Beispiel #1
    def run(self):
#        self.display.string += 'File' + '\n'
        f = DataFile(),self.path+self.filename)
        varlist = f.list()
        self.display.string += 'Variables in file :' + '\t' + 'No. of Dims.' + '\n'
        for i in varlist:
            self.display.string += str(i)+ '\t' + str(f.ndims(i))+ '\n'
Beispiel #2
import numpy as np
from boututils import DataFile
from boutdata import collect

# Load in the datafile as a BOUT DataFile object
# path links to the directory containing the data
# file1 is the first file in this subdirectory (NB requires / at start)
path = '/hwdisks/home/nrw504/BOUT/blobsims/3DMASTmodel/RUNS/RUN13'
file1 = '/'

f = DataFile()
print 'Opening file: ' + path + file1, path + file1)

# Calculates the ranges of time, x, y and z in the dataset
# See BOUT manual p.27
t = [int(np.min('t_array'))), int(np.max('t_array')))]
nx ='NXPE') *'MXSUB') + 2*'MXG')
ny ='NYPE') *'MYSUB') + 2*'MYG')
nz ='MZ')

# Function query_yes_no released under MIT license
# Accessed 6/8/2012

# Returns 'yes' if user responds 'y', 'no' if 'n', &c.
def query_yes_no(question, default=None):
    """Ask a yes/no question via raw_input() and return their answer.
    "question" is a string that is presented to the user.
    "default" is the presumed answer if the user just hits <Enter>.
        It must be "yes" (the default), "no" or None (meaning
Beispiel #3
from past.utils import old_div
from boututils import DataFile # Wrapper around NetCDF4 libraries
from math import pow
from sys import argv

length = 80. # Length of the domain in m

nx = 5   # Minimum is 5: 2 boundary, one evolved
if len(argv)>1:
  ny = int(argv[1])  # Minimum 5. Should be divisible by number of processors (so powers of 2 nice)
  ny = 256  # Minimum 5. Should be divisible by number of processors (so powers of 2 nice)
#dy = [[1.]*ny]*nx # distance between points in y, in m/g22/lengthunit
g22 = [[pow(old_div(float(ny-1),length),2)]*ny]*nx
g_22 = [[pow(old_div(length,float(ny-1)),2)]*ny]*nx
ixseps1 = -1
ixseps2 = 0

f = DataFile()"", create=True)

f.write("nx", nx)
f.write("ny", ny)
#f.write("dy", dy)
f.write("g_22", g_22)
f.write("ixseps1", ixseps1)
f.write("ixseps2", ixseps2)

Beispiel #4
# Only one region
yup_xsplit   = [nx]
ydown_xsplit = [nx]
yup_xin = [0]
yup_xout = [-1]
ydown_xin = [0]
ydown_xout = [-1]
nrad = [nx]
npol = [ny]


print "Writing grid to file "+output

of = DataFile(), create=True)

of.write("nx", nx)
of.write("ny", ny)

# Topology for original scheme
of.write("ixseps1", ixseps1)
of.write("ixseps2", ixseps2)
of.write("jyseps1_1", jyseps1_1)
of.write("jyseps1_2", jyseps1_2)
of.write("jyseps2_1", jyseps2_1)
of.write("jyseps2_2", jyseps2_2)
of.write("ny_inner", ny_inner)

# Grid spacing
of.write("dx", dx)
Beispiel #5
# Only one region
yup_xsplit   = [nx]
ydown_xsplit = [nx]
yup_xin = [0]
yup_xout = [-1]
ydown_xin = [0]
ydown_xout = [-1]
nrad = [nx]
npol = [ny]


print("Writing grid to file "+output)

of = DataFile(), create=True)

of.write("nx", nx)
of.write("ny", ny)

# Topology for original scheme
of.write("ixseps1", ixseps1)
of.write("ixseps2", ixseps2)
of.write("jyseps1_1", jyseps1_1)
of.write("jyseps1_2", jyseps1_2)
of.write("jyseps2_1", jyseps2_1)
of.write("jyseps2_2", jyseps2_2)
of.write("ny_inner", ny_inner)

# Grid spacing
of.write("dx", dx)
Beispiel #6
def generate(nx, ny,
             R = 2.0, r=0.2, # Major & minor radius
             dr=0.05,  # Radial width of domain
             Bt=1.0,   # Toroidal magnetic field
             q=5.0,    # Safety factor
    # q = rBt / RBp
    Bp = r*Bt / (R*q)

    # Minor radius as function of x. Choose so boundary
    # is half-way between grid points

    h = dr / (nx - 2.*mxg) # Grid spacing in r
    rminor = linspace(r - 0.5*dr - (mxg-0.5)*h,
                      r + 0.5*dr + (mxg-0.5)*h,
    # mesh spacing in x and y
    dx = ndarray([nx,ny])
    dx[:,:] = r*Bt*h      # NOTE: dx is toroidal flux

    dy = ndarray([nx,ny])
    dy[:,:] = 2.*pi / ny

    # LogB = log(1/(1+r/R cos(theta))) =(approx) -(r/R)*cos(theta)
    logB = zeros([nx, ny, 3]) # (constant, n=1 real, n=1 imag) 

    # At y = 0, Rmaj = R + r*cos(theta)
    logB[:,0,1] = -(rminor/R)

    # Moving in y, phase shift by (toroidal angle) / q
    for y in range(1,ny):
        dtheta = y * 2.*pi / ny / q # Change in poloidal angle

        logB[:,y,1] = -(rminor/R)*cos(dtheta)
        logB[:,y,2] = -(rminor/R)*sin(dtheta)

    # Shift angle from one end of y to the other
    ShiftAngle = ndarray([nx])
    ShiftAngle[:] = 2.*pi / q
    Rxy = ndarray([nx,ny])
    Rxy[:,:] = r    # NOTE  : opposite to standard BOUT convention

    Btxy = ndarray([nx,ny])
    Btxy[:,:] = Bp

    Bpxy = ndarray([nx,ny])
    Bpxy[:,:] = Bt

    Bxy = ndarray([nx,ny])
    Bxy[:,:] = sqrt(Bt**2 + Bp**2)

    hthe = ndarray([nx,ny])
    hthe[:,:] = R

    print("Writing to file '"+file+"'")

    f = DataFile(), create=True)

    # Mesh size
    f.write("nx", nx)
    f.write("ny", ny)

    # Mesh spacing
    f.write("dx", dx)
    f.write("dy", dy)

    # Metric components
    f.write("Rxy", Rxy)
    f.write("Btxy", Btxy)
    f.write("Bpxy", Bpxy)
    f.write("Bxy", Bxy)
    f.write("hthe", hthe)

    # Shift
    f.write("ShiftAngle", ShiftAngle);

    # Curvature
    f.write("logB", logB)

    # Input parameters
    f.write("R", R)
    f.write("r", r)
    f.write("dr", dr)
    f.write("Bt", Bt)
    f.write("q", q)
    f.write("mxg", mxg)

Beispiel #7
from math import pow
from sys import argv

length = 80.  # Length of the domain in m

nx = 5  # Minimum is 5: 2 boundary, one evolved
if len(argv) > 1:
    ny = int(
    )  # Minimum 5. Should be divisible by number of processors (so powers of 2 nice)
    ny = 256  # Minimum 5. Should be divisible by number of processors (so powers of 2 nice)
#dy = [[1.]*ny]*nx # distance between points in y, in m/g22/lengthunit
g22 = [[pow(old_div(float(ny - 1), length), 2)] * ny] * nx
g_22 = [[pow(old_div(length, float(ny - 1)), 2)] * ny] * nx
ixseps1 = -1
ixseps2 = 0

f = DataFile()"", create=True)

f.write("nx", nx)
f.write("ny", ny)
#f.write("dy", dy)
f.write("g22", g22)
f.write("g_22", g_22)
f.write("ixseps1", ixseps1)
f.write("ixseps2", ixseps2)

Beispiel #8
def generate(
        r=0.2,  # Major & minor radius
        dr=0.05,  # Radial width of domain
        Bt=1.0,  # Toroidal magnetic field
        q=5.0,  # Safety factor

    # q = rBt / RBp
    Bp = r * Bt / (R * q)

    # Minor radius as function of x. Choose so boundary
    # is half-way between grid points

    h = dr / (nx - 2. * mxg)  # Grid spacing in r
    rminor = linspace(r - 0.5 * dr - (mxg - 0.5) * h,
                      r + 0.5 * dr + (mxg - 0.5) * h, nx)

    # mesh spacing in x and y
    dx = ndarray([nx, ny])
    dx[:, :] = r * Bt * h  # NOTE: dx is toroidal flux

    dy = ndarray([nx, ny])
    dy[:, :] = 2. * pi / ny

    # LogB = log(1/(1+r/R cos(theta))) =(approx) -(r/R)*cos(theta)
    logB = zeros([nx, ny, 3])  # (constant, n=1 real, n=1 imag)

    # At y = 0, Rmaj = R + r*cos(theta)
    logB[:, 0, 1] = -(rminor / R)

    # Moving in y, phase shift by (toroidal angle) / q
    for y in range(1, ny):
        dtheta = y * 2. * pi / ny / q  # Change in poloidal angle

        logB[:, y, 1] = -(rminor / R) * cos(dtheta)
        logB[:, y, 2] = -(rminor / R) * sin(dtheta)

    # Shift angle from one end of y to the other
    ShiftAngle = ndarray([nx])
    ShiftAngle[:] = 2. * pi / q

    Rxy = ndarray([nx, ny])
    Rxy[:, :] = r  # NOTE  : opposite to standard BOUT convention

    Btxy = ndarray([nx, ny])
    Btxy[:, :] = Bp

    Bpxy = ndarray([nx, ny])
    Bpxy[:, :] = Bt

    Bxy = ndarray([nx, ny])
    Bxy[:, :] = sqrt(Bt**2 + Bp**2)

    hthe = ndarray([nx, ny])
    hthe[:, :] = R

    print("Writing to file '" + file + "'")

    f = DataFile(), create=True)

    # Mesh size
    f.write("nx", nx)
    f.write("ny", ny)

    # Mesh spacing
    f.write("dx", dx)
    f.write("dy", dy)

    # Metric components
    f.write("Rxy", Rxy)
    f.write("Btxy", Btxy)
    f.write("Bpxy", Bpxy)
    f.write("Bxy", Bxy)
    f.write("hthe", hthe)

    # Shift
    f.write("ShiftAngle", ShiftAngle)

    # Curvature
    f.write("logB", logB)

    # Input parameters
    f.write("R", R)
    f.write("r", r)
    f.write("dr", dr)
    f.write("Bt", Bt)
    f.write("q", q)
    f.write("mxg", mxg)

Beispiel #9
#!/usr/bin/env python

# Generate an input mesh

from boututils import DataFile # Wrapper around NetCDF4 libraries

nx = 5   # Minimum is 5: 2 boundary, one evolved
ny = 32  # Minimum 5. Should be divisible by number of processors (so powers of 2 nice)
dy = 1. # distance between points in y, in m/g22/lengthunit
ixseps1 = -1
ixseps2 = -1

f = DataFile()"", create=True)

f.write("nx", nx)
f.write("ny", ny)
f.write("dy", dy)
f.write("ixseps1", ixseps1)
f.write("ixseps2", ixseps2)

Beispiel #10
for ix in range(nx):
    for jy in range(ny):
        a[ix, jy] = -1.0


# === Print normalization information === #
print '=============================='
print ' n0 = ', n0
print ' v0 = ', v0
print '=============================='

# ============== Write to grid file ============ #

f.write("nx" ,nx)         #write the value of nx to the element of name "nx" in f
f.write("ny", ny)

# == auxiliary quantities == #

f.write("dx", dx)
f.write("a", a)

# == normalization quantities == #

f.write("n0", n0)
f.write("v0", v0)