Beispiel #1
    def select_action_from_state(self, env, state):
        if self.in_sim:

        if env.total_time < 1:
            return Action(0, 0)

        boat_x, boat_y, boat_speed, boat_angle, boat_ang_vel, obstacles = state
        boat_speed = env.speed

        waypoint = [
        dist = LatLon.dist(env.boat_coords, env.waypoints[self.curr_waypoint])

        if abs(dist) < 0.05:
            self.curr_waypoint = (self.curr_waypoint + 1) % len(env.waypoints)
            self.running_error = 0
            self.accumulator = 0
            self.last_dist = 0

        self.running_error += abs(dist)

        ocean_current_x, ocean_current_y = self.estimate_currents(env, state)

        control = self.new_control(boat_angle, boat_ang_vel, waypoint[0],
                                   boat_x, waypoint[1], boat_y, boat_speed,
                                   ocean_current_x, ocean_current_y, True)
        self.last_dist = dist

        self.last_alpha = control[1]
        self.last_accel = control[0]

        return Action(2, [control[1], control[0]])
    def control(self, boat_angle, delta_x, delta_y, boat_speed, boat_ang_vel, gains):
        Get controls needed to steer boat to a particular point.
        This function is used to follow the path planned using A*
        boat_angle_deg = np.deg2rad(boat_angle)
        R = np.array([  [-np.sin(boat_angle_deg),   np.cos(boat_angle_deg) ,    0],
                        [-np.cos(boat_angle_deg),  -np.sin(boat_angle_deg),     0],
                        [0,                         0,                          1]]).reshape((3, 3))
        R_inv = R.T

        angle = self.get_required_angle_change(boat_angle, delta_x, delta_y)

        eta_d = np.array([delta_x, delta_y, angle]).reshape((3, 1))

        targ_v = gains * np.matmul(R_inv, eta_d)
        curr_v = np.array([boat_speed, 0, boat_ang_vel]).reshape((3, 1))
        diff_v = targ_v - curr_v

        control = gains * diff_v
        control[2][0] = np.rad2deg(control[2][0])
        control = np.clip(control, np.array([-self.a_max, 0, -self.max_alpha_mag]).reshape(3, 1), np.array([self.a_max, 0, self.max_alpha_mag]).reshape(3, 1))

        dist = np.sqrt((delta_x ** 2) + (delta_y ** 2))

        # print(f"self.running_dist_err: {self.running_dist_err}, self.running_angle_err: {self.running_angle_err}")
        if self.print_info:
            print(f"dist: {round(dist, 5)},  curr_vel: {round(boat_speed, 5)}, accel: {round(control[0][0], 5)}, alpha: {round(control[2][0], 5)}")

        return Action(2, [control[2][0], control[0][0]])
    def select_action_from_state(self, env, state):

        if self.in_sim:

        # if env.total_time < 1:
        #     # return Action(0, self.a_max)
        #     return Action(0, 0)

        boat_x, boat_y, boat_speed, desired_speed, boat_angle, boat_ang_vel, ocean_current_x, ocean_current_y, obstacles = state
        waypoint = [
        dist = LatLon.dist(LatLon(boat_y, boat_x),
                           LatLon(waypoint[1], waypoint[0]))

        if abs(dist) < 0.05 and abs(boat_speed) < 5:
            self.curr_waypoint = (self.curr_waypoint + 1) % len(env.waypoints)
            self.running_error = 0

        self.running_error += abs(dist)

        angle = np.arctan2(boat_x - waypoint[0],
                           boat_y - waypoint[1]) * 180 / np.pi

        alpha = self.compute_angular_accel(boat_ang_vel, boat_angle, angle)
        accel = self.compute_accel(dist, boat_speed, boat_angle, angle)

        return Action(2, [alpha, accel])
def simulation(args, controller_conn):
    Simulates movements of the boat.

    This function is to be executed in the process simulates the boat. It creates
    an instance of the SimpleBoatSim class, repeatedly publishes state
    information and receives actions taken by the boat.
    env = SimpleBoatSim(current_level=int(args.current_level), state_mode=args.state_mode, max_obstacles=int(args.max_obstacles), apply_drag_forces=(not bool(args.no_drag)))
    state = env.reset()

    controller_conn.send(format_state(state, env))

    while True:
        events = pygame.event.get()

        to_send = False
        if controller_conn.poll():
            action = controller_conn.recv()
            to_send = True
            action = Action(0, 0)

        state, _, end_sim, _ = env.step(action)

        if to_send:
            controller_conn.send(format_state(state, env))

        if not args.no_render:

        if end_sim:
            # This can be replaced with env.close() to end the simulation.
            state = env.reset()
Beispiel #5
    def control(self, boat_angle, delta_x, delta_y, boat_speed, boat_ang_vel):
        boat_angle_deg = np.deg2rad(boat_angle)
        R = np.array([[-np.sin(boat_angle_deg),
                       np.cos(boat_angle_deg), 0],
                      [-np.cos(boat_angle_deg), -np.sin(boat_angle_deg), 0],
                      [0, 0, 1]]).reshape((3, 3))
        R_inv = R.T

        angle = self.get_required_angle_change(boat_angle, delta_x, delta_y)

        err_vec = np.array([self.running_dist_err, 0,
                            self.running_angle_err]).reshape((3, 1))

        # print(err_vec)

        eta_d = np.array([delta_x, delta_y, angle]).reshape((3, 1))

        targ_v = (self.p_scale * np.matmul(R_inv, eta_d)) + (self.i_scale *
        curr_v = np.array([boat_speed, 0, boat_ang_vel]).reshape((3, 1))
        diff_v = targ_v - curr_v

        control = self.p_scale * diff_v
        control[2][0] = np.rad2deg(control[2][0])
        control = np.clip(
            np.array([-self.a_max, 0, -self.max_alpha_mag]).reshape(3, 1),
            np.array([self.a_max, 0, self.max_alpha_mag]).reshape(3, 1))

        dist = np.sqrt((delta_x**2) + (delta_y**2))

        if self.last_dist is not None and self.last_angle is not None:
            delta = abs(dist) - abs(self.last_dist)
            delta_angle = abs(angle) - abs(self.last_angle)

            d_increment = np.exp(-1600 * delta**2) * dist
            a_increment = np.exp(-1600 * delta_angle**2) * angle

            raw_angle = (np.arctan2(-delta_x, -delta_y) * 180 /
                         np.pi) - (boat_angle)
            raw_angle %= 360
            raw_angle = min(raw_angle, raw_angle - 360, key=abs)

            if abs(raw_angle) < 90:
                self.running_dist_err += d_increment
                self.running_dist_err -= d_increment
            self.running_angle_err += a_increment

        self.last_dist = dist
        self.last_angle = angle

        # print(f"self.running_dist_err: {self.running_dist_err}, self.running_angle_err: {self.running_angle_err}")
        if self.print_info:
                f"dist: {round(dist, 5)},  curr_vel: {round(boat_speed, 5)}, accel: {round(control[0][0], 5)}, alpha: {round(control[2][0], 5)}"

        return Action(2, [control[2][0], control[0][0]])
Beispiel #6
    def select_action_from_state(self, env, state):
        Main method that calculates Voronoi diagram, finds shortest path,
        and outputs which actions need to be taken.
        if self.in_sim:

        if env.total_time < 1:
            self.path = []
            env.voronoi_graph = None
            env.voronoi_path = None
            return Action(0, 0)

        boat_x, boat_y, boat_speed, _, boat_angle, boat_ang_vel, ocean_current_x, ocean_current_y, obstacles = state

        boat_latlon = LatLon(boat_y, boat_x)
        waypoint_laton = env.waypoints[self.curr_waypoint]

        dist = LatLon.dist(boat_latlon, waypoint_laton)

        if dist < 0.05:
            self.curr_waypoint = (self.curr_waypoint + 1) % len(env.waypoints)
            self.path = None
            return Action(0, 0)

        self.voronoi_graph = self.compute_voronoi(obstacles, boat_latlon,
        _, self.path = self.compute_shortest_path(self.voronoi_graph)

        env.voronoi_graph = self.voronoi_graph
        env.voronoi_path = self.path

        if self.path is None:
            return Action(0, 0)

        target_point = self.voronoi_graph.points[self.path[1]]
        boat_xy = list(latlon_to_xy(boat_latlon))

        min_dist_to_obs = self.compute_distance_to_closest_obstacle(
            boat_latlon, obstacles)

        return self.control(boat_angle, target_point[0] - boat_xy[0],
                            target_point[1] - boat_xy[1], boat_speed,
                            boat_ang_vel, min_dist_to_obs)
Beispiel #7
    def get_user_input(self, env):
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == KEYDOWN:
                if event.key == K_ESCAPE or event.type == QUIT:
                if event.key == K_UP:
                    return Action(0, 40)
                if event.key == K_DOWN:
                    return Action(0, -40)
                if event.key == K_LEFT:
                    return Action(1, 60)
                if event.key == K_RIGHT:
                    return Action(1, -60)

            if event.type == QUIT:

        return Action(0, 0)
Beispiel #8
    def select_action_from_state(self, env, state):

        if self.in_sim:

        boat_x, boat_y, boat_speed, _, boat_angle, boat_ang_vel, ocean_current_x, ocean_current_y, obstacles = state

        waypoint = [
        dist = LatLon.dist(LatLon(boat_y, boat_x),
                           LatLon(waypoint[1], waypoint[0]))

        if abs(dist) < 0.05:
            self.curr_waypoint = (self.curr_waypoint + 1) % len(env.waypoints)

        delta_x, delta_y = self.get_distances(waypoint, boat_x, boat_y)
        angle = self.get_required_angle_change(boat_angle, delta_x, delta_y)
        angle = angle % 360
        print(min(angle, angle - 360, key=abs))

        # Accelerating by specified values for one frame
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == KEYDOWN:
                if event.key == K_ESCAPE or event.type == QUIT:
                if event.key == K_UP:
                    return Action(0, 60)
                if event.key == K_DOWN:
                    return Action(0, -60)
                if event.key == K_LEFT:
                    return Action(1, 60 * 60)
                if event.key == K_RIGHT:
                    return Action(1, -60 * 60)
            if event.type == QUIT:

        return Action(0, 0)
    def select_action_from_state(self, env, state):

        if self.in_sim:

        if env.total_time < 1:
            return Action(0, 0)

        boat_x, boat_y, boat_speed, boat_angle, boat_ang_vel, obstacles = state
        boat_speed = env.speed

        waypoint = [env.waypoints[self.curr_waypoint].lon, env.waypoints[self.curr_waypoint].lat]
        dist = LatLon.dist(env.boat_coords, env.waypoints[self.curr_waypoint])

        if abs(dist) < 0.25:
            self.curr_waypoint = (self.curr_waypoint + 1) % len(env.waypoints)
            self.running_error = 0
        self.running_error += abs(dist)
        # angle = np.arctan2(boat_x - waypoint[0], boat_y - waypoint[1]) * 180 / np.pi
        # alpha = self.compute_angular_accel(boat_ang_vel, boat_angle, angle)
        # accel = self.compute_accel(dist, boat_speed, boat_angle, angle)

        # theta_i, ang_vel, x_targ, x_curr, y_targ, y_curr, v_i, v_cx, v_cy

        boat_lon, boat_lat = state[0], state[1]
        ocean_current_x, ocean_current_y = env.compute_ocean_current(LatLon(boat_y, boat_x))

        # ocean_current_x = 0
        # ocean_current_y = 0

        control = self.new_control(boat_angle, boat_ang_vel, waypoint[0], boat_x, waypoint[1], boat_y, boat_speed, ocean_current_x, ocean_current_y)
        # print("control: " + str(control))

        return Action(2, [control[1], control[0]])
    def select_action_from_state(self, env, state):
        if self.in_sim:

        # boat_x, boat_y, boat_speed, _, boat_angle, boat_ang_vel, ocean_current_x, ocean_current_y, obstacles = state
        # print(state)
        boat_x, boat_y, boat_speed, omega, theta_m, boat_ang_vel, obstacles = state



        # waypoint = [env.waypoints[self.curr_waypoint].lon, env.waypoints[self.curr_waypoint].lat]
        # dist = LatLon.dist(LatLon(boat_y, boat_x), LatLon(waypoint[1], waypoint[0]))
        # if abs(dist) < 0.05:
        #     self.curr_waypoint = (self.curr_waypoint + 1) % len(env.waypoints)

        # Accelerating by specified values for one frame
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == KEYDOWN:
                if event.key == K_ESCAPE or event.type == QUIT:
                if event.key == K_UP:
                    return Action(0, 60)
                if event.key == K_DOWN:
                    return Action(0, -60)
                if event.key == K_LEFT:
                    return Action(1, 60 * 60)
                if event.key == K_RIGHT:
                    return Action(1, -60 * 60)
            if event.type == QUIT:

        return Action(0, 0)
    def select_action_from_state(self, env, state):
        if self.in_sim:

        # if env.total_time < 1:
        #     return Action(0, 0)

        boat_x, boat_y, boat_speed, _, boat_angle, boat_ang_vel, ocean_current_x, ocean_current_y, obstacles = state
        ocean_current_x, ocean_current_y = self.estimate_currents_theoretical(

        waypoint = [
        dist = LatLon.dist(LatLon(boat_y, boat_x),
                           LatLon(waypoint[1], waypoint[0]))

        if abs(dist) < 0.05:
            self.curr_waypoint = (self.curr_waypoint + 1) % len(env.waypoints)
            self.last_dist = None
            self.accumulator = 0

        control = self.new_control(boat_angle, boat_ang_vel, waypoint[0],
                                   boat_x, waypoint[1], boat_y, boat_speed,
                                   ocean_current_x, ocean_current_y)

        control[0] = np.clip(control[0], -self.a_max, self.a_max)
        control[1] = np.clip(control[1], -self.max_alpha_mag,

        self.last_a = control[0]
        self.last_alpha = control[1]

        self.last_dist = dist

        self.last_state = state

        return Action(2, [control[1], control[0]])
 def select_action_from_state(self, env, state):
     return Action(0, 0)
    def select_action_from_state(self, env, state):
        Main method that performs A* search, selects subgoal to go to,
        and outputs which actions need to be taken.

        if self.in_sim:

        if env.total_time < 1:
            self.path = None
            self.start_x = None
            self.start_y = None
            self.subgoal_idx = 0
            return Action(0, 0)

        boat_x, boat_y, boat_speed, _, boat_angle, boat_ang_vel, ocean_current_x, ocean_current_y, obstacles = state

        waypoint = [

        if self.start_x is None:
            self.start_x = boat_x
            self.start_y = boat_y

        delta_x, delta_y = self.get_distances(waypoint, self.start_x,
        boat_x, boat_y = self.get_distances([boat_x, boat_y], self.start_x,

        dist = np.sqrt((delta_x - boat_x)**2 + (delta_y - boat_y)**2)

        if dist < 0.05:
            self.curr_waypoint = (self.curr_waypoint + 1) % len(env.waypoints)
            self.path = None
            self.start_x = None
            self.start_y = None
            self.cmd_idx = 0
            return Action(0, 0)

        if self.path is None:
            curr = self.accel_a_star(boat_x, boat_y, delta_x, delta_y, state)
            path_rev = []
            path_cstates_rev = []

            while curr is not None:
                path_rev.append((curr.accel, curr.alpha))
                curr = curr.prev

            self.path = path_rev

            self.draw(delta_x, delta_y, path_cstates_rev, state, controls=True)

            self.cmd_idx = 0
            self.cmd_start_t = env.total_time

        if env.total_time - self.cmd_start_t >= self.delta_t:
            self.cmd_idx += 1
            self.cmd_start_t = env.total_time

        if self.cmd_idx < len(self.path):
            control = self.path[len(self.path) - 1 - self.cmd_idx]
            return Action(2, [control[1], control[0]])

        return Action(0, 0)
    def select_action_from_state(self, env, state):
        Main method that performs A* search, selects subgoal to go to,
        and outputs which actions need to be taken.
        if self.in_sim:

        # if env.total_time < 1:
        #     self.path = []
        #     self.start_lon = None
        #     self.start_lat = None
        #     self.subgoal_idx = 0
        #     self.last_subgoal_idx = 0
        #     return Action(0, 0)

        boat_x, boat_y, boat_speed, _, boat_angle, boat_ang_vel, ocean_current_x, ocean_current_y, obstacles = state

        waypoint = [env.waypoints[self.curr_waypoint].lon, env.waypoints[self.curr_waypoint].lat]

        if self.start_lon is None:
            self.start_lon = boat_x
            self.start_lat = boat_y

        delta_x, delta_y = self.get_distances(waypoint, self.start_lon, self.start_lat)
        boat_x, boat_y = self.get_distances([boat_x, boat_y], self.start_lon, self.start_lat)

        dist = np.sqrt((delta_x - boat_x)**2 + (delta_y - boat_y)**2)

        if dist < 0.05:
            self.curr_waypoint = (self.curr_waypoint + 1) % len(env.waypoints)
            self.path = []
            self.start_lon = None
            self.start_lat = None
            self.subgoal_idx = 0
            self.last_subgoal_idx = 0
            return Action(0, 0)

        # new path and whether it is different from previously planned path
        path_with, changed = self.a_star(boat_x, boat_y, delta_x, delta_y, state)

        if changed:
            self.last_subgoal_idx = 0   # 'restarting' on a new path

        # if the subgoal is too close, select the one after it
        pt_idx = self.select_sub_waypoint(path_with, boat_x, boat_y)
        pt = (boat_x, boat_y)
        if pt_idx != -1:    # path planner could find a path
            self.last_subgoal_idx = pt_idx
            pt = path_with[pt_idx]
            self.path = path_with
        else:   # no path found
            pt =, delta_y, boat_x, boat_y, state)
            self.last_subgoal_idx = 0
            self.path = []

        # print(f"path: {[self.start_lon, self.start_lat] + self.path}")

        if self.replot and len(path_with) > 0 and self.in_sim:
            path_to_plot = [LatLon(self.start_lat, self.start_lon).add_dist(boat_x, boat_y)] + [LatLon(self.start_lat, self.start_lon).add_dist(p[0], p[1]) for p in path_with[pt_idx:]]

        return self.control(boat_angle, pt[0] - boat_x, pt[1] - boat_y, boat_speed, boat_ang_vel, gains=self.compute_gains(state, boat_x, boat_y))