def destroy(servername, destroy_all=False, force=False):
    Kill a server, destroying its data. Achtung!
        fab provider.destroy:servername
    if not destroy_all and not force:
        reply = prompt("Permanently destroying '{0}'. Are you sure? y/N".format(servername))
        if reply is not "y":
            abort("Did not destroy {0}".format(servername))

    from bootmachine.core import configurator, master
    if not destroy_all:

    local("openstack-compute delete {name} || true".format(name=servername))
def destroy(servername, destroy_all=False, force=False):
    Kill a server, destroying its data. Achtung!
        fab provider.destroy:servername
    if not destroy_all and not force:
        reply = prompt("Permanently destroying '{0}'. Are you sure? y/N".format(servername))
        if reply is not "y":
            abort("Did not destroy {0}".format(servername))

    from bootmachine.core import configurator, master
    if not destroy_all:

    local("nova delete {name} || true".format(name=servername))

    # calling list_servers immediately after deleting returns the deleted servers
    if not destroy_all:
        env.bootmachine_servers = list_servers(as_list=True)
        print("It may take up to a minute for a server to be completely deleted.")