Beispiel #1
def optimize_fish_game():
    # For some reason this needs to be imported inside the function
    import borg as bg

    strategies = ['Previous_Prey']

    parallel = 1  # 1= master-slave (parallel), 0=serial

    nRBF = 2  # no. of RBFs to use
    nIn = 1  # no. of inputs (depending on selected strategy)
    nVars = nIn * nRBF * 3  # no. of variables to be optimized. ( no. of inputs * no. of RBFs * [center, radius, weight])
    nObjs = 5  # no. of objectives to optimize for
    nCnstr = 1  # no. of constraints

    # Set optimization settings
    nSeeds = 20
    dVar_range = [0, 1]  # define decision variable (C, R, W) range
    epsilons = [0.0001] * nObjs  # set epsilon values for objectives
    NFEs = 3000  # number of function evaluations for Borg to perform
    runtime_freq = 500  # Interval at which to print runtime details for each random seed

    # If using master-slave, start MPI. Only do once.
    if parallel == 1:
        bg.Configuration.startMPI()  # start parallelization with MPI

    for selected_strategy in strategies:
        for j in range(nSeeds):

            # Create array containing the strategy to run & the SOW parameters
            additional_inputs = np.append([selected_strategy], [SOW_inputs])

            # Instantiate borg class
            borg = bg.Borg(
                nVars,  # number of variables
                nObjs,  # number of objectives
                nCnstr,  # number of constraints
                fish_game,  # function to optimize

            # Set bounds and epsilon values
            borg.setBounds(*[dVar_range] * nVars)

            # Define runtime file path for each seed:
            runtime_filename = os.getcwd() + '/Reoptimized/' + str(
                SOW) + '/runtime/' + selected_strategy + '_' + str(
                    j + 1) + '.runtime'

            if parallel == 1:
                # Run parallel Borg
                result = borg.solveMPI(maxEvaluations=NFEs,

            if parallel == 0:
                # Run serial Borg
                result = borg.solve({
                    "maxEvaluations": NFEs,
                    "runtimeformat": 'borg',
                    "frequency": runtime_freq,
                    "runtimefile": runtime_filename

            if result:
                # This particular seed is now finished being run in parallel. The result will only be returned from
                # one node in case running Master-Slave Borg.

                # Create/write objective values and decision variable values to files in folder "sets", 1 file per seed.
                f1 = open(
                    os.getcwd() + '/Reoptimized/' + str(SOW) + '/sets/' +
                    selected_strategy + '_' + str(j + 1) + '.set', 'w')
                for solution in result:
                    line = ''
                    for i in range(len(solution.getVariables())):
                        line = line + (str(solution.getVariables()[i])) + ' '

                    for i in range(len(solution.getObjectives())):
                        line = line + (str(solution.getObjectives()[i])) + ' '
                    f1.write(line[0:-1] + '\n')

                # Create/write only objective values to files in folder "objs", 1 file per seed. Purpose is so that
                # the file can be processed in MOEAFramework, where performance metrics may be evaluated across seeds.
                f2 = open(
                    os.getcwd() + '/Reoptimized/' + str(SOW) + '/objs/' +
                    selected_strategy + '_' + str(j + 1) + '.obj', 'w')
                for solution in result:
                    line = ''
                    for i in range(len(solution.getObjectives())):
                        line = line + (str(solution.getObjectives()[i])) + ' '

                    f2.write(line[0:-1] + '\n')

                # Create/write only objective values to files in folder "objs", 1 file per seed. Purpose is so that
                # the file can be processed in MOEAFramework, where performance metrics may be evaluated across seeds.
                f3 = open(
                    os.getcwd() + '/Reoptimized/' + str(SOW) + '/cnstrs/' +
                    selected_strategy + '_' + str(j + 1) + '.cnstr', 'w')
                for solution in result:
                    line = ''
                    for i in range(len(solution.getConstraints())):
                        line = line + (str(solution.getConstraints()[i])) + ' '

                    f3.write(line[0:-1] + '\n')

                print("Seed %s complete") % j

    if parallel == 1:
        bg.Configuration.stopMPI()  # stop parallel function evaluation process

    return None
def Optimization_DPS_Borg(file_name='PySedSim_Input_Specifications.csv'):

    Purpose: Perform main Borg optimization loop through scenarios and seeds. Calls PySedSim for simulation.

        file_name: Name of the top-level input file that indicates where input files are located, etc. Default is
        'PySedSim_Input_Specifications.csv'. Must be the same file used for the simulation that is to be connected to
        the optimization.

        Produces pareto outputs for each seed, exported to separate files in a "sets" folder created in the model
        output location specified in the input file.

    import borg as bg  # Import borg wrapper
    from processing_reference_set import Reference_Set
    from processing_reference_set import Policy_Reevaluation
    from processing_reference_set import Scatter_Plot_Objectives

    # Get operator for changing directory based on operating system, then import various assumptions about the simulation
    # from the top level input file.
    os_fold = Op_Sys_Folder_Operator()
        num_scenarios, simulation_titles_list, imported_specs,
        main_input_files_dir, main_output_file_dir,
        Monte_Carlo_Parameters_File_List, external_mc_data
    ] = Determine_Num_Scenarios(file_name)

    # Loop through as many optimization scenarios as user has specified
    for j in range(num_scenarios):
        simulation_title = simulation_titles_list[j]
        Borg_dict = Import_Optimization_Preferences(simulation_title,
        if Borg_dict['optimization approach'] == 'DPS':
            DPS_dict = direct_policy_search.Import_DPS_Preferences(
            Borg_dict['n_vars'] = DPS_dict[
                'n_vars']  # Store num decision variables in Borg_dict, copied from DPS_dict.

        # Populate DPS input variable ranges to specify for borg
        borg_variable_range = []
        # Direct Policy Search Radial Basis Function Parameters:
        for r in range(DPS_dict['RBF Specs']['Number']):
            for m in range(DPS_dict['num_inputs']):
                borg_variable_range.append([-1, 1])  # for normalized center
                borg_variable_range.append([0, 1])  # for normalized radius
            for k in range(DPS_dict['num_reservoirs']):
                    [0, 1]
                )  # for weights, which are normalized later on as they must sum to 1.

        # Populate Flushing-related input variable ranges to specify for borg
            for flush_var in DPS_dict['Flushing Optimization'][
                    'Ordered input variable list']:
                borg_variable_range.append(DPS_dict['Flushing Optimization']
                                           ['Input variable'][flush_var])
        except KeyError:

        # Compute total number of variables, which is a combination of DPS policy decision vars and flushing decision
        #  vars.
        Borg_dict['total_vars'] = DPS_dict['total_vars']

        # Create directory in which to store optimization output
        output_location = main_output_file_dir + os_fold + simulation_title + os_fold + 'sets'
        if not os.path.exists(output_location):

        # Set up interface with Borg for parallel function evaluation, if Borg Maser-Slave is being used, and if this
        #  is the first optimization scenario being considered. Can't start MPI twice.
        if Borg_dict['borg_type'] == 1 and j == 0:
            bg.Configuration.startMPI()  # start parallelization with MPI

        # Set up interface with Borg for optimization
        for j in range(Borg_dict['nSeeds']):
            borg = bg.Borg(Borg_dict['total_vars'],
                               Borg_dict, DPS_dict, file_name
                           ])  # Create instance of Borg class
                *borg_variable_range)  # Set decision variable bounds
            borg.setEpsilons(*Borg_dict['epsilon_list'])  # Set epsilon values
            runtime_filename = main_output_file_dir + os_fold + simulation_title + os_fold + 'sets' + os_fold + \
                               'runtime_file_seed_' + str(j+1) + '.runtime'
            if Borg_dict['borg_type'] == 0:
                # Run serial Borg
                if Borg_dict['runtime_preferences']['runtime_choice'] == 'Yes':
                    result = borg.solve({
                    result = borg.solve(
                        {"maxEvaluations": Borg_dict['num_func_evals']})

                #result = borg.solve({"maxEvaluations":Borg_dict['num_func_evals']})  # Minimum is 100 in Borg
            elif Borg_dict['borg_type'] == 1:
                # Run parallel Borg
                if Borg_dict['runtime_preferences']['runtime_choice'] == 'Yes':
                    result = borg.solveMPI(
                    result = borg.solveMPI(
            if result:
                # This particular seed is now finished being run in parallel. The result will only be returned from
                # one node in case running Master-Slave Borg.

                # Create/write objective values and decision variable values to files in folder "sets", 1 file per seed.
                f = open(
                    output_location + os_fold + 'Borg_DPS_PySedSim' +
                    str(j + 1) + '.set', 'w')
                f.write('#Borg Optimization Results\n')
                f.write('#First ' + str(Borg_dict['total_vars']) +
                        ' are the decision variables, ' + 'last ' +
                        str(Borg_dict['n_objs']) + ' are the ' +
                        'objective values\n')
                f.write('#List of objective names (in order of appearance): ' +
                        ', '.join(Borg_dict['opt_dict']
                                  ['Objective Names Ordered List']) + '\n')
                for solution in result:
                    line = ''
                    for i in range(len(solution.getVariables())):
                        line = line + (str(solution.getVariables()[i])) + ' '

                    for i in range(len(solution.getObjectives())):
                        line = line + (str(solution.getObjectives()[i])) + ' '

                    f.write(line[0:-1] + '\n')

                # Create/write objective values only to files in folder "sets", 1 file per seed. Purpose is so that
                # the file can be processed in MOEAFramework, where performance metrics may be evaluated across seeds.
                f2 = open(
                    output_location + os_fold + 'Borg_DPS_PySedSim_no_vars' +
                    str(j + 1) + '.set', 'w')
                for solution in result:
                    line = ''
                    for i in range(len(solution.getObjectives())):
                        line = line + (str(solution.getObjectives()[i])) + ' '

                    f2.write(line[0:-1] + '\n')

                print("Seed %s complete") % j

        # All seeds for this scenario are complete. Now generate reference set if user desires.
        if Borg_dict['ref_set_yes_no'] == 'Yes':
            # Ensure that this reference set processing is done only once in event this is being run in parallel.
            #if platform.system() == 'Linux':
            #[start, stop, rank] = parallelize_pysedsim(1)  # Distribute re-evaluation work to processors.
            #if rank == 0:
            [Borg_dict, DPS_dict] = Reference_Set(inline_optimization=[
                simulation_title, Borg_dict, DPS_dict, main_output_file_dir
            #[Borg_dict, DPS_dict] = Reference_Set(inline_optimization=[simulation_title, Borg_dict, DPS_dict,main_output_file_dir])

        # Re-evaluate (simulate) all of the policies from the reference set.
        if Borg_dict['re_eval'] == 'Yes':
            if Borg_dict['ref_set_yes_no'] == 'Yes':
                ref_set_file_name = output_location + os_fold + Borg_dict[
                [ref_set_array, objective_values,
                 dec_var_values] = Policy_Reevaluation(
                         Borg_dict['opt_dict']['Scenario Name']
                # Do not specify a reference set file name, as user did not generate a reference set with
                # optimization. Instead, just use the default reference set file name from the Policy_Reevaluation
                # method.
                    ref_set_array, objective_values, dec_var_values, dps_dict,
                ] = Policy_Reevaluation(
                    internal_opt_call=[Borg_dict['opt_dict']['Scenario Name']])

        if Borg_dict['ref_set_plot'] == 'Yes':
            ref_set_pref_dict = {
                'num_objs': Borg_dict['n_objs'],
                'num_dec_vars': DPS_dict['n_vars'],
                'invert': ['No', 'No', 'No'],
                'perc_conv': ['No', 'Yes', 'No'],
                'unit_conv': [.365, 1, 1]
            movie_dict = {'Create Movie': 'No'}
            plot_dict = {
                'Axis Range': [[0, 6000], [0, 100], [0, 8000]],
                'plot_order': [1, 0, 2],
                '3d_plot': 'No'
            objs_to_plot = Borg_dict['opt_dict'][
                'Objective Names Ordered List']  # Plot all objectives in optimization.
            if Borg_dict['re_eval'] == 'Yes':
                # Reference set has already been processed. Store those values in the reference set preferences dict.
                ref_set_pref_dict['ref_set_array'] = ref_set_array
                ref_set_pref_dict['objective_values'] = objective_values
                ref_set_pref_dict['dec_var_values'] = dec_var_values
                # Produce/save plots.
                    'ref_set_file_name'] = output_location + os_fold + Borg_dict[
                ref_set_pref_dict['num_dec_vars'] = DPS_dict['n_vars']
                ref_set_pref_dict['num_objs'] = Borg_dict['n_objs']
                # Produce/save plots.
                [ref_set_array, objective_values, dec_var_values
                 ] = Scatter_Plot_Objectives(ref_set_pref_dict,

    if Borg_dict['borg_type'] == 1:
        bg.Configuration.stopMPI()  # stop parallel function evaluation process

Beispiel #3
def main():
    pam = monthly_pam.prodalloc(0)

    n_Seeds = 25  # Number of random seeds (Borg MOEA)
    n_dvars = 48  # Number of decision variables
    n_objs = 4  # Number of objectives
    n_constrs = 0  # Number of constraints
    # Number of total simulations to run per random seed. Each simulation may be a monte carlo.
    n_func_evals = 1500
    runtime_freq = 50  # Interval at which to print runtime details for each random seed
    dvar_range = {'CWUP': [[0, 120]] * 24, 'SCH': [[0, 30]] * 24}
    # Borg epsilon values for each objective
    epsilon_list = [10000, 10, 0.01, 0.01]

    # fix variable bounds upto current month
    budget_target = pam.ampl.getParameter('budget_target')
    bud_fix = pam.ampl.getParameter('bud_fix')
    if pam.MO_OFFSET > 0:
        for i in range(pam.MO_OFFSET):
            temp = budget_target['CWUP', i + 1]
            dvar_range['CWUP'][i] = [temp, temp]
            temp = budget_target['BUDSCH', i + 1] - bud_fix[i + 1]
            dvar_range['SCH'][i] = [temp, temp]
    dvar_range = dvar_range['CWUP'] + dvar_range['SCH']
    Short run test
    borg = bg.Borg(n_dvars,

    for solution in borg.solve({'maxEvaluations': 100}):

    End short run test

    # Where to save seed and runtime files
    # Specify location of output files for different seeds
    d_out = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'Output')
    d_set = os.path.join(d_out, 'sets')

    # Loop through seeds, calling borg.solve (serial) or borg.solveMPI (parallel) each time
    for j in range(n_Seeds):
        # Instantiate borg class, then set bounds, epsilon values, and file output locations
        borg = bg.Borg(n_dvars, n_objs, n_constrs, pam.solve)
        borg.setBounds(*dvar_range)  # Set decision variable bounds
        borg.setEpsilons(*epsilon_list)  # Set epsilon values
        # Runtime file path for each seed:
        f_runtime = os.path.join(d_out, f'seed_{j:04d}.runtime')

        # Run serial Borg
        result = borg.solve({
            "maxEvaluations": n_func_evals,
            "runtimeformat": 'borg',
            "frequency": runtime_freq,
            "runtimefile": f_runtime

        if result:
            # This particular seed is now finished being run in parallel. The result will only be returned from
            # one node in case running Master-Slave Borg.

            # Create/write objective values and decision variable values to files in folder "sets", 1 file per seed.
            f = open(os.path.join(d_set, f'prodalloc_{j:02d}.set'), 'w')
            f.write('#Borg Optimization Results\n')
                f'#First {n_dvars} are the decision variables, last {n_objs} are the objective values\n'
            for solution in result:
                line = ''
                for i in range(len(solution.getVariables())):
                    line = line + (str(solution.getVariables()[i])) + ' '

                for i in range(len(solution.getObjectives())):
                    line = line + (str(solution.getObjectives()[i])) + ' '

                f.write(line[0:-1] + '\n')

            # Create/write only objective values to files in folder "sets", 1 file per seed. Purpose is so that
            # the file can be processed in MOEAFramework, where performance metrics may be evaluated across seeds.
            f = open(os.path.join(d_set, f'prodalloc_no_vars {j+1:04d}.set'),
            for solution in result:
                line = ''
                for i in range(len(solution.getObjectives())):
                    line += (str(solution.getObjectives()[i])) + ' '

                f.write(line[0:-1] + '\n')

            print(f"Seed {j} complete.")

    for j in sorted(J):
        for k in sorted(K):
            f = ownfr[i][j] * (deploy[k]['pervious'] * (1 - impfr[i]) +
                               deploy[k]['impervious'] * impfr[i])
            upper = f * area[i]
            u[(i, j, k)] = upper
            bounds.append([0, upper])
# Calculate Cost Coefficients
cost = {}
for j in sorted(J):
    for k in sorted(K):
        costCoeff = 10**(a[j] - b[j] * log10(g[k]))
        cost[(j, k)] = costCoeff

borg = bg.Borg(nVars, nObjs, 0, swmm)
epsilon1 = 1  # for total cost (obj 1)
epsilon2 = 0.1  # for annual volume reduction Mgal/year
borg.setEpsilons(epsilon1, epsilon2)
result = borg.solve({"maxEvaluations": maxEvaluations})
solutionDict = {}
solutionNumber = 1
for solution in result:
    solution.display()  # keep this for now just in case
    solutionVariableList = solution.getVariables()
    solutionObjectiveList = solution.getObjectives()
    thisSolutionList = [solutionVariableList, solutionObjectiveList]
    solutionNumberStr = str(solutionNumber)
    solutionDict[solutionNumberStr] = thisSolutionList
Beispiel #5
install_cost_final = [] # Install Cost
solar_fraction_final = [] # Solar Fraction

client = MongoClient()  # On local client
dbName = 'boston' # Database name
dbCollection = str(raw_input("Please enter a unique collection name for your data: ")) # DB input for collection
db = client[dbName]
borg_solar_opt = db[dbCollection]
print("Collection cleared")
runCount = 0
bounds = [str_bounds,mod_bounds,[10,45],[0,359]] # Bounds must be set for each variable
maxEvaluations = int(raw_input("Please enter the maximum number of evaluations you would like BORG to run for as an integer: ")) # Max Evals
borg = bg.Borg(4, 3, 0, solar_opt) # Initatie Borg Runs (vars,objs,)
borg.setBounds(*bounds) # Set Boundary Limits for Variables

epsilon1 = 0.01  # for total cost (obj 1)
epsilon2 = 0.01  # Installed Cost
epsilon3 = 0.01 # % of Satisfied Load
borg.setEpsilons(epsilon1,epsilon2,epsilon3) # Set Borg Epsilons
result = borg.solve({"maxEvaluations":maxEvaluations}) # Set Solutions Variable
solutionDict = {} # Dictionary Form of Solution for MongoDB Input
solutionNumber = 1 # Solution Index
for solution in result:
    solution.display()  # keep this for now just in case
    solutionVariableList = solution.getVariables() # Solution variable list
    solutionDict['strings'] = solutionVariableList[0] # Strings Variable
    solutionDict['modules'] = solutionVariableList[1] # Module Variable
    solutionDict['tilt'] = solutionVariableList[2] # Tilt Variable 
Beispiel #6
mod_bounds = [mod_lower_bound, mod_upper_bound]


client = MongoClient()  # On local client
dbName = 'test'
dbCollection = 'y16m03d28_1000'
db = client[dbName]
runsCollection = db[dbCollection]
runCount = 0

#bounds = [str_bounds,mod_Bounds,[0,90],[0,359]] # Must be set for each variable
maxEvaluations = 100
borg = bg.Borg(4, 4, 0, solar_opt)

epsilon1 = 0.01  # for total cost (obj 1)
epsilon2 = 0.01  # Installed Cost
epsilon3 = 0.01  # Payback
epsilon4 = 0.01  # % of Satisfied Load
borg.setEpsilons(epsilon1, epsilon2)
result = borg.solve({"maxEvaluations": maxEvaluations})
solutionDict = {}
solutionNumber = 1
for solution in result:
    solution.display()  # keep this for now just in case
    solutionVariableList = solution.getVariables()
    solutionObjectiveList = solution.getObjectives()
    thisSolutionList = [solutionVariableList, solutionObjectiveList]
Beispiel #7

client = MongoClient()  # On local client
dbName = 'test'
dbCollection = 'y16m03d28_1000'
db = client[dbName]
runsCollection = db[dbCollection]
runCount = 0
bounds = [str_bounds,mod_bounds,[10,45],[0,359]] # Must be set for each variable
maxEvaluations = 100
borg = bg.Borg(4, 3, 0, solar_opt)

epsilon1 = 0.01  # for total cost (obj 1)
epsilon2 = 0.01  # Installed Cost
epsilon3 = 0.01 # Payback 
epsilon4 = 0.01 # % of Satisfied Load
result = borg.solve({"maxEvaluations":maxEvaluations})
solutionDict = {}
solutionNumber = 1
for solution in result:
    solution.display()  # keep this for now just in case
    solutionVariableList = solution.getVariables()
    solutionDict['strings'] = solutionVariableList[0]
    solutionDict['modules'] = solutionVariableList[1]