def main():
    This test shows various operators within Bond and BondContainer classes

    print "************************************************************************************"
    print " This test shows various operators within Bond and BondContainer classes    "
    print "************************************************************************************ \n"

    print "Testing Bond and BondContainer"
    b1 = Bond( 1, 2, 1.233, "hooke")
    b2 = Bond( 3, 4, 0.5,   "hooke")
    b3 = Bond( )
    b4 = Bond( 3, 8, 0.5,   "stiff")

    bonds = BondContainer()
    del b1, b2, b3, b4
    print "\n Cleaning memory for initial objects \n" 

    print "Check for pre-existing bond"
    if bonds.hasBond([2,1]):
        print "bond 1--2 exists"
        print "bond 1--2 does NOT exists"

    print "Check for pre-existing bond"
    if bonds.hasBond([2,3]):
        print "bond 2--3 exists"
        print "bond 2--3 does NOT exist"

    print " "
    print "Bonds: ", bonds
    print " "

    print "Test iterator for bond container "
    for gid, bondObj in bonds:
        print "bondID = ", gid, "bond object ", bondObj.__dict__
    print " "

    searchID = 2
    print "Testing 'in' operator for searchID ", searchID, " in bonds"
    if searchID in bonds:
        print "ID ",searchID, " in bonds"
        print "nope"

    print "-----------------------------------------------------"
    print "bonds.getTypeInfoDict() ", bonds.getTypeInfoDict()
    print "-----------------------------------------------------"

    print " "
    print "Here's an issue... globalID's are assigned by ParticleContainer class "
    print "Setting Bond object with gid's of Particles needs to be done after PC class set "
    print "or there could be conflicts \n"
def main():
    Tests a specifc workflow for LAMMPS that uses the simulationLAMMPS1 derived class
    global g
    global p
    # Get useful methods

    # Get comm object
    p = mpiBase.getMPISerialObject()
    rank = p.getRank()
    size = p.getCommSize()

    # Sync random stream for tests

    # Generate list of  [gid, x,y,z] points ---> allPoints list
    # copied on all processors. # Global pt index included
    # UNITS distance --> A [0.1 nm]

    rad_avg = 15.0     # Moving to use this to make
    rad_sig = 0.025    # initial cubic grid thats used to pass to MD
    ptcl_dist = 10.0   # 

    # NOTE: this is an arbitrary choice
    cutoff_dist   = math.sqrt(2)*((2.00 * rad_avg) + ptcl_dist)
    nQD_spacing   = (2.00 * rad_avg) + ptcl_dist

    # Makes number of points along side grid
    nQDs = [5, 5, 5]
    sysLs = setSystemSizes(nQDs, nQD_spacing)

    # Set boundary condition list (used in PBC calc)
    xL = sysLs[0]
    yL = sysLs[1]
    zL = sysLs[2]
    bcLs = [0.0, yL[1]-yL[0], zL[1]-zL[0] ] # x is NOT PB

    # Status info
    if rank == 0:
        print "rad_avg     = ", rad_avg
        print "rad_sig     = ", rad_sig
        print "cutoff_dist = ", cutoff_dist
        print " "
        print "bcLs  = ", bcLs
        print "sysLs = ", sysLs
        print " "

    # Generate initial points


    tmpPoints = setRandomGridPoints(nQDs, rad_avg, ptcl_dist) # Generate global pts lst
    allPoints = p.bcast(tmpPoints)                            # ensures rand pts same across procs

    numpoints = len(allPoints) # Total number of points (for diag)
    if numpoints == 0:
        print "Number of points generated == 0"

    myPoints  = p.splitListOnProcs(allPoints) # Split elements on across processors

    # Store particles in struc and find neighbors/bonds
    # ptPos includes index eg. [1, 3.4, 1.2, -2.0]

    nanoPtcls = ParticleContainer()
    nanoBonds = BondContainer()

    for ptPos in allPoints:

        axisLoc = [bcLs[1]/2.0, bcLs[2]/2.0]
        cylinderRadius = 120.0
        inside  = isPtInCylinder(ptPos[1:], axisLoc, "yz", cylinderRadius)

        if inside:
            pt = Particle(ptPos[1:], type="QDbig",   mass=2.0)
            tagsD = {"molnum":1, "QDSizeAvg":20.0}
            pt = Particle(ptPos[1:], type="QDsmall", mass=1.0)
            tagsD = {"molnum":1, "QDSizeAvg":15.0}



    # Get bond info
    allDist, allNeighbors, numTotalNeighbors, allBonds = \
          setQDNeighbors(myPoints, allPoints, cutoff_dist, bcLs, rank, size)

    if rank == 0:
        print "Begin building bond container"

    # Put bonds into container
    for bond in allBonds:

        if not nanoBonds.hasBond(bond):                   # Check if bond is unique
            bnd = Bond(bond[0], bond[1], type="normBond") # Put into STREAMM object
            nanoBonds.put(bnd)                            # add if not in container


    if rank == 0:
        print "length of bond container = ", len(nanoBonds)

    # Write LAMMPS file with atoms/bonds

    strucQD = StructureContainer(nanoPtcls, nanoBonds)
    simObjQD = SimulationLAMMPS1("LammpsAug14", verbose=False)

    if isinstance(simObjQD, SimulationLAMMPS1):
        print "strucQD is a SimulationLAMMPS1"
        print "strucQD is NOT a SimulationLAMMPS1"

    boxSizes = sysLs

    small_rad_avg   = 15.0
    big_bond_min    =  (2.0*      rad_avg) + ptcl_dist
    small_sigma_min = ((2.0*small_rad_avg) + ptcl_dist) / pow(2, 1/6.)
    big_sigma_min   = ((2.0*      rad_avg) + ptcl_dist) / pow(2, 1/6.)

    ptclParamMap = {("QDsmall", "epsilon"):1.0, ("QDsmall", "sigma"):small_sigma_min,
                     ("QDbig",   "epsilon"):1.0, ("QDbig",  "sigma"):big_sigma_min}

    # Just one bond type for now
    bondParamMap = {("normBond", "Kenergy"):1.0, ("normBond", "r0"):big_bond_min}

    if rank == 0:
        # nanoPtcls.scatterPlot()
        # strucQD.dumpLammpsInputFile("", ptclParamMap, bondParamMap)
        # strucQD.writeInput("", ptclParamMap, bondParamMap)
        # simObjQD.writeInput("", ptclParamMap, bondParamMap)
        simObjQD.setCoeffs(ptclParamMap, bondParamMap)

    # For format of test check