n_panels = 100
# Initialization of bodies

# Creating bodies
tower    = body(name        = 'tower',
                shape       = ('cylinder', n_panels),
                chord       = 1,
                local_pitch = 0.,
                pivot_point = [0.5, 0.])

# Creating multi-body
cylinder = multiBody(dict(body         = tower,
                          location     = [0., 0.],
                          global_pitch = 0.))
# Defining Vortex and scan points

# Plotting: Mesh grid
x,y = meshgrid(linspace(-1,1,100),linspace(-1,1,100))
mesh = array([concatenate(x),concatenate(y)])
# Calculating the induced Velocity
V_external           = array([repeat(windspeed[0],shape(cylinder.collocationPoint)[1]),
# Creating multi-body
windturbine = multiBody(dict(body         = tower,
                             location     = [0.,0.],
                             global_pitch = 0.),
                        dict(body         = airfoilA,
                             location     = [0.,2.],
                             global_pitch = 0.),  
                        dict(body         = airfoilB,
                             location     = [0.,-2.], 
                             global_pitch = 180.))
cylinder = multiBody(dict(body         = tower,
                          location     = [0., 0.],
                          global_pitch = -360./(2*n_panels))) 

#block   = multiBody(dict(body         = box,
#                         location     = [0., 0.],
#                         global_pitch = 0.))
# Defining Vortex and scan points
# Vortex Field
#vort         = vortex([-1.],[0.],[1.])

# Plotting: Mesh grid
x,y = meshgrid(linspace(-10,10,200),linspace(-10,10,200))
mesh = array([concatenate(x),concatenate(y)])