def __init__(self, rate, sigmoid, hidden, examples, variables, layers, rule, dropout): """ Feed-Forward Hebbian network for learning boolean functions with threshold gates. Keyword arguments: rate -- learning rate (float) sigmoid -- sigmoid function for weights if rule is basic hebbian (int) hidden -- number of hidden units, 0 removes hidden layer (int) examples -- number of random boolean examples to present. layers -- number of hidden layers 1 to N (int) rule -- learning rule, "hebbian" or "oja" (str) Initializes layers, weights, connections, variables for Network class """ self.rate = rate self.sigmoid = sigmoid self.inputs = variables self.vis_layer = [] self.hidden_layers = [] self.hidden = hidden self.variables = variables = BOOLEAN(examples, self.variables) self.layers = layers-1 self.rule = rule self.dropout = dropout self.length = int(math.pow(2, self.variables)) for _ in xrange(self.hidden): self.vis_layer.append(Neuron(self.rate, self.sigmoid, self.inputs+1, dropout)) for layer in xrange(self.layers): self.hidden_layers.append([]) for _ in xrange(self.hidden): self.hidden_layers[layer].append(Neuron(self.rate, self.sigmoid, self.hidden+1, dropout)) if self.hidden > 0: self.output_neuron = Neuron(self.rate, self.sigmoid, self.hidden+1, dropout) else: self.output_neuron = Neuron(self.rate, self.sigmoid, self.inputs+1, dropout)
class Network(object): """Network class""" def __init__(self, rate, sigmoid, hidden, examples, variables, layers, rule, dropout): """ Feed-Forward Hebbian network for learning boolean functions with threshold gates. Keyword arguments: rate -- learning rate (float) sigmoid -- sigmoid function for weights if rule is basic hebbian (int) hidden -- number of hidden units, 0 removes hidden layer (int) examples -- number of random boolean examples to present. layers -- number of hidden layers 1 to N (int) rule -- learning rule, "hebbian" or "oja" (str) Initializes layers, weights, connections, variables for Network class """ self.rate = rate self.sigmoid = sigmoid self.inputs = variables self.vis_layer = [] self.hidden_layers = [] self.hidden = hidden self.variables = variables = BOOLEAN(examples, self.variables) self.layers = layers-1 self.rule = rule self.dropout = dropout self.length = int(math.pow(2, self.variables)) for _ in xrange(self.hidden): self.vis_layer.append(Neuron(self.rate, self.sigmoid, self.inputs+1, dropout)) for layer in xrange(self.layers): self.hidden_layers.append([]) for _ in xrange(self.hidden): self.hidden_layers[layer].append(Neuron(self.rate, self.sigmoid, self.hidden+1, dropout)) if self.hidden > 0: self.output_neuron = Neuron(self.rate, self.sigmoid, self.hidden+1, dropout) else: self.output_neuron = Neuron(self.rate, self.sigmoid, self.inputs+1, dropout) @staticmethod def threshold(activation): """ Thresholds output neuron activation to 1 or 0. Keyword arguments: activation -- Output neuron activation (float) returns 1 or 0 """ if activation >= 0.0: return 1 else: return 0 def load(self, filename): """ Loads a model file. Keyword arguments: filename -- name of model file ex: hebb1.txt (str) initializes network to weights in file """ hebbian_weights = open(filename, "r").read().split('\n') for i in xrange(self.hidden): weights = hebbian_weights[i].split('\t') self.vis_layer[i].set_weights(weights) for i in xrange(self.layers): for j in xrange(self.hidden): weights = hebbian_weights[((i+1)*self.hidden)+j].split('\t') self.hidden_layers[i][j].set_weights(weights) weights = hebbian_weights[-2].split('\t') self.output_neuron.set_weights(weights) def save(self, filename): """ Saves a model into a file. Keyword arguments: filename -- name of modle file ex: hebb1.txt (str) saves current model weights to file """ hebbian_weights = open(filename, "w") for i in xrange(self.hidden): hebbian_weights.write("\t".join(self.vis_layer[i].get_weights()) + '\n') for i in xrange(self.layers): for j in xrange(self.hidden): hebbian_weights.write("\t".join(self.hidden_layers[i][j].get_weights()) + '\n') hebbian_weights.write("\t".join(self.output_neuron.get_weights()) + '\n') hebbian_weights.close() def compute(self, example): """ Computes output of model given an example. Keyword arguments: example -- list of 1 and -1 (list) returns threshold value of output neuron. """ activations = [] if self.hidden > 0: for i in xrange(self.hidden): output = self.vis_layer[i].compute(example) activations.append(output) activations.append(1.0) for layer in xrange(self.layers): hidden_activations = [] for i in xrange(self.hidden): hidden_activations.append(self.hidden_layers[layer][i].compute(activations)) hidden_activations.append(1.0) activations = hidden_activations output = self.output_neuron.compute(activations) else: output = self.output_neuron.compute(example) return Network.threshold(output) def index(self, example): """ Finds expected output of example for target function Args: example (list): list of 1 and -1 returns index in current truthtable for given example. """ for i in xrange(self.length): binary = bin(i).lstrip('0b') for i in xrange(self.variables-len(binary)): binary = '0'+binary for j in xrange(self.variables): index = True if example[j] == -1: example[j] = 0 if int(binary[j]) != example[j]: index = False if index: return i return False def train(self, table): """ Trains model given rule for given examples on a single truth table Args: table (list): truth table of 1, -1 returns true if learned and false if not """ training = for example in training: activations = [] if self.hidden > 0: for i in xrange(self.hidden): output = self.vis_layer[i].train(example, self.rule) activations.append(output) activations.append(1.0) for layer in xrange(self.layers): hidden_activations = [] for i in xrange(self.hidden): hidden_activations.append(self.hidden_layers[layer][i].train(activations, self.rule)) hidden_activations.append(1.0) activations = hidden_activations self.output_neuron.clamp(activations, table[self.index(example)], self.rule) else: self.output_neuron.clamp(example, table[self.index(example)], self.rule) learned_table = self.truthtable() learned = True for i in xrange(self.length): if learned_table[i] != table[i]: learned = False if learned == True: break return learned def truthtable(self): """Builds the truth table for the current model and returns it""" table = [] for i in xrange(self.length): inputs = [] binary = bin(i).lstrip('0b') for i in xrange(len(binary)): inputs.append(int(binary[i])) inputs.append(1) table.append(self.compute(inputs)) return table def test(self, load_file): """Loads a model from file and prints the table that model produces""" self.load(load_file) table = self.truthtable() print " ..... Test: Model Computes:", table def increase_learning(self, factor): """Increase the learning rate to by 'factor'""" pass def noise(self, stddev): """Add gaussian noise to all weights with stddev""" #add noise to weights pass