Beispiel #1
class CPUPlayer:
  def __init__(self, name=''):
    self._name = name
    self._board = Board('CPU_Board')
    self._listOfShips = []
    self._guesses = []
  def getName(self):
    return self._name
  def getBoard(self):
    return self._board
  def getLife(self):
    return len(self._listOfShips)
  # Remove a ship from listOfShips (called when a ship is sunk)
  def removeShip(self, ship):
    if ship in self._listOfShips:
      return true
      return false
  # Use autoGuess() 'Seek and Destroy' algorithm to select a target to guess
  def makeGuess(self):
    hitList = self._board.getHitList()
    guess = autoGuess(hitList, self._guesses)
    return guess
  # Automatically place ships on board
  def setupLocalBoard(self, listOfShips):
    # Save list of ships
    self._listOfShips = listOfShips

    # Set board axis ranges
    yAxis = "ABCDEFGHIJ"
    xMax = 10
    xMin = 1
    # Initialize coordinates
    yCoord = ''
    xCoord = 0
    runDirection = ['left', 'right', 'up', 'down']
    # Place ships
    for i in range(0,len(listOfShips)):
      shipPlaced = false 
      while shipPlaced == false:
        # Select random coordinates and directions until a set is found that allows space for the ship
        shipHasSpace = false
        while shipHasSpace == false:
          yCoord = random.choice(yAxis)
          xCoord = random.randint(xMin,xMax)
          direction = random.randint(0,len(runDirection)-1)
          shipHasSpace = self._board.validateSpaceForShip(listOfShips[i], yCoord + str(xCoord),runDirection[direction])
        # Place ship on board
        shipPlaced = self._board.placeShip(listOfShips[i], yCoord + str(xCoord),runDirection[direction])

Beispiel #2
class Player:
  def __init__(self, name=''):
    self._name = name
    self._board = Board('Player Board')
    self._listOfShips = []
    self._guesses = []
  def getName(self):
    return self._name
  def getBoard(self):
    return self._board
  def getLife(self):
    return len(self._listOfShips)
  # Remove a ship from listOfShips (called when a ship is sunk); returns true if ship is found and removed, false otherwise  
  def removeShip(self, ship):
    if ship in self._listOfShips:
      return true
      return false
  # Prompt user to guess a coordinate until valid, un-guessed coordinate is entered; return validated coordinate  
  def makeGuess(self):
    # Prompt the user to guess a coordinate until a valid coordinate is entered
    prompt = self._name + ", pick a target."
    while True:
      # Prompt the user
      guess = requestString(prompt)
      # Verify that the coordinate input is valid
      if guess == None:
        # Cancel was clicked, return None
        return None
      elif self._board.validateCoordinate(guess) == False:
        # Coodinate is invalid, reprompt
        prompt = "That target is invalid. Pick a target."
      elif guess in self._guesses:
        # Coordinate was already guessed, reprompt
        prompt = "You have already fired at that target."
        # Coordinate is valid and not already guessed, return validated coordinate
        return guess.upper()
  # Prompt user to select locations to place ships on board
  def setupLocalBoard(self, listOfShips):
    # Save list of ships
    self._listOfShips = listOfShips
    # Show player's board

    # Loop through ships to place
    i = 0
    while i < len(self._listOfShips):
      ship = self._listOfShips[i]
      # Prompt user to enter starting coordinate for placement
      coordinate = false
      while not coordinate:
        coordinate = requestString('On what square will the bow of your %s (length: %s) be? ' % (ship.getDescription(),ship.getSize()))
        # Cancel was clicked; clear list of ships and return to exit
        if coordinate == None:
          self._listOfShips[:] = []
        # Validate coordinate input
        coordinate = self._board.validateCoordinate(coordinate)
        if not coordinate:
          showInformation('That coordinate does not exist on the board. Please try again.')
      # Prompt user to select direction in which to fill ship from starting coordinate
      directionChoices = ['Up', 'Down', 'Left', 'Right']
      direction = getOption("", "In which direction is the stern of your %s?" % ship.getDescription(), directionChoices)
      # Translate option dialog return value
      if direction == 0:
        direction = 'up'
      elif direction == 1:
        direction = 'down'
      elif direction == 2:
        direction = 'left'
      elif direction == 3:
        direction = 'right'
      # Check if there is space in provided location, then place the ship; else reprompt if ship cannot be placed
      if self._board.validateSpaceForShip(ship, coordinate, direction):
        if self._board.placeShip(ship, coordinate, direction):
          showInformation('Your %s has been placed on the board.' % ship.getDescription())
          i += 1 # Incremement listOfShips index
          showInformation('There is an existing ship in the way. Please try a different location.')
        showInformation('There is not enough room on the board in that direction. Please try a different location.')