sizes = [10]*len(x) circles = [1]*len(x) crosses = [2]*len(x) triangles = [3]*len(x) exes = [4]*len(x) asterisks = [5]*len(x) diamonds = [6]*len(x) squares = [7]*len(x) scatter_data = ColumnDataSource(dict(x=x, circles=circles, crosses=crosses, triangles=triangles, exes=exes, asterisks=asterisks, diamonds=diamonds, squares=squares, sizes=sizes)) glyphs = [] glyphs.append(Circle(x="x", y="circles", size="sizes", fill_color="red", name="the_circles")) glyphs.append(Cross(x="x", y="crosses", size="sizes", fill_color="blue", name="the_crosses")) glyphs.append(Triangle(x="x", y="triangles", size="sizes", fill_color="green", name="the_triangles")) glyphs.append(X(x="x", y="exes", size="sizes", fill_color="purple", name="the_xs")) glyphs.append(Asterisk(x="x", y="asterisks", size="sizes", fill_color="orange", name="the_asterisks")) glyphs.append(Diamond(x="x", y="diamonds", size="sizes", fill_color="yellow", name="the_diamonds")) glyphs.append(Square(x="x", y="squares", size="sizes", fill_color="gray", name="the_squares")) legend_items = [] for glyph in glyphs: renderer = p.add_glyph(scatter_data, glyph) = legend_items.append((, [renderer])) legend = Legend( items=legend_items, name="the_legend", label_text_font_size='5pt', glyph_width=20,
xdr = DataRange1d() ydr = DataRange1d() plot = Plot(title=None, x_range=xdr, y_range=ydr, plot_width=300, plot_height=300, h_symmetry=False, v_symmetry=False, min_border=0, toolbar_location=None) glyph = X(x="x", y="y", size="sizes", line_color="#fdae6b", line_width=2, fill_color=None) plot.add_glyph(source, glyph) xaxis = LinearAxis() plot.add_layout(xaxis, 'below') yaxis = LinearAxis() plot.add_layout(yaxis, 'left') plot.add_layout(Grid(dimension=0, ticker=xaxis.ticker)) plot.add_layout(Grid(dimension=1, ticker=yaxis.ticker)) doc = Document() doc.add(plot)
def control_chart_multibatch(DataTable, PeakTable, batch, peak, gamma='default', transform='log', parametric=True, zeroflag=True, plot=['Sample', 'QC'], control_limit=False, colormap='Set2'): table_check(DataTable, print_statement=False) peak_list = PeakTable.Name # Create a QC column based on SampleType (if it doesn't exist) qc_col = pd.get_dummies(DataTable.SampleType).QC try: DataTable.insert(3, 'QC', qc_col) except ValueError: pass # Create a Sample column based on SampleType (if it doesn't exist) sam_col = pd.get_dummies(DataTable.SampleType).Sample try: DataTable.insert(3, 'Sample', sam_col) except ValueError: pass # Create a Blank column based on SampleType (if it doesn't exist) try: blank_col = pd.get_dummies(DataTable.SampleType).Blank except AttributeError: blank_col = [0] * len(DataTable) # No blanks try: DataTable.insert(4, 'Blank', blank_col) except ValueError: pass # Default gamma_range (Temporary add False) if gamma in ['default', False]: gamma_input = (0.5, 5, 0.2) else: gamma_input = gamma gamma_range = [x / 100.0 for x in range(int(gamma_input[0] * 100), int(gamma_input[1] * 100), int(gamma_input[2] * 100))] # Randomly select a peak if "peak = R" if peak is 'R': pp = randint(0, len(peak_list) - 1) # Needs to be -1 peak = peak_list[pp] if len(peak_list[peak_list == peak]) == 0: raise ValueError("Fatal Error: peak {} does not exist.".format(peak)) index = peak_list[peak_list == peak].index[0] batch_i = batch[0] bb = np.unique(DataTable.Batch) if batch_i not in bb: raise ValueError("Fatal Error: batch {} does not exist".format(batch_i)) batch_member = np.where(DataTable.Batch == batch_i, 1, 0) # Extract and transform data x = DataTable[peak] x = x[batch_member == 1] t = DataTable.Order[batch_member == 1] qc = DataTable.QC[batch_member == 1] b = DataTable.Batch[batch_member == 1] sam = DataTable.Sample[batch_member == 1] BatchTable = DataTable[batch_member == 1] sampletype = DataTable.SampleType[batch_member == 1] if zeroflag == True: x = x.replace(0, np.nan) if transform is 'log': x = np.log10(x) # perform the QCRSC z, f, curvetype, cvMse, gamma_final, mpa = QCRSC(x, t, qc, gamma_range) gamma_final = [gamma_final] curvetype = [curvetype] mpa = [mpa] z_list = [] z_list.append(z.values) for i in batch[1:]: batch_i = i bb = np.unique(DataTable.Batch) if batch_i not in bb: raise ValueError("Fatal Error: batch {} does not exist".format(batch_i)) batch_member = np.where(DataTable.Batch == batch_i, 1, 0) # Extract and transform data x_i = DataTable[peak] x_i = x_i[batch_member == 1] t_i = DataTable.Order[batch_member == 1] qc_i = DataTable.QC[batch_member == 1] b_i = DataTable.Batch[batch_member == 1] sam_i = DataTable.Sample[batch_member == 1] BatchTable_i = DataTable[batch_member == 1] sampletype_i = DataTable.SampleType[batch_member == 1] if zeroflag == True: x_i = x_i.replace(0, np.nan) if transform is 'log': x_i = np.log10(x_i) # perform the QCRSC z_i, f_i, curvetype_i, cvMse_i, gamma_final_i, mpa_i = QCRSC(x_i, t_i, qc_i, gamma_range) x = x.append(x_i) t = t.append(t_i) qc = qc.append(qc_i) sam = sam.append(sam_i) b = b.append(b_i) BatchTable = BatchTable.append(BatchTable_i) sampletype = sampletype.append(sampletype_i) f = np.concatenate([f, f_i]) z_list.append(z_i.values) gamma_final = np.concatenate([gamma_final, [gamma_final_i]]) curvetype = np.concatenate([curvetype, [curvetype_i]]) mpa = np.concatenate([mpa, [mpa_i]]) b = b.values # Align z = [] for i in range(len(batch)): z_align = z_list[i] mpa_align = mpa[i] # if transform is 'log': # z_align = np.log10(z_align) # mpa_align = np.log10(mpa_align) z_align = z_align - mpa_align for j in z_align: z.append(j) z = pd.Series(z, index=x.index) mpa = np.nanmedian(mpa, axis=0) z = z + np.array(mpa) # Calc RSD and D-ratio Before_RSD_QC, Before_RSD_Sam, Before_Dratio = calc_rsd_dratio(x, qc, sam, transform, parametric) After_RSD_QC, After_RSD_Sam, After_Dratio = calc_rsd_dratio(z, qc, sam, transform, parametric) # Calc Blank peak area ratio (Before & After) blank_bpar = DataTable[DataTable.Blank == 1][peak] if len(blank_bpar) != 0: if transform is 'log': before_qc_bpar = np.power(10, x[qc == 1]) after_qc_bpar = np.power(10, z[qc == 1]) else: before_qc_bpar = x[qc == 1] after_qc_bpar = z[qc == 1] if parametric == True: BPAR_Blank = np.nanmean(blank_bpar) Before_BPAR_QC = np.nanmean(before_qc_bpar) After_BPAR_QC = np.nanmean(after_qc_bpar) else: BPAR_Blank = np.nanmedian(blank_bpar) Before_BPAR_QC = np.nanmedian(before_qc_bpar) After_BPAR_QC = np.nanmedian(after_qc_bpar) Before_BPAR = BPAR_Blank / Before_BPAR_QC * 100 After_BPAR = BPAR_Blank / After_BPAR_QC * 100 else: Before_BPAR = np.nan After_BPAR = np.nan # Information for control limit (before correction) x_qc_mean = np.nanmean(x[qc == 1]) x_qc_std = np.nanstd(x[qc == 1], ddof=1) x_qc_rsd = x_qc_std / x_qc_mean * 100 x_sam = x[sam == 0] # Control limit boundaries (before correction) if control_limit == False: pass elif control_limit[0] == 'D-ratio': std_sam = np.nanstd(x_sam, ddof=1) std_qc = control_limit[1] * std_sam / 100 before_control_limit_low = x_qc_mean - 2 * std_qc before_control_limit_upp = x_qc_mean + 2 * std_qc elif control_limit[0] == 'RSD': std_for_rsd = control_limit[1] * np.nanmean(x[qc == 1]) / 100 * (x_qc_rsd / Before_RSD_QC) # Temporary (deal with log) before_control_limit_low = x_qc_mean - 2 * std_for_rsd before_control_limit_upp = x_qc_mean + 2 * std_for_rsd else: raise ValueError("Control limit must be either False, ('RSD', value), or ('D-ratio', value)") # Information for control limit (after correction) z_qc_mean = np.nanmean(z[qc == 1]) z_qc_std = np.nanstd(z[qc == 1], ddof=1) z_qc_rsd = z_qc_std / z_qc_mean * 100 z_sam = z[sam == 0] # Control limit boundaries (after correction) if control_limit == False: pass elif control_limit[0] == 'D-ratio': std_sam = np.nanstd(z_sam, ddof=1) std_qc = control_limit[1] * std_sam / 100 after_control_limit_low = z_qc_mean - 2 * std_qc after_control_limit_upp = z_qc_mean + 2 * std_qc elif control_limit[0] == 'RSD': std_for_rsd = control_limit[1] * np.nanmean(z[qc == 1]) / 100 * (z_qc_rsd / After_RSD_QC) # Temporary (deal with log) after_control_limit_low = z_qc_mean - 2 * std_for_rsd after_control_limit_upp = z_qc_mean + 2 * std_for_rsd else: raise ValueError("Control limit must be either False, ('RSD', value), or ('D-ratio', value)") ################################################################################## #### Plot using BOKEH #### output_notebook() # Select what to plot plot_binary = BatchTable['SampleType'].isin(plot) x = x[plot_binary == True] t = t[plot_binary == True] z = z[plot_binary == True] #f = np.array(f) #f = f[plot_binary == True] sampletype = sampletype[plot_binary == True] order = BatchTable.Order[plot_binary == True] # Create empty grid (2x2) grid = np.full((2, 2), None) # Set y_label if transform is 'log': y_label = 'log(Peak Area)' else: y_label = 'Peak Area' # Get colors color_sampletype = BatchTable.SampleType[plot_binary == True].values col = [] for i in range(len(color_sampletype)): if color_sampletype[i] == 'Blank': col.append('#00FF00') elif color_sampletype[i] == 'Sample': b_col = b[i] colmap = plt.get_cmap(colormap) b_rgb = colmap([b_col]) b_hex = matplotlib.colors.rgb2hex(b_rgb[0]) col.append(b_hex) elif color_sampletype[i] == 'QC': col.append('#FF0000') else: pass # Before correction plot grid[0, 1] = figure(title="Batch {} {}:{}".format(batch, PeakTable.Name[index], PeakTable.Label[index]), plot_width=600, plot_height=260, x_axis_label='Order', y_axis_label=y_label) grid[0, 1].title.text_font_size = '14pt' # Before: Plot line ('X' and dash) if gamma != False: source_before_line = ColumnDataSource(dict(x=t.values, y=f)) glyph_before_x = X(x="x", y="y", line_width=2, fill_color=None) #glyph_before_line = Line(x="x", y="y", line_width=2, line_dash="dashed") grid[0, 1].add_glyph(source_before_line, glyph_before_x) #grid[0, 1].add_glyph(source_before_line, glyph_before_line) else: source_before_line = ColumnDataSource(dict(x=t.values, y=np.ones(len(t)) * x_qc_mean)) glyph_before_line = Line(x="x", y="y", line_width=2, line_dash="dashed") grid[0, 1].add_glyph(source_before_line, glyph_before_line) # # Before: Plot circles source_before_circle = ColumnDataSource(dict(x=t.values, y=x.values, label=sampletype, color=col, Name=order)) glyph_before_circle = grid[0, 1].circle(x="x", y="y", fill_color="color", fill_alpha=1, size=8, source=source_before_circle) # # Before: Add HoverTool grid[0, 1].add_tools(HoverTool( renderers=[glyph_before_circle], tooltips=[ ("Type", "@label"), ("Order", "@Name"), ],)) # # Before: Add control limit if control_limit == False: pass elif control_limit[0] in ['D-ratio', 'RSD']: if np.isnan(before_control_limit_low): # Can't draw line if it doesn't exist pass else: before_control_limit_low = [before_control_limit_low] * len(t) before_control_limit_upp = [before_control_limit_upp] * len(t) source_before_control_limit = ColumnDataSource(dict(x=t.values, low=before_control_limit_low, upp=before_control_limit_upp)) glyph_low = Line(x="x", y="low", line_width=2, line_dash="dashed", line_color='black') glyph_upp = Line(x="x", y="upp", line_width=2, line_dash="dashed", line_color='black') grid[0, 1].add_glyph(source_before_control_limit, glyph_low) grid[0, 1].add_glyph(source_before_control_limit, glyph_upp) if gamma != False: text_x = 72 else: curvetype = 'nan' gamma_final = 'nan' text_x = 72 # Textbox grid[0, 0] = figure(title="", plot_width=300, plot_height=265, x_axis_label="", y_axis_label="", outline_line_alpha=0) text1 = Label(x=text_x, y=210, x_units='screen', y_units='screen', text='Batch: {}'.format(batch), text_font_size='7.5pt') text2 = Label(x=text_x, y=190, x_units='screen', y_units='screen', text='Name: {}'.format(PeakTable.Name[index]), text_font_size='7.5pt') text3 = Label(x=text_x, y=170, x_units='screen', y_units='screen', text='Label: {}'.format(PeakTable.Label[index]), text_font_size='7.5pt') if transform is 'log': text4 = Label(x=text_x, y=150, x_units='screen', y_units='screen', text='log(MPA): {}'.format(np.round(mpa, 2)), text_font_size='7.5pt') else: text4 = Label(x=text_x, y=150, x_units='screen', y_units='screen', text='MPA: {}'.format(np.round(mpa, 2)), text_font_size='7.5pt') text5 = Label(x=text_x, y=130, x_units='screen', y_units='screen', text='Correction method: {}'.format(curvetype), text_font_size='7.5pt') text6 = Label(x=text_x, y=110, x_units='screen', y_units='screen', text='Optimal γ: {}'.format(gamma), text_font_size='7.5pt') text7 = Label(x=text_x, y=90, x_units='screen', y_units='screen', text='QC %RSD: {}'.format(np.round(Before_RSD_QC, 2)), text_font_size='7.5pt') text8 = Label(x=text_x, y=70, x_units='screen', y_units='screen', text='Sam %RSD: {}'.format(np.round(Before_RSD_Sam, 2)), text_font_size='7.5pt') text9 = Label(x=text_x, y=50, x_units='screen', y_units='screen', text='D-Ratio: {}'.format(np.round(Before_Dratio, 2)), text_font_size='7.5pt') text10 = Label(x=text_x, y=30, x_units='screen', y_units='screen', text='Blank-Ratio: {}'.format(np.round(Before_BPAR, 2)), text_font_size='7.5pt') grid[0, 0].add_layout(text1) grid[0, 0].add_layout(text2) grid[0, 0].add_layout(text3) grid[0, 0].add_layout(text4) grid[0, 0].add_layout(text5) grid[0, 0].add_layout(text6) grid[0, 0].add_layout(text7) grid[0, 0].add_layout(text8) grid[0, 0].add_layout(text9) grid[0, 0].add_layout(text10) grid[0, 0].circle(0, 0, line_color='white', fill_color='white', fill_alpha=0) # Necessary to remove warning grid[0, 0].xaxis.visible = False grid[0, 0].yaxis.visible = False grid[0, 0].ygrid.visible = False grid[0, 0].xgrid.visible = False grid[0, 1].xgrid.visible = False grid[0, 1].ygrid.visible = False # Show figure fig = gridplot(grid.tolist()) show(fig)