Beispiel #1
 def setBonds(self, bonds):
     """Set covalent bonds between atoms.  *bonds* must be a list or an
     array of pairs of indices.  All bonds must be set at once.  Bonding
     information can be used to make atom selections, e.g. ``"bonded to 
     index 1"``.  See :mod:`` module documentation for details.   
     Also, a data array with number of bonds will be generated and stored 
     with label *numbonds*.  This can be used in atom selections, e.g. 
     ``'numbonds 0'`` can be used to select ions in a system."""
     if isinstance(bonds, list):
         bonds = np.array(bonds, int)
     if bonds.ndim != 2:
         raise ValueError('bonds.ndim must be 2')
     if bonds.shape[1] != 2:
         raise ValueError('bonds.shape must be (n_bonds, 2)')
     if bonds.min() < 0:
         raise ValueError('negative atom indices are not valid')
     n_atoms = self._n_atoms
     if bonds.max() >= n_atoms:
         raise ValueError('atom indices are out of range')
     bonds = bonds[bonds[:,1].argsort(),]
     bonds = bonds[bonds[:,0].argsort(),]
     self._bmap, self._data['numbonds'] = evalBonds(bonds, n_atoms)
     self._bonds = bonds
     self._data['fragindices'] = None
     self._fragments = None
Beispiel #2
def saveAtoms(atoms, filename=None, **kwargs):
    """Save *atoms* in ProDy internal format.  All atomic classes are accepted 
    as *atoms* argument.  This function saves user set atomic data as well.  
    Note that title of the AtomGroup instance is used as the filename when 
    *atoms* is not an AtomGroup.  To avoid overwriting an existing file with 
    the same name, specify a *filename*."""
    if not isinstance(atoms, Atomic):
        raise TypeError('atoms must be Atomic instance, not {0:s}'
    if isinstance(atoms, AtomGroup):
        ag = atoms
        title = ag.getTitle()
        ag = atoms.getAtomGroup()
        title = str(atoms)
    if filename is None:
        filename = ag.getTitle().replace(' ', '_')
    filename += '.ag.npz'
    attr_dict = {'title': title}
    attr_dict['n_atoms'] = atoms.numAtoms()
    attr_dict['n_csets'] = atoms.numCoordsets()
    attr_dict['cslabels'] = atoms.getCSLabels()
    coords = atoms._getCoordsets()
    if coords is not None:
        attr_dict['coordinates'] = coords
    bonds = ag._bonds
    bmap = ag._bmap
    if bonds is not None and bmap is not None:
        if isinstance(atoms, AtomGroup):
            attr_dict['bonds'] = bonds
            attr_dict['bmap'] = bmap
            attr_dict['numbonds'] = ag._data['numbonds']
            frags = ag._data['fragindices']
            if frags is not None:
                attr_dict['fragindices'] = frags
            bonds = trimBonds(bonds, atoms._getIndices())
            attr_dict['bonds'] = bonds
            attr_dict['bmap'], attr_dict['numbonds'] = \
                evalBonds(bonds, len(atoms))
    for key, data in ag._data.iteritems():
        if key in SKIP:
        if data is not None:
            attr_dict[key] = data 
    ostream = openFile(filename, 'wb', **kwargs)
    savez(ostream, **attr_dict)
    return filename
Beispiel #3
 def setBonds(self, bonds):
     """Set covalent bonds between atoms.  *bonds* must be a list or an
     array of pairs of indices.  All bonds must be set at once.  An array
     with number of bonds will be generated and stored as *numbonds*.
     This can be used in atom selections, e.g. ``'numbonds 0')``
     can be used to select ions in a system."""
     if isinstance(bonds, list):
         bonds = np.array(bonds, int)
     if bonds.ndim != 2:
         raise ValueError('bonds.ndim must be 2')
     if bonds.shape[1] != 2:
         raise ValueError('bonds.shape must be (n_bonds, 2)')
     if bonds.min() < 0:
         raise ValueError('negative atom indices are not valid')
     n_atoms = self._n_atoms
     if bonds.max() >= n_atoms:
         raise ValueError('atom indices are out of range')
     bonds = bonds[bonds[:,1].argsort(),]
     bonds = bonds[bonds[:,0].argsort(),]
     self._bmap, self._data['numbonds'] = evalBonds(bonds, n_atoms)
     self._bonds = bonds