Beispiel #1
def Lidar_usings(laser_scan):
    # TODO implement lidar and pathplanning here
    global resultXY, lidar_pub, lidarsub, bot_coords
    #rospy.loginfo("lidar hasn t been implemented yet")
    ranges = np.array(laser_scan.ranges)
    vectors_sum = np.array([0.0, 0.0])
    mid_angle = (len(laser_scan.ranges) / 2.0) * laser_scan.angle_increment
    k = 1  #Coefficient de poids vectoriel
    for i in range(len(laser_scan.ranges)):
        if (laser_scan.ranges[i] >= 0.05):
            angle = i * laser_scan.angle_increment - mid_angle
            vectors_sum[0] -= (
                1 / (float(laser_scan.ranges[i])**2)) * np.cos(angle)
            vectors_sum[1] += (
                1 / (float(laser_scan.ranges[i])**2)) * np.sin(angle)
    k_mur = 25
    vectors_sum[0] += k_mur / float((bot_coords[0] / 1000.0)**2)
    vectors_sum[0] -= k_mur / float(((3000.0 - bot_coords[0]) / 1000.0)**2)
    vectors_sum[1] += k_mur / float((bot_coords[1] / 1000.0)**2)
    vectors_sum[1] -= k_mur / float(((2000.0 - bot_coords[1]) / 1000.0)**2)
    vectors_sum *= k

    resultXY = vectors_sum
    z = Coordinates()
    z.x = vectors_sum[0]
    z.y = vectors_sum[1]
Beispiel #2
def updatepos(rightmsg, leftmsg):
    global entraxe, X, Y, theta, coordpub, wheelRadius, Nticks, wheelDiameter
    Vl = np.pi * wheelDiameter * ( / Nticks)  # mm Dr
    Vr = np.pi * wheelDiameter * ( / Nticks)  # mm Dl
    V = (Vr + Vl) / 2.0  # mm DC
    thetadot = (Vr - Vl) / entraxe  # rad
    Xdot = (np.sin(thetadot) * np.cos(theta) +
            np.sin(theta) * np.cos(thetadot) - np.sin(theta))
    Ydot = (np.cos(theta) - np.cos(thetadot) * np.cos(theta) +
            np.sin(theta) * np.sin(thetadot))
    # Xdot = np.cos(theta+thetadot/2.0)
    # Ydot = np.sin(theta+thetadot/2.0)
    rospy.loginfo(str(Xdot) + " | " + str(Ydot))
    Xdot *= (V) * 1000
    Ydot *= (V) * 1000
    theta -= thetadot  # rad
    X += Xdot
    Y += Ydot
    pload = Coordinates()
    pload.x = X
    pload.y = Y
    pload.theta = w(theta)
    pload.xdot = Xdot
    pload.ydot = Ydot
    pload.thetadot = thetadot
Beispiel #3
def Lidar_usings(laser_scan):
    global resultXY, lidar_pub, lidarsub, bot_coords
    #rospy.loginfo("lidar hasn t been implemented yet")
    ranges = np.array(laser_scan.ranges)
    vectors_sum = np.array([0.0,0.0])
    mid_angle = (len(laser_scan.ranges)/2.0)*laser_scan.angle_increment
    k = 1 #Coefficient de poids vectoriel
    for i in range(len(laser_scan.ranges)) :
        if (laser_scan.ranges[i] >= 0.05 and (not np.isinf(laser_scan.ranges[i]))) : 
            angle = bot_coords[2] - laser_scan.angle_min - (laser_scan.angle_max - laser_scan.angle_min)*(float(i)/float(len(laser_scan.ranges)))
            pos = np.array([np.cos(angle),np.sin(angle)])
            pos*= laser_scan.ranges[i]
            pos[0] += bot_coords[0]/1000.0
            pos[1] += bot_coords[1]/1000.0
            if(pos[0] >= 0 and pos[1] >= 0 and pos[0]<= 3.0 and pos[1]<= 2.0) : 
                vectors_sum[0] -= (1/(float(laser_scan.ranges[i])**2))*np.cos(angle) 
                vectors_sum[1] -= (1/(float(laser_scan.ranges[i])**2))*np.sin(angle)
            #else  :rospy.loginfo("AHAHAHAHAHH BOlOSS") 

    k_mur = 25
    vectors_sum[0] += k_mur/float((bot_coords[0]/1000.0)**2)
    vectors_sum[0] -= k_mur/float(((3000.0 - bot_coords[0])/1000.0)**2)
    vectors_sum[1] += k_mur/float((bot_coords[1]/1000.0)**2)
    vectors_sum[1] -= k_mur/float(((2000.0- bot_coords[1])/1000.0)**2)
    vectors_sum *= k
    resultXY = vectors_sum
    z = Coordinates()
    z.x = vectors_sum[0]
    z.y = vectors_sum[1]
Beispiel #4
def updatepos(rightmsg, leftmsg):
    global entraxe, X, Y, theta, coordpub, wheelRadius, Nticks, wheelDiameter
    Vl = np.pi * wheelDiameter * ( / Nticks)  # mm Dr
    Vr = np.pi * wheelDiameter * ( / Nticks)  # mm Dl
    V = (Vr + Vl) / 2.0  # mm DC
    thetadot = (Vr - Vl) / entraxe  # rad
    Xdot = np.cos(theta) * V
    Ydot = np.sin(theta) * V
    theta -= thetadot  # rad
    X += Xdot
    Y += Ydot
    # rospy.loginfo("| "+str(X)+" "+str(Y)+" "+str(theta)+" |")
    pload = Coordinates()
    pload.x = X
    pload.y = Y
    pload.theta = w(theta)
    pload.xdot = Xdot
    pload.ydot = Ydot
    pload.thetadot = thetadot
Beispiel #5
def lidarcallback(laser_scan):
    # TODO implement lidar and pathplanning here
    global resultXY, lidar_pub
    #rospy.loginfo("lidar hasn t been implemented yet")
    ranges = np.array(laser_scan.ranges)
    vectors_sum = np.array([0.0,0.0])
    mid_angle = (len(ranges)//2)*laser_scan.angle_increment
    k = 0.005 #Coefficient de poids vectoriel
    for i in range(len(ranges)) :
        angle = i*laser_scan.angle_increment - mid_angle
        vectors_sum[0] += (1/laser_scan.ranges[i]**2)*np.cos(angle) + XY[0]
        vectors_sum[1] += (1/laser_scan.ranges[i]**2)*np.sin(angle) + XY[1]
    vectors_sum *= k
    resultXY = vectors_sum
    z = Coordinates()
    z.x = vectors_sum[0]
    z.y = vectors_sum[1]

    rospy.loginfo("X =  " + str(vectors_sum[0]) + " Y =  " + str(vectors_sum[1]) + " ")
Beispiel #6
def signal_handler(signal, frame):
    rospy.signal_shutdown("manual stop")  #gracefully shutdown

def w(angle):
    alpha = np.arctan2(np.sin(angle), np.cos(angle))
    alpha = ((np.pi + alpha) % 2 * np.pi) - np.pi
    return alpha

if __name__ == "__main__":
    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
    X = 1000.0  #mm
    Y = 1500.0  #mm
    theta = 0.0  #? rad not sure
    rospy.init_node("rospy_tracker", anonymous=False)
    coordpub = rospy.Publisher("/coords", Coordinates, queue_size=1)
    rospy.loginfo("> tracker succesfully initialised")
    themsg = Coordinates()
    themsg.x = X
    themsg.y = Y
    themsg.ydot = 0
    themsg.xdot = 0
    themsg.thetadot = 0
    while True:
        theta += 0.01
        themsg.theta = w(theta)
Beispiel #7
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import rospy
from bot_coordinates.msg import Coordinates
from bot_coordinates.srv import TrajectoryGen, TrajectoryGenResponse
import math
import numpy as np

coord = Coordinates()

def handle_trajectory_generator(req):
    distance = np.sqrt(
        math.pow((req.x - coord.x), 2) + math.pow((req.y - coord.y), 2)
    )  #√( (xb - xa)² + (yb - ya)² ) distance entre les anciennes coordonnées et la target en mm
    vecX = req.x - coord.x  # vecteur du chemin a parcourir pour atteindre la target
    vecY = req.y - coord.y
    theta = np.arccos(
        vecY / (np.sqrt(math.pow(vecX, 2) + math.pow(vecY, 2)))
    )  # angle du vecteur par rapport a l'axe Y : arccos(u.v/(||u||*||v||)) en rad
    compensation = 1
    if req.x < coord.x:
        compensation = -1  # si la target est a "gauche" du point actuel l'angle doit etre négatif ou sinon faut le soustraire a 360
    newtheta = compensation * theta
    rospy.loginfo("theta : " + str(newtheta) + " | distance : " +
    return TrajectoryGenResponse(True)

def coordsub_callback(msg):
    global coord
Beispiel #8
if __name__ == "__main__":
    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
    global X, Y, theta
    X = 1500.0  # mm
    Y = 1000.0  # mm
    theta = 0.0  # ? rad not sure
    global wheelDiameter, entraxe, Nticks, wheelRadius
    Nticks = 1024.00  # ticks
    entraxe = 275.00  # mm
    wheelDiameter = 61.00  # mm
    wheelRadius = wheelDiameter / 2.0  # mm
    global coordpub, rightsub, leftsub
    rospy.init_node("rospy_tracker", anonymous=False)
    rightsub = Subscriber("/N2/reality", Int8)
    leftsub = Subscriber("/N1/reality", Int8)
    q = 3  # buffer queu size
    deltaT = 0.005  # time interval for sync in s
    coordpub = rospy.Publisher("/coords", Coordinates, queue_size=3)
    rospy.loginfo("> tracker succesfully initialised")
    while True:
        pload = Coordinates()
        pload.x = X
        pload.y = Y
        pload.theta = w(theta)
        pload.xdot = 0
        pload.ydot = 0
        pload.thetadot = 0