def setupUi(self): """create all other widgets we could make the scene view the central widget but I did not figure out how to correctly draw the background with QGraphicsView/QGraphicsScene. QGraphicsView.drawBackground always wants a pixmap for a huge rect like 4000x3000 where my screen only has 1920x1200""" # pylint: disable=too-many-statements GameScene.setupUi(self) self.setObjectName("PlayingField") self.discardBoard = DiscardBoard() self.addItem(self.discardBoard) self.adjustSceneView()
def setupUi(self): """create all other widgets we could make the scene view the central widget but I did not figure out how to correctly draw the background with QGraphicsView/QGraphicsScene. QGraphicsView.drawBackground always wants a pixmap for a huge rect like 4000x3000 where my screen only has 1920x1200""" # pylint: disable=too-many-statements GameScene.setupUi(self) self.setObjectName("PlayingField") self.discardBoard = DiscardBoard() self.addItem(self.discardBoard) self.adjustView()
class PlayingScene(GameScene): """scene with a playing game""" def __init__(self, parent): self._game = None self.__startingGame = True self._clientDialog = None super(PlayingScene, self).__init__(parent) def game(self, value): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ game = self._game changing = value != game, value) if changing: self.__startingGame = False self.mainWindow.actionChat.setEnabled( bool(value) and bool(value.client) and bool(value.client.connection) and not value.client.connection.url.isLocalGame) self.mainWindow.actionChat.setChecked( bool(value) and bool(value.client) and bool(value.client.table.chatWindow)) @property def clientDialog(self): """wrapper: hide dialog when it is set to None""" return self._clientDialog @clientDialog.setter def clientDialog(self, value): """wrapper: hide dialog when it is set to None""" if isAlive(self._clientDialog) and not value: self._clientDialog.timer.stop() self._clientDialog.hide() self._clientDialog = value def resizeEvent(self, dummyEvent): """main window changed size""" if self.clientDialog: self.clientDialog.placeInField() def setupUi(self): """create all other widgets we could make the scene view the central widget but I did not figure out how to correctly draw the background with QGraphicsView/QGraphicsScene. QGraphicsView.drawBackground always wants a pixmap for a huge rect like 4000x3000 where my screen only has 1920x1200""" # pylint: disable=too-many-statements GameScene.setupUi(self) self.setObjectName("PlayingField") self.discardBoard = DiscardBoard() self.addItem(self.discardBoard) self.adjustSceneView() def showWall(self): """shows the wall according to the game rules (length may vary)""" GameScene.showWall(self) self.discardBoard.maximize() def abort(self): """abort current game""" def gotAnswer(result, autoPlaying): """user answered""" if result: = None else: self.mainWindow.actionAutoPlay.setChecked(autoPlaying) return result if not return succeed(True) autoPlaying = self.mainWindow.actionAutoPlay.isChecked() self.mainWindow.actionAutoPlay.setChecked(False) if = None return succeed(True) else: return QuestionYesNo( i18n("Do you really want to abort this game?"), always=True).addCallback(gotAnswer, autoPlaying) def keyPressEvent(self, event): """if we have a clientDialog, pass event to it""" mod = event.modifiers() if mod in (Qt.NoModifier, Qt.ShiftModifier): if self.clientDialog: self.clientDialog.keyPressEvent(event) GameScene.keyPressEvent(self, event) def adjustSceneView(self): """adjust the view such that exactly the wanted things are displayed without having to scroll""" if with AnimationSpeed(): self.discardBoard.maximize() GameScene.adjustSceneView(self) @property def startingGame(self): """are we trying to start a game?""" return self.__startingGame @startingGame.setter def startingGame(self, value): """are we trying to start a game?""" if value != self.__startingGame: self.__startingGame = value self.mainWindow.updateGUI() def applySettings(self): """apply preferences""" GameScene.applySettings(self) self.discardBoard.showShadows = Internal.Preferences.showShadows def toggleDemoMode(self, checked): """switch on / off for autoPlay""" if self.focusRect.refresh() # show/hide it = checked if checked and self.clientDialog: self.clientDialog.proposeAction() # an illegal action might have # focus self.clientDialog.selectButton() # select default, abort timeout def updateSceneGUI(self): """update some actions, all auxiliary windows and the statusbar""" if not isAlive(self): return GameScene.updateSceneGUI(self) game = mainWindow = self.mainWindow if not game: connections = list(x.connection for x in HumanClient.humanClients if x.connection) title = ', '.join('{name}/{url}'.format(name=x.username, url=x.url) for x in connections) if title: decorateWindow(mainWindow, title) else: decorateWindow(mainWindow, str(game.seed)) for action in [mainWindow.actionScoreGame, mainWindow.actionPlayGame]: action.setEnabled(not bool(game)) mainWindow.actionAbortGame.setEnabled(bool(game)) self.discardBoard.setVisible(bool(game)) mainWindow.actionAutoPlay.setEnabled(not self.startingGame) mainWindow.actionChat.setEnabled( bool(game) and bool(game.client) and bool(game.client.connection) and not game.client.connection.url.isLocalGame and not self.startingGame) # chatting on tables before game started works with chat button per # table mainWindow.actionChat.setChecked( mainWindow.actionChat.isEnabled() and bool(game.client.table.chatWindow)) def changeAngle(self): """now that no animation is running, really change""" self.discardBoard.lightSource = self.newLightSource() GameScene.changeAngle(self)
def setupUi(self): """create all other widgets we could make the scene view the central widget but I did not figure out how to correctly draw the background with QGraphicsView/QGraphicsScene. QGraphicsView.drawBackground always wants a pixmap for a huge rect like 4000x3000 where my screen only has 1920x1200""" # pylint: disable=R0915 self.setObjectName("MainWindow") centralWidget = QWidget() scene = MJScene() self.centralScene = scene self.centralView = FittingView() layout = QGridLayout(centralWidget) layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) layout.addWidget(self.centralView) self.tileset = None # just for pylint self.background = None # just for pylint self.tilesetName = Preferences.tilesetName self.windTileset = Tileset(Preferences.windTilesetName) self.discardBoard = DiscardBoard() self.discardBoard.setVisible(False) scene.addItem(self.discardBoard) self.selectorBoard = SelectorBoard() self.selectorBoard.setVisible(False) scene.addItem(self.selectorBoard) self.setCentralWidget(centralWidget) self.centralView.setScene(scene) self.centralView.setFocusPolicy(Qt.StrongFocus) self.adjustView() self.actionScoreGame = self.__kajonggAction("scoreGame", "draw-freehand", self.scoreGame, Qt.Key_C) self.actionPlayGame = self.__kajonggAction("play", "arrow-right", self.playGame, Qt.Key_N) self.actionAbortGame = self.__kajonggAction("abort", "dialog-close", self.abortAction, Qt.Key_W) self.actionAbortGame.setEnabled(False) self.actionQuit = self.__kajonggAction("quit", "application-exit", self.close, Qt.Key_Q) self.actionPlayers = self.__kajonggAction("players", "im-user", self.slotPlayers) self.actionRulesets = self.__kajonggAction("rulesets", "games-kajongg-law", self.slotRulesets) self.actionChat = self.__kajonggToggleAction("chat", "call-start", shortcut=Qt.Key_H, actionData=ChatWindow) game = self.actionChat.setEnabled(bool(game) and bool(game.client) and not game.client.hasLocalServer()) self.actionChat.setChecked(bool(game) and bool(game.client) and bool(game.client.table.chatWindow)) self.actionScoring = self.__kajonggToggleAction("scoring", "draw-freehand", shortcut=Qt.Key_S, actionData=ScoringDialog) self.actionScoring.setEnabled(False) self.actionAngle = self.__kajonggAction("angle", "object-rotate-left", self.changeAngle, Qt.Key_G) self.actionAngle.setEnabled(False) self.actionFullscreen = KToggleFullScreenAction(self.actionCollection()) self.actionFullscreen.setShortcut(Qt.CTRL + Qt.Key_F) self.actionFullscreen.setShortcutContext(Qt.ApplicationShortcut) self.actionFullscreen.setWindow(self) self.actionCollection().addAction("fullscreen", self.actionFullscreen) self.actionFullscreen.toggled.connect(self.fullScreen) self.actionScoreTable = self.__kajonggToggleAction("scoreTable", "format-list-ordered", Qt.Key_T, actionData=ScoreTable) self.actionExplain = self.__kajonggToggleAction("explain", "applications-education", Qt.Key_E, actionData=ExplainView) self.actionAutoPlay = self.__kajonggAction("demoMode", "arrow-right-double", None, Qt.Key_D) self.actionAutoPlay.setCheckable(True) self.actionAutoPlay.toggled.connect(self.__toggleDemoMode) self.actionAutoPlay.setChecked(Internal.autoPlay) QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(self)
class PlayField(KXmlGuiWindow): """the main window""" # pylint: disable=R0902 # pylint we need more than 10 instance attributes def __init__(self): # see Internal.field = self = None self.__startingGame = False self.ignoreResizing = 1 super(PlayField, self).__init__() self.background = None self.showShadows = None self._clientDialog = None self.playerWindow = None self.rulesetWindow = None self.scoreTable = None self.explainView = None self.scoringDialog = None self.confDialog = None self.setupUi() KStandardAction.preferences(self.showSettings, self.actionCollection()) self.applySettings() self.setupGUI() self.retranslateUi() for action in self.toolBar().actions(): if 'onfigure' in action.text(): action.setPriority(QAction.LowPriority) if self.playGame() @property def clientDialog(self): """wrapper: hide dialog when it is set to None""" return self._clientDialog @clientDialog.setter def clientDialog(self, value): """wrapper: hide dialog when it is set to None""" if isAlive(self._clientDialog) and not value: self._clientDialog.timer.stop() self._clientDialog.hide() self._clientDialog = value def sizeHint(self): """give the main window a sensible default size""" result = KXmlGuiWindow.sizeHint(self) result.setWidth(result.height() * 3 // 2) # we want space to the right for the buttons # the default is too small. Use at least 2/3 of screen height and 1/2 of screen width: available = KApplication.kApplication().desktop().availableGeometry() height = max(result.height(), available.height() * 2 // 3) width = max(result.width(), available.width() // 2) result.setHeight(height) result.setWidth(width) return result def resizeEvent(self, event): """Use this hook to determine if we want to ignore one more resize event happening for maximized / almost maximized windows. this misses a few cases where the window is almost maximized because at this point the window has no border yet: event.size, self.geometry() and self.frameGeometry are all the same. So we cannot check if the bordered window would fit into availableGeometry. """ available = KApplication.kApplication().desktop().availableGeometry() if self.ignoreResizing == 1: # at startup if available.width() <= event.size().width() \ or available.height() <= event.size().height(): self.ignoreResizing += 1 KXmlGuiWindow.resizeEvent(self, event) if self.clientDialog: self.clientDialog.placeInField() def showEvent(self, event): """force a resize which calculates the correct background image size""" self.centralView.resizeEvent(True) KXmlGuiWindow.showEvent(self, event) def handSelectorChanged(self, handBoard): """update all relevant dialogs""" if self.scoringDialog: self.scoringDialog.slotInputChanged() if and not # pylint: disable=E1101 # first decorate walls - that will compute player.handBoard for explainView if self.explainView: self.explainView.refresh( def __kajonggAction(self, name, icon, slot=None, shortcut=None, actionData=None): """simplify defining actions""" res = KAction(self) res.setIcon(KIcon(icon)) if slot: res.triggered.connect(slot) self.actionCollection().addAction(name, res) if shortcut: res.setShortcut( Qt.CTRL + shortcut) res.setShortcutContext(Qt.ApplicationShortcut) if PYQT_VERSION_STR != '4.5.2' or actionData is not None: res.setData(QVariant(actionData)) return res def __kajonggToggleAction(self, name, icon, shortcut=None, actionData=None): """a checkable action""" res = self.__kajonggAction(name, icon, shortcut=shortcut, actionData=actionData) res.setCheckable(True) res.toggled.connect(self.__toggleWidget) return res def setupUi(self): """create all other widgets we could make the scene view the central widget but I did not figure out how to correctly draw the background with QGraphicsView/QGraphicsScene. QGraphicsView.drawBackground always wants a pixmap for a huge rect like 4000x3000 where my screen only has 1920x1200""" # pylint: disable=R0915 self.setObjectName("MainWindow") centralWidget = QWidget() scene = MJScene() self.centralScene = scene self.centralView = FittingView() layout = QGridLayout(centralWidget) layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) layout.addWidget(self.centralView) self.tileset = None # just for pylint self.background = None # just for pylint self.tilesetName = Preferences.tilesetName self.windTileset = Tileset(Preferences.windTilesetName) self.discardBoard = DiscardBoard() self.discardBoard.setVisible(False) scene.addItem(self.discardBoard) self.selectorBoard = SelectorBoard() self.selectorBoard.setVisible(False) scene.addItem(self.selectorBoard) self.setCentralWidget(centralWidget) self.centralView.setScene(scene) self.centralView.setFocusPolicy(Qt.StrongFocus) self.adjustView() self.actionScoreGame = self.__kajonggAction("scoreGame", "draw-freehand", self.scoreGame, Qt.Key_C) self.actionPlayGame = self.__kajonggAction("play", "arrow-right", self.playGame, Qt.Key_N) self.actionAbortGame = self.__kajonggAction("abort", "dialog-close", self.abortAction, Qt.Key_W) self.actionAbortGame.setEnabled(False) self.actionQuit = self.__kajonggAction("quit", "application-exit", self.close, Qt.Key_Q) self.actionPlayers = self.__kajonggAction("players", "im-user", self.slotPlayers) self.actionRulesets = self.__kajonggAction("rulesets", "games-kajongg-law", self.slotRulesets) self.actionChat = self.__kajonggToggleAction("chat", "call-start", shortcut=Qt.Key_H, actionData=ChatWindow) game = self.actionChat.setEnabled(bool(game) and bool(game.client) and not game.client.hasLocalServer()) self.actionChat.setChecked(bool(game) and bool(game.client) and bool(game.client.table.chatWindow)) self.actionScoring = self.__kajonggToggleAction("scoring", "draw-freehand", shortcut=Qt.Key_S, actionData=ScoringDialog) self.actionScoring.setEnabled(False) self.actionAngle = self.__kajonggAction("angle", "object-rotate-left", self.changeAngle, Qt.Key_G) self.actionAngle.setEnabled(False) self.actionFullscreen = KToggleFullScreenAction(self.actionCollection()) self.actionFullscreen.setShortcut(Qt.CTRL + Qt.Key_F) self.actionFullscreen.setShortcutContext(Qt.ApplicationShortcut) self.actionFullscreen.setWindow(self) self.actionCollection().addAction("fullscreen", self.actionFullscreen) self.actionFullscreen.toggled.connect(self.fullScreen) self.actionScoreTable = self.__kajonggToggleAction("scoreTable", "format-list-ordered", Qt.Key_T, actionData=ScoreTable) self.actionExplain = self.__kajonggToggleAction("explain", "applications-education", Qt.Key_E, actionData=ExplainView) self.actionAutoPlay = self.__kajonggAction("demoMode", "arrow-right-double", None, Qt.Key_D) self.actionAutoPlay.setCheckable(True) self.actionAutoPlay.toggled.connect(self.__toggleDemoMode) self.actionAutoPlay.setChecked(Internal.autoPlay) QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(self) def showWall(self): """shows the wall according to the game rules (lenght may vary)""" UIWall( # sets if self.discardBoard: # scale it such that it uses the place within the wall optimally. # we need to redo this because the wall length can vary between games. self.discardBoard.maximize() def genPlayers(self): """generate four default VisiblePlayers""" return Players([VisiblePlayer(, idx) for idx in range(4)]) def fullScreen(self, toggle): """toggle between full screen and normal view""" self.actionFullscreen.setFullScreen(self, toggle) def abortAction(self): """abort current game""" def doNotQuit(dummy): """ignore failure to abort""" self.abort().addErrback(doNotQuit) def abort(self): """abort current game""" def gotAnswer(result, autoPlaying): """user answered""" if result: return self.abortGame() else: self.actionAutoPlay.setChecked(autoPlaying) return fail(Exception('no abort')) def gotError(result): """abortGame failed""" logDebug('abortGame error:%s/%s ' % (str(result), result.getErrorMessage())) if not self.startingGame = False return succeed(None) autoPlaying = self.actionAutoPlay.isChecked() self.actionAutoPlay.setChecked(False) if return self.abortGame() else: return QuestionYesNo(m18n("Do you really want to abort this game?"), always=True).addCallback( gotAnswer, autoPlaying).addErrback(gotError) def abortGame(self): """if a game is active, abort it""" if is None: # meanwhile somebody else might have aborted return succeed(None) game = = None return game.close() def closeEvent(self, event): """somebody wants us to close, maybe ALT-F4 or so""" event.ignore() def doNotQuit(dummy): """ignore failure to abort""" self.abort().addCallback(HumanClient.shutdownHumanClients).addCallbacks(Client.quitProgram, doNotQuit) def __moveTile(self, tile, wind, lowerHalf): """the user pressed a wind letter or X for center, wanting to move a tile there""" # this tells the receiving board that this is keyboard, not mouse navigation> # needed for useful placement of the popup menu assert assert isinstance(tile, Tile), (tile, str(tile)) currentBoard = tile.board dragTile, dragMeld = currentBoard.dragObject(tile) if wind == 'X': receiver = self.selectorBoard else: receiver =[wind].handBoard if receiver != currentBoard or bool(lowerHalf) != bool(tile.yoffset): movingLastMeld = tile.element in self.computeLastMeld().pairs if movingLastMeld: self.scoringDialog.clearLastTileCombo() receiver.dropHere(dragTile, dragMeld, lowerHalf) if movingLastMeld and receiver == currentBoard: self.scoringDialog.fillLastTileCombo() def __navigateScoringGame(self, event): """keyboard navigation in a scoring game""" mod = event.modifiers() key = event.key() wind = chr(key%128) moveCommands = m18nc('kajongg:keyboard commands for moving tiles to the players ' \ 'with wind ESWN or to the central tile selector (X)', 'ESWNX') tile = self.centralScene.focusItem().tile if wind in moveCommands: # translate i18n wind key to ESWN: wind = 'ESWNX'[moveCommands.index(wind)] self.__moveTile(tile, wind, mod &Qt.ShiftModifier) return True if key == Qt.Key_Tab and tabItems = [self.selectorBoard] tabItems.extend(list(p.handBoard for p in if p.handBoard.tiles)) tabItems.append(tabItems[0]) currentBoard = tile.board if isinstance(tile, Tile) else None currIdx = 0 while tabItems[currIdx] != currentBoard and currIdx < len(tabItems) -2: currIdx += 1 tabItems[currIdx+1].hasFocus = True return True def keyPressEvent(self, event): """navigate in the selectorboard""" mod = event.modifiers() if mod in (Qt.NoModifier, Qt.ShiftModifier): if and if self.__navigateScoringGame(event): return if self.clientDialog: self.clientDialog.keyPressEvent(event) KXmlGuiWindow.keyPressEvent(self, event) def retranslateUi(self): """retranslate""" self.actionScoreGame.setText(m18nc('@action:inmenu', "&Score Manual Game")) self.actionScoreGame.setIconText(m18nc('@action:intoolbar', 'Manual Game')) self.actionScoreGame.setHelpText(m18nc('kajongg @info:tooltip', '&Score a manual game.')) self.actionPlayGame.setText(m18nc('@action:intoolbar', "&Play")) self.actionPlayGame.setPriority(QAction.LowPriority) self.actionPlayGame.setHelpText(m18nc('kajongg @info:tooltip', 'Start a new game.')) self.actionAbortGame.setText(m18nc('@action:inmenu', "&Abort Game")) self.actionAbortGame.setPriority(QAction.LowPriority) self.actionAbortGame.setHelpText(m18nc('kajongg @info:tooltip', 'Abort the current game.')) self.actionQuit.setText(m18nc('@action:inmenu', "&Quit Kajongg")) self.actionQuit.setPriority(QAction.LowPriority) self.actionPlayers.setText(m18nc('@action:intoolbar', "&Players")) self.actionPlayers.setHelpText(m18nc('kajongg @info:tooltip', 'define your players.')) self.actionRulesets.setText(m18nc('@action:intoolbar', "&Rulesets")) self.actionRulesets.setHelpText(m18nc('kajongg @info:tooltip', 'customize rulesets.')) self.actionAngle.setText(m18nc('@action:inmenu', "&Change Visual Angle")) self.actionAngle.setIconText(m18nc('@action:intoolbar', "Angle")) self.actionAngle.setHelpText(m18nc('kajongg @info:tooltip', "Change the visual appearance of the tiles.")) self.actionScoring.setText(m18nc('@action:inmenu', "&Show Scoring Editor")) self.actionScoring.setIconText(m18nc('@action:intoolbar', "&Scoring")) self.actionScoring.setHelpText(m18nc('kajongg @info:tooltip', "Show or hide the scoring editor for a manual game.")) self.actionScoreTable.setText(m18nc('kajongg @action:inmenu', "&Score Table")) self.actionScoreTable.setIconText(m18nc('kajongg @action:intoolbar', "&Scores")) self.actionScoreTable.setHelpText(m18nc('kajongg @info:tooltip', "Show or hide the score table for the current game.")) self.actionExplain.setText(m18nc('@action:inmenu', "&Explain Scores")) self.actionExplain.setIconText(m18nc('@action:intoolbar', "&Explain")) self.actionExplain.setHelpText(m18nc('kajongg @info:tooltip', 'Explain the scoring for all players in the current game.')) self.actionAutoPlay.setText(m18nc('@action:inmenu', "&Demo Mode")) self.actionAutoPlay.setPriority(QAction.LowPriority) self.actionAutoPlay.setHelpText(m18nc('kajongg @info:tooltip', 'Let the computer take over for you. Start a new local game if needed.')) self.actionChat.setText(m18n("C&hat")) self.actionChat.setHelpText(m18nc('kajongg @info:tooltip', 'Chat with the other players.')) def changeEvent(self, event): """when the applicationwide language changes, recreate GUI""" if event.type() == QEvent.LanguageChange: self.setupGUI() self.retranslateUi() def slotPlayers(self): """show the player list""" if not self.playerWindow: self.playerWindow = PlayerList(self) def slotRulesets(self): """show the player list""" if not self.rulesetWindow: self.rulesetWindow = RulesetSelector() def selectScoringGame(self): """show all games, select an existing game or create a new game""" Players.load() if len(Players.humanNames) < 4: logWarning(m18n('Please define four players in <interface>Settings|Players</interface>')) return False gameSelector = Games(self) if gameSelector.exec_(): selected = gameSelector.selectedGame if selected is not None: ScoringGame.loadFromDB(selected) else: self.newGame() if gameSelector.close() self.updateGUI() return bool( def scoreGame(self): """score a local game""" if self.selectScoringGame(): self.actionScoring.setChecked(True) def playGame(self): """play a remote game: log into a server and show its tables""" self.startingGame = True HumanClient() def adjustView(self): """adjust the view such that exactly the wanted things are displayed without having to scroll""" if not Internal.scaleScene: return if with Animated(False): if self.discardBoard: self.discardBoard.maximize() if self.selectorBoard: self.selectorBoard.maximize() for tile in if tile.board: tile.board.placeTile(tile) view, scene = self.centralView, self.centralScene oldRect = view.sceneRect() view.setSceneRect(scene.itemsBoundingRect()) newRect = view.sceneRect() if oldRect != newRect: view.fitInView(scene.itemsBoundingRect(), Qt.KeepAspectRatio) @property def startingGame(self): """are we trying to start a game?""" return self.__startingGame @startingGame.setter def startingGame(self, value): """are we trying to start a game?""" if value != self.__startingGame: self.__startingGame = value self.updateGUI() @property def tilesetName(self): """the name of the current tileset""" return self.tileset.desktopFileName @tilesetName.setter def tilesetName(self, name): """the name of the current tileset""" self.tileset = Tileset(name) @property def backgroundName(self): """setting this also actually changes the background""" return self.background.desktopFileName if self.background else '' @backgroundName.setter def backgroundName(self, name): """setter for backgroundName""" self.background = Background(name) self.background.setPalette(self.centralWidget()) self.centralWidget().setAutoFillBackground(True) def applySettings(self): """apply preferences""" # pylint: disable=R0912 # too many branches self.actionAngle.setEnabled(bool( and Preferences.showShadows) animate() # drain the queue afterCurrentAnimationDo(self.__applySettings2) def __applySettings2(self, dummyResults): """now no animation is running""" with Animated(False): if self.tilesetName != Preferences.tilesetName: self.tilesetName = Preferences.tilesetName if = self.tileset for item in self.centralScene.nonTiles(): try: item.tileset = self.tileset except AttributeError: continue # change players last because we need the wall already to be repositioned self.adjustView() # the new tiles might be larger if for player in if player.handBoard: player.handBoard.rearrangeMelds = Preferences.rearrangeMelds if self.backgroundName != Preferences.backgroundName: self.backgroundName = Preferences.backgroundName if self.showShadows is None or self.showShadows != Preferences.showShadows: self.showShadows = Preferences.showShadows if wall = wall.showShadows = self.showShadows self.selectorBoard.showShadows = self.showShadows if self.discardBoard: self.discardBoard.showShadows = self.showShadows for tile in self.centralScene.graphicsTileItems(): tile.setClippingFlags() self.adjustView() Sound.enabled = Preferences.useSounds self.centralScene.placeFocusRect() def showSettings(self): """show preferences dialog. If it already is visible, do nothing""" if KConfigDialog.showDialog("settings"): return # if an animation is running, Qt segfaults somewhere deep # in the SVG renderer rendering the wind tiles for the tile # preview afterCurrentAnimationDo(self.__showSettings2) def __showSettings2(self, dummyResult): """now that no animation is running, show settings dialog""" self.confDialog = ConfigDialog(self, "settings") self.confDialog.settingsChanged.connect(self.applySettings) def newGame(self): """asks user for players and ruleset for a new game and returns that new game""" Players.load() # we want to make sure we have the current definitions selectDialog = SelectPlayers( if not selectDialog.exec_(): return return ScoringGame(selectDialog.names, selectDialog.cbRuleset.current) def __toggleWidget(self, checked): """user has toggled widget visibility with an action""" action = self.sender() actionData = if checked: if isinstance(actionData, type): actionData = actionData( action.setData(QVariant(actionData)) if isinstance(actionData, ScoringDialog): self.scoringDialog = actionData actionData.btnSave.clicked.connect(self.nextScoringHand) actionData.scoringClosed.connect(self.__scoringClosed) elif isinstance(actionData, ExplainView): self.explainView = actionData elif isinstance(actionData, ScoreTable): self.scoreTable = actionData actionData.raise_() else: assert actionData actionData.hide() def __toggleDemoMode(self, checked): """switch on / off for autoPlay""" if self.centralScene.placeFocusRect() # show/hide it = checked if checked and self.clientDialog: self.clientDialog.proposeAction() # an illegal action might have focus self.clientDialog.selectButton() # select default, abort timeout else: Internal.autoPlay = checked if checked: # TODO: use the last used ruleset. Right now it always takes the first of the list. self.playGame() def __scoringClosed(self): """the scoring window has been closed with ALT-F4 or similar""" self.actionScoring.setChecked(False) def nextScoringHand(self): """save hand to database, update score table and balance in status line, prepare next hand""" if for player in player.usedDangerousFrom = None for ruleBox in player.manualRuleBoxes: rule = ruleBox.rule if == 'Dangerous Game' and ruleBox.isChecked(): = player def prepareHand(self): """redecorate wall""" self.updateGUI() if if self.scoringDialog: self.scoringDialog.clearLastTileCombo() def updateGUI(self): """update some actions, all auxiliary windows and the statusbar""" if not isAlive(self): return title = '' connections = list(x.connection for x in HumanClient.humanClients if x.connection) game = if not game: title = ', '.join('{name}/{url}'.format(name=x.username, url=x.url) for x in connections) if title: self.setWindowTitle('%s - Kajongg' % title) for action in [self.actionScoreGame, self.actionPlayGame]: action.setEnabled(not bool(game)) self.actionAbortGame.setEnabled(bool(game)) self.actionAngle.setEnabled(bool(game) and self.showShadows) scoring = bool(game and game.isScoringGame()) self.selectorBoard.setVisible(scoring) self.selectorBoard.setEnabled(scoring) self.discardBoard.setVisible(bool(game) and not scoring) self.actionScoring.setEnabled(scoring and not game.finished()) self.actionAutoPlay.setEnabled(not self.startingGame and not scoring) self.actionChat.setEnabled(bool(game) and bool(game.client) and not game.client.hasLocalServer() and not self.startingGame) # chatting on tables before game started works with chat button per table self.actionChat.setChecked(self.actionChat.isEnabled() and bool(game.client.table.chatWindow)) if self.actionScoring.isChecked(): self.actionScoring.setChecked(scoring and not game.finished()) for view in [self.scoringDialog, self.explainView, self.scoreTable]: if view: view.refresh(game) self.__showBalance() def changeAngle(self): """change the lightSource""" if afterCurrentAnimationDo(self.__changeAngle2) def __changeAngle2(self, dummyResult): """now that no animation is running, really change""" if # might be finished meanwhile with Animated(False): wall = oldIdx = LIGHTSOURCES.index(wall.lightSource) # pylint: disable=E1101 newLightSource = LIGHTSOURCES[(oldIdx + 1) % 4] wall.lightSource = newLightSource self.selectorBoard.lightSource = newLightSource self.discardBoard.lightSource = newLightSource self.adjustView() scoringDialog = if isinstance(scoringDialog, ScoringDialog): scoringDialog.computeScores() self.centralScene.placeFocusRect() def __showBalance(self): """show the player balances in the status bar""" sBar = self.statusBar() if for idx, player in enumerate( sbMessage = player.localName + ': ' + str(player.balance) if sBar.hasItem(idx): sBar.changeItem(sbMessage, idx) else: sBar.insertItem(sbMessage, idx, 1) sBar.setItemAlignment(idx, Qt.AlignLeft) else: for idx in range(5): if sBar.hasItem(idx): sBar.removeItem(idx) def computeLastTile(self): """compile hand info into a string as needed by the scoring engine""" if self.scoringDialog: return self.scoringDialog.computeLastTile() def computeLastMeld(self): """compile hand info into a string as needed by the scoring engine""" if self.scoringDialog: cbLastMeld = self.scoringDialog.cbLastMeld idx = cbLastMeld.currentIndex() if idx >= 0: return Meld(str(cbLastMeld.itemData(idx).toString())) return Meld() @staticmethod def askSwap(swappers): """use this as a proxy such that module game does not have to import playfield. Game should also run on a server without KDE being installed""" return SwapDialog(swappers).exec_()
class PlayingScene(GameScene): """scene with a playing game""" def __init__(self, parent): self._game = None self.__startingGame = True self._clientDialog = None super(PlayingScene, self).__init__(parent) def game(self, value): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ game = self._game changing = value != game, value) if changing: self.__startingGame = False self.mainWindow.actionChat.setEnabled( bool(value) and bool(value.client) and bool(value.client.connection) and not value.client.connection.url.isLocalGame) self.mainWindow.actionChat.setChecked( bool(value) and bool(value.client) and bool(value.client.table.chatWindow)) @property def clientDialog(self): """wrapper: hide dialog when it is set to None""" return self._clientDialog @clientDialog.setter def clientDialog(self, value): """wrapper: hide dialog when it is set to None""" if isAlive(self._clientDialog) and not value: self._clientDialog.timer.stop() self._clientDialog.hide() self._clientDialog = value def resizeEvent(self, dummyEvent): """main window changed size""" if self.clientDialog: self.clientDialog.placeInField() def setupUi(self): """create all other widgets we could make the scene view the central widget but I did not figure out how to correctly draw the background with QGraphicsView/QGraphicsScene. QGraphicsView.drawBackground always wants a pixmap for a huge rect like 4000x3000 where my screen only has 1920x1200""" # pylint: disable=too-many-statements GameScene.setupUi(self) self.setObjectName("PlayingField") self.discardBoard = DiscardBoard() self.addItem(self.discardBoard) self.adjustView() def showWall(self): """shows the wall according to the game rules (length may vary)""" GameScene.showWall(self) self.discardBoard.maximize() def abort(self): """abort current game""" def gotAnswer(result, autoPlaying): """user answered""" if result: = None else: self.mainWindow.actionAutoPlay.setChecked(autoPlaying) return result if not return succeed(True) autoPlaying = self.mainWindow.actionAutoPlay.isChecked() self.mainWindow.actionAutoPlay.setChecked(False) if = None return succeed(True) else: return QuestionYesNo(m18n("Do you really want to abort this game?"), always=True).addCallback( gotAnswer, autoPlaying) def keyPressEvent(self, event): """if we have a clientDialog, pass event to it""" mod = event.modifiers() if mod in (Qt.NoModifier, Qt.ShiftModifier): if self.clientDialog: self.clientDialog.keyPressEvent(event) GameScene.keyPressEvent(self, event) def adjustView(self): """adjust the view such that exactly the wanted things are displayed without having to scroll""" if with MoveImmediate(): self.discardBoard.maximize() GameScene.adjustView(self) @property def startingGame(self): """are we trying to start a game?""" return self.__startingGame @startingGame.setter def startingGame(self, value): """are we trying to start a game?""" if value != self.__startingGame: self.__startingGame = value self.mainWindow.updateGUI() def applySettings(self): """apply preferences""" GameScene.applySettings(self) self.discardBoard.showShadows = Internal.Preferences.showShadows def toggleDemoMode(self, checked): """switch on / off for autoPlay""" if self.focusRect.refresh() # show/hide it = checked if checked and self.clientDialog: self.clientDialog.proposeAction() # an illegal action might have # focus self.clientDialog.selectButton() # select default, abort timeout def updateSceneGUI(self): """update some actions, all auxiliary windows and the statusbar""" if not isAlive(self): return GameScene.updateSceneGUI(self) game = mainWindow = self.mainWindow if not game: connections = list( x.connection for x in HumanClient.humanClients if x.connection) title = u', '.join(u'{name}/{url}'.format(name=x.username, url=x.url) for x in connections) if title: decorateWindow(mainWindow, title) else: decorateWindow(mainWindow, str(game.seed)) for action in [mainWindow.actionScoreGame, mainWindow.actionPlayGame]: action.setEnabled(not bool(game)) mainWindow.actionAbortGame.setEnabled(bool(game)) self.discardBoard.setVisible(bool(game)) mainWindow.actionAutoPlay.setEnabled(not self.startingGame) mainWindow.actionChat.setEnabled(bool(game) and bool(game.client) and bool(game.client.connection) and not game.client.connection.url.isLocalGame and not self.startingGame) # chatting on tables before game started works with chat button per # table mainWindow.actionChat.setChecked( mainWindow.actionChat.isEnabled( ) and bool( game.client.table.chatWindow)) def changeAngle(self): """now that no animation is running, really change""" self.discardBoard.lightSource = self.newLightSource() GameScene.changeAngle(self)
def setupUi(self): """create all other widgets we could make the scene view the central widget but I did not figure out how to correctly draw the background with QGraphicsView/QGraphicsScene. QGraphicsView.drawBackground always wants a pixmap for a huge rect like 4000x3000 where my screen only has 1920x1200""" # pylint: disable=R0915 self.setObjectName("MainWindow") centralWidget = QWidget() scene = MJScene() self.centralScene = scene self.centralView = FittingView() layout = QGridLayout(centralWidget) layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) layout.addWidget(self.centralView) self.tileset = None # just for pylint self.background = None # just for pylint self.tilesetName = Preferences.tilesetName self.windTileset = Tileset(Preferences.windTilesetName) self.discardBoard = DiscardBoard() self.discardBoard.setVisible(False) scene.addItem(self.discardBoard) self.selectorBoard = SelectorBoard() self.selectorBoard.setVisible(False) scene.addItem(self.selectorBoard) self.setCentralWidget(centralWidget) self.centralView.setScene(scene) self.centralView.setFocusPolicy(Qt.StrongFocus) self.adjustView() self.actionScoreGame = self.__kajonggAction("scoreGame", "draw-freehand", self.scoreGame, Qt.Key_C) self.actionPlayGame = self.__kajonggAction("play", "arrow-right", self.playGame, Qt.Key_N) self.actionAbortGame = self.__kajonggAction("abort", "dialog-close", self.abortAction, Qt.Key_W) self.actionAbortGame.setEnabled(False) self.actionQuit = self.__kajonggAction("quit", "application-exit", self.close, Qt.Key_Q) self.actionPlayers = self.__kajonggAction("players", "im-user", self.slotPlayers) self.actionRulesets = self.__kajonggAction("rulesets", "games-kajongg-law", self.slotRulesets) self.actionChat = self.__kajonggToggleAction("chat", "call-start", shortcut=Qt.Key_H, actionData=ChatWindow) game = self.actionChat.setEnabled( bool(game) and bool(game.client) and not game.client.hasLocalServer()) self.actionChat.setChecked( bool(game) and bool(game.client) and bool(game.client.table.chatWindow)) self.actionScoring = self.__kajonggToggleAction( "scoring", "draw-freehand", shortcut=Qt.Key_S, actionData=ScoringDialog) self.actionScoring.setEnabled(False) self.actionAngle = self.__kajonggAction("angle", "object-rotate-left", self.changeAngle, Qt.Key_G) self.actionAngle.setEnabled(False) self.actionFullscreen = KToggleFullScreenAction( self.actionCollection()) self.actionFullscreen.setShortcut(Qt.CTRL + Qt.Key_F) self.actionFullscreen.setShortcutContext(Qt.ApplicationShortcut) self.actionFullscreen.setWindow(self) self.actionCollection().addAction("fullscreen", self.actionFullscreen) self.actionFullscreen.toggled.connect(self.fullScreen) self.actionScoreTable = self.__kajonggToggleAction( "scoreTable", "format-list-ordered", Qt.Key_T, actionData=ScoreTable) self.actionExplain = self.__kajonggToggleAction( "explain", "applications-education", Qt.Key_E, actionData=ExplainView) self.actionAutoPlay = self.__kajonggAction("demoMode", "arrow-right-double", None, Qt.Key_D) self.actionAutoPlay.setCheckable(True) self.actionAutoPlay.toggled.connect(self.__toggleDemoMode) self.actionAutoPlay.setChecked(Internal.autoPlay) QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(self)
class PlayField(KXmlGuiWindow): """the main window""" # pylint: disable=R0902 # pylint we need more than 10 instance attributes def __init__(self): # see Internal.field = self = None self.__startingGame = False self.ignoreResizing = 1 super(PlayField, self).__init__() self.background = None self.showShadows = None self._clientDialog = None self.playerWindow = None self.rulesetWindow = None self.scoreTable = None self.explainView = None self.scoringDialog = None self.confDialog = None self.setupUi() KStandardAction.preferences(self.showSettings, self.actionCollection()) self.applySettings() self.setupGUI() self.retranslateUi() for action in self.toolBar().actions(): if 'onfigure' in action.text(): action.setPriority(QAction.LowPriority) if self.playGame() @property def clientDialog(self): """wrapper: hide dialog when it is set to None""" return self._clientDialog @clientDialog.setter def clientDialog(self, value): """wrapper: hide dialog when it is set to None""" if isAlive(self._clientDialog) and not value: self._clientDialog.timer.stop() self._clientDialog.hide() self._clientDialog = value def sizeHint(self): """give the main window a sensible default size""" result = KXmlGuiWindow.sizeHint(self) result.setWidth(result.height() * 3 // 2) # we want space to the right for the buttons # the default is too small. Use at least 2/3 of screen height and 1/2 of screen width: available = KApplication.kApplication().desktop().availableGeometry() height = max(result.height(), available.height() * 2 // 3) width = max(result.width(), available.width() // 2) result.setHeight(height) result.setWidth(width) return result def resizeEvent(self, event): """Use this hook to determine if we want to ignore one more resize event happening for maximized / almost maximized windows. this misses a few cases where the window is almost maximized because at this point the window has no border yet: event.size, self.geometry() and self.frameGeometry are all the same. So we cannot check if the bordered window would fit into availableGeometry. """ available = KApplication.kApplication().desktop().availableGeometry() if self.ignoreResizing == 1: # at startup if available.width() <= event.size().width() \ or available.height() <= event.size().height(): self.ignoreResizing += 1 KXmlGuiWindow.resizeEvent(self, event) if self.clientDialog: self.clientDialog.placeInField() def showEvent(self, event): """force a resize which calculates the correct background image size""" self.centralView.resizeEvent(True) KXmlGuiWindow.showEvent(self, event) def handSelectorChanged(self, handBoard): """update all relevant dialogs""" if self.scoringDialog: self.scoringDialog.slotInputChanged() if and not # pylint: disable=E1101 # first decorate walls - that will compute player.handBoard for explainView if self.explainView: self.explainView.refresh( def __kajonggAction(self, name, icon, slot=None, shortcut=None, actionData=None): """simplify defining actions""" res = KAction(self) res.setIcon(KIcon(icon)) if slot: res.triggered.connect(slot) self.actionCollection().addAction(name, res) if shortcut: res.setShortcut(Qt.CTRL + shortcut) res.setShortcutContext(Qt.ApplicationShortcut) if PYQT_VERSION_STR != '4.5.2' or actionData is not None: res.setData(QVariant(actionData)) return res def __kajonggToggleAction(self, name, icon, shortcut=None, actionData=None): """a checkable action""" res = self.__kajonggAction(name, icon, shortcut=shortcut, actionData=actionData) res.setCheckable(True) res.toggled.connect(self.__toggleWidget) return res def setupUi(self): """create all other widgets we could make the scene view the central widget but I did not figure out how to correctly draw the background with QGraphicsView/QGraphicsScene. QGraphicsView.drawBackground always wants a pixmap for a huge rect like 4000x3000 where my screen only has 1920x1200""" # pylint: disable=R0915 self.setObjectName("MainWindow") centralWidget = QWidget() scene = MJScene() self.centralScene = scene self.centralView = FittingView() layout = QGridLayout(centralWidget) layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) layout.addWidget(self.centralView) self.tileset = None # just for pylint self.background = None # just for pylint self.tilesetName = Preferences.tilesetName self.windTileset = Tileset(Preferences.windTilesetName) self.discardBoard = DiscardBoard() self.discardBoard.setVisible(False) scene.addItem(self.discardBoard) self.selectorBoard = SelectorBoard() self.selectorBoard.setVisible(False) scene.addItem(self.selectorBoard) self.setCentralWidget(centralWidget) self.centralView.setScene(scene) self.centralView.setFocusPolicy(Qt.StrongFocus) self.adjustView() self.actionScoreGame = self.__kajonggAction("scoreGame", "draw-freehand", self.scoreGame, Qt.Key_C) self.actionPlayGame = self.__kajonggAction("play", "arrow-right", self.playGame, Qt.Key_N) self.actionAbortGame = self.__kajonggAction("abort", "dialog-close", self.abortAction, Qt.Key_W) self.actionAbortGame.setEnabled(False) self.actionQuit = self.__kajonggAction("quit", "application-exit", self.close, Qt.Key_Q) self.actionPlayers = self.__kajonggAction("players", "im-user", self.slotPlayers) self.actionRulesets = self.__kajonggAction("rulesets", "games-kajongg-law", self.slotRulesets) self.actionChat = self.__kajonggToggleAction("chat", "call-start", shortcut=Qt.Key_H, actionData=ChatWindow) game = self.actionChat.setEnabled( bool(game) and bool(game.client) and not game.client.hasLocalServer()) self.actionChat.setChecked( bool(game) and bool(game.client) and bool(game.client.table.chatWindow)) self.actionScoring = self.__kajonggToggleAction( "scoring", "draw-freehand", shortcut=Qt.Key_S, actionData=ScoringDialog) self.actionScoring.setEnabled(False) self.actionAngle = self.__kajonggAction("angle", "object-rotate-left", self.changeAngle, Qt.Key_G) self.actionAngle.setEnabled(False) self.actionFullscreen = KToggleFullScreenAction( self.actionCollection()) self.actionFullscreen.setShortcut(Qt.CTRL + Qt.Key_F) self.actionFullscreen.setShortcutContext(Qt.ApplicationShortcut) self.actionFullscreen.setWindow(self) self.actionCollection().addAction("fullscreen", self.actionFullscreen) self.actionFullscreen.toggled.connect(self.fullScreen) self.actionScoreTable = self.__kajonggToggleAction( "scoreTable", "format-list-ordered", Qt.Key_T, actionData=ScoreTable) self.actionExplain = self.__kajonggToggleAction( "explain", "applications-education", Qt.Key_E, actionData=ExplainView) self.actionAutoPlay = self.__kajonggAction("demoMode", "arrow-right-double", None, Qt.Key_D) self.actionAutoPlay.setCheckable(True) self.actionAutoPlay.toggled.connect(self.__toggleDemoMode) self.actionAutoPlay.setChecked(Internal.autoPlay) QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(self) def showWall(self): """shows the wall according to the game rules (lenght may vary)""" UIWall( # sets if self.discardBoard: # scale it such that it uses the place within the wall optimally. # we need to redo this because the wall length can vary between games. self.discardBoard.maximize() def genPlayers(self): """generate four default VisiblePlayers""" return Players([VisiblePlayer(, idx) for idx in range(4)]) def fullScreen(self, toggle): """toggle between full screen and normal view""" self.actionFullscreen.setFullScreen(self, toggle) def abortAction(self): """abort current game""" def doNotQuit(dummy): """ignore failure to abort""" self.abort().addErrback(doNotQuit) def abort(self): """abort current game""" def gotAnswer(result, autoPlaying): """user answered""" if result: return self.abortGame() else: self.actionAutoPlay.setChecked(autoPlaying) return fail(Exception('no abort')) def gotError(result): """abortGame failed""" logDebug('abortGame error:%s/%s ' % (str(result), result.getErrorMessage())) if not self.startingGame = False return succeed(None) autoPlaying = self.actionAutoPlay.isChecked() self.actionAutoPlay.setChecked(False) if return self.abortGame() else: return QuestionYesNo( m18n("Do you really want to abort this game?"), always=True).addCallback(gotAnswer, autoPlaying).addErrback(gotError) def abortGame(self): """if a game is active, abort it""" if is None: # meanwhile somebody else might have aborted return succeed(None) game = = None return game.close() def closeEvent(self, event): """somebody wants us to close, maybe ALT-F4 or so""" event.ignore() def doNotQuit(dummy): """ignore failure to abort""" self.abort().addCallback( HumanClient.shutdownHumanClients).addCallbacks( Client.quitProgram, doNotQuit) def __moveTile(self, tile, wind, lowerHalf): """the user pressed a wind letter or X for center, wanting to move a tile there""" # this tells the receiving board that this is keyboard, not mouse navigation> # needed for useful placement of the popup menu assert assert isinstance(tile, Tile), (tile, str(tile)) currentBoard = tile.board dragTile, dragMeld = currentBoard.dragObject(tile) if wind == 'X': receiver = self.selectorBoard else: receiver =[wind].handBoard if receiver != currentBoard or bool(lowerHalf) != bool(tile.yoffset): movingLastMeld = tile.element in self.computeLastMeld().pairs if movingLastMeld: self.scoringDialog.clearLastTileCombo() receiver.dropHere(dragTile, dragMeld, lowerHalf) if movingLastMeld and receiver == currentBoard: self.scoringDialog.fillLastTileCombo() def __navigateScoringGame(self, event): """keyboard navigation in a scoring game""" mod = event.modifiers() key = event.key() wind = chr(key % 128) moveCommands = m18nc('kajongg:keyboard commands for moving tiles to the players ' \ 'with wind ESWN or to the central tile selector (X)', 'ESWNX') tile = self.centralScene.focusItem().tile if wind in moveCommands: # translate i18n wind key to ESWN: wind = 'ESWNX'[moveCommands.index(wind)] self.__moveTile(tile, wind, mod & Qt.ShiftModifier) return True if key == Qt.Key_Tab and tabItems = [self.selectorBoard] tabItems.extend( list(p.handBoard for p in if p.handBoard.tiles)) tabItems.append(tabItems[0]) currentBoard = tile.board if isinstance(tile, Tile) else None currIdx = 0 while tabItems[currIdx] != currentBoard and currIdx < len( tabItems) - 2: currIdx += 1 tabItems[currIdx + 1].hasFocus = True return True def keyPressEvent(self, event): """navigate in the selectorboard""" mod = event.modifiers() if mod in (Qt.NoModifier, Qt.ShiftModifier): if and if self.__navigateScoringGame(event): return if self.clientDialog: self.clientDialog.keyPressEvent(event) KXmlGuiWindow.keyPressEvent(self, event) def retranslateUi(self): """retranslate""" self.actionScoreGame.setText( m18nc('@action:inmenu', "&Score Manual Game")) self.actionScoreGame.setIconText( m18nc('@action:intoolbar', 'Manual Game')) self.actionScoreGame.setHelpText( m18nc('kajongg @info:tooltip', '&Score a manual game.')) self.actionPlayGame.setText(m18nc('@action:intoolbar', "&Play")) self.actionPlayGame.setPriority(QAction.LowPriority) self.actionPlayGame.setHelpText( m18nc('kajongg @info:tooltip', 'Start a new game.')) self.actionAbortGame.setText(m18nc('@action:inmenu', "&Abort Game")) self.actionAbortGame.setPriority(QAction.LowPriority) self.actionAbortGame.setHelpText( m18nc('kajongg @info:tooltip', 'Abort the current game.')) self.actionQuit.setText(m18nc('@action:inmenu', "&Quit Kajongg")) self.actionQuit.setPriority(QAction.LowPriority) self.actionPlayers.setText(m18nc('@action:intoolbar', "&Players")) self.actionPlayers.setHelpText( m18nc('kajongg @info:tooltip', 'define your players.')) self.actionRulesets.setText(m18nc('@action:intoolbar', "&Rulesets")) self.actionRulesets.setHelpText( m18nc('kajongg @info:tooltip', 'customize rulesets.')) self.actionAngle.setText( m18nc('@action:inmenu', "&Change Visual Angle")) self.actionAngle.setIconText(m18nc('@action:intoolbar', "Angle")) self.actionAngle.setHelpText( m18nc('kajongg @info:tooltip', "Change the visual appearance of the tiles.")) self.actionScoring.setText( m18nc('@action:inmenu', "&Show Scoring Editor")) self.actionScoring.setIconText(m18nc('@action:intoolbar', "&Scoring")) self.actionScoring.setHelpText( m18nc('kajongg @info:tooltip', "Show or hide the scoring editor for a manual game.")) self.actionScoreTable.setText( m18nc('kajongg @action:inmenu', "&Score Table")) self.actionScoreTable.setIconText( m18nc('kajongg @action:intoolbar', "&Scores")) self.actionScoreTable.setHelpText( m18nc('kajongg @info:tooltip', "Show or hide the score table for the current game.")) self.actionExplain.setText(m18nc('@action:inmenu', "&Explain Scores")) self.actionExplain.setIconText(m18nc('@action:intoolbar', "&Explain")) self.actionExplain.setHelpText( m18nc('kajongg @info:tooltip', 'Explain the scoring for all players in the current game.')) self.actionAutoPlay.setText(m18nc('@action:inmenu', "&Demo Mode")) self.actionAutoPlay.setPriority(QAction.LowPriority) self.actionAutoPlay.setHelpText( m18nc( 'kajongg @info:tooltip', 'Let the computer take over for you. Start a new local game if needed.' )) self.actionChat.setText(m18n("C&hat")) self.actionChat.setHelpText( m18nc('kajongg @info:tooltip', 'Chat with the other players.')) def changeEvent(self, event): """when the applicationwide language changes, recreate GUI""" if event.type() == QEvent.LanguageChange: self.setupGUI() self.retranslateUi() def slotPlayers(self): """show the player list""" if not self.playerWindow: self.playerWindow = PlayerList(self) def slotRulesets(self): """show the player list""" if not self.rulesetWindow: self.rulesetWindow = RulesetSelector() def selectScoringGame(self): """show all games, select an existing game or create a new game""" Players.load() if len(Players.humanNames) < 4: logWarning( m18n( 'Please define four players in <interface>Settings|Players</interface>' )) return False gameSelector = Games(self) if gameSelector.exec_(): selected = gameSelector.selectedGame if selected is not None: ScoringGame.loadFromDB(selected) else: self.newGame() if gameSelector.close() self.updateGUI() return bool( def scoreGame(self): """score a local game""" if self.selectScoringGame(): self.actionScoring.setChecked(True) def playGame(self): """play a remote game: log into a server and show its tables""" self.startingGame = True HumanClient() def adjustView(self): """adjust the view such that exactly the wanted things are displayed without having to scroll""" if not Internal.scaleScene: return if with Animated(False): if self.discardBoard: self.discardBoard.maximize() if self.selectorBoard: self.selectorBoard.maximize() for tile in if tile.board: tile.board.placeTile(tile) view, scene = self.centralView, self.centralScene oldRect = view.sceneRect() view.setSceneRect(scene.itemsBoundingRect()) newRect = view.sceneRect() if oldRect != newRect: view.fitInView(scene.itemsBoundingRect(), Qt.KeepAspectRatio) @property def startingGame(self): """are we trying to start a game?""" return self.__startingGame @startingGame.setter def startingGame(self, value): """are we trying to start a game?""" if value != self.__startingGame: self.__startingGame = value self.updateGUI() @property def tilesetName(self): """the name of the current tileset""" return self.tileset.desktopFileName @tilesetName.setter def tilesetName(self, name): """the name of the current tileset""" self.tileset = Tileset(name) @property def backgroundName(self): """setting this also actually changes the background""" return self.background.desktopFileName if self.background else '' @backgroundName.setter def backgroundName(self, name): """setter for backgroundName""" self.background = Background(name) self.background.setPalette(self.centralWidget()) self.centralWidget().setAutoFillBackground(True) def applySettings(self): """apply preferences""" # pylint: disable=R0912 # too many branches self.actionAngle.setEnabled( bool( and Preferences.showShadows) animate() # drain the queue afterCurrentAnimationDo(self.__applySettings2) def __applySettings2(self, dummyResults): """now no animation is running""" with Animated(False): if self.tilesetName != Preferences.tilesetName: self.tilesetName = Preferences.tilesetName if = self.tileset for item in self.centralScene.nonTiles(): try: item.tileset = self.tileset except AttributeError: continue # change players last because we need the wall already to be repositioned self.adjustView() # the new tiles might be larger if for player in if player.handBoard: player.handBoard.rearrangeMelds = Preferences.rearrangeMelds if self.backgroundName != Preferences.backgroundName: self.backgroundName = Preferences.backgroundName if self.showShadows is None or self.showShadows != Preferences.showShadows: self.showShadows = Preferences.showShadows if wall = wall.showShadows = self.showShadows self.selectorBoard.showShadows = self.showShadows if self.discardBoard: self.discardBoard.showShadows = self.showShadows for tile in self.centralScene.graphicsTileItems(): tile.setClippingFlags() self.adjustView() Sound.enabled = Preferences.useSounds self.centralScene.placeFocusRect() def showSettings(self): """show preferences dialog. If it already is visible, do nothing""" if KConfigDialog.showDialog("settings"): return # if an animation is running, Qt segfaults somewhere deep # in the SVG renderer rendering the wind tiles for the tile # preview afterCurrentAnimationDo(self.__showSettings2) def __showSettings2(self, dummyResult): """now that no animation is running, show settings dialog""" self.confDialog = ConfigDialog(self, "settings") self.confDialog.settingsChanged.connect(self.applySettings) def newGame(self): """asks user for players and ruleset for a new game and returns that new game""" Players.load() # we want to make sure we have the current definitions selectDialog = SelectPlayers( if not selectDialog.exec_(): return return ScoringGame(selectDialog.names, selectDialog.cbRuleset.current) def __toggleWidget(self, checked): """user has toggled widget visibility with an action""" action = self.sender() actionData = if checked: if isinstance(actionData, type): actionData = actionData( action.setData(QVariant(actionData)) if isinstance(actionData, ScoringDialog): self.scoringDialog = actionData actionData.btnSave.clicked.connect(self.nextScoringHand) actionData.scoringClosed.connect(self.__scoringClosed) elif isinstance(actionData, ExplainView): self.explainView = actionData elif isinstance(actionData, ScoreTable): self.scoreTable = actionData actionData.raise_() else: assert actionData actionData.hide() def __toggleDemoMode(self, checked): """switch on / off for autoPlay""" if self.centralScene.placeFocusRect() # show/hide it = checked if checked and self.clientDialog: self.clientDialog.proposeAction( ) # an illegal action might have focus self.clientDialog.selectButton( ) # select default, abort timeout else: Internal.autoPlay = checked if checked: # TODO: use the last used ruleset. Right now it always takes the first of the list. self.playGame() def __scoringClosed(self): """the scoring window has been closed with ALT-F4 or similar""" self.actionScoring.setChecked(False) def nextScoringHand(self): """save hand to database, update score table and balance in status line, prepare next hand""" if for player in player.usedDangerousFrom = None for ruleBox in player.manualRuleBoxes: rule = ruleBox.rule if == 'Dangerous Game' and ruleBox.isChecked(): = player def prepareHand(self): """redecorate wall""" self.updateGUI() if if self.scoringDialog: self.scoringDialog.clearLastTileCombo() def updateGUI(self): """update some actions, all auxiliary windows and the statusbar""" if not isAlive(self): return title = '' connections = list(x.connection for x in HumanClient.humanClients if x.connection) game = if not game: title = ', '.join('{name}/{url}'.format(name=x.username, url=x.url) for x in connections) if title: self.setWindowTitle('%s - Kajongg' % title) for action in [self.actionScoreGame, self.actionPlayGame]: action.setEnabled(not bool(game)) self.actionAbortGame.setEnabled(bool(game)) self.actionAngle.setEnabled(bool(game) and self.showShadows) scoring = bool(game and game.isScoringGame()) self.selectorBoard.setVisible(scoring) self.selectorBoard.setEnabled(scoring) self.discardBoard.setVisible(bool(game) and not scoring) self.actionScoring.setEnabled(scoring and not game.finished()) self.actionAutoPlay.setEnabled(not self.startingGame and not scoring) self.actionChat.setEnabled( bool(game) and bool(game.client) and not game.client.hasLocalServer() and not self.startingGame) # chatting on tables before game started works with chat button per table self.actionChat.setChecked(self.actionChat.isEnabled() and bool(game.client.table.chatWindow)) if self.actionScoring.isChecked(): self.actionScoring.setChecked(scoring and not game.finished()) for view in [self.scoringDialog, self.explainView, self.scoreTable]: if view: view.refresh(game) self.__showBalance() def changeAngle(self): """change the lightSource""" if afterCurrentAnimationDo(self.__changeAngle2) def __changeAngle2(self, dummyResult): """now that no animation is running, really change""" if # might be finished meanwhile with Animated(False): wall = oldIdx = LIGHTSOURCES.index(wall.lightSource) # pylint: disable=E1101 newLightSource = LIGHTSOURCES[(oldIdx + 1) % 4] wall.lightSource = newLightSource self.selectorBoard.lightSource = newLightSource self.discardBoard.lightSource = newLightSource self.adjustView() scoringDialog = if isinstance(scoringDialog, ScoringDialog): scoringDialog.computeScores() self.centralScene.placeFocusRect() def __showBalance(self): """show the player balances in the status bar""" sBar = self.statusBar() if for idx, player in enumerate( sbMessage = player.localName + ': ' + str(player.balance) if sBar.hasItem(idx): sBar.changeItem(sbMessage, idx) else: sBar.insertItem(sbMessage, idx, 1) sBar.setItemAlignment(idx, Qt.AlignLeft) else: for idx in range(5): if sBar.hasItem(idx): sBar.removeItem(idx) def computeLastTile(self): """compile hand info into a string as needed by the scoring engine""" if self.scoringDialog: return self.scoringDialog.computeLastTile() def computeLastMeld(self): """compile hand info into a string as needed by the scoring engine""" if self.scoringDialog: cbLastMeld = self.scoringDialog.cbLastMeld idx = cbLastMeld.currentIndex() if idx >= 0: return Meld(str(cbLastMeld.itemData(idx).toString())) return Meld() @staticmethod def askSwap(swappers): """use this as a proxy such that module game does not have to import playfield. Game should also run on a server without KDE being installed""" return SwapDialog(swappers).exec_()