def mine( self, event, canal ): user = User.getUserByNick(event.nick) print(user) if user: delta = time() - user["lastMining"] if delta > 60 * 60 * 24: delta = 60 * 60 * 24 delta = math.floor(delta) if delta == 0: return amount = (self.botcoinPerSecond * delta) + (self.botcoinPerSecond * delta * random()) nbTrigger = 1 while True: if random() < 0.5: nbTrigger += 1 amount += self.botcoinPerSecond * delta * random() else: break if amount > 0: User.addMoney(event.nick, amount) message = event.nick + " has mined " + str(amount) + " botcoin in " + secondsToTime(delta) message += " in "+ str(nbTrigger) +" hit" message += "s" if nbTrigger > 1 else "" if amount >= 2: message += "s" message += " at multiplier x" + str(amount * 86400 / delta) User.updateLastMining(event.nick), canal)
def craftItem( self, event, canal ): msg = event.msg.split(" ", 1)[1] if len(msg.split("#", 1)) == 2: user = User.getUserByNick(event.nick) if user: if user["money"] >= 1: User.addMoney(event.nick, -1) msg = event.msg.split(" ", 1)[1] itemTitle = msg.split("#")[0] itemDescription = msg.split("#")[1] item = Item.craftItem(itemTitle, itemDescription, event.nick) if item: message = "You" if canal else event.nick message += " have crafted [" + item["title"] + "] for 1 botcoin", canal) else: message = "You" if canal else event.nick message += " dont' have enough money" message += ", you need at least 1 botcoin" if canal else "" message += " to do that", canal) else:"Something went wrong... Sorry", canal) else:"Use like this : \"botcoin.craftItem <title>#<description>\"", canal)
def giveMoney( self, event, canal ): msg = event.msg.split(" ") if len(msg) == 3: amount = msg[2] try: amount = float(msg[2]) except Exception: 'Transaction failed, use like this : "' + + '.giveMoney <receiver> <amount>"', canal) return result = User.giveMoney(event.nick, msg[1], amount) if result: message = event.nick + ' gives ' + str(result) + ' botcoin' if result>=2: message += "s" message += " to " + msg[1], canal) if canal:, msg[1]) else: 'Transaction failed, use like this : "' + + '.giveMoney <receiver> <amount>"', canal) else: 'Invalid command, use like this : "' + + '.giveMoney <receiver> <amount>"', canal)
def getMoney( self, event, canal ): money = User.getMoney(event.nick) if not money: return message = "You have " + str(money) + " botcoin" if money>=2: message += "s", event.nick)
def step( self, event ): if event: if event.type == "join": User.createUser(event.nick) return canal = event.nick if event.type == "channel": canal = False if commands.getMoney(event.msg, canal): self.getMoney(event, canal) elif commands.showMoney(event.msg, canal): self.showMoney(event, canal) elif commands.mine(event.msg, canal): self.mine(event, canal) elif commands.giveMoney(event.msg, canal): self.giveMoney(event, canal) elif commands.craftItem(event.msg, canal): self.craftItem(event, canal) elif, canal):, canal) else: # Auto mining if time() - self.lastPing>self.pingInterval: self.lastPing = time() for connected in if connected != User.createUser(connected) User.addMoney(connected, 1 / 86400 * self.pingInterval)
def showMoney( self, event, canal ): money = User.getMoney(event.nick) message = event.nick + " have " + str(money) + " botcoin" if money>=2: message += "s"
from time import time from botcoin import database, User, Item, commands from random import random import math cursorExecute = database.cursorExecute database.init() User.init(cursorExecute) Item.init(cursorExecute) def secondsToTime( seconds ): result = "" atLeastOneMinute = False arLeastOneHour = False if math.floor(seconds / 3600)>0: arLeastOneHour = True result += str(math.floor(seconds / 3600)) + " hour" if math.floor(seconds / 3600)>=2: result += "s" seconds = math.floor(seconds % 3600) if math.floor(seconds / 60)>0: atLeastOneMinute = True if arLeastOneHour: result += ", " result += str(math.floor(seconds / 60)) + " minute" if math.floor(seconds / 60)>=2: result += "s" seconds = math.floor(seconds % 60) if atLeastOneMinute: result += " and " result += str(seconds) + " second"