Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, size, filesystem, format_command, mountopts):
        :param Bytes size: Size of the partition
        :param str filesystem: Filesystem the partition should be formatted with
        :param list format_command: Optional format command, valid variables are fs, device_path and size
        self.size = size
        self.filesystem = filesystem
        self.format_command = format_command
        # List of mount options
        self.mountopts = mountopts
        # Initialize the start & end padding to 0 sectors, may be changed later
        self.pad_start = Sectors(0, size.sector_size)
        self.pad_end = Sectors(0, size.sector_size)
        # Path to the partition
        self.device_path = None
        # Dictionary with mount points as keys and Mount objects as values
        self.mounts = {}

        # Create the configuration for our state machine
        cfg = {
            'initial': 'nonexistent',
            'callbacks': {}
        super(AbstractPartition, self).__init__(cfg)
Beispiel #2
	def get_start(self):
		"""Gets the starting byte of this partition

		:return: The starting byte of this partition
		:rtype: Sectors
		from bootstrapvz.common.sectors import Sectors
		return Sectors(0, self.size.sector_size)
    def get_start(self):
        """Gets the starting byte of this partition

        :return: The starting byte of this partition
        :rtype: Sectors
        if self.previous is None:
            return Sectors(0, self.size.sector_size)
        return self.previous.get_end()
Beispiel #4
    def __init__(self, data, sector_size, bootloader):
		:param dict data: volume.partitions part of the manifest
		:param int sector_size: Sectorsize of the volume
		:param str bootloader: Name of the bootloader we will use for bootstrapping
        from bootstrapvz.common.sectors import Sectors

        # In the NoPartitions partitions map we only have a single 'partition'
        self.root = SinglePartition(Sectors(data['root']['size'], sector_size),
                                    data['root'].get('format_command', None))
        self.partitions = [self.root]
Beispiel #5
def test_isub():
    s = Sectors('2GiB', std_secsz)
    s -= Sectors('1GiB', std_secsz)
    eq_(Sectors('1GiB', std_secsz), s)
Beispiel #6
def test_convert_int():
    secsize = 512
    eq_(pow(1024, 3) / secsize, int(Sectors('1GiB', secsize)))
Beispiel #7
    def __init__(self, data, sector_size, bootloader):
        :param dict data: volume.partitions part of the manifest
        :param int sector_size: Sectorsize of the volume
        :param str bootloader: Name of the bootloader we will use for bootstrapping
        from bootstrapvz.common.sectors import Sectors

        # List of partitions
        self.partitions = []

        # Returns the last partition unless there is none
        def last_partition():
            return self.partitions[-1] if len(self.partitions) > 0 else None

        # The boot and swap partitions are optional
        if 'boot' in data:
            self.boot = MSDOSPartition(
                        sector_size), data['boot']['filesystem'],
                data['boot'].get('format_command', None),
                data['boot'].get('mountopts', None), 'boot', last_partition())

        # Offset all partitions by 1 sector.
        # parted in jessie has changed and no longer allows
        # partitions to be right next to each other.
        partition_gap = Sectors(1, sector_size)

        if 'swap' in data:
            self.swap = MSDOSSwapPartition(
                Sectors(data['swap']['size'], sector_size), last_partition())
            if self.swap.previous is not None:
                # No need to pad if this is the first partition
                self.swap.pad_start += partition_gap
                self.swap.size -= partition_gap

        self.root = MSDOSPartition(Sectors(data['root']['size'], sector_size),
                                   data['root'].get('format_command', None),
                                   data['root'].get('mountopts', None), 'root',
        if self.root.previous is not None:
            self.root.pad_start += partition_gap
            self.root.size -= partition_gap

        # Raise exception while trying to create additional partitions
        # as its hard to calculate the actual size of the extended partition ATM
        # And anyhow - we should go with GPT...
        for partition in data:
            if partition not in ["boot", "swap", "root", "type"]:
                raise PartitionError(
                    "If you want to have additional partitions please use GPT partition scheme"

        # Mark boot as the boot partition, or root, if boot does not exist
        getattr(self, 'boot', self.root).flags.append('boot')

        # If we are using the grub bootloader, we will need to add a 2 MB offset
        # at the beginning of the partitionmap and steal it from the first partition.
        # The MBR offset is included in the grub offset, so if we don't use grub
        # we should reduce the size of the first partition and move it by only 512 bytes.
        if bootloader == 'grub':
            mbr_offset = Sectors('2MiB', sector_size)
            mbr_offset = Sectors('512B', sector_size)

        self.partitions[0].pad_start += mbr_offset
        self.partitions[0].size -= mbr_offset

        # Leave the last sector unformatted
        # parted in jessie thinks that a partition 10 sectors in size
        # goes from sector 0 to sector 9 (instead of 0 to 10)
        self.partitions[-1].pad_end += 1
        self.partitions[-1].size -= 1

        super(MSDOSPartitionMap, self).__init__(bootloader)
Beispiel #8
    def __init__(self, data, sector_size, bootloader):
        :param dict data: volume.partitions part of the manifest
        :param int sector_size: Sectorsize of the volume
        :param str bootloader: Name of the bootloader we will use for bootstrapping
        from bootstrapvz.common.sectors import Sectors

        # List of partitions
        self.partitions = []

        # Returns the last partition unless there is none
        def last_partition():
            return self.partitions[-1] if len(self.partitions) > 0 else None

        if bootloader == 'grub':
            # If we are using the grub bootloader we need to create an unformatted partition
            # at the beginning of the map. Its size is 1007kb, which seems to be chosen so that
            # primary gpt + grub = 1024KiB
            # The 1 MiB will be subtracted later on, once we know what the subsequent partition is
            from ..partitions.unformatted import UnformattedPartition
            self.grub_boot = UnformattedPartition(Sectors('1MiB', sector_size),

        # Offset all partitions by 1 sector.
        # parted in jessie has changed and no longer allows
        # partitions to be right next to each other.
        partition_gap = Sectors(1, sector_size)

        # The boot and swap partitions are optional
        if 'boot' in data:
            self.boot = GPTPartition(
                        sector_size), data['boot']['filesystem'],
                data['boot'].get('format_command', None), 'boot',
            if self.boot.previous is not None:
                # No need to pad if this is the first partition
                self.boot.pad_start += partition_gap
                self.boot.size -= partition_gap

        if 'swap' in data:
            self.swap = GPTSwapPartition(
                Sectors(data['swap']['size'], sector_size), last_partition())
            if self.swap.previous is not None:
                self.swap.pad_start += partition_gap
                self.swap.size -= partition_gap

        self.root = GPTPartition(Sectors(data['root']['size'], sector_size),
                                                  None), 'root',
        if self.root.previous is not None:
            self.root.pad_start += partition_gap
            self.root.size -= partition_gap

        if hasattr(self, 'grub_boot'):
            # Mark the grub partition as a bios_grub partition
            # Subtract the grub partition size from the subsequent partition
            self.partitions[1].size -= self.grub_boot.size
            # Not using grub, mark the boot partition or root as bootable
            getattr(self, 'boot', self.root).flags.append('legacy_boot')

        # The first and last 34 sectors are reserved for the primary/secondary GPT
        primary_gpt_size = Sectors(34, sector_size)
        self.partitions[0].pad_start += primary_gpt_size
        self.partitions[0].size -= primary_gpt_size

        secondary_gpt_size = Sectors(34, sector_size)
        self.partitions[-1].pad_end += secondary_gpt_size
        self.partitions[-1].size -= secondary_gpt_size

        super(GPTPartitionMap, self).__init__(bootloader)
Beispiel #9
def test_idiv():
    s = Sectors('2GiB', std_secsz)
    s /= 2
    eq_(Sectors('1GiB', std_secsz), s)
Beispiel #10
def test_div():
    eq_(Sectors('1GiB', std_secsz), Sectors('2GiB', std_secsz) / 2)
Beispiel #11
def test_imul():
    s = Sectors('1GiB', std_secsz)
    s *= 2
    eq_(Sectors('2GiB', std_secsz), s)
Beispiel #12
def test_ge():
    assert Sectors('2MiB', std_secsz) >= Sectors('1MiB', std_secsz)
    assert Sectors('2MiB', std_secsz) >= Sectors('2MiB', std_secsz)
Beispiel #13
def test_gt():
    assert Sectors('2MiB', std_secsz) > Sectors('1MiB', std_secsz)
Beispiel #14
def test_neq():
    assert Sectors('15MiB', std_secsz) != Sectors('1MiB', std_secsz)
Beispiel #15
def test_eq():
    eq_(Sectors('1MiB', std_secsz), Sectors('1MiB', std_secsz))
Beispiel #16
def test_le():
    assert Sectors('1MiB', std_secsz) <= Sectors('2MiB', std_secsz)
    assert Sectors('1MiB', std_secsz) <= Sectors('1MiB', std_secsz)
Beispiel #17
def test_lt():
    assert Sectors('1MiB', std_secsz) < Sectors('2MiB', std_secsz)
Beispiel #18
def test_mul():
    eq_(Sectors('2GiB', std_secsz), Sectors('1GiB', std_secsz) * 2)
Beispiel #19
def test_mul_bytes():
    Sectors('1GiB', std_secsz) * Sectors('1GiB', std_secsz)
Beispiel #20
def test_eq_unit():
    eq_(Sectors('1024MiB', std_secsz), Sectors('1GiB', std_secsz))
Beispiel #21
def test_init_with_int():
    secsize = 4096
    eq_(Sectors('1MiB', secsize), Sectors(256, secsize))
Beispiel #22
def test_add():
    eq_(Sectors('2GiB', std_secsz),
        Sectors('1GiB', std_secsz) + Sectors('1GiB', std_secsz))
Beispiel #23
def test_div_bytes():
    eq_(2, Sectors('2GiB', std_secsz) / Sectors('1GiB', std_secsz))
Beispiel #24
def test_add_with_diff_secsize():
    Sectors('1GiB', Bytes(512)) + Sectors('1GiB', Bytes(4096))
Beispiel #25
def test_imod():
    s = Sectors('1GiB', std_secsz)
    s %= Sectors('768MiB', std_secsz)
    eq_(Sectors('256MiB', std_secsz), s)
Beispiel #26
def test_iadd():
    s = Sectors('1GiB', std_secsz)
    s += Sectors('1GiB', std_secsz)
    eq_(Sectors('2GiB', std_secsz), s)
Beispiel #27
def test_mod_int():
    Sectors('1GiB', std_secsz) % 768
Beispiel #28
def test_sub_int():
    secsize = Bytes('4KiB')
    eq_(Sectors('1MiB', secsize), Sectors('1028KiB', secsize) - 1)
Beispiel #29
def test_sub():
    eq_(Sectors('1GiB', std_secsz),
        Sectors('2GiB', std_secsz) - Sectors('1GiB', std_secsz))
Beispiel #30
def test_imod_int():
    s = Sectors('1GiB', std_secsz)
    s %= 5