Beispiel #1
def test_rename_value_into_other_section():
    options = BoutOptions()
    options["top-level value"] = 0
    section = options.getSection("section1")
    section["first"] = 1
    section["second"] = 2
    section2 = options.getSection("section2")
    section2["third"] = 3
    section2["fourth"] = 4
    options["other top-level"] = 5

    options.rename("section1:first", "section2:first")

    expected = {
        "top-level value": 0,
        "section1": {
            "second": 2
        "section2": {
            "first": 1,
            "third": 3,
            "fourth": 4
        "other top-level": 5,
    assert options.as_dict() == expected
    assert "section2:third" in options
    assert "section1:first" not in options
def test_decoder_sim_complete(tmpdir):

    bout_decoder = decoder.SimpleBOUTDecoder()
    assert not bout_decoder.sim_complete({"run_dir": tmpdir})

    settings_file = BoutOptions()
    settings_file.getSection("run")["finished"] = "Now"
    with open(tmpdir.join("BOUT.settings"), "w") as f:

    assert bout_decoder.sim_complete({"run_dir": tmpdir})
Beispiel #3
def test_str():
    options = BoutOptions()
    options["top-level value"] = 0
    section = options.getSection("section")
    section["first"] = 1
    section["second"] = 2
    options["other top-level"] = 3

    # lstrip to remove the first empty line
    expected = textwrap.dedent("""
        top-level value = 0
        other top-level = 3

        first = 1
        second = 2

    assert str(options) == expected
Beispiel #4
def test_rename_value_same_level():
    options = BoutOptions()
    options["top-level value"] = 0
    section = options.getSection("section")
    section["first"] = 1
    section["second"] = 2
    options["other top-level"] = 3

    options.rename("section:first", "section:third")

    expected = {
        "top-level value": 0,
        "section": {
            "third": 1,
            "second": 2
        "other top-level": 3,
    assert "section:third" in options
    assert "section:first" not in options
    assert options.as_dict() == expected
Beispiel #5
def test_rename_value_deeper():
    options = BoutOptions()
    options["top-level value"] = 0
    section = options.getSection("section")
    section["first"] = 1
    section["second"] = 2
    options["other top-level"] = 3

    options.rename("section:first", "section:subsection:first")

    expected = {
        "top-level value": 0,
        "section": {
            "second": 2,
            "subsection": {
                "first": 1
        "other top-level": 3,
    assert "section:subsection:first" in options
    assert "section:first" not in options
    assert options.as_dict() == expected
Beispiel #6
def test_rename_section_deeper():
    options = BoutOptions()
    options["top-level value"] = 0
    section = options.getSection("section")
    section["first"] = 1
    section["second"] = 2
    options["other top-level"] = 3

    options.rename("section", "another:layer")

    expected = {
        "top-level value": 0,
        "another": {
            "layer": {
                "first": 1,
                "second": 2
        "other top-level": 3,
    assert "another" in options
    assert "section" not in options
    assert options.as_dict() == expected
Beispiel #7
def test_getSection_nonexistent():
    options = BoutOptions()
    assert "new" in options
Beispiel #8
def test_path():
    options = BoutOptions("top level")
    options["a:b:c:d"] = 1
    section = options.getSection("a:b:c")

    assert section.path() == "top level:a:b:c"