returns the kyc status of an address
        storage = StorageAPI()

        if len(args) > 0:
            addr = args[0]

            kyc_storage_key = concat(self.kyc_key, addr)

            return storage.get(kyc_storage_key)

        return False
Beispiel #32
def serialize_var_length_item(item):

    # get the length of your stuff
    stuff_len = len(item)

    # now we need to know how many bytes the length of the array
    # will take to store

    # this is one byte
    if stuff_len <= 255:
        byte_len = b'\x01'
    # two byte
    elif stuff_len <= 65535:
        byte_len = b'\x02'
    # hopefully 4 byte
        byte_len = b'\x04'

    out = concat(byte_len, stuff_len)

    return out