borInput = borInput.title()
boroughZipRef = open('boroughs.csv','r')
zipPopRef = open('zipCodes.csv','r')

#Set the input borough as an instance of the class Borough
borObj = Borough(borInput)

#Add to the list of zip codes in the borough class using the method addZipcode
boroughDict = csv.DictReader(boroughZipRef, ['ZipVal','BorName'])
for row in boroughDict:
    if row['BorName'] == borInput:

#Sum the population in the zips of the borough by comparing zipcode values from the file to the zipcodes list in boroughs
popBorInput = csv.DictReader(zipPopRef)
totPopBor = 0
count = 0
for row in popBorInput: 
    if row['Total Population per ZIP Code'] != '': 
        pop = row['Total Population per ZIP Code']
        zipcode = row['name']
        if zipcode in borObj.zipcodes:
            count = count + 1
            totPopBor = totPopBor + int(pop)
#Calculate Average through the method in the borough class
borObj.calcAvgPop(totPopBor, count)

print borObj.avg

	if line[1] == 'Bronx':
		countBx = countBx +1
	if line[1] == 'Brooklyn':
		countBrook = countBrook +1
	if line[1] == 'Staten':
		countSI = countSI +1
	if line[1] == 'Queens':
		countQ = countQ +1
print countM
print countBx
print countBrook
print countSI
print countQ

#use the class borough to calculate the average population for the given borough
BorObj.calcAvgPop(totPop, count)

#I tried to do it this way by making a dictionary and appending the population
#to the zip and borough, but it kept giving me errors.  And then I found a different
#way to do it with collections but still gave me errors.
# boroughgroup = collections.defaultdict(list)
# boroughgroup = {}

# for line in csvreaderb:
# 	if line[0]>10000:
# 		line[1] = line[1]

# count = 0
# for line in csvreaderzc:
# 	if (count>0 and line[0] in boroughgroup):