Beispiel #1
def cli_repr_mapping(m, k, v):
    if issubclass_generic(k, NonStrCollection) or issubclass_generic(
            v, NonStrCollection):
        raise CLINestedCollectionsNotAllowed((m, k, v))
    return "{k}{j}{v}".format(k=cli_repr(k),
Beispiel #2
 def __init__(self, coll_type, key_type=object, val_type=object):
     if issubclass_generic(key_type,
                           NonStrCollection) or issubclass_generic(
                               val_type, NonStrCollection):
         raise CLINestedCollectionsNotAllowed(
             (coll_type, key_type, val_type))
     super().__init__(coll_type, key_type, val_type)
     coll_type = self.reduce
     if issubclass(coll_type, (collections.Counter, collections.ChainMap)):
         self.constructor_allows_iterable = False
def completer_for_union(u, *types):
    types = [t for t in types if t not in (NoneType, None)]
    if all(issubclass_generic(t, typing.Tuple) for t in types):
        # complete a Union of tuples as a tuple of unions - a fair approximation that parses
        argtups = (get_generic_args(t) for t in types)
        unionargtups = itertools.zip_longest(*argtups, fillvalue=NoneType)
        uniontypes = (typing.Union[args] for args in unionargtups)
        return _multi_completer(CompleteTuple, *uniontypes)
    return _multi_completer(CompleteUnion, *types, remove_no_complete=True)
def config_repr_mapping(m, k=object, v=object):
    # have to check this here because the key type param is invariant; we can't resolve from a base class
    if issubclass_generic(k, NonStrCollection):
        raise ConfigCollectionKeysNotAllowed((m, k, v))
        key_repr = config_key_repr(k)
    except UnknownSignature:
        raise ConfigIOUndefinedForKeyType((m, k, v))
        return {key_repr: config_repr(v), ellipsis_: ellipsis_}
Beispiel #5
 def is_collection(self):
     return issubclass_generic(self.type_, NonStrCollection)
Beispiel #6
 def is_nested_collection(self):
     return issubclass_generic(self.type_, Collection[NonStrCollection])
Beispiel #7
def cli_repr_seq(s, t=typing.Any):
    if issubclass_generic(t, NonStrCollection):
        raise CLINestedCollectionsNotAllowed((s, t))
    return cli_repr(t)
Beispiel #8
def test_py36_fake_types(type1, type2, pos):
    if pos:
        assert issubclass_generic(type1, type2)
        assert not issubclass_generic(type1, type2)
Beispiel #9
def test_transitive_generic(base, type_):
    assert issubclass_generic(type_, base)
Beispiel #10
def test_issubclass_generic_neg(t1, t2):
    assert not issubclass_generic(t1, t2)
Beispiel #11
def test_issubclass_generic_pos(t1, t2):
    assert issubclass_generic(t1, t2)
Beispiel #12
 def __init__(self, coll_type, val_type=object):
     if issubclass_generic(val_type, NonStrCollection):
         raise CLINestedCollectionsNotAllowed((coll_type, val_type))
     super().__init__(coll_type, val_type)
Beispiel #13
 def __init__(self, coll_type, key_type=typing.Any, val_type=Empty):
     if issubclass_generic(key_type, NonStrCollection):
         raise ConfigCollectionKeysNotAllowed(
             (coll_type, key_type, val_type))
     super().__init__(coll_type, key_type, val_type)
Beispiel #14
def instance_from(
    Instantiate general values from configuration files. E.g. with the json-compatible configuration
        conf = {"__classpath__":"sklearn.cluster.KMeans", "__kwargs__": {"n_clusters": 10, "n_init": 10}},
        instance_from(**conf) returns an sklearn.cluster.KMeans clustering model.
    :param __classpath__: str, optional path to the class to be instantiated. If no __constructor__ is passed, this
        will be called directly, otherwise it will be used for a final instance check.
    :param __args__: optional positional args to be passed to the class constructor (or function if classpath refers to
        a general callable)
    :param __kwargs__: optional keyword args to be passed to the class constructor (or function if classpath refers to a
        general callable)
    :param __constructor__: optional path to a callable to call to construct the desired instance
    :param target_type: optional type to check the classpath against before attempting to inflate an instance
    :return: an instance of the class (or the results of calling the function) identified by classpath
        "Attempting to instantiate {} instance with{} args {} and kwargs {}".
            " constructor {},".format(__constructor__)
            if __constructor__ is not None else "",

    if __classpath__ is not None:
        cls = import_type(__classpath__)
        if not isinstance(cls, TYPE_TYPES):
            raise TypeError(
                "classpath {} does not specify a class or type; got {}".format(
                    __classpath__, cls))
        # don't waste time on the construction if the specified type is incorrect
        if target_type is not None:
            target_type_ = concretize_typevars(target_type)
            if not issubclass_generic(cls, target_type_):
                raise TypeError(
                    "classpath {} does not specify a generic subclass of the target type {}"
                    .format(__classpath__, target_type))
        # only check the instance if the constructor is other than the class itself
        instance_check = __constructor__ is not None
        instance_check = False
        cls = None

    if __constructor__ is not None:
        constructor = import_object(__constructor__)
        if not callable(constructor):
            raise TypeError(
                "constructor {} does not specify a callable; got {}".format(
                    __constructor__, constructor))
    elif cls is None:
        raise ValueError("Must pass either __classpath__ or __constructor__")
        constructor = cls

    wrapper = typed_config_callable(constructor)

    if __kwargs__ is None and __args__ is None:
        obj = wrapper()
    elif __kwargs__ is None:
        obj = wrapper(*__args__)
    elif __args__ is None:
        obj = wrapper(**__kwargs__)
        obj = wrapper(*__args__, **__kwargs__)

    if instance_check and not isinstance_generic(obj, cls):
        raise TypeError(
            "Inflation using constructor {} resulted in a {} instance; expected {}"
            .format(constructor, type(obj), cls))"Instantiated {} instance successfully{}".format(
        " with constructor {}".format(__constructor__)
        if __constructor__ is not None else "",

    return obj