def plot_atype_test(result_d, t_ignore=0, plot_inds=[]): inhib_vals = result_d['inhibition_values'] ret_figs = [] s_v_fig = bplt.figure(title='Somatic Membrane Potential') ret_figs.append(s_v_fig) a_v_fig = bplt.figure(title='Apical Membrane Potential') ret_figs.append(a_v_fig) s_ika_fig = bplt.figure(title='Somatic A-Type Current') ret_figs.append(s_ika_fig) a_ika_fig = bplt.figure(title='Apical A-Type Current') ret_figs.append(a_ika_fig) s_v_items = [] a_v_items = [] s_i_items = [] a_i_items = [] i_ig = np.squeeze(np.where(result_d['t'] > t_ignore)) t_arr = np.array(result_d['t'][i_ig]) - t_ignore for i_i, i_val in enumerate(inhib_vals): leg_str = '{0} %'.format(i_val * 100) s_v_line = s_v_fig.line(t_arr, result_d['soma_v_dict'][i_i][i_ig], color=colrs[i_i], line_width=3) s_v_items.append((leg_str, [ s_v_line, ])) a_v_line = a_v_fig.line(t_arr, result_d['apical_v_dict'][i_i][i_ig], color=colrs[i_i], line_width=3) a_v_items.append((leg_str, [ a_v_line, ])) s_i_line = s_ika_fig.line(t_arr, result_d['soma_ika_dict'][i_i][i_ig], color=colrs[i_i], line_width=3) s_i_items.append((leg_str, [ s_i_line, ])) a_i_line = a_ika_fig.line(t_arr, result_d['apical_ika_dict'][i_i][i_ig], color=colrs[i_i], line_width=3) a_i_items.append((leg_str, [ a_i_line, ])) s_v_leg = bmod.Legend(items=s_v_items, location='center') s_v_fig.add_layout(s_v_leg, 'right') a_v_leg = bmod.Legend(items=a_v_items, location='center') a_v_fig.add_layout(a_v_leg, 'right') s_i_leg = bmod.Legend(items=s_i_items, location='center') s_ika_fig.add_layout(s_i_leg, 'right') a_i_leg = bmod.Legend(items=a_i_items, location='center') a_ika_fig.add_layout(a_i_leg, 'right') return ret_figs
color=colors[agent_index], size=10) larva_legend_items.append(('Larva {}'.format(agent_index), [larva_circle])) for end_point in points: larva_arrow = mdl.Arrow(end=mdl.VeeHead(fill_color=colors[agent_index], line_color=colors[agent_index], size=10), line_color=colors[agent_index], line_width=line_width, x_start=start_point[0], y_start=start_point[1], x_end=end_point[0], y_end=end_point[1]) larva_plot.add_layout(larva_arrow) start_point = end_point larva_legend = mdl.Legend(items=larva_legend_items, location='top_right') larva_plot.add_layout(larva_legend, 'right') larva_plot.title.text_font_size = title_font_size larva_plot.legend.label_text_font_size = legend_font_size larva_plot.yaxis.axis_line_width = axis_line_width larva_plot.xaxis.axis_line_width = axis_line_width larva_plot.yaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = axis_font_size larva_plot.xaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = axis_font_size larva_plot.yaxis.major_label_text_font_size = axis_tick_font_size larva_plot.xaxis.major_label_text_font_size = axis_tick_font_size larva_plot.ygrid.grid_line_width = grid_line_width larva_plot.xgrid.grid_line_width = grid_line_width
def plot_spike_accel_aligned(in_h5_file, exclude_list=[], normalize=False): if normalize: acc_fig = bplt.figure(title='Normalized Spike Acceleration vs Time') else: acc_fig = bplt.figure(title='Spike Acceleration vs Time') acc_fig.xaxis.axis_label = 'time (sec)' acc_fig.yaxis.axis_label = 'spike acceleration (%)' print('Plotting spike acceleration from {}'.format(in_h5_file)) my_lines = [] my_circles = [] legend_items = [] with pd.HDFStore(in_h5_file) as h5_data: f_i = 0 name_sort = list(h5_data.keys()) name_sort.sort() for f_name in name_sort: if 'spike_rates' in f_name: name = f_name.split('/')[1] name_parts = name.split('_') leg_name = ' '.join(name_parts[:name_parts.index('CA1')]) if leg_name not in exclude_list: ach_time = h5_data[name + '/ach_times'][0] + 0.5 acc_spikes = h5_data[name + '/spike_times'].loc[ h5_data[name + '/spike_times'] > ach_time].to_numpy() acc_isr = 1.0 / np.diff(acc_spikes) acc_t = acc_spikes[:-1] sp0 = acc_spikes[0] freq_i = h5_data['frequency_table'].index[ h5_data['frequency_table']['Filename'] == name] freq_val = h5_data['frequency_table']['Frequency'][ freq_i].values[0] sp_accel = (acc_isr - freq_val) / freq_val * 100 if normalize: max_accel = np.max(sp_accel) my_lines.append( acc_fig.line(acc_t - sp0, sp_accel / max_accel, line_width=2, color=colrs[f_i])) my_circles.append( - sp0, sp_accel / max_accel, size=6, color=colrs[f_i])) else: my_lines.append( acc_fig.line(acc_t - sp0, sp_accel, line_width=3, color=colrs[f_i])) my_circles.append( - sp0, sp_accel, size=6, color=colrs[f_i])) legend_items.append( (leg_name, [my_circles[-1], my_lines[-1]])) f_i += 1 my_legend = bmod.Legend(items=legend_items, location='center') acc_fig.add_layout(my_legend, 'right') return acc_fig
def main(input_path, input_path_bmi, average, year_break): # Welcoming message print("\n############################") print("## LINEAIR REGRESSION ##") print("## v1.1 ##") print("############################\n") # Show the paths print("USING PATHS:") print(" - Price database: {}".format(input_path)) print(" - BMI database: {}".format(input_path_bmi)) # Read database print("\nReading database...") db_price = pd.read_csv(input_path) print("Done, reading BMI database...") db_BMI = pd.read_csv(input_path_bmi) print("Done") # Fill NaN db_price = db_price.fillna(0) db_BMI = db_BMI.fillna(0) # Custom print("Collecting graphs...") price, BMI, price_years, BMI_years, total_things = collect_graphs( db_price, db_BMI) print("\nDone") # Now plot price VS time print("Plotting...") # Create hover tool hover = bkm.HoverTool(tooltips=[("Country", "@country"), ("Year", "@year"), ("Value", "@value")]) # Create figure f_price = plt.figure(title="Price per country, with Lineair Regression", x_axis_label="Years", y_axis_label="Price", tools=[ hover, bkm.WheelZoomTool(), bkm.BoxZoomTool(), bkm.PanTool(), bkm.SaveTool(), bkm.ResetTool() ], width=900) f_BMI = plt.figure(title="BMI per country, with Lineair Regression", x_axis_label="Years", y_axis_label="BMI", tools=[ hover, bkm.WheelZoomTool(), bkm.BoxZoomTool(), bkm.PanTool(), bkm.SaveTool(), bkm.ResetTool() ], width=900) # Generate random RGB list RGBs = [] N = 8 for r in range(N): for g in range(N): for b in range(N): if r == g == b == N: # NO WHITE continue # Add to the RGBs list RGBs.append( bokeh.colors.RGB(int((r / N) * 255), int((g / N) * 255), int((b / N) * 255))) legend_list_price = [] legend_list_BMI = [] total_x_price = [] total_x_BMI = [] total_y_price = [] total_y_BMI = [] progress_bar = ProgressBar(max_amount=len(price)) for country in price: price_list = price[country] BMI_list = BMI[country] price_year_list = price_years[country] BMI_year_list = BMI_years[country] # Now plot the graph line_elem, circle_elem, new_RGBs = plot_list(f_price, price_year_list, price_list, country, RGBs) RGBs = list(new_RGBs) legend_list_price.append( (country + " (price)", [line_elem, circle_elem])) # Do the same for BMI line_elem, circle_elem, new_RGBs = plot_list(f_BMI, BMI_year_list, BMI_list, country, RGBs) RGBs = list(new_RGBs) legend_list_BMI.append((country + " (BMI)", [line_elem, circle_elem])) # Add to the total_x and total_y total_x_price += price_list total_x_BMI += BMI_list total_y_price += price_year_list total_y_BMI += BMI_year_list progress_bar.update() print("Done") # Alright, we're nearly done: only add lineair regression print("Doing lineair regression...") if year_break > -1: # Use this year to break old_y = list(total_y_price) old_x = list(total_x_price) total_y_price = [] total_x_price = [] for i, year in enumerate(old_y): if year >= year_break: total_x_price.append(old_x[i]) total_y_price.append(year) old_y = list(total_y_BMI) old_x = list(total_x_BMI) total_y_BMI = [] total_x_BMI = [] for i, year in enumerate(old_y): if year >= year_break: total_x_BMI.append(old_x[i]) total_y_BMI.append(year) legend_list_price.append( plot_lineair_regression(f_price, total_y_price, total_x_price)) legend_list_BMI.append( plot_lineair_regression(f_BMI, total_y_BMI, total_x_BMI)) # Do legend and show legend_price = bkm.Legend(items=legend_list_price, location=(0, 0), click_policy="mute") legend_BMI = bkm.Legend(items=legend_list_BMI, location=(0, 0), click_policy="mute") f_price.add_layout(legend_price, "right") f_BMI.add_layout(legend_BMI, "right") print("Done") plt.output_file("lineair_regression.html", mode="inline") layout = bokeh.layouts.Column(f_price, f_BMI) print("\nDone.")
def plot_spike_accel(in_h5_file, exclude_list=[], normalize=False, t_start=0): if normalize: acc_fig = bplt.figure(title='Normalized Spike Acceleration vs Time') else: acc_fig = bplt.figure(title='Spike Acceleration vs Time') acc_fig.xaxis.axis_label = 'time (sec)' acc_fig.yaxis.axis_label = 'spike acceleration (%)' print('Plotting spike acceleration from {}'.format(in_h5_file)) my_lines = [] my_circles = [] legend_items = [] with pd.HDFStore(in_h5_file) as h5_data: f_i = 0 name_sort = list(h5_data.keys()) name_sort.sort() for f_name in name_sort: if 'spike_rates' in f_name: name_parts = f_name.split('/')[1].split('_') leg_name = ' '.join(name_parts[:name_parts.index('CA1')]) if leg_name not in exclude_list: if normalize: max_accel = np.max(h5_data[f_name]['Spike_Accel']) my_lines.append( acc_fig.line(h5_data[f_name]['time'], h5_data[f_name]['Spike_Accel'] / max_accel, line_width=3, color=colrs[f_i])) my_circles.append([f_name]['time'], h5_data[f_name]['Spike_Accel'] / max_accel, size=6, color=colrs[f_i])) else: my_lines.append( acc_fig.line(h5_data[f_name]['time'], h5_data[f_name]['Spike_Accel'], line_width=3, color=colrs[f_i])) my_circles.append([f_name]['time'], h5_data[f_name]['Spike_Accel'], size=6, color=colrs[f_i])) legend_items.append( (leg_name, [my_circles[-1], my_lines[-1]])) f_i += 1 my_legend = bmod.Legend(items=legend_items, location='center') acc_fig.add_layout(my_legend, 'right') acc_fig.x_range.start = t_start return acc_fig