Beispiel #1
class TaskTypeDao():
    def __init__(self):
        self.session = Session()

    def add_type(self, task_id, typelist):
        for type in typelist:
            taskType = TTaskType()
            taskType.task_id = task_id
            taskType.task_type = type

    def get_task_type(self, task_id):
        return self.session.query(TTaskType).filter(
            TTaskType.task_id == task_id).all()
Beispiel #2
class MarkShopDao():
    def __init__(self):
        self.session = Session()

    def add_mark(self, shopId, shopName, status, area_id, shop_type):
        markshop = TMarkShop()
        markshop.shop_id = shopId
        markshop.status = status
        markshop.area_id = area_id
        markshop.shop_name = shopName
        markshop.shop_type = shop_type

    def update_mark_status(self, shopId, status):
        self.session.query(TMarkShop).filter(TMarkShop.shop_id == shopId).\
            update({"status": status}, synchronize_session=False)
Beispiel #3
 def post(self, *args, **kwargs):
     taskId = self.get_args("task_id")
     province_dic = [
         u'河北', u'山西', u'吉林', u'辽宁', u'黑龙江', u'陕西', u'甘肃', u'青海', u'山东',
         u'福建', u'浙江', u'台湾', u'河南', u'湖北', u'湖南', u'江西', u'江苏', u'安徽',
         u'广东', u'海南', u'四川', u'贵州', u'云南', u'北京', u'上海', u'天津', u'重庆',
         u'内蒙古', u'新疆', u'宁夏', u'广西', u'西藏', u'香港', u'澳门'
     result = {}
     for province in province_dic:
         query = text(
             u"select count(DISTINCT shop_id) from t_shop where task_id = "
             + taskId + " and  shop_area like '%" + province + "%';")
         count = Session().execute(query).scalar()
         result[province] = count
Beispiel #4
 def __init__(self):
     self.session = Session()
Beispiel #5
class TaskDao():
    def __init__(self):
        self.session = Session()

    def add_task(self, name, keyword, type, num, start_time, user_id, url,
                 parentId, is_comment):
        task = TTask()
        task.create_time =
        task.task_key = keyword
        task.task_num = num
        task.task_status = 0
        task.task_name = name
        task.task_type = type
        task.created_id = user_id
        task.updated_id = user_id
        task.update_time =
        task.start_time = start_time
        task.task_url = url
        task.is_open = 0
        task.parent_id = parentId
        task.is_comments = is_comment

    def get_all_task_count(self):
        return self.session.query(TTask).distinct(TTask.task_id).count()

    ## 更新任务状态
    def update_task_status(self, taskid, status):
        self.session.query(TTask).filter(TTask.task_id == taskid).update(
            {"task_status": status}, synchronize_session=False)

    def update_task_id(self, id, taskid):
        self.session.query(TTask).filter( == id).update(
            {"task_id": taskid}, synchronize_session=False)

    def close_or_open_task(self, id, open):
        self.session.query(TTask).filter( == id).update(
            {"is_open": open}, synchronize_session=False)

    def get_task_list(self, keyword, page, page_size, status):
        if status is None or status == '':
            return self.session.query(TTask).order_by(TTask.create_time.desc()).filter('%{0}%'.format(keyword)))\
                .filter(TTask.parent_id == 0).offset((page - 1) * page_size).limit(page_size).all()
            return self.session.query(TTask).order_by(TTask.create_time.desc()).filter(TTask.task_status == status).filter('%{0}%'.format(keyword)))\
                .filter(TTask.parent_id == 0).offset((page - 1) * page_size).limit(page_size).all()

    def get_child_task_list(self, parentId, status):
        return self.session.query(TTask).filter(
            TTask.parent_id == parentId).all()

    ## 获取任务总的数量
    def get_task_count(self, keyword, status):
        if status is None or status == '':
            return self.session.query(TTask).filter(
                    TTask.parent_id == 0).count()
            return self.session.query(TTask).filter(TTask.task_status == status).\
                filter('%{0}%'.format(keyword))).filter(TTask.parent_id == 0).count()

    def get_task_details(self, taskId):
        return self.session.query(TTask).filter(
            TTask.task_id == taskId).first()

    def get_price_range_by_task_id(self, taskId):
        sql_text = text(
            'select tp.current_price as price, tp.product_sales_count from t_product as tp where '
            'tp.task_id=:taskId and tp.current_price <> "" and tp.shop_id <> ""'
        args = {"taskId": taskId}
        return self.session.execute(sql_text, args).fetchall()
Beispiel #6
class UserDao():
    def __init__(self):
        self.session = Session()

    ## 根据ID查询用户
    def get_user_by_id(self, id):
        return self.session.query(TUser).filter( == id).first()

    ## 添加用户
    def add_user(self, user_name, mobile, password, real_name, role_id):
        user = TUser()
        user.user_name = user_name = mobile
        user.password = password
        user.real_name = real_name
        user.role_id = role_id
        user.create_time =

    ## 搜索列表
    def get_users_list(self, search, page, page_size):
        if search is None:
            search = ""
        return self.session.query(TUser).filter('%{0}%'.format(search)))\
            .offset((page - 1) * page_size).limit(page_size).all()

    def get_users_count(self, search):
        if search is None:
            search = ""
        return self.session.query(TUser).filter(

    def get_user_by_mobile(self, mobile):
        return self.session.query(TUser).filter( == mobile).first()

    def get_user_by_username(self, username):
        return self.session.query(TUser).filter(
            TUser.user_name == username).first()

    def update_user_pass(self, id, newPass):
        self.session.query(TUser).filter( == id).update(
            {"password": newPass}, synchronize_session=False)

    def delete_user_by_id(self, id):
        self.session.query(TUser).filter( == id).delete()
Beispiel #7
class ProductDao():
    def __init__(self):
        self.session = Session()

    # #获取所有的商品数量
    def get_all_product(self):
        return self.session.query(TProduct).distinct(TProduct.product_id).count()

    # #任务ID查询商品总数
    def get_all_products_by_taskid(self, taskId):
        return self.session.query(TProduct.product_id).filter(TProduct.task_id == taskId). \

    def get_sales_count_by_taskid(self, taskId):
        sql_text = text('select sum(product_sales_count) from t_product where ' \
                        'task_id = :taskId and status = 0')
        args = {"taskId": taskId}
        sales = self.session.execute(sql_text, args).first()[0]
        return int(sales)

    def get_mid_price_by_taskid(self, taskId):
        sql_text = text('select AVG(current_price) from t_product where task_id = :taskId and status = 0'
        args = {"taskId": taskId}
        price = self.session.execute(sql_text, args).first()
        print price
        return "%.2f" % price[0]

    def get_products_count_by_shop_id(self, shopId):
        return self.session.query(TProduct.product_id).filter(TProduct.shop_id == shopId).distinct().count()

    def get_all_sales_by_shop_id(self, shopId):
        sql_text = ('select sum(product_sales_count) from t_product where shop_id = :shopId and status = 0'
                    'group by `product_id` order by create_time desc')
        args = {"shopId": shopId}
        return self.session.execute(sql_text, args).first()

    def get_comments_count_by_shop_id(self, shopId):
        sql_text = 'select sum(good_comments) as gc, sum(mid_comments + bad_comments) as mdc from t_product ' \
                   'where shop_id = :shopId group by `product_id` order by create_time desc '
        args = {"shopId": shopId}
        return self.session.execute(sql_text, args).first()

    def get_products_by_shop_id(self, shopId, page, pageSize):
        return self.session.query(TProduct).group_by(TProduct.product_id). \
            filter(TProduct.shop_id == shopId).order_by(TProduct.create_time.desc()) \
            .offset((page - 1) * pageSize).limit(pageSize)

    ## 查询该shop下的所有商品
    def get_products_count_by_shop_id(self, shopId):
        return self.session.query(TProduct).group_by(TProduct.product_id).filter(TProduct.shop_id == shopId).count()

    ## 搜索商品信息
    def get_product_list_and_shop(self, taskId, productName, minPrice, maxPrice,
                                  minComments, maxComments, minSales, maxSales,
                                  shopName, shopArea, shopType, page, pageSize):
        sql_text = "select tp.product_id, tp.product_name, tp.product_sales_count," \
                   "tp.current_price, tp.product_comments, tp.good_comments, tp.mid_comments, tp.bad_comments," \
                   "tp.product_url, ts.shop_id, ts.shop_name, ts.shop_level, ts.shop_area, ts.shop_url " \
                   "from t_product as tp left join t_shop as ts on tp.shop_id = ts.shop_id where 1 = 1 and tp.shop_id <> '' and tp.status = 0"
        if taskId is not None and taskId != "":
            sql_text += " and tp.task_id=" + taskId
        if productName is not None and productName != "":
            sql_text += " and tp.product_name like '%" + productName + "%'"
        if minPrice is not None and minPrice != "":
            sql_text += " and tp.current_price >=" + str(minPrice)
        if maxPrice is not None and maxPrice != "":
            sql_text += " and tp.current_price <=" + str(maxPrice)
        if minComments is not None and minComments != "":
            sql_text += " and tp.product_comments >=" + str(minComments)
        if maxComments is not None and maxComments != "":
            sql_text += " and tp.product_comments <=" + str(maxComments)
        if minSales is not None and minSales != "":
            sql_text += " and tp.product_sales_count >=" + str(minSales)
        if maxSales is not None and maxSales != "":
            sql_text += " and tp.product_sales_count <=" + str(maxSales)
        if shopName is not None and shopName != "":
            sql_text += " and ts.shop_name like '%" + shopName + "%'"
        if shopArea is not None and shopArea != "":
            sql_text += " and ts.shop_area like '%" + shopArea + "%'"
        if shopType is not None and shopType != "":
            sql_text += " and ts.shop_type =" + shopType
        sql_text += " group by tp.product_id order by tp.create_time desc "
        sql_text += " limit " + str((page - 1) * pageSize) + ", " + str(pageSize)
        return self.session.execute(sql_text).fetchall()

    def get_product_list_and_shop_all(self, taskId, productName, minPrice, maxPrice,
                                  minComments, maxComments, minSales, maxSales,
                                  shopName, shopArea, shopType):
        sql_text = "select tp.product_id, tp.product_name, tp.product_sales_count," \
                   "tp.current_price, tp.product_stock," \
                   "tp.product_url, ts.shop_boss_tb, ts.shop_id, ts.shop_name, ts.shop_level, ts.shop_area, ts.shop_url " \
                   "from t_product as tp left join t_shop as ts on tp.shop_id = ts.shop_id where 1 = 1 and tp.shop_id <> '' and tp.status = 0"
        if taskId is not None and taskId != "":
            sql_text += " and tp.task_id=" + taskId
        if productName is not None and productName != "":
            sql_text += " and tp.product_name like '%" + productName + "%'"
        if minPrice is not None and minPrice != "":
            sql_text += " and tp.current_price >=" + str(minPrice)
        if maxPrice is not None and maxPrice != "":
            sql_text += " and tp.current_price <=" + str(maxPrice)
        if minComments is not None and minComments != "":
            sql_text += " and tp.product_comments >=" + str(minComments)
        if maxComments is not None and maxComments != "":
            sql_text += " and tp.product_comments <=" + str(maxComments)
        if minSales is not None and minSales != "":
            sql_text += " and tp.product_sales_count >=" + str(minSales)
        if maxSales is not None and maxSales != "":
            sql_text += " and tp.product_sales_count <=" + str(maxSales)
        if shopName is not None and shopName != "":
            sql_text += " and ts.shop_name like '%" + shopName + "%'"
        if shopArea is not None and shopArea != "":
            sql_text += " and ts.shop_area like '%" + shopArea + "%'"
        if shopType is not None and shopType != "":
            sql_text += " and ts.shop_type =" + shopType
        sql_text += " group by tp.product_id order by tp.create_time desc "
        return self.session.execute(sql_text).fetchall()

    def get_product_count_and_shop(self, taskId, productName, minPrice, maxPrice,
                                   minComments, maxComments, minSales, maxSales,
                                   shopName, shopArea, shopType):
        sql_text = "select count(*) from t_product as tp left join t_shop as ts on tp.shop_id = ts.shop_id where 1 = 1"
        if taskId is not None and taskId != "":
            sql_text += " and tp.task_id=" + taskId
        if productName is not None and productName != "":
            sql_text += " and tp.product_name like '%" + productName + "%'"
        if minPrice is not None and minPrice != "":
            sql_text += " and tp.current_price >=" + str(minPrice)
        if maxPrice is not None and maxPrice != "":
            sql_text += " and tp.current_price <=" + str(maxPrice)
        if minComments is not None and minComments != "":
            sql_text += " and tp.product_comments >=" + str(minComments)
        if maxComments is not None and maxComments != "":
            sql_text += " and tp.product_comments <=" + str(maxComments)
        if minSales is not None and minSales != "":
            sql_text += " and tp.product_sales_count >=" + str(minSales)
        if maxSales is not None and maxSales != "":
            sql_text += " and tp.product_sales_count <=" + str(maxSales)
        if shopName is not None and shopName != "":
            sql_text += " and ts.shop_name like '%" + shopName + "%'"
        if shopArea is not None and shopArea != "":
            sql_text += " and ts.shop_area like '%" + shopArea + "%'"
        if shopType is not None and shopType != "":
            sql_text += " and ts.shop_type =" + shopType
        sql_text += " order by tp.create_time desc "
        return self.session.execute(sql_text).first()

    def get_product_by_id(self, productId):
        sql_text = "select tp.product_id, tp.product_url, tp.product_name, tp.current_price, tp.original_price, tp.product_sales_count, " \
                   "tp.good_comments, tp.mid_comments, tp.bad_comments,tp.product_collections, ts.shop_name,ts.shop_url, ts.shop_boss_tb, " \
                   "ts.shop_area, ts.shop_level, ts.shop_time, ts.shop_desc_count, ts.shop_service_count, " \
                   "ts.shop_logis_count, ts.month_tuikuan_value, ts.month_dispute_value, ts.month_punish_value " \
                   "from t_product as tp left join t_shop as ts on tp.shop_id = ts.shop_id" \
                   " where tp.product_id=:productId and tp.status = 0 group by tp.product_id order by tp.create_time desc"
        args = {"productId": productId}
        return self.session.execute(sql_text, args).first()

    def get_price_by_product_id(self, productId):
        sql_text = 'select tp.current_price, tp.original_price, DATE_FORMAT(tp.create_time,"%Y%m%d") ' \
                   'from t_product as tp where tp.product_id = ' + productId + ' and tp.status = 0 group by tp.create_time order by tp.create_time desc'
        return self.session.execute(sql_text).fetchall()

    def get_sales_by_product_id(self, productId):
        sql_text = 'select tp.product_sales_count, DATE_FORMAT(tp.create_time,"%Y%m%d") from t_product as tp where ' \
                   'tp.product_id=:productId and tp.status = 0 group by tp.create_time order by tp.create_time desc'
        args = {"productId": productId}
        return self.session.execute(sql_text, args).fetchall()

    def get_comments_by_product_id(self, productId):
        sql_text = 'select tp.product_comments, CAST(sum(tp.mid_comments + tp.bad_comments) as SIGNED) as md, ' \
                   'DATE_FORMAT(tp.create_time,"%Y%m%d") from t_product as tp where tp.product_id=:productId and tp.status = 0 ' \
                   'group by tp.create_time order by tp.create_time desc'
        args = {"productId": productId}
        return self.session.execute(sql_text, args).fetchall()

    def get_popular_by_product_id(self, productId):
        sql_text = 'select CAST(sum(tp.product_collections + tp.product_fukuan) as SIGNED) as popular, ' \
                   'DATE_FORMAT(tp.create_time,"%Y%m%d") from t_product as tp where ' \
                   'tp.product_id=:productId and tp.status = 0 group by tp.create_time order by tp.create_time desc'
        args = {"productId": productId}
        return self.session.execute(sql_text, args).fetchall()

    def get_data_date_by_task_id(self, taskId):
        sql_text = 'select DATE_FORMAT(create_time, "%Y%m%d") from t_product as tp where tp.task_id = :taskId and tp.status = 0 ' \
                   'group by DATE_FORMAT(create_time, "%Y%m%d")'
        args = {"taskId": taskId}
        return self.session.execute(sql_text, args).fetchall()
    def get_data_by_date_with_taskid(self, createDate, taskId, page, pageSize):
        sql_text = text('select tp.product_id, tp.product_url, tp.product_name from t_product as tp where DATE_FORMAT(tp.create_time, "%Y%m%d") =:createDate '
                        'and tp.task_id=:taskId and tp.status = 0 order by tp.create_time limit :start_num, :end_num')
        start_num = (page - 1) * pageSize
        args = {"createDate": createDate, "taskId": taskId, "start_num": start_num, "end_num": pageSize}
        return self.session.execute(sql_text, args).fetchall()
    def get_all_count_by_date_with_taskid(self, createDate, taskId):
        sql_text = text('select count(*) from t_product as tp where DATE_FORMAT(tp.create_time, "%Y%m%d") =:createDate'
                        ' and tp.task_id=:taskId and tp.status = 0')
        args = {"createDate": createDate, "taskId": taskId}
        return self.session.execute(sql_text, args).first()[0]
    def get_all_data_by_date_with_taskid(self, createDate, taskId):
        sql_text = text('select tp.product_id from t_product as tp where DATE_FORMAT(tp.create_time, "%Y%m%d") =:createDate '
                        'and tp.task_id=:taskId and tp.status = 0 order by tp.create_time')
        args = {"createDate": createDate, "taskId": taskId}
        return self.session.execute(sql_text, args).fetchall()
Beispiel #8
class ShopDao():
    def __init__(self):
        self.session = Session()

    def select_shop_list(self, page, pageSize, key, area, type, mark, minLevel,
                         maxLevel, taskId):
        sql = "select ts.*, tp.* from t_shop as ts left join (select shop_id, sum(product_sales_count), " \
              "sum(good_comments), sum(mid_comments), sum(bad_comments) from t_product group by product_id order by create_time desc) " \
              "as tp on ts.shop_id = tp.shop_id "
        if mark is not None and mark != '':
            sql += " left join t_mark_shop as tms on tms.shop_id = ts.shop_id and tms.status=" + mark
        sql += " where 1=1"
        if key is not None and key != '':
            sql += " and ts.shop_name like '%" + key + "%'"
        if area is not None and area != '':
            sql += " and ts.shop_area like '%" + area + "%'"
        if minLevel is not None and minLevel != '':
            sql += " and ts.shop_level >=" + str(minLevel)
        if maxLevel is not None and maxLevel != '':
            sql += " and ts.shop_level <=" + str(maxLevel)
        if type is not None and type != '':
            sql += " and ts.shop_type=" + type
        if taskId is not None and taskId != '':
            sql += " and ts.task_id=" + taskId
        sql += " group by ts.shop_id order by ts.create_time desc "
        sql += " limit " + str((page - 1) * pageSize) + ", " + str(pageSize)
        sql_text = text(sql)
        return self.session.execute(sql_text).fetchall()

    def select_shop_list_all(self, key, area, type, mark, minLevel, maxLevel,
        sql = "select ts.*, tp.* from t_shop as ts left join (select shop_id, sum(product_sales_count), " \
              "sum(good_comments), sum(mid_comments), sum(bad_comments) from t_product group by product_id order by create_time desc) " \
              "as tp on ts.shop_id = tp.shop_id "
        if mark is not None and mark != '':
            sql += " left join t_mark_shop as tms on tms.shop_id = ts.shop_id and tms.status=" + mark
        sql += " where 1=1"
        if key is not None and key != '':
            sql += " and ts.shop_name like '%" + key + "%'"
        if area is not None and area != '':
            sql += " and ts.shop_area like '%" + area + "%'"
        if minLevel is not None and minLevel != '':
            sql += " and ts.shop_level >=" + str(minLevel)
        if maxLevel is not None and maxLevel != '':
            sql += " and ts.shop_level <=" + str(maxLevel)
        if type is not None and type != '':
            sql += " and ts.shop_type=" + type
        if taskId is not None and taskId != '':
            sql += " and ts.task_id=" + taskId
        sql += " group by ts.shop_id order by ts.create_time desc "
        sql_text = text(sql)
        return self.session.execute(sql_text).fetchall()

    def select_shop_list_count(self, key, area, type, mark, minLevel, maxLevel,
        sql = "select count(DISTINCT ts.shop_id) from t_shop as ts where 1=1"
        if key is not None and key != '':
            sql += " and ts.shop_name like '%" + key + "%'"
        if area is not None and area != '':
            sql += " and ts.shop_area like '%" + area + "%'"
        if minLevel is not None and minLevel != '':
            sql += " and ts.shop_level >=" + minLevel
        if maxLevel is not None and maxLevel != '':
            sql += " and ts.shop_level <=" + maxLevel
        if type is not None and type != '':
            sql += " and ts.shop_type=" + type
        if taskId is not None and taskId != '':
            sql += " and ts.task_id=" + taskId
        sql_text = text(sql)
        return self.session.execute(sql_text).fetchall()[0]

    def select_shop_last_data_by_id(self, shopId):
        return self.session.query(TShop).filter(
            TShop.shop_id == shopId).order_by(

    def select_all_shop_count(self):
        return self.session.query(TShop).distinct(TShop.shop_id).count()

    def select_all_shop_by_task_id(self, taskId):
        return self.session.query(TShop.shop_id).\
            filter(TShop.task_id == taskId).distinct().count()

    def get_sales_ranking_by_task_id(self, taskId):
        sql_text = text(
            'select ts.shop_id, ts.shop_name, ts.shop_url, tp.product_sales_count from t_shop as ts left join t_product '
            'as tp on ts.shop_id = tp.shop_id where ts.task_id = :taskId group by ts.shop_id '
            'order by tp.product_sales_count desc limit 10')
        args = {"taskId": taskId}
        return self.session.execute(sql_text, args).fetchall()

    def get_shop_level_by_task_id(self, taskId):
        sql_text = text(
            'select ts.shop_id, ts.shop_name, ts.shop_url, ts.shop_level from t_shop as ts where ts.task_id = :taskId '
            'group by ts.shop_id order by ts.shop_level desc limit 10')
        args = {"taskId": taskId}
        return self.session.execute(sql_text, args).fetchall()

    def get_comments_by_task_id(self, taskId):
        sql_text = text(
            'select ts.shop_id, ts.shop_name, ts.shop_url, (tp.mid_comments + tp.bad_comments) as md from t_shop as '
            'ts left join t_product as tp on tp.shop_id = ts.shop_id where ts.task_id = :taskId '
            'group by ts.shop_id order by (tp.mid_comments + tp.bad_comments) desc limit 10'
        args = {"taskId": taskId}
        return self.session.execute(sql_text, args).fetchall()

    def get_service_vary_by_shop_id(self, shopId):
        sql_text = text(
            'select DATE_FORMAT(ts.create_time,"%Y%m%d") as shop_date, ts.month_tuikuan_value, ts.month_auto_end, '
            'ts.month_dispute_value, ts.month_punish_value'
            ' from t_shop as ts where ts.shop_id =:shopId group by ts.shop_id order by ts.create_time desc'
        args = {"shopId": shopId}
        return self.session.execute(sql_text, args).fetchall()

    def get_comments_vary_by_shop_id(self, shopId):
        sql_text = text(
            'select DATE_FORMAT(ts.create_time,"%Y%m%d") as shop_date, ts.shop_desc_count, '
            'ts.shop_service_count, ts.shop_logis_count from t_shop as ts where ts.shop_id =:shopId '
            'group by ts.shop_id order by ts.create_time desc')
        args = {"shopId": shopId}
        return self.session.execute(sql_text, args).fetchall()

# shopDao = ShopDao()
# print shopDao.select_shop_list(1, 20, None, None, None, None, None)