def plot_model(C, unknown_params, fvect=None, fmt='k-', \
               clear=False, label=None, fi1=1):
    dB_theta, phase_theta, dB_accel, phase_accel = mymodel(C, \
                                                           unknown_params, \
    fvect = _get_f(fvect=fvect)

    bode_utils.bode_plot(fvect, dB_theta, phase_theta, clear=clear, \
                         fmt=fmt, fignum=fi1, label=label)
    bode_utils.bode_plot(fvect, dB_accel, phase_accel, clear=clear, \
                         fmt=fmt, fignum=fi1+1, label=label)
def run_model_and_plot(label=None, freq=None, **kwargs):
    my_dict = build_params_dict(**kwargs)
    sys = FEA_ss_model(**my_dict)
    dB_theta, phase_theta, dB_accel, phase_accel = bode_from_FEA_sys(sys, freq=freq)

    if freq is None:
        freq = def_freq

    bode_utils.bode_plot(freq, dB_theta, phase_theta, fignum=1, clear=False, label=label)

    bode_utils.bode_plot(freq, dB_accel, phase_accel, fignum=2, clear=False, label=label)
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
from scipy import *

import control
import bode_utils

G = control.TransferFunction(100.0,[1,0,0])#100.0/s**2

f = logspace(-2,2,1000)
w = 2*pi*f

db, phase, f2 = control.bode(G, omega=w, dB=True, Hz=True, Plot=False)

bode_utils.bode_plot(f, db, phase, clear=True, fignum=1, label='$G$')

#Choose freq and design a lead comp.
f_c = 10.0
w_c = 2*pi*f_c
factor = 5.0
z = w_c/factor
p = w_c*factor
G_lead = control.TransferFunction([1,z],[1,p])*p/z

gain = 6.0

db2, phase2, f2 = control.bode(G*G_lead*gain, omega=w, dB=True, Hz=True, Plot=False)

bode_utils.bode_plot(f, db2, phase2, clear=False, fignum=1, label='$G_c \\cdot G$')

Beispiel #4
def plot_bode(f, db, phase, clear=True, freqlim=None, plot_str='-', \
    bode_utils.bode_plot(f, db, phase, clear=clear, xlim=freqlim, \
                         fmt=plot_str, **plot_args)
# Bode Analysis
# -------------------------

freq = logspace(-3, 2, 1000)
def_freq = freq

om = 2 * pi * freq

run_simpler_model = 0

if run_simpler_model:
    mag_full_order, phase_full_order, omega_full_order = full_order_sys.freqresp(om)
    dB_full_order = squeeze(20.0 * log10(mag_full_order))
    phase_full_order = squeeze(phase_full_order) * 180.0 / pi

    bode_utils.bode_plot(freq, dB_full_order, phase_full_order, fignum=1, clear=False)

# Model with Base Mass and Motor Dynamics
# -----------------------------------------------

run_old = 0

if run_old:

    nr1, nc1 = M11.shape
    N_bm = nr1 + 2

    M_bm = zeros((N_bm, N_bm))

    J_motor = 0.010
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
from scipy import *

import control
import bode_utils

G = control.TransferFunction(100.0, [1, 0, 0])  #100.0/s**2

f = logspace(-2, 2, 1000)
w = 2 * pi * f

db, phase, f2 = control.bode(G, omega=w, dB=True, Hz=True, Plot=False)

bode_utils.bode_plot(f, db, phase, clear=True, fignum=1, label='$G$')

#Choose freq and design a lead comp.
f_c = 10.0
w_c = 2 * pi * f_c
factor = 5.0
z = w_c / factor
p = w_c * factor
G_lead = control.TransferFunction([1, z], [1, p]) * p / z

gain = 6.0

db2, phase2, f2 = control.bode(G * G_lead * gain,