def generate_embed_test(): """this generates a new plot and uses the script inject to put it into a page running this repeatedly will fill up your redis DB quickly, but it allows quick iteration """ from numpy import pi, arange, sin, cos import numpy as np from bokeh.objects import ( Plot, DataRange1d, LinearAxis, Rule, ColumnDataSource, GlyphRenderer, PanTool, ZoomTool, PreviewSaveTool) from bokeh.glyphs import Circle from bokeh import session x = arange(-2*pi, 2*pi, 0.1) y = sin(x) z = cos(x) widths = np.ones_like(x) * 0.02 heights = np.ones_like(x) * 0.2 source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=x,y=y,z=z,widths=widths, heights=heights)) xdr = DataRange1d(sources=[source.columns("x")]) ydr = DataRange1d(sources=[source.columns("y")]) circle = Circle(x="x", y="y", fill="red", radius=5, line_color="black") glyph_renderer = GlyphRenderer( data_source = source, xdata_range = xdr, ydata_range = ydr, glyph = circle) pantool = PanTool(dataranges = [xdr, ydr], dimensions=["width","height"]) #zoomtool = ZoomTool(dataranges=[xdr,ydr], dimensions=("width","height")) previewtool = PreviewSaveTool(dataranges=[xdr,ydr], dimensions=("width","height")) plot = Plot(x_range=xdr, y_range=ydr, data_sources=[source], border= 80) xaxis = LinearAxis(plot=plot, dimension=0) yaxis = LinearAxis(plot=plot, dimension=1) xgrid = Rule(plot=plot, dimension=0) ygrid = Rule(plot=plot, dimension=1) plot.renderers.append(glyph_renderer) = [pantool, previewtool] sess = session.PlotServerSession( username="******", serverloc="http://localhost:5006", userapikey="nokey") sess.use_doc("glyph2") sess.add(plot, glyph_renderer, xaxis, yaxis, xgrid, ygrid, source, xdr, ydr, pantool, previewtool) sess.plotcontext.children.append(plot) sess.plotcontext._dirty = True # not so nice.. but set the model doens't know # that we appended to children sess.store_all() if app.debug: from continuumweb import hemlib slug = hemlib.slug_json() static_js = hemlib.slug_libs(app, slug['libs']) hemsource = os.path.join(app.static_folder, "coffee") hem_js = hemlib.coffee_assets(hemsource, "localhost", 9294) hemsource = os.path.join(app.static_folder, "vendor", "bokehjs", "coffee") hem_js += hemlib.coffee_assets(hemsource, "localhost", 9294) else: static_js = ['/bokeh/static/js/application.js'] hem_js = [] return render_template("generate_embed_test.html", jsfiles=static_js, hemfiles=hem_js, plot_scr=plot.script_inject())