Beispiel #1
    def __init__(
        bout_paths: Optional[BoutPaths] = None,
        submitter: Optional[LocalSubmitter] = None,
        run_parameters: Optional[RunParameters] = None,
        restart_from: Optional[Path] = None,
    ) -> None:
        Set the input parameters.

        bout_paths : BoutPaths or None
            Object containing the paths
            If None, default BoutPaths values will be used
        submitter : AbstractSubmitter
            Object containing the submitter
        run_parameters : RunParameters or None
            Object containing the run parameters
            If None, default parameters will be used
        restart_from : Path or None
            The path to copy the restart files from
        # Set member data
        self.restart_from = restart_from
        # NOTE: We are not setting the default as a keyword argument
        #       as this would mess up the paths
        self.submitter = submitter if submitter is not None else LocalSubmitter(
        self.__bout_paths = bout_paths if bout_paths is not None else BoutPaths(
        self.__run_parameters = (run_parameters if run_parameters is not None
                                 else RunParameters())
        self.__make = Make(self.__bout_paths.project_path)
    def __init__(
        bout_paths: Optional[BoutPaths] = None,
        submitter: Optional[AbstractSubmitter] = None,
        run_parameters: Optional[RunParameters] = None,
        restart_from: Optional[Path] = None,
    ) -> None:
        Set the input parameters.

        bout_paths : BoutPaths or None
            Object containing the paths
            If None, default BoutPaths values will be used
        submitter : AbstractSubmitter
            Object containing the submitter
        run_parameters : RunParameters or None
            Object containing the run parameters
            If None, default parameters will be used
        restart_from : Path or None
            The path to copy the restart files from
        # NOTE: We are not setting the default as a keyword argument
        #       as this would mess up the paths
        # NOTE: We are deepcopying bout_paths as it may be altered by for
        #       example the self.restart_from setter"Start: Making an BoutRunExecutor object")
        self.__bout_paths = (
            deepcopy(bout_paths) if bout_paths is not None else BoutPaths()
        self.__run_parameters = (
            run_parameters if run_parameters is not None else RunParameters()
        self.__make = Make(self.__bout_paths.project_path)

        self.submitter = submitter if submitter is not None else get_submitter()
        if isinstance(self.submitter, AbstractClusterSubmitter):
            self.submitter.store_dir = self.__bout_paths.bout_inp_dst_dir

        self.__restart_from = None
        self.restart_from = restart_from"Done: Making an BoutRunExecutor object")
Beispiel #3
def make_make_object(yield_bout_path: Path) -> Iterator[Tuple[Make, Path]]:
    Set up and tear down the make-object.

    In order not to make collisions with the global fixture which makes the
    `conduction` program, this fixture copies the content of the `conduction`
    directory to a `tmp` directory, which is removed in the teardown.

    This fixture calls make_obj.run_clean() before the yield statement.

    yield_bout_path : Path
        Path to the BOUT++ repository. See the yield_bout_path fixture for more details

    make_obj : MakeProject
        The object to call make and make clean from
    exec_file : Path
        The path to the executable

    See Also
    tests.bout_runners.conftest.get_bout_directory : Fixture returning the BOUT++ path
    # Setup
    bout_path = yield_bout_path
    project_path = bout_path.joinpath("examples", "conduction")
    tmp_path = project_path.parent.joinpath("tmp_make")

    copy_tree(str(project_path), str(tmp_path))

    exec_file = tmp_path.joinpath("conduction")

    make_obj = Make(makefile_root_path=tmp_path)

    yield make_obj, exec_file

    # Teardown
Beispiel #4
def make_project(yield_conduction_path: Path) -> Iterator[Path]:
    Set up and tear down the Make object.

    The method calls make_obj.run_clean() before and after the yield statement

    yield_conduction_path : Path
        Path to the BOUT++ conduction example
        See the yield_conduction_path for more details

    project_path : Path
        The path to the conduction example
    # Setup
    project_path = yield_conduction_path

    make_obj = Make(makefile_root_path=project_path)

    yield project_path

    # Teardown
    def __init__(
        db_connector: DatabaseConnector,
        bout_paths: BoutPaths,
        final_parameters: FinalParameters,
    ) -> None:
        Set the database to use.

        db_connector : DatabaseConnector
            The database connector
        bout_paths : BoutPaths
            Object containing the paths
        final_parameters : FinalParameters
            Object containing the final parameters
        self.__db_writer = DatabaseWriter(db_connector)
        self.__db_reader = DatabaseReader(db_connector)
        self.__bout_paths = bout_paths
        self.__final_parameters = final_parameters
        self.__make = Make(self.__bout_paths.project_path)
Beispiel #6
class Executor:
    Executes the command for submitting a run.

    __bout_paths : BoutPaths
        Getter variable for project_path
    __run_parameters : RunParameters
        Object containing the run parameters
    __make : Make
        Object for making the project
    restart_from : None or Path
        Path to copy restart files from prior to the execution
    submitter : AbstractSubmitter
        Object containing the submitter
    bout_paths : BoutPaths
        Object containing the paths
    run_parameters : RunParameters
        Object containing the run parameters

        Return the execute command string
        Execute a BOUT++ run

    The easiest way to use the Executor is to run a script from the root directory of
    the project (i.e. where the `Makefile` and `data` directory are normally
    situated. The script can simply call

    >>> Executor().execute()

    and `Executor` takes care of the rest.

    A more elaborate example where all the dependency objects are built manually:

    Import the dependencies

    >>> from pathlib import Path
    >>> from bout_runners.executor.bout_paths import BoutPaths
    >>> from bout_runners.submitter.local_submitter import LocalSubmitter

    Create the `bout_paths` object

    >>> project_path = Path().joinpath('path', 'to', 'project')
    >>> bout_inp_src_dir = Path().joinpath('path', 'to', 'source', 'BOUT.inp')
    >>> bout_inp_dst_dir = Path().joinpath('path', 'to', 'destination', 'BOUT.inp')
    >>> bout_paths = BoutPaths(project_path=project_path,
    ...                        bout_inp_src_dir=bout_inp_src_dir,
    ...                        bout_inp_dst_dir=bout_inp_dst_dir)

    Create the executor object

    >>> run_parameters = RunParameters({'global': {'nout': 0}})
    >>> executor = Executor(
    ...     bout_paths=bout_paths,
    ...     submitter=LocalSubmitter(bout_paths.project_path),
    ...     run_parameters=run_parameters)

    Execute the run

    >>> executor.execute()
    def __init__(
        bout_paths: Optional[BoutPaths] = None,
        submitter: Optional[LocalSubmitter] = None,
        run_parameters: Optional[RunParameters] = None,
        restart_from: Optional[Path] = None,
    ) -> None:
        Set the input parameters.

        bout_paths : BoutPaths or None
            Object containing the paths
            If None, default BoutPaths values will be used
        submitter : AbstractSubmitter
            Object containing the submitter
        run_parameters : RunParameters or None
            Object containing the run parameters
            If None, default parameters will be used
        restart_from : Path or None
            The path to copy the restart files from
        # Set member data
        self.restart_from = restart_from
        # NOTE: We are not setting the default as a keyword argument
        #       as this would mess up the paths
        self.submitter = submitter if submitter is not None else LocalSubmitter(
        self.__bout_paths = bout_paths if bout_paths is not None else BoutPaths(
        self.__run_parameters = (run_parameters if run_parameters is not None
                                 else RunParameters())
        self.__make = Make(self.__bout_paths.project_path)

    def bout_paths(self) -> BoutPaths:
        Set the properties of self.bout_paths.

        self.__bout_paths : BoutPaths
            Object containing the paths

        The bout_paths is read only
        return self.__bout_paths

    def run_parameters(self):
        Set the properties of self.run_parameters.

        self.__run_parameters : RunParameters
            Object containing the run parameters

        The run_parameters is read only
        return self.__run_parameters

    def get_execute_command(self) -> str:
        Return the execute command string.

        command : str
            The terminal command for executing the run
        mpi_cmd = "mpirun -np"

        # NOTE: No spaces if parameters are None
        command = (f"{mpi_cmd} "
                   f"{self.submitter.processor_split.number_of_processors} "
                   f"./{self.__make.exec_name} "
                   f"-d {self.__bout_paths.bout_inp_dst_dir} "
        return command

    def execute(self, restart: bool = False) -> AbstractSubmitter:
        Execute a BOUT++ run.

        restart : bool
            If True the 'restart' will be appended to the command string

        submitter : AbstractSubmitter
            The submitter
        # Make the project if not already made
        # Submit the command
        command = self.get_execute_command()
        if restart:
            command += " restart"
        return self.submitter
class BoutRunExecutor:
    Executes the command for submitting a bout run.

    __bout_paths : BoutPaths
        Getter variable for project_path
    __make : Make
        Object for making the project
    __run_parameters : RunParameters
        Object containing the run parameters
    bout_paths : BoutPaths
        Object containing the paths
    exec_name : str
        Name of the executable
    restart_from : None or Path
        Path to copy restart files from prior to the execution
    run_parameters : RunParameters
        Object containing the run parameters
    submitter : AbstractSubmitter
        Object containing the submitter

        Return the execute command string
        Execute a BOUT++ run

    The easiest way to use the Executor is to run a script from the root directory of
    the project (i.e. where the `Makefile` and `data` directory are normally
    situated. The script can simply call

    >>> BoutRunExecutor().execute()

    and `Executor` takes care of the rest.

    A more elaborate example where all the dependency objects are built manually:

    Import the dependencies

    >>> from pathlib import Path
    >>> from bout_runners.executor.bout_paths import BoutPaths
    >>> from bout_runners.submitter.local_submitter import LocalSubmitter

    Create the `bout_paths` object

    >>> project_path = Path().joinpath('path', 'to', 'project')
    >>> bout_inp_src_dir = Path().joinpath('path', 'to', 'source', 'BOUT.inp')
    >>> bout_inp_dst_dir = Path().joinpath('path', 'to', 'destination', 'BOUT.inp')
    >>> bout_paths = BoutPaths(project_path=project_path,
    ...                        bout_inp_src_dir=bout_inp_src_dir,
    ...                        bout_inp_dst_dir=bout_inp_dst_dir)

    Create the executor object

    >>> run_parameters = RunParameters({'global': {'nout': 0}})
    >>> executor = BoutRunExecutor(
    ...     bout_paths=bout_paths,
    ...     submitter=LocalSubmitter(bout_paths.project_path),
    ...     run_parameters=run_parameters)

    Execute the run

    >>> executor.execute()

    def __init__(
        bout_paths: Optional[BoutPaths] = None,
        submitter: Optional[AbstractSubmitter] = None,
        run_parameters: Optional[RunParameters] = None,
        restart_from: Optional[Path] = None,
    ) -> None:
        Set the input parameters.

        bout_paths : BoutPaths or None
            Object containing the paths
            If None, default BoutPaths values will be used
        submitter : AbstractSubmitter
            Object containing the submitter
        run_parameters : RunParameters or None
            Object containing the run parameters
            If None, default parameters will be used
        restart_from : Path or None
            The path to copy the restart files from
        # NOTE: We are not setting the default as a keyword argument
        #       as this would mess up the paths
        # NOTE: We are deepcopying bout_paths as it may be altered by for
        #       example the self.restart_from setter"Start: Making an BoutRunExecutor object")
        self.__bout_paths = (
            deepcopy(bout_paths) if bout_paths is not None else BoutPaths()
        self.__run_parameters = (
            run_parameters if run_parameters is not None else RunParameters()
        self.__make = Make(self.__bout_paths.project_path)

        self.submitter = submitter if submitter is not None else get_submitter()
        if isinstance(self.submitter, AbstractClusterSubmitter):
            self.submitter.store_dir = self.__bout_paths.bout_inp_dst_dir

        self.__restart_from = None
        self.restart_from = restart_from"Done: Making an BoutRunExecutor object")

    def restart_from(self) -> Optional[Path]:
        Set the properties of self.restart from and update bout_inp_dst_dir.

        The bout_inp_dst_dir is updated to reflect that this is a restart run.

        The new bout_inp_dst_dir will be the same as
        bout_run_setup.executor.restart_from with _restart_/d* appended
        /d* will be the next digit based on the number of other restart directories

        This will not copy the restart files as the restart files may not be ready.
        Copying of files can either be done manually using
        bout_runner.utils.file_operations.copy_restart_files or automatically by
        using BoutRunner.__inject_copy_restart_files_node which is called from

        See Also
            Search for restart files, make a restart node where needed
        return self.__restart_from

    def restart_from(self, restart_from: Optional[Path]) -> None:
        self.__restart_from = restart_from
        if restart_from is not None:
                "Changing bout_paths.bout_inp_dst_dir as restart_from is not None"
            restart_dir_parent = restart_from.parent
            restart_dir_name =
            restart_dirs = list(restart_dir_parent.glob(f"{restart_dir_name}*"))
            restart_number = 0
            restart_numbers = list()
            pattern = r"_restart_(\d)+$"
            for restart_dir in restart_dirs:
                match =,
                if match is not None:
                    # NOTE: The zeroth group is the matching string
            if len(restart_numbers) != 0:
                restart_number = restart_numbers[-1] + 1
            prev_inp_dst_dir = self.bout_paths.bout_inp_dst_dir
            stripped_restart_dir_name = re.sub(pattern, "", restart_dir_name)
            new_inp_dst_dir = restart_dir_parent.joinpath(
            self.bout_paths.bout_inp_dst_dir = new_inp_dst_dir
                "bout_run_setup.bout_paths.bout_inp_dst_dir set from %s to %s",

    def bout_paths(self) -> BoutPaths:
        Get the properties of self.bout_paths.

        self.__bout_paths : BoutPaths
            Object containing the paths

        The bout_paths is read only
        return self.__bout_paths

    def exec_name(self) -> str:
        Set the properties of self.bout_paths.

        self.__bout_paths : BoutPaths
            Object containing the paths

        The exec_name is read only
        return self.__make.exec_name

    def run_parameters(self) -> RunParameters:
        Get the properties of self.run_parameters.

        self.__run_parameters : RunParameters
            Object containing the run parameters

        The run_parameters is read only
        return self.__run_parameters

    def get_execute_command(self) -> str:
        Return the execute command string.

        command : str
            The terminal command for executing the run
        mpi_cmd = "mpirun -np"

        # NOTE: No spaces if parameters are None
        command = (
            f"{mpi_cmd} "
            f"{self.submitter.processor_split.number_of_processors} "
            f"{self.__bout_paths.project_path.joinpath(self.exec_name)} "
            f"-d {self.__bout_paths.bout_inp_dst_dir} "
        return command

    def execute(self, restart: bool = False) -> None:
        Execute a BOUT++ run.

        restart : bool
            If True the 'restart' will be appended to the command string
        # Make the project if not already made
        # Submit the command
        command = self.get_execute_command()
        if restart:
            command += " restart"